Why are people ignoring the sticky? I've been spoiled like 20 fucking times today what the fuck

Why are people ignoring the sticky? I've been spoiled like 20 fucking times today what the fuck

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Underage ban evaders

When you tell people not to do something were just gonna want to do it more

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I don't even care about MCU but some love to annoy others. I got like three private messages sent to me by bots that basically spoil the entire plot.


i hate television and film

how do you get spoiled 20 times? do you keep forgetting it? you can only be spoiled once. the following spoiling attempts will just be redundant affirmations of what you already learned. dumb frogposter

Maybe don't click on Endgame threads.

>going to mobie forums at all when you don't want spoilers
you're just a big dummy

Same, stupid edgelords think they're so clever but they're all just a bunch of Tony Stark dies

Based and Redpilled

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based and blindpilled

Maybe don't come here you backwards retard

fuck jannies

Wow Thanos dies and the old avengers are in ruin and to be replaced by the femanistas, no one at all saw that coming.

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>watching capeshit
Your parents miust be so proud that their child hasn't emotionally developed past the age of 10.
LIke seriously, imagine dying in combat while cutting niggas heads off to defend your country and then you're in heaven looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and what is it doing?
Watching manlets running around greenscreens pretending to be comic book superheroes and shooting CGI beams at each other while quipping. If you could commit suicide in heaven, then you probably would at that moment. You would regret ever having children, having dozens of generations of descendants, all because of one manchild in the 21st century.
Atleast you could rest assured knowing that your genetic lineage dies with this incel ass.

capefags getting dabbed on

[spolier]honestly, click this kinda shit and you’re gonna get spoiled[/spoiler]

different things can be spoiled

Because I hide stupid stickies like that as soon as the appear. Also anything related to the MCU or DCEU should be isolated to Yea Forums

>iron man does
>Thor goes to adventure with the guardians of the galaxy
>movie ends with cap going back in time to dance with Peggy
>Hawkeye dies
now get the fuck out, reddit

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