Now that the dust has settled, which did you prefer?

Now that the dust has settled, which did you prefer?

Attached: transformrsbumble.jpg (772x772, 309K)

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Bumblebee, no contest

The og movie is a fun summer blockbuster but overall I prefer bumblebee.

Bumblebee is better crafted as a story and characterization wise but theres just the nostalgia for the 07 movie.

The comics and cartoons.

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I always loved Transformers and didn't even know live action movies existed until I started posting about robots a year ago. Had no urge to watch any of them so far though.

This will never not anger me. The only people that like this shit must be housewives or some shit. He is ugly because he looks like a fat metal baby and the bitch steals screentime and is unlikeable. Why can't hollywood just make a movie about alien robots without that bullshit?

I tried to watch the 07 movie recently. It doesn't hold up at all. The robots are literal props. The only salvageable stuff is Blackout, the little we see of Barricade and Scorponok and Mikaela driving Bumblebee in the battle at the end.
The battle itself is terrible.
Bumblebee is a 'smaller' movie, but even then the fights are way better done.

They're both shit, to be honest. But I guess at least Bumblebee has the excuse of being shit in a time when 99% of Hollywood garbage is shit anyhow.


Bumblebee because I didn't watch it.

Bumblebee for sure. Protagonsit is qt, design of tranformers is better and the story itself is more comfy and less cringy.

Prime Bumblebee was basically the design done a bit better, but even still wrong because Bumblebee with no horns just isn't right.

Honestly Bumblebee had the worst movie design IMO even if unlike some others he had the right color at least, but bitches found him ugly puppy cute I guess.

Attached: bumblebeeprime.jpg (512x288, 43K)

Bumblebee because I self-insert as the girl.


Dropkick and Shatter need to be added to G1 though.

Am I the only one who thinks rebooting the whole movie line at this time was retarded?

Why would you say so?
Maybe not the exact horns, but he needs something. I like RiD Bee, but he's even worse in that aspect.

Original Transformers. Both are shit but the OT at least tried to be a transformers movie. Bumblebee started out good then pivoted into one of those "intelligent pet" movies, you know the type.

>Why would you say so?
The last movie in the line gave us very strong hints of Unicron making an appearance. Final battle, humans and transformers making an alliance and stuff like that. If we let our imagination run wild then even earth/himself transforming, and if we go even further maybe even Primus himself showing up. How else would you explain the ending of the last knight? Movie like that would serve perfectly as an ending and perfect time to reboot the series. Then someone took a big, fat steaming dump on that possibility and said "Nah fuck it, let's just reboot it".

>Am I the only one who thinks rebooting the whole movie line at this time was retarded?
I don't know if you're the only one but I can't agree, to me it was the only logical thing for them to do. Ever since people started to hate and complain about Bayformers, it's only gotten worse since and Bay also hasn't been able to turn things around despite throwing everything out there and the franchise just got more and more convoluted and boring with 4 and how do you even make Dinobots a boring footnote? They're giant robot dinosaurs.

Pretty much the only thing that can save live action Transformers movies from the downhill slope is doing things the Bay movies never delivered in in the first place, which is true fan service. Bumblebee was testing the waters with that and the reception from fans was good meanwhile the reception of TLK was...not that good.

I don't think Bumblebee was exceptional, but I can see exactly what they were doing with it, testing the waters, and I'm more excited for the sequel to it than I would be a sequel to The Last Knight.

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See that's the situation IF TLK was a hit. Bumblebee was already in production when TLK underperformed. So they cut their losses and decided to divorce Bumblebee from the rest of the Bay films through reshoots and added scenes.

>I always loved Transformers and didn't even know live action movies existed
how is this even possible


RiD Bee is kind of weird to me, it's like that odd Cheetor thing of like before and after puberty versions that is kind of weird considering Transformers and all

He was basically a new character and his face looked different, I see what you mean.


movie Bee does have little horns at least.

The Bumblebee movie is clearly not a proper reboot and thats the real issue, people were so desperate to get a reboot they jumped on one that didn't properly work as one.

TF1, without a doubt. I'm not a genwun fag who can't just enjoy a silly movie about robots and humans working together. Bumblebee was great and comfy but I just like the atmosphere of TF1 better

It's as good as it can get for a reboot since there's no ancient Cybertronian bullshit (yet) and the only remaining thing from the previous movies is Sector Seven and for all intents and purposes seem to be a recently created organization.

i'd say only the first film reboot
prime and animated were good everything else can fuck all.
haven't seen cyberverse yet

Bumblebee is better
But i can't throw the first one under the bus. I have a special place in my heart for it for the experience i had when i saw it in theater.
I'll never forget it. It was opening night, July 2 2007 8pm on the east coast. First showing in the US. I was in a room full of other Transformers nerds, many of us in our late 20s and grew up on the show. Movie starts, things go great. We get to the fight between Bumblebee and Barricade, it concludes, and then it happens. This scene happens . Optimus, the man we came to see, shows up and the room loses it's mind. It was an awesome feeling. And then, Optimus spoke. We hear Peter Cullen for the first time in 21 years and the room screaming i joy even harder. I'm not sure I'll experience a pop like that again. Batman flipping the truck, Hulk punching the leviathan, Captain America wielding Mjölnir, all came close, but that Optimus moment was greatest movie moment i ever had.

I must confess it meant something different to me since it got me into the franchise. True, it doesn't hold up but it was important back then.

Bumblebee, how is this even a question?

Bumblebee, but the 2007 film is better than it had any right to be. Its goofy and actually fits the feel of Transformers set in what was the modern day then. Bumblebee's first 3 mins destroy the 2007 sequels. TF2007 works best as a stand alone film, rather than the series, as The Last Knight was REALLY trying too hard at the end.

I felt like in the 2007 transformers it had more happening, like it sometimes meant nothing but at least something was happening. Bumblebee has meaning to it but not much happening. Like when bumblebee does get it's sequel I want more scenes like the blitzwing fight and the final battle. Like I want the dumb action of the bay but characters of travis knight.

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That was intentional user. The Bayformers movies got shit on for precisely what you're talking about, constant meaningless noise on the scream making everything an incoherent mess. Movies need a fucking breather for the action to have any impact. You don't understand it, but what you are asking for is a bad movie.