Is it REALLY this bad?
Other urls found in this thread:
There's not a single fucking reason this thread should exist
Yes. I was super excited about it but the first episode of it was an hour of orangemanbad. It completely lacks self awareness.
I saw a couple webms on Yea Forums and all the CG looks hilariously terrible
Yes. But her neck.... her neck is very good.
She is pretty cute but ruined by sjw liberalism.
>alt-right misogynist troll says it's bad
gee, it must be bad then, surely he has no agenda to advance in saying so.
i jumped to a random spot and it was him making fun of footage of them filming not having special effects in it, not even like raw footage. like behind the scenes stuff
what an idiot
He actually says after that he now respects the FX team for making such silliness look good.
>You open your mouth? Soiboys also open their mouths!
>You breathe air? Hitler also breathed air!
that's nice but it still shows a lack of understanding of some basic shit about filmmaking
It's pretty much true. There are a lot of inaccuracies in Pewds's video, for example first season had much higher ratings because it was on CBS while subsequent seasons have just about average for an CW show (clearly enough for them to go on for 5 years).
But yeah, it's that bad and it only gets progressively worse. The first season's only saving grace was Harrison Ford's wife, I think she even joined the project only because she genuinely believed it was more than what it actually was and gave more than any other cast member. I also kind of saw Kat Grant's and Kara's relationship similar to J Jonah Jameson's and Peter Parker, except if J Jonah Jameson instead of thrashing Spider-man wanted to make sure that Spider-man was Daily Bugle's brand of sorts. It was overall an ok angle.
In second season she left because she believed in project, but not enough to move from coast to coast for it, but Lena Luthor was ok enough substitute, until she stopped and by third season show had nothing going for it.
The action has always been shit, the teen drama is about what you'd expect from CW show, Kara herself is just a dumb, vapid white girl who is neck deep into cock carousel. They almost never use the one thing that makes Supergirl different from Superman: SHE WAS RAISED IN KRYPTON. First season sometimes used that as a plot point, but it never truly mattered outside of Kara sometimes knowing one species of aliens and not knowing others. In my opinion, show would've benefited if Kara landed on Earth around same age as she in the show and time difference between her landing to Earth and season 1 starting was one year tops.
Christ, Felix is looking old. Maybe it's time to retire.
I am pretty sure he can't at this point. I think he kind of regrets even taking a break, he's a vlogging addict.
That was the most redpilled thing I've seen in a while and he's an atheist who hangs gay flags up sometimes and supports men who wear make up. What is happening.
He's sexy
You should be right, buuuuuuuuuuuut Jojo threads are allowed, so there's no reason for this not to also be allowed.
He is waiting too long to have kids. Marzia is gonna be 30
The bearded guy with glasses and the rotten teeths at top right is in prison for raping his 6 year old sister
>e-celeb trash
He made top 5 for Times most attractive men of 2019
He's pretty gorgeous, those eyes and symmetrical face. He could stand to bulk up a little. He's got that circa 2005 waif look.
Speaking of Jojo, has Felix ever fucking finished watching it? I probably very visibly cringe when he makes Japanese noises he thinks are from Jojo. It's not like a bizarre quest to venture on, you can be done with each season in a week.
only seen the webms, but yeah. that neck is something else
Marzia used to be a 10 but she's getting a little Taylor Swift-y egg carton lately.
I get the feeling he only watched up to part 3.
Another tranny?
i havnt watched it but shes adorable
I think you're taking that part too seriously. He's just goofing on it. Because it does look pretty silly before they add the effects.
I think he dropped it after part 3 and has moved on to Yugioh.
I wish he would play MtG, but Standard sucks so much right now so I don’t blame him
oh look, the neonazi who's too shitscared to come out and admit he's a neonazi because it'll hit his earnings has an opinion video
and oh look, he's picked an awful picture of Supergirl and he's still by far the least cute thing in the image
and oh look, he's so desperate for views because his followers to real viewers ratio is so awful that he's enlisted /r/pol/
just watch her neccc for a little bit, you'll understand
you'll join us
your bait game is weak, lurk more
Well at least yugioh video is coming.
>20 year old white nerd opinions
>20 year old
19 user, 19 year olds.
You don't have to like it, but hating it just isn't worth the effort.
There is a cute tranny too, and a based Lex, and autism Brainiac
Based Pewds calls for more actually buff superhero musclegirls like this at 8:00.
Baiting in this thread aside, I don't think the man has ever made any worthwhile content. His career blew up being the most stereotypical obnoxious yelling soiboi mouthed Let's Player and now just makes reaction videos on reddit where he rags on things being not funny or cringy whilst simultaneously being not funny and cringy himself.
His success is nothing to do with talent or quality and everything to do with him existing at the exact right time and knowing how to optimize Youtube's system.
If there is one thing I can give him credit is doing this shit everyday for the past 10 years. Many people say it takes no effort but I dunno, even if all he ever did was yell like an idiot doing that shit 365 days a year for 10 years is going to be maddening no matter what. He clearly puts effort, even if it ain't good.
Yeah it is a garbage show. You are better off watching other shit
>I don't think the man has ever made any worthwhile content.
Then what is this? It doesn't really fit the picture you are painting.
Wow, famous wealthy individual going on about how spiritual and woke there are now.
You don't see that in Twitter 24/7.
The girl in Mandelorian is strong
>Call someone a nigger
>Media tries to take you down
>Utterly fail and he's the first one to reach 100 million subscribers as an individual creator
I do remember that maybe things aren't always as presented, and maybe the majority doesn't care as much as they say.
No, if you took the time to watch it, you'd see it's more of a discussion on philosophy.
PDP has no business talking about anything when his show is fucking garbage.
And Supergirl the tv show is pretty decent but whatever.
I did, he went over about how he read some old Roman philosophers and learned about Diogenes and how it inspired him to be woke.
Sam O'Nella and that one TED Talk animation did it better.
Yeon Woo Jhi is cute
This is like the Bike Cuck comic except even more cringy.
>Dude a Thief broke in and stole our belongings but it is okay because cynicism
What happens if someone rapes his wife?
>Dude, it is okay someone raped my wife because we shouldn’t have real world attachments lol
Yea Forums - Unironic Pewdiepie Discussion
Fuck you, mods.
Supergirl is old news.
If he wanted to be really brave he would have gone after Birds of Prey or Captain Marvel.
His show is still not as garbage as the monstrosity that is supergirl.
Though to be fair, people like that one chick in the very first week of 2020 that became a meme who were glad about it are legitimately awful people. I just think the video was a bit masturbatory.
'Woke' usually refers to left wing political 'awareness' like white privilege and so forth. Calling someone's philosophical musings 'woke' is deceptive.
Butthurt CW will probably copyright strike him.
Why? I don't like his content but there are far worse people who are wealthy and get away with sickening stuff.
Pewds isn't funny but at least he isn't a genuinely horrible person, so that makes him better then half of all celebrities.
Woke is a buzzword that I can use however I want and I use "woke" to refer to anyone who thinks their political awareness makes them better then others and smell their own farts.
I wish pewdiepie kept to the emotionless face thumbnail streak he did for like 10 videos
Imagine watching an attention whore who's been proven to swing from trend to trend for viewership in 20 fucking 20
The media been trying to go after pewds for years now, remember the nazi shit.
>a discussion on philosophy
>the fucking manchild known for screaming at video games is now trying to do philosophical commentary
Kek, this. It's amazing how many people seem to forget that what made him famous was intentionally overreacting to shitty horror games while travelling the world to make his channel #1 in whatever country he visited.
Man I watch Supergirl but I still don't remember that anit-man episode. What season was that?
And Brainy shouting Leeroy Jenkins makes sense since his character is an odd goofball who parrots dumb shit.
I only watch the episodes with Lynda Carter
The second season finale has the president building a wall to keep the refuge aliens out, and when the wall fails Supergirl poisons the atmosphere to keep them out. She's the hero for it.
Also, the president is a secret alien.
It's like a republican secretly wrote it to mock them.
it's awful
>alt-right misogynist troll says it's bad
Please tell me this was ironic
okay, nazi..
You think Yea Forumsmblr isn't real?
>caring about live action trash
we already have the perfect supergirl and there's nothing the CringeW can do to take her away
Only good DC CW shows are Legends and Black Lightning.
the real cringe here is that we've gotten to the point where Pewdiepie videos are regularly posted unironically on Yea Forums
it's 40488
which means there is not even little bit of nazi to be found in that post
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
Why everyone hate PewDiePie?
Debunking childish smear tactics makes me a child?
>Black Lightning
Or, as Pewdiepie calls him..
He's popular and was cringey back in 2014. A lot of the criticisms are just "he's racist".
That was one time user, one time.
Yeah the Supergirl sucks...
PDP is pure shit, even so far as Youtube/streamers go.
still doesn't contradict what I said
Making your living making this type of content is 1000x worse and more shameful than being on the production staff of literally any television show.
Fine. Supergirl the tv show is much better than anything PDP will ever do. There.
This. There are very, very few exceptions, like all the former TBFP people, and even then, they hit a niche that's different.
>t. pertubed CW staffer
It's worse
It matters not, SuperCorp is canon now.
This is closer to Yea Forums than jojo or ruby will ever be.
why are you so keen to defend supergirl? both his videos and supergirl are shit. who cares really. it’s not a contest
Rwby iis American animation tho.
I don't understand?
Post necc kino
Hes like five years too late everyone knows Supergirl is trash. Only people who watch it are lesbians and basedboys.
Unlike JoJo Rwby is good
He looks like he's never getting laid so his opinion is immediately discountable
>Rwby is good
88 is the nazi part while 14 is the white nationist part. You can be one without the other you know.
You forgot Yea Forumsmblr
Wasn't there a police station in this show that decided to stop using guns because GUNS BAD? lol
Didn't he just get married a few months ago.
That episode was so fucking dumb, but then the whole show is dumb. So no surprise there.
Yeah, and his wife is a real cutie
Better than JoJo
Rwby is gay
Never watched JoJo, but I have seen Rwby, and it's fucking awful
Jojo is gayer.
No it is not
Heeey hows it going bros? My name is pewdiepieeee ~
Ha, this is the Arrowverse in general! It's a fucking hysterical nightmare! DC failed in tv series long ago, just like they're failing in animation now. Luckily Birds of Prey saved them.
Yea Forumsfags are the biggest pussies ever
I would rather be hit with a brick than open anything using that thumbnail.
You mean Yea Forumsmblr. Call them by their real name
I got the brick. Where you at?
objectively wrong
You know, for all of the terrible content that he's made in the past, and his constant childish antics, I think that his biggest sin is still how much he's completely sold the fuck out. Millions of dollars, constantly rated as one of the most attractive men, and he's still shilling shitty pay-to-win mobile games and like 5 different crypto scams, and merch, to his audience. I don't care all that much though, his audience probably deserves to have all their money stolen. I think he should take a page out of Idubbbz book and make intermittent videos he actually cares about, instead of sending off shitty interchangeable non-footage of him browsing the internet or taking a shit, for his editor to whip up into shitty interchangeable non-content. I still end up watching him most of the time because it's consistently better than 99.9% of what's coming out of the platform, and it's daily, as opposed to good youtubers who usually only upload every month, if that. I appreciate the content that shows his actual personality, like his philosophy videos and book reviews, the most, rather than the marketable "mature" manchild neet persona that he's built up in wake of his screaming, immature, idiot manchild persona. Most of those videos it seems like he's afraid to really open up and give his opinion, though, and they don't really conclude with any substantial draw. He usually just gives his lesson on the basic facts and then just ends the video with some sort of inoffensive vanilla statement. Diogenes is also widely regarded to be one of philosophy's greatest memes because he lives in a vase and shits himself and doesn't do anything at all other than be a retard and bait people into trying to analyze him, and PDP fell for the meme hard, apparently, and so his video on that guy is basically just him projecting his shitty cope for the whole thing, which is pretty neat.
Also supergirl sucks and we need an e-celeb board to filter these threads.
Do superman fans like this garbage?
88 is also the atomic number for radium
>not wanting buffed women to play as buffed superheroes
Burger film makers are delusional
garbage is supes fans bread
How did this faggot become so popular? I remember watching him in the earliest 2010s and turning his annoying shit off the second he started screaming about rape while playing video games.
That was the episode that finally convinced me to drop the show.
>he doesn't get it
Give me the fucking source
I dropped it after the first episode.
>They almost never use the one thing that makes Supergirl different from Superman: SHE WAS RAISED IN KRYPTON.
And she spent years assimilating and getting used to human culture as a kid, so it's normal to her to consider things from human perspective because she isn't a robot who goes boop beep does not compute on Krypton spaghetti was hard and green and we didn't boil it, what is this yellow soft thing?
being a huge fan of supergirl this series makes me seethe, the bullshit ideology is like a cancer riddled right through it, then they made batwoman !!!!
even if you are not a "alt right misogynist troll" its badly acted badly written and panders to people who dont like these shows in the first place
t. Yea Forumsmblr
>a calarts troll thread got nuked by the mods
>this stays up
Great job, mods.
Woah, who's this cutie?
I agree 90%
BOP did not save DC, in fact it destroyed all the goodwill Joker gave them and by the looks of the Nu Batman, we fucked
its best not to like anything any more
Felix is insane now. He made a whole video about how he admires Diogenes for living in a barrel and smearing himself with dogshit.
>watching this unfunny cunt
When's your tenth birthday party? Is your mom letting you have it at chuckie cheese?
He got popular by being on the first players in the market and appealing to small children by shrieking and making faces and later copying whatever opinion he sees on meme subreddits
No. But Tumblr fans love it.
No. It's worse
The shocking thing is 100% right. What a shit show
You have to be a 12 year old or have the mind of one to still enjoy this whiny faggot's clickbait trendwhore content.
What a faggot
You don't need to introduce yourself on anonymous imageboards.
what a nigger
Is there sjw stuff in it?
lol that is an understatement
> reactionary dudebro takes from 2015
There's less sjw stuff in the show these days, hence why the ratings are cratering
Stay mad.
You were supposed to counter with have sex, yikes or seethe.
It's my win.
that's what Nepeta looks like from behind
Calling it reactionary doesn't make the takes not true. Even the fans of this shite acknowledge this.
Remember that Pew loves the MCU, so he's just a shill.
they were correct in 2015, they are dated now
supergirl made the social politics less overt after the first few seasons
I just don't like PDP. Fuck him and his fanbase.
>a fucking e- celeb reaction thread
>Remember that Pew loves the MCU
Doesn't he literally have a video saying how he doesn't like Marvel movies?
Yes, and once he saw the number of down votes he made a new video where he apologised for disliking them. In fact, he backpedaled a hundred miles.
Aspen Rae
This is false. He hates the MCU and never apologized for it.
The entire CWverse is worthless trash outside of Flash S1 (and maybe Arrow S1/2 if you can get over the fact that it's a """Green Arrow""" show).