*starts doing his epic reddit laugh and no other commentator can talk until he stops doing his meme*
*starts doing his epic reddit laugh and no other commentator can talk until he stops doing his meme*
Other urls found in this thread:
*mispronounces elementary school word*
>more than two weeks since any real content
Are they giving up?
I love Rich for the mock Chinese he did in that one wheel episode it always triggers the resetera trannies
>why does he enjoy life and laugh while I'm a lonely fucking loser with zero friends
Why did they release those terrible VHS/DVD collection videos? They're so low effort I'd struggle to call them content at all.
He seems like a guy I'd have fun talking movies with but then end up disagreeing with his political views on certain subjects.
Did he like Endgame?
>tfw can't make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year just shitposting about bad movies with my friends
>tfw don't even have any friends to shitpost with
Even fucking MovieSlob shat out a pretentious review
fuck these hacks
and then he'd threaten to kill you for having a different opinion than his.
Detailed but not detailed enough leaving it ready for plenty of edit potential. Nice.
Does that mean everyone can post their fan"art" now. Asking for a friend.
So glad Pre-Rec is done, you'd realize how reddit Rich really is.
Fuck his laugh is a pain. Tried to catch up on RLM a couple years ago, and had to go under the headphones because his laugh would piss off my old roommate.
Do you ever wonder how they are in real life?
No. I'm confident that I will never meet them and am very happy about it.
because their fans are retarded
Eh, I'm sure they're ok. Also didn't she break up with Mike and fuck off back to her shitty band?
if he disagreed with your political opinions he would wish violence on you
someone should post her feet
this this THIS!!!
Do they exist?
The pictures, I mean.
>RLM genderswap with thicc uwu women
I wanna fuck Jay.
How do I introduce Rich to heroin?
did Mike got fatter and more grumpy because she left him? I wish I could cherish him, if he only knew about my feelings...
Everyone wants to fuck Jay.
Why do you guys keep calling him SJW?
In at least two BotW he says he doesn't like blatant social politics in movies.
Does he sperg out on twitter or something?
I've never seen him called an sjw
God I hope so, the last interesting thing they did was destroying action figures, I got through that phase when I was like 4 or 5 years old? It's not exactly thought provoking.
Literally nobody has ever called Rich an SJW
Her and Mike like to belittle poor people (their fans).
oh boy oh boy im not late to discuss my favourite e-celebs, reddit letter media :D
There's nothing reddit about them
Rich is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Maybe he's just in for the perks?
Is he even active there?
Rich is a member of NAMBLA.
And Mike is a certified Laughter Yoga Leader.
He seems like the kind of guy to make posts about how we need to have a serious conversation about mental health
Rich pays for Chapo Patreon.
>Rich is a member of NAMBLA.
Yea Forums should love him then
Mike Stosklasa hates the British and Rich Evans hate Chinamen. Is this typical of Wisconsin?
Rich is how I view most atheists. Probably never read a book in his life.
Jessie your meth is as good as mine
They reek of reddit
You reek of your mom's vagina juice.
Why did he keep calling Recetear "Rekatear"? The girls name is Recette and the title is playing off her name.
Recette is also an aggresive capitals, and racket is an integral part of the gameplay.
So the play is of the name as well, not just the title (of the game).
What the fuck are you talking about?
I met Mike and Jay at a con a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them Mike looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The fuck you doing with this stupid cunt? Get with this dick or get raped you whore.", I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh Mike you found another goofball?", "Yeah Jay, this one looks like a complete dick head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd fuck her asshole", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend ass with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is"
Right at that moment Mike jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but Jay jumped on me and held me down he started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as Mike undressed her and rammed his fingers up her ass, she was trying to scream but Mike just kept pushing her head down. Mike looked at me and mouthed the word "Goofball", It was like a silent movie, I watched as Mile then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her anus with his hands. Jay who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", he started to twist my nipple as far as it could go, and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Jays boner pushing into my back... I blacked out."
They knew Rem Lezar featured the twin towers because there's a photo of them on the video cover - but they all pretended they had no idea.
Or maybe they didn’t notice it on the cover?
You mean like the "Day of the Rope" impotent fantasy you /pol/sters keep dreaming of?
>n-noo RLM is epic and rich's totally real laugh is sincere and not tryhard cringe bullshit
They realized they don't have to produce anything to get $37,000+ a month now.
she looked cute in her bee outfit
Do they actually own all of the Star Wars merchandise bullshit on their shelves?
Yes. Their fans send it to them. Same with all their VHS/DVD/Blu-rays.
No it’s all CGI
>dude but /pol/!!!
If you can associate anyone that disagrees with you with /pol/, then why did you support the bombings in Sri Lanka?
Post pics then, you cunt.
Other way around...
Did they have a different cover? I just looked it up on google and it doesn't seem to blatantly feature the twin towers, if it even does at all.
as if not every single person hasn't done that in their life
To think of it, it's actually fucking amazing. Plinkett Prequel reviews contributed to the downfall of Star Wars, something Mike always loved. His reviews paved the way for this certain style of video essays, and when people saw the failure of Disneywars, RLM started to gain even more fans. Mike inspired people and earned more money than before, but also uninentionally destroyed what he loved. Is he happy? I don't think so.
He'd want to silence you and tell you that white men have been stomping on everything else for all of time.
Last time I checked, Mike didn’t wrote or direct the recent Star Wars movies.
Dunno which cover they have, but the most common vhs box art I can find has them, bottom right
This is the cycle. Citizen Kane. George Lucas. Mike even talks about it in the Ep 3 Review. The idealistic young man gains success and becomes a cynical asshole. You could almost say it's like poetry
The one I had was low res so I didn't see. Rich saw it and then everyone who didn't pay attention thought he predicted it I guess. Whether or not they had the meme 9/11 reaction during the video or when they looked at the cover is irrelevant though.
Being Mike is suffering.
That’s not as bad as pretending they didn’t know what was up with Quigley when Mike knew the chair pushing scene way back in the Shakma/Python/Beaks episode
Typical of anyone with at least half a brain.
They mention in the episode that they’ve seen Quigley before
This is really well made.
>claim to hate RLM
>watch every RLM video and remember every detail of everything they’ve ever said
Why are you all such fucking pathetic faggots?
There will probably be a HitB tomorrow about the new capeshit.
But he suggested JJ Abrams as the director for the new SW movies and most importantly, he was the "face" of the movement "EVERYTHING about the prequels is BAD and LUCAS SUCKSSSS", and in atmosphere like this, Disney knew it's much easier to "play it safe" and make reboots and cash on nostalgia instead of trying to make something new and different and just take the risk. JJ Abrams is not a visionary like Lucas once was, all his movies build on the work created by other, more talented people. People started to shit on TFA so then they wanted to "subvert our expectations" and again, instead of doing something new, basically made Empire + ROTJ but in reverse and un-done EVERYTHING from OT (especially Luke's character development).
Wow, schizophrenia really is a debilitating illness we all should be paying more attention to.
The movie isn’t out yet. They see movies opening weekend like normal people, not at advanced screenings. The episode will most likely be out Sunday or Monday like usual.
>A multi billion dollar company relied on the suggestions of an internet comedy video from a YouTube channel with less than a million subs
Imagine being stupid enough to actually believe this.
Can any Patreonfag tell me if did they post anything implying a new video was coming soon?
No, it's correct.
Mike (in Trivia):
Rich's membership card was shown in one of the episodes.
Would Almond be a good BOTW panelist?
>Rich's membership card was shown in one of the episodes
And there is absolutely no way that was an obvious joke
Now that its mid-week you know they won't be putting anything else out before the Endgame HitB on Monday or Tuesday next week.
Fuck off mouse shill
That's exactly what they would like you to think.
Similarly to Rich's back problems and Mike's alcoholism.
but Rich doing hot laughter yoga is funny
Right now. They're probably getting ready for a midnight screening of Endgame.
How you do they'll dress for the occasion? Will they bring or buy any snacks? Will one of them use the restroom in the middle of the screening?
Maybe that's why Mike got certified? To practice laughter yoga on Rich?
Rian Johnson actually said (jokingly or not) that he "fears them" when someone asked him about RLM. It's not like people from the industry don't check the internet and youtube, and Plinkett reviews were the most popular Star Wars reviews on youtube, like it or not.
Seek help
Just because people in the industry are aware of RLM doesn’t mean they’re making the business decisions for their multi-billion dollar franchise on them. You would have to be seriously fucking stupid to believe that.
Sure. And this is clearly Chris Evans.
Wait... is Rich Evans gay? For real? I know the bald guy is..
No. You've got it all wrong. Jay is gay.
Rich is into some weird shit.
Do you think there’s one person that makes both the decisions for the Star Wars franchise and is in charge of Marvel’s toy manufacturing?
Several of JJ's friends openly retweeted the reviews or stated their love for the Phantom Menace review. It's actually very possible. I would bet serious money JewJew has watched it.
Rich isn’t gay. The bald one has a wife.
Bob Iger?
You said that there is no way they could base their decisions on RLM. I've given you an example that they do. Now you reroute it to a single person that has to be in charge. Why, exactly?
Holy shit you actually seriously believe that action figure was modeled after Jay? You’re a bigger idiot that I thought.
I'M OUT ;)
Eloise Cole is dead
No, he just gave oodles of suggestions that they listened to, and were all terrible. Almost all of his ideas in the Plinkett movies came to fruition in the sequels, and they suck ass
I'm going to be honest. I watch RLM because I have no friends and their vids make me feel less lonely.
That pic looks like a meme edit
>claim to hate Star Wars Prequels
>know every detail of them and make multiple hour long videos whining about them
Why are your favorite Ecelebs so fucking pathetic?
Cute deflection, bro.
Yeah, sure. That's just a random hiccup in their molding process, fancy 3d face printing and qc altogether. This clearly has nothing to do with the fact that they are proven fans.
Doesn't matter, even if you want to pretend they didn't influence it, most ideas they had in Plinkett vids were done for the sequels, and they suck. Mike doesn't understand movies nearly as well as he thinks
Why is this shit here when they just deleted my Vin Disel thread?
Yea Forums has become only what the mods like. Fuck this shit.
Are you saying you’ve never ever seen another action figure that didn’t look like the person it’s supposed to represent?
Nah. Mike's problem is that he can't edit himself. Not in the videos, in real life. He gets an idea and runs with it. And there is no one influential enough to say to him that the idea is shit. That's how they got Space Cop.
Is Jay secretly dumb?
You're embarrasing yourself at this point.
I'm saying that I know how Hasbro's Marvel Legends MCU toys are done, and you don't. And there is a major difference between, say, Natasha's figure that doesn't look exactly like Johansson and Captain's figure that is a carbon copy of Jay Bauman.
Imagine being this stupid.
Dude doesn't know states from cities and can barely read. How many times have you seen him struggling through three strings of text on the back of a random VHS?
Jay knows a lot of weird Henenlotter crap, Mike can read and write and Rich is good with his hands. Basically, put together they make up a single able-bodied man.
then why kevin feige follows them on twitter?
A quick glance will reveal he follows a number of critics.
Nice image bro. Has nothing to do with the discussion tho.
>did Mike got fatter
this board really shows its age demo
Is Jay secretly straight?
Not secretly. He’s just straight.
I don't know why they put Tim or Tom or whatever the fuck on the show, he just sits there and looks like he wishes he wasn't there.
Rich is the worst thing about RLM. I also wish they'd give the "DEY RUIN MUH STAH WAHRZ, WAAAAAAAAH" a fucking rest.
>Rich says a joke
>Everyone laughs
>Rich chuckles to himself while repeating the joke to himself
Cracks me up every time.
JJ retweeted the Plinkett reviews a long time ago. To say that RLM didn’t have a hand in Disney Star Wars is absurd.
You’re trying too hard to fit in.
>JJ retweeted the Plinkett reviews a long time ago.
No he didn’t.
He kinda looks like another Mike we all know.
We did this to them. This is our fault.
Has Mike given up on life?