Who dies next episode?
My guess: Jaime & Brienne (together), the Hound and Daenarys
GoT death thread
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>the Hound
You fucking retard. He can't die until he fights the Mountain.
Theon,Brienne,tormund and Varys.
Daenarys wont die. She is the author waifu and the rest of the story is just random pointless slaughter. This show is really predictable for anyone with an iq over 50.
The ones whose stories have been finished. Brienne. The squire who knows how to fuck. Theon.
They haven't even touched the Hounds story yet this season.
Daenerys won’t die this soon same with Jamie and the hound will surely survive.
Jorah, Pod, Tormund, and Beric.
Remember Arya’s list? She will avenge the hound
Theon and brienne are as good as dead.
Dunno about Varys, but Theon, Brienne and Tormund all put up major death flags last episode and their character arcs are completed. Expect them to die next episode.
Jon and Dany won't die yet because they're the main characters, Sansa and Brienne will live because they're the strong womyn of the show, Tyrion will survive until he gets executed in the finale, Theon will live because he's a dickless cuck, Cersei is not on the North but she will die in episode 4 or 5, Sam will survive because he's the lazy fatty's self insert.
That'll be gay as fuck to watch. In got proper the Mountain would fucking cleave her down the middle. Speed
The Hound runs when he sees dragon fire
Hound, Dany, Bran, Arya, Tyrion, Jon, Jaime, Sansa, and Cersei will definitely survive this episode.
So no one will die?
Where the fuck is Qyburn, Euron, and Barric on that list? That's another column that'll fit evenly
Qyburn isn't going to die, he's all the way in King's Landing. His death won't come until ep 5 or 6.
Briene is only strong in the male sense, because she's big and a skilled warrior. Nobody has a problem with brienne. When people talk about >muh strong women what they mean is the Sansa shit. She's been a complete naive moron the entire series and now she's the smartest person that's ever existed. One is ok and believable and one is pandering to a certain demographic. I hope I cleared this up.
Dany will die this season, not sure if she dies next episode. I certainly hope so.
They are starting to portray her as a vilain though
>he's all the way in King's Landing
Why is Cersei still on it then? He still should be added to the scoreboard. What about Barric? He's with everyone in Winterfell
Protip: she's been a villian the entire time.
>Jaime & Brienne (together), the Hound and Daenarys
No, Hound dies fighting the Mountain in episode 5.
Daenerys is killed by Jon Snow in Episode 5
Jamie - he gets killed by White Walkers, gets reanimated, and Jon Snow re-kills him, while Tyrion watches it, without knowing Jamie was already undead.
Becuase the OP is dumb and used some stock image he found on Google. Beric will die either ep3 or ep4. I was expecting ep 2 but nothing happened in ep 2.
Spoiler that shit please. Can't even browse this board without getting spoiled by accident.
Yeah, I know, but now the writers are showing it more clearly
These aren't real spoilers, just guesses and predictions.
on the other hand is probably real spoilers
Hound is gonna kill the night king. He’s the one to wield the stupid light bringer sword. He is afraid of fire and fire is his destiny. The shit with his brother is a misdirection. When the fuck are those to characters going to be on screen at the same time?
The hound is being hinted as the chosen one for awhile. He’s going to kill the night king. No one else.
Everything is hamfisted this season for all the millions of new viewers.
Hound will already be dead by then, killed by the Mountain. The Mountain gets killed by Arya, though.
Tyrion kills the Night King by detonating King's Landing with wildfire.
Jamie dies. Tormund dies. Lord of light fag dies. Comes back with some badass undead fire sword. Why does it seem like they forgot theres an undead dragon? No ballistas, long range weapons capable of dealing with it. Viserion oneshots everyone left in winterfell i.e. kids. Tyrion survives. Its all irrelevant cuz the southern army shows up at the end and forces the dead back, they will go south towards kl (but not yet)
I hope those who enjoys the series die
I always thought this. She always came across to me as being an entitled, dumb woman. All of her lines of dialogue have been zingers that were set up by the writers, it's pathetic
Why did they kill off all the good-looking females?
What would happen to the dragons if Daenerys were to die? Would they go insane and burn everyone around them? Would they mourn her? Do they actually care? Would Jon take care of them?
They'll be dead next episode.
Sansa's fine, she's at least retained some of her femininity (emotional, compassionate, merciful). The problem is Arya.
Azor Hound
Bran, Theon, Varys, Gendry, Tormund, Beric, Edd, Pod, Grey Worm, Davos
Jorah, Brienne, Tormund giantsbane, Pod probably, Varys but maybe not because he needs to find Melisandre, Theon for sure, possibly Jaime but I doubt it. And obviously the night king
*and Jorah, forgot about him
I think these people will die, but not specifically in the next episode
>Jorah (Sam gets his sword back)
>Hound (not until his fight with the Mountain though)
>Theon (while saving Sansa)
>Tormund (kamikaze with a giant zombie)
>Bronn (after crossbowing a WW that attacks Tyrion)
>Jamie (kingslayer killed by the night king himself)
>Cersei (obviously)
They made Pod the underrated character that no one expects anything from yet he always delivers, which makes me doubt he will get killed.
>Jon Snow re-kills him, while Tyrion watches it, without knowing Jamie was already undead.
kek literally pro wrestling tier
>his sons died
>his king died
>his loli died
literally no point in keeping him alive
Grey Worm
possibly Jaime and / or Brienne.
guarantee at least 4 of these characters are toast.
Bran. He's too convenient for the plot.
NK flanks and destroys Kings Landing next episode. Qyburn is as good as dead in ep 3 you fucking retard.
Qyburn can't die until he orders the mountain to kill Cersei.
His wife is still alive. I will forgive D&D for half of the shit they pulled if they just allow him to have a comfy ending where he gets to live out his days in his seaside keep with his bbw wife.
1-5 the council who have the power
5-6 queen body guard
SANSA queen
why would qyburn want her dead?
>a woman beating the Hound in combat
>okay and believable
the fuck?
Jorah will die, he had a closure of character with Dany
Brienne will die, she had a closure of character with Jaime
Pod will die to add weight to the episode
Tormund lives to be 10000th commander of the nights watch
Edd will die
Davos will die
Theon will die
Bran will die but perhaps not on Monday
Gendry will die, Arya will give him a son, mirroring what Ned told her episode 1
Stark kings will kill Gilly and the rest of the women beneath the crypts, except Theon who leaves brans side to save her, the night king won’t come for bran he’s going south
Except sansa* Theon saves her, and dies in the attempt
The tweeter guy has spoilers that say Dany survives, they coincide a lot with the ones they say she dies, I swear I burn the books if Dany gives birth and survives
Tyrion joins ISIS?
>watching on monday
looks like someones poor and busy
>detonating King's Landing with wildfire
>spending your free time watching the pile of arse instead of watching it at work, effectively getting paid to do so
lol, you too?
Tyrion is later sentenced to death for killing everyone in King's Landing by detonating the wild fire, even though he saves everyone.
You have a dick.
Too bad you'll die before ever getting to use it.
Qyburn does what he does because he seeks to help people, even if it is in a weird twisted manner. If Cersei goes full mad king Qyburn wouldn't doubt to kill her in order to save King's Landing. It's been foreshadow in season 3 when qyburn talks with Jaime about how many people they've killed in order to save many more. In that scene Qyburn's role as a mad scientist is compared to Jaime's role as the kingslayer to the audience.
I'm kind of hoping for a 'full circle' type of scenario. Jamie kills the night king and his nickname becomes a proud one. He becomes Jon's hand. Jon and Dany win the battle. Dany bears his son but she is killed along with a dragon. This devastates Jon. Series ends with a targayrean on the throne, complete with dragon, stark warden of the north and lannister hand. Final scene leaves us with ambiguity about whether he will be a good king or a vengeful one with an incestuous, joffrey-tier, retard heir.
I really want him to escape as Cersei’s rule is crashing and burning. Just fuck off somewhere and continue his experiments.
Davos makes it till the end as he was filming with Jon the final filming day.
Why do all these fake spoilers keep forgetting about Bronn?
Hey guys, remember me?
What was his endgame?
They should have brought him back in season 5 when Tyrion was in his house
to remind us that GoT was kino once
Tyrion, Jon, Dany, Davos were all on set the final day. Tyrion is supposed to be the last guy killed though.
Last day of filming doesn't mean last scene of the series.
They could have been reshooting something
you know they don't shoot chronologically, right?
Theon story will end with him having dickless consented sex with Sansa
Ever notice how much Alys karstark looks like Sophie Turner?
They will end the episode with everyone thinking Sansa is dead only for an epic twist next episode. That's all people will talk about all week.
Episode 3,4,5,6 were all leaked on Yea Forums
I'm pretty certain about Theon, but about 50/50 on the others. I think Beric Dondarrion is also a goner.
Certain Of: Theon, Missandei, Davos (by saving little Northern Shireen), Beric
Maybes: Jorah, Gendry, Pod, Brienne
No, Jaime will die in ogres arms.
Hound will possibly die (no cleganebowl and we riot) Tormund, Ed, the kid, maybe Jorah, Beric and Theon
Yeah the whole "arya strunk womyn" thing got cringy as fuck
funny how episode 1 and 2 weren't, which would prove it was an absolute larp
These and Jamie