Which is better?

Snyder’s Watchmen
>completely faithful to the comic except for the squid
Lindelof’s Watchmen
>completely different from the comic except for the squid

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I like both of them fine but both also just fall slightly short of greatness.

As much as I hate Snyder, Snyder has the objectively better representation of the source material than a shitty faux-racists tv drama with a budget for as far as the directors pre AND post cognition. Which is in the negatives.

>people actually think Snyder's Watchmen is faithful

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the series actuaqlly had a fucking fantastic soundtrack

that Hooded Justice episode alone makes it better than Snyder's blowjob to rorschach

Snyder wanted it too be too comic-book like with the action scenes because he likes them, and was sure that his changed ending would make sense since nobody would sign off on the squid. He came close but its too flashy and changed too many scenes, it still had a lot of moral questions but just wasn't as great.

The series is exclusively for stupid people who hate those whole moral ambiguity or questioning things because its made by a racist who is hoping that if he gives idiots token prodding against the current boogyman they'll praise it, and succeeded because Critics have fallen so far they'll praise a dumbed down continuation of a better product made by people who can't handle basic dilemmas, but only if it agrees with their extremely narrow thinking. If anyone says the series is good, literally all you need to say is
>It's a continuation of Watchmen where the badguys are straightforwards bad guys who explain their plan before its gone off and then are defeated before they can succeed and all the heroes who are pushed as good guys are alive at the end because everything coincidentally worked out just right to save them all.
That's it. That's all you need to know that The Boys is a better adaptation of Watchmen.

Both are shit in different ways but I found Lindelof's Watchmen many times more offensive. In a way I think Snyder actually understood Watchmen better than Damon. Which is shocking considering how little he seemed to understand it. Just goes to show that however bad you think things are, they can always get worse.

“Faithful” is a bit of a loose term. While Snyder’s movie is technically accurate as far as recreating scenes and dialogue, it’s arguable that he didn’t understand the spirit of the book.

He still got enough of it right you could assume he understood the surface level stuff because he's a surface level creator, Lindeloff is just a dumbass. Who fucking looks at Watchmen and decides it needs a happy ending? How did you not only miss the spirit, you full on failed at reading the surface stuff. He's so damn stupid he can't even follow the visual "Things aren't clear cut good or bad" of the book's ending.

That's a goddamn achievement.

Tv show was by far way more interesting and full of ideas than the movie. The movie at best is a cool way of watching some the orignal comics in motion but even then, the comic is just better aestheticly and more enganging than the film. The tv show was flawed and nothing can come close to Moors writing at his best but god damn does it get close.

Snyders film feels almost like he thinks the heros are good guys that we should admire instead of broken people we should fear being in power. The tv show is, well it has a really weird take on things, but I'm glad it took risks with the material and tried to do some original things even if it didn't always stick the landing.

Also, and this is just a personal thing, but I like that the tv show ends with a sentiment about their being a real possibility for people to do good in the world if they keep their personal problems in check and don't get cocky or power-hungry or detached. It managed to have that message without feeling like it undercut the ideas of the first one. The tv series feels more like a yin to the comics yang than a full rejection of it. Yes, it would be really bad for the world if real people with all their flaws took it upon themselves to be vigilantes or try and shape the world to how they see fit, but it could also be a really good thing if those people were more thoughtful about it and coming from a place of rationally considered compassion. Looking Glass almost feels like he's about to become another person taking out his baggage on others in the name of crime fighting but he doesn't let stuff gets to him and ends up truly saving people in the end. Even Ozy has an almost redeeming arc where (despite the fact he's still very detached from general humanity) he's able to swallow his pride somewhat and do something good for others without trying to push an agenda on them. I still don't know if I'd say the show actually "works" but it gave me a lot to think about for which I'm grateful.

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Snyder's adaptation is more faithful insofar as I can definitely say he's read Watchman more than once as opposed to Lindeloff. He still missed the point of the story about as hard though.

Personally I think Lindeloff understood what the comics were trying to say way more than Snyder. Snyder glorifies the characters in his film where as the tv show tries to humanize some of them but never undercut how nasty they can be.

>completely faithful to the comic except for the squid

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I genuinely don't know how anyone can say the show is better unless they were just terrified of thinking about things, and the idea that the racists might not be terrible people or there isn't some kind of massive conspiracy against black people is just too scary to consider so they need a nice warm blanket of stupidity to wrap themselves in so that they can stay safe.

It baffles me, it truly does, that anyone could write this and think it was just a passable show at all. Not just as a continuation of Watchmen, just a show. People swerve choices right when the plot demands it, godlike powers suddenly fizzle out because he saw it happening(That is not how that works, you absolute dumbass, even just reading a cursory glance of the Mars speech tells you that.) the villains are one dimensional caricatures who only exist for the wooden and poorly acted hero to punch, "The worlds smartest man" suddenly becomes an idiot as the plot demands it, or likely because the person writing it is so laughably inept he couldn't even play pretend smart correctly. Then it all just fizzles out in a massive fart that says everybody's okay and happy and you don't need to think anymore, the bad guy racists got beat and now the good guys are all safe and happy and one might even get manhatten powers! Isn't that nice?

Just as a series itself, the show is an utter failure that deserves its swift and brutal cancellation(yeah lets not pretend they suddenly have respect for the watchmen property and wouldn't continue it on if it was a success), but as a continuation of one of the most thoughtful and well written comics of all time its an utter failure that has no equal. Mortal Kombat Anhiliation was closer to the source material, and hopefully this failure won't be forgotten lest someone make the same mistake again.

>Personally I think Lindeloff understood what the comics were trying to say way more than Snyder.
Which is why he had clear cut good guys and bad guys and one side was just evil and racist and there's no downside whatsoever to beating them, and the good guys all survived and are happy and there's no issues whatsoever with them succeeding. Things just work out for everyone good.

You're as dumb as a writer of this show if you think that.

they're both awful.

the show at least is fun to riff on with its weird as fuck writing

>this is are member pills.

>Lindelof’s Watchmen
By the end of that show everyone was so fucking unlikeable, I wished the'd all get killed by Ozy's squid rain. The kavalry, the cops, the chinese, that motherfucker Reeves that got away with everything... What a disgusting cast. Looking Glass and maybe Angela herself were the only more or less okay people by the end.

>yeah lets not pretend they suddenly have respect for the watchmen property and wouldn't continue it on if it was a success
When Neil Gaimen is laughing at you for that bullshit, you know you done fucked up.

They took one look at the ratings and gave a hard pass on that shit.

I don't actually like ether!
Doomsday clock can fuck off too.

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I don't know OP, tell me

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Why the eyes? Even if they wanted to cheap out on the glow, keeping his eyes as is really drives in the fact that it looks like a guy in costume.

The sequel is beyond garbage. It’s the FLCL2&3 of Yea Forums.

Snyder's Watchmen, which is...

Well, here's the thing: the movie should have been an HBO show. One episode per issue, Seems so blindingly obvious. The pacing would have been so much better.

I get why people like the Snyder movie. It tries to combine the original series with the bluntness of modern Superhero movies.
I really don't get what people see in the HBO show, and when I hear other people's reactions to it like
I feel like we were watching different shows entirely.
But overall I wish nether existed.

God it still gets me, strange how doomday clock pretty much did this too but with Rorschach but it's somehow not as bad.

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Fuck that shit.>I like that the tv show ends with a sentiment about their being a real possibility for people to do good in the world if they keep their personal problems in check and don't get cocky or power-hungry or detached

That's how it works in reality.

Moore, on the other hand, was trying to say that superpowers don't help. Or at least Doctor Manhattan's powers don't help because they detached him from humanity.

The ending annoyed me until I realized Lindelof was trying to recapture the open ending of the original: did Angela inherit Doctor Manhattan's powers? And, having inherited them, will she become a great hero, or will she lose her humanity, just like he did?

Ozymandias did not need a 'redemption arc'.

>>completely faithful to the comic except for the squid
no it ain't

>That's all you need to know that The Boys is a better adaptation of Watchmen
Not really? Watchmen and The Boys are entirely different stories that tackle different subject matter.

I heard, but can't vouch for it, that the penis was a prostethic.

the tv show is better as a work but not as an adaptation/continuation of Watchmen

and the movie is only barely better as an adapatation.

Wait, FLCL 2 and 3 are bad?

>There are people actually defending HBO Watchmen both in this thread and irl

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its one of those
>fandom has said this dumb thing all this long

>The ending annoyed me until I realized Lindelof was trying to recapture the open ending of the original
That might be the funniest comment in this entire thread.

I mean wow, that's embarrassing.

Honestly, I am trying to see the best in it

Yes. It actually has a similar situation to HBO: Watchmen:
>both creators of their respective IPs never wanted a continuation of their work
>not even fans asked for one
>they got screwed over by the higher ups and now they can’t do jack shit about it
>both were made for cash grabs
>both HBO Watchmen and FLCL sequels miss the point of their original IP and look like downgraded variations of the original

don't get roped about the time you waste it making excuses for why it didn't really work, i mean talking and thinking about art is important but at some point some stuff just wasn't made with the care and craft that one is trying to project on it.

sometimes things sucks and more when its a money investment from a bunch of suits and a writer whose body of work its seriously mediocre, a fail upwards kind of hollywood guy like most.

>Vigilante Justice
>Superbeing growing detached from humanity
>Justice for the murder in the opening
>Good guys going to brutal extremes and ideals being deconstructed
>Plays on the superhero genre of a super team

Unironically there's more Watchmen in The Boys, and done better, than there is in this moron's cancelled fuckup. That's not to say they're the same, far from it, I'm saying that if you compared how similar each one was you'd find more similarities in the Voight chick than you would Ozymandias and the show's Ozymandias. But I get it, writing a pragmatic and intelligent character is hard when you're a dumbass.

Psychic Squid has a better sound than Physic Octopus

Wait, are you talking about The Boys comic or the tv show? Cause I was talking about the comic.

I don't get why you are comparing the two, one is an adaptation of the comic while the other wants to be a sequel to the comics.

If anything compare HBOmen to Doomsday Clock as they both claim to be sequels to Watchmen

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TV show, since we're discussing the Watchmen TV Show. I see the confusion, but I'm specifically referring to the adaption on Prime.

Thank you, now I know I won't need to watch them.

There is no world where the phrase 'Psychic Octopus Mind Bomb' isn't awesome.

>TV show, since we're discussing the Watchmen TV Show. I see the confusion, but I'm specifically referring to the adaption on Prime.
Ah ok. I saw the tv of The Boys first before I read the entire comic. The tv show’s is pretty good for the most part, though I prefer the comic. I’ll say that, IMO, the Stillwell in the comics is way better than the Stillwell in the show.

>Thank you, now I know I won't need to watch them.
You shouldn’t. No one wants to give it attention. There’s barely even fan art about it. That’s how bad it is. Though if you’re really curious, there’s a review I can send you that pretty much sums up everything bad about it.

Haven't seen the series yet, but all I liked about the movie was the first 5 minutes. Then it all just falls apart.


Jesus fucking christ

Ok, answer me this question? Why was Dr. Manhattan black? Why did they make him black?

Because he "can't remember how he looked / change his face to the way it was before".
Because a device in his head made him forget he was the Doc, so he could be the perfect husband

Correct me if I'm wrong but all Doomsday Clock did was have a different character, who happen to be black, dress up in Rorschach's costume. Manhattan looked at dead guy in Vietnam and decided to just be black so he could fuck his wife that he likes for no reason. It's literally just cosmically powered black face.

>and was sure that his changed ending would make sense since nobody would sign off on the squid.

It was the Early 00's. This was the same era when Tom Rothman demanded the Sentinels be removed from X-Men 3 because he felt the audience wouldn't be onboard for a movie about superhumans vs giant robots. This was back before the Avengers movies blew the roof off of what it was believed the audience would be onboard for.

Regrettably Snyder was still stuck in that mindset when he made his Superman movies.

Boys is more of a Monty Python Black Comedy takedown of Superheroes than something we're meant to take seriously as if 'this is what would happen if Superpowered people actually were real."

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