Honestly he had a point, a Batman credit card is pretty stupid

Honestly he had a point, a Batman credit card is pretty stupid

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Why is this being meme now?

It's a meme comet that comes and goes.


who was in the wrong?

Hi Chris, bring back Minecraft series.

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Hes melvin, brother of the joker


Imagine waking up at 3:00 AM and seeing Dougit sitting at the end of your bed, staring at you

Back to Yea Forums


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Hello, and welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. Or at least they would be, if there were comics around that haven't turned into flattened Doug Walkers! I just woke up and I didn't realize it until now.... But today marks the fourth anniversary of me being in this Dougflesh hellhole. I don't even know how I'm recording this, the camera is a screaming Doug!

I pushed myself up from the carpet of writhing, screaming Dougflesh that you see down here and rose to my feet, getting out there and taking in the morning sun. At least the sun isn't yet another friggin Doug Walker! Like I said in previous videos, it took me a long time to learn how to balance on the layer of solid Dougs that blankets every inch of ground, but now I can run as fast as I did on soil or concrete. Maybe even faster. Or maybe that's just the satisfaction of sliding over Doug's face!

See, this was a city once, probably Chicago, but I've been walking for so long that I can't remember, or want to remember. I only think this was a city because of all those massive pillars of half-naked Dougs holding out their guns. I climbed one of those Doug pillars once. and sank my fingers and toes into the sweaty, fleshy Dougwall more times than I would like, and my reward was seeing a disturbing vista of Dougfaces and Doug mountains grinning, screaming BAT CREDIT CAAAAAARD all around, while Doug arms in place of trees wobbled around shooting guns wildly.

You know what's even more stupid?
Selling brand that is literally yourself to someone else, thus becoming eternal slave of that person.
And also all of the new NC episodes too.

How else could a superhero buy things in public without revealing their name?

you know what’s even more stupid than THAT? being a dumb dipshit nigger like you!

yes, literal bags of money with dollas signs on them



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i mean
its not like bruce can copywright batman
there is probably tons of bootleg in universe

You mean the "post a black hand whenever possible" meme? Seems like a Yea Forums thing and now it evolved to a shop of a black hand reaching out at you.

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He wasn't, user.

I actually love discussing Nostalgia Critic. Doug Walker is such a weirdly interesting figure on the internet. He's like a video blogger critic version of Ed Wood.
He fancies himself this deep and insightful individual and a wizard behind the camera, and that's how he sees himself. But what he actually does is painfully unfunny and boring at best, cringeworthy at worst to the point that even if an observer were watching alone at home with the curtains drawn, they'd still feel a sense of embarrassment at some of the "Jokes" just by being near their monitor when it's delivered.
There is also this disingenuous nature to what he does. Like you can just tell, especially in newer shit, that he's not doing this because he loves to do it, but because he wants money. But he's still deluded himself into thinking he's this fantastic filmmaker. It's terrible.

He still shoves 45mins + of skits into every review because he genuinely thinks he is a master of skit comedy, so guess he has a passion for that

No, it shows that the movie was more in tone with the Adam West series than the gritty Batman we usually have.


It makes sense in the context of Batman needing to conceal his identity in case he needs to buy shit.

I think there was a plotpoint in a flash or superman comic where the Justice League actually does copyright their names and doesn't allow non-official merch.

Who said that? What is that, WHAT IS THAT?!

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Good, otherwise they might end up endorsing the wrong politician without a way to retract it or something.

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Any of you guys make him a Bat Credit Card?


>There is also this disingenuous nature to what he does. Like you can just tell, especially in newer shit, that he's not doing this because he loves to do it, but because he wants money. But he's still deluded himself into thinking he's this fantastic filmmaker. It's terrible.
He’s only doing it because Mike Mcchaud owns his ass. I think if Doug wasn’t tied to a contract, he would have stopped doing NC’s and just done something like “Doug’s Film Reviews” without skits or humor.

>Why do you think I would endorse Satan?


In all honesty I prefer his 'editorial' videos more than his actual nostalgia critic videos.

It’s me, The Lightbringer

And yeah, I've read your critiques of it. "But he'd still have to sign up for a Bat Credit Card and reveal his true identity. It's so traceable! No, no, he wouldn't.

One, Batman has a number of false identities. Dude's a genius and he could easily cover his tracks. You think credit card fraud is beyond him? Two, as I said in that episode, shell companies: corporate credit cards are a thing.

it was intended to be stupid. it’s the whole point of the joke and it’s a jab at the 60s show how there is a bat-everything. melvin wouldn’t get this

That's it! GET HIM OUTTA HERE! Take his coat!

it’s a facebook/twitter meme first

Except for the fact that B&R has no place with the other batman movies, that were actually made for adults.

That is why the batcredit card is so stupid, alongside the rest of the movie except for slutty Uma Thurman.


>blocks your path

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I used to like him alright, but he needed to take a step back, be less serious, and just take potshots at movies that weren't intended for literal preschoolers.

Pointing out plotholes in Care Bears and Pound Puppies is just low-hanging fruit.

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No, you were just a retard who took him seriously as a critic when literally all he's ever been is Angry Man Scream at Bad Thing. To ask him to be 'more chill' is missing the entire point of his videos.


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This video makes me uncomfortable.

Why even fraud? He's stopped the bank from being robbed so many times they probably just gave him a card when he asked for one.

I dunno some dark money would be quite useful for someone hiding his identity.


we sent him a pipebomb but
I think it got lost in the mail

Haven't watched any of this guy's videos in years but I still have this nostalgic (hurr hurr) feeling towards his channel, despite all the crazy shit that happened with Mike Michaud and everything else. If I had a bunch of bros like Oney to shitpost about the videos with, I'd probably get back into them.

You can see him trying to be friendly/snarky until the 1 minute mark where he suddenly realizes this conversation isn't going well. Can't even finish the vid.