:/ woke graphic novels taking over

Is the future of our entertainment doomed

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Maybe for white people lol

Why the fuck gays promote islamism, why, why, WHAT THE FUCK? It's like a jewish group promoting nazism, why liberals are so braindead, OH MY FUCKING GOD

Goddamn this board loves to whine about a piece of fucking cloth that people wear.

I want to marry the one on right, kill the one on the left and fuck the one in the middle

western muslims are like woke evangelicals. They still hate gays and jews, but because they don't say that to your face they're still cool to hang around with

>aaaahh! muslims!
>aaaahh! fat people!
>aaaahh! trans nerds!

Oh yeah, didn't notice the tranny, 10/10 would bang

>Although shy Jensen daydreams about being a hero, the reality of his school life is very different, but when two school newpapers writers begin to put him in their stories, he discovers he may have to find real solutions for his problems.
this doesn't sound too bad actually, the art style is really cute too

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Tell me when the woke shit starts

Asians aren't really trans. Their gender is interchangable like that

O never asked for this

i think he's referring to the color of the clothes that resembles the trans flag

but moose limbs bad! this is literal wh*te genocide!

gamer oppression

Please tell me that Disney is suing

Litterally no one would care about it if you didn't go out of your way to sperg over it, OPM

im pretty sure i read this one time
it was alright
there wasn't really anything bad about it

>nobody has mentioned this is by the creator of My Life Me yet

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This was made 3 years ago

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Is someone paying for all the outrage farming on Yea Forums? And if so, how do I get in on it? I could use some extra revenue.

You know why you see so much of those shows,channers ? The "ess-jay-double u" dont spend their time idle making wojak memes or jacking off to their waifu folder like you do

It’s specially weird, because you can have arab looking fuckers without islam markers. Islam is a religion, not the ethnicity.

>acting like you're superior to people posting on Yea Forums
>while posting on Yea Forums
Anyway, this is not really "woke" at all unless your definition of "woke" is including any non-white characters at all, in which case the amount of media you're able to enjoy must be very small. It's a book about bullying for children.

>Why are these two groups suddenly GETTING ALONG?
It's called religous tolerance, user. Not all muslims are homophobes.

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not all muslims are wahhabi. there's plenty of liberal/reformist/cultural muslims. but they're not the ones who are talked about on fox news so pol doesn't know about them.

islam is the second most popular religion in the world. it makes send that they have representation. a character in a hijab is like a character wearing a cross necklace.

Not all of us do. Islam and western society are incompatible, the Pulse nightclub shooting is proof of that.

>not all muslims are wahhabi
Islam is virulently homophobic to its core, not just Wahhabi Salafism, just read the Koran, it repeats the story of Sodom and Gomorrah four times and it explicitly condemns homosexuality.

Muslims in America are on average more tolerant of gays than Evangelical Christians in America, and gays in America have no reason to be concerned with any kind of Muslim besides American ones.
>but what about this outlier
>but what about non-American Muslim terrorists who'd kill them anyway for being American at all

>Whites and Western society are incompatible, the [Insert literally any mass shooting by white person] is proof of that

>Islam is virulently homophobic
So does christianity, considering it way worse than assassination. The thing is now people are against this so they forget the nasty part of the bible

Those attacks aren't inspired by a desire to rebel against western society though, they're by edgy retards who want their name on the news.

While the Koran still has its contradictions, it's a lot more rigid and consistent than the Bible in its teachings, and the Koranic version of Jesus mostly lacks the love and forgiveness aspects of Jesus in the Bible and mostly focusing on stressing the unity single singleness of God and denouncing trinitarianism.

>main character is a fat white loser
>Asian girl is probably smart
>Muslim girl is walking stereotype
>three pages in and there's maybe one light-skinned black kid

Yeah, uh huh, "woke".


The last two aren't from the same book numbnuts!

A thread died to make room for this shit.

islam is not islamism
i want to fuck the one on the left

nobody actually does everything their religion tells them to anyway so what does it fucking matter

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"he". it's a fat trans man. the cover is a dead giveaway.

>hijab porn will be more common

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Allah is a moon god.

Flashback to Liberals blaming it on Christian homophobes.

They used that to turn the whole town gay. Lgbt flags galore. Orlando used to be pretty Conservative before Obama dropped a bunch of Muslims there.