Hulk Smash!
Hulk Smash!
so wide
>disgusting art
>deformed anatomy (is that a 2 pack of abs?)
>bad writing even within 3 words on a cover
>coomers: COOOOOOOOM
Case in point.
Fuck you Aaron
she thicc, but those quads don't match
From what I hear she smashes a lot of people.
What they've done to Jen is absolutely disgusting. They've taken a highly intelligent, self confident, sex-positive woman and made her into a dumb ugly brute who hates herself for being attractive.
This is suppose to be "empowering". Self loathing and hating your own sexuality and killing your intelligence.
She just killed normal Hulk by touching his head, what can babe Hulk do
I'd be okay with this if she kept her regular personality.
No. It's possible to have nice balanced She hulk who's attractive and muscular. She should look like a female body builder, not a steroid abuse victim.
>No, Jen! NO!
For a joke issue it would be fine. She was supposed to be funny, right?
Yeah as a one-off.
Even the tamaki run had Jen working to get back to her normal self which she got back too.
Aaaron's work is just character assassination.
What an absolute unit! I am in awe at the size of this lass!
I'd rather just have a new girl entirely with a hulk body
Jesus Christ, that isn't even good MALE anatomy.
What are you talking about?
>We will never get OG Shulkie back because it would be perceived as the patriarchy or something even though Jason Aaron literally only changed her because he didn't have access to Bruce and basically took her from a smart, confident, sexy woman who was her own thing to a literal girl Hulk
No it wouldn't. Aaron is the only person who wants her this way. Even other comics like Immortal Hulk and Deadpool make fun of this new version of her, to her face. Once he's done, I can guarantee she's going back to normal as soon as she lands in someone else's hands.
I like muscle girls. So I have to ask... who likes this? This aint it.
Beat me to it you beautiful motherfucker
I miss old Jen. She did the powerful woman thing right by just being confident and smart without making it a dick measuring competition with flanderized men.
>We will never
You're a hysterical faggot and kinda retarded if you think Jen wont be back in time for her tv show
>Aaaron's work is just character assassination.
Must be a day ending in "Day"
As girly as possible.
Carol gets snu snu'd to death?
She-Hulk HULKING OUT should be a "trump card transformation" power-up rather than her normal state.
What's Aaron's play here...
Is he going for multiple personalities explored by other hulk writers?
It worked for Hulk back in the day, still works for Hulk,
But it's not original at all.
What if in their stupidity they're using the dumb brute version. It's possible this isn't just Aaaron being shit since she's technically been stuck like this more ore less since CWII except for a few minutes between tamaki and aaron.
How do we know this isn't a problem with marvel or disney?
Aaaron has no plan. Theres two theories
Aaaron wanted Bruce, they let him refuck up jen as a compromise and he's hiding behind sex negative feminism as a shield and marvel is just letting him get away with it because they don't have the balls to tell him no.
Marvel actually thinks classic Jen was problematic because men found her attractive and they trying to make a second go at replacing her with a dumb brute bastardization imediately after tamaki fixed they're last attempt except now they're more blatant with the sex negative reasoning.
Glad he didn't get hold of Banner, in that case.
Bad enough for Hulk that he got Chulked and Banner killed by Hawkeye.
I've tried to read Aaron's Avengers run, but I never make it through a whole issue.
Apparently, Avegers would sell 50,000 just on name recognition alone, at this time.
Someone needs to stop this guy.
>It's a"Rob Leifeld" episode
If he'd gotten Bruce, we'd just have poorly written normal Bruce.
We also wouldn't have immortal Hulk which is a short term lost but I'm also considering the characters long term future here,
As it stands I have good reason to fear permanent damage is being done to Jen.
Now best thing would have just been to tell him "no, you can't have a dumb brute hulk, ewing has dibs on almost every body and we just got Jen back to normal". What's he going to do? Ask Bendis to get him a job at DC?
Assuming this isn't Marvel having a sex negative agenda.
Whatever happened to Lyra?
Didn't he already do a short run on Bruce a while back?
Bring back big hair She-Hulk!
She left tending to her slave harem to go on vacation in Weird World.
>sex negative agenda
This may seem like one of the most ineffectual ones.
>it's an "incels getting mad a a fictional superhero design" episode
Sex negative is about demonizing heteronormative sexuality and shaming women for their natural sexual inclanations while indirectly pushing homosexuality, transexuality, hatred of womanhood in all forms and men.
Cry More Schmoe.
Hell they already had her kill a cop. Don't know what other damage they could do to her.
One day she'll be free to be she.
Was this an actual comic? Seems pretty level headed for nu-Marvel
Are they still doing retarded Hulk Jen?
Does anyone like that shit?
Yeah it was for Marvel's 80 year anniversary comic.
Just one page dealies? That's a shame,
>One page outdoes everything Aaron has ever done with She-Hulk
I've never seen a woman at Marvel actively speak in FAVOR of Aaron. I wonder if any would actually speak out against him? Because a lot of what he writes in terms of female leads is pretty classically sexist.
>You're a hysterical faggot and kinda retarded if you think Jen wont be back in time for her tv show
Her tv show is written by a feminist nutcase so the show will further cement the feminism pervasive in the current iteration of She-Hulk. She probably won't be a massive testosterone monster like she is now, but she won't go back to her old self either. She's going to keep beating up on catcallers and going on bad blind dates.
Yeah I get that but it's wasted on She-Hulk, fans would ignore it and normies would ignore it too. The ones championing the new version would be too busy getting outraged at something else to even care.
Cool leifeld body
This run has been so dull and mean-spirited. It's literally Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe but with Carol and none of the entertainment.
Don't beat up Skar, he had a hard life!
>She should look like a female body builder, not a steroid abuse victim.
Those are the same thing though.
I like how men use 'sex positive' when they like a character instead of slut.
I think the point of this new Shulkie is to look "more monstrous" and not pretty, following the logic of the Immortal Hulk, "man vs creature" blabla you know
You realize women can work out and develop their muscles without steroids, right?
Jen liked how she looked, and liked to show off how well she looked and liked to have fun. Prude. If she got any unwanted attention she could easily kick the ass of or terrify the shit out of anybody who harassed her.
Yes, and?
Boofuckinghoo incel. I really don't give a fuck because I'm not a fucking waste of life.
Scoff at me calling you an incel all you want but I used to be as retarded as you until the night I got laid.
I dont dislike the body of the right since I am a coomer but that manface ruins it...
with a more feminine face she would be perfect
Yelling "incel" at everything won't bring your dad back.
I use slut regardless, she's just a slut I like
The slave harem sucked. I hated how Duggan what on every non-Bruce/Jen Hulk.
I want a Rowell/Anka She-Hulk ongoing.
>I'm not a fucking waste of life
You’re trolling on Yea Forums, I think you’re probably well aware that you are.
Yeah because getting irritated at /pol/faggot teenagers makes my posts bait. Sorry kids but Yea Forums has been around longer than youve been alive, and Aarons portrayal is the exact opposite of feminism if you take two seconds to think about it
every day is deadlift day
NUMarvel really hate pretty and sexy women
No surprise the fans stopped buying
It’s funny how sjws Stan body types like that but don’t give a shit about female bodybuilders irl
>writers and showrunner have bantz with Slott on Twitter
>Jason Aaron waddles into those threads demanding attention
>they all ignore him
Yeah, they're definitely not going to have her back to normal...
She's Unironically She-Thing now from The Super Friends... What Timeline is this!?!
Love Isabelle Turell.
Yeah I fucking hated it too, I miss Red Shulk but new Harpy is cool too
i would love to watch Jason aaron jump from a rooftop and be right there to see close up when his face and body turn to salsa after slapping against the pavement.
Calm down incel. Jerk off and go hate women elsewhere.
This is the creepiest goddamn fetish.
Yes Body suits are very unsettling.
I demand larger thighs and bust
this fucking cover reminds me of that picture with the dad going through a door and the kid screaming "no dad no!"
No. Aaron is the only person who wants this. She'll revert once he's off her character.
Nope, anatomy is highly fucked. Ribs should never be that close to pelvis.
Schmoes want this...
Aaron is such a Coombrain Schmoe who wants Jen to be She-Thing.
i hate that they turned her into essentially hulk with long hair and thong.
Jen would be perfectly fine with a feminine body and big muscles like every other previous appearance before...what was it, civil war 2 that they made her into an ugly brute?
even the grey hulk version with the green scars was fine.
Alison Brie as Jennifer Walters
Think she'd turn into a good She-Hulk?
So, they give that figure but still that kind
For some reason I expect white bread to become a plot point here and maybe clear cutting.
Damn it anything Carol gets near gets ruined...
Violent sjws with revenge fantasies using She-Hulk as their self-insert.
What comic does this come from? Can I get a specific name?
Marvel Comics #1000
She looks hideous here too.
I haven't been keeping up but I'm guessing the Captain Marvel team doesn't understand She-Hulk's character judging by that cover.
It's funny, The artist has drawn She-Hulk in her traditional build before in a few A-force comic I think. Why he decided to go for a more bulky appearance is probably just to make sure he doesnt get any heat.
honest question
why the editor always need to make carol absolutely unlikeable or antagonistic to the rest of the heroes?
carol is in a perpetual state of being a bitch, beating another superhero or neurotic/drunk
Same dude that replied before.
When he drew She-Hulk before Aaron it looked real good.
Those women wouldn't be appropriate for a character named "Hulk".
She needs Slightly more muscle but this is the build I imagine she hulk to always be.
The fuck is going on with the left one’s arms?
What happens when skill out weighs genetics. Had the guy been on the same skill level then this would be a different story.
Of all the statues he could've picked he goes for a 3d render with poor proportions
If any you guys see Jason Aaron at Con, Please throw a cup of vomit in his face for me.
No. They just ruined her character by making her decide she hates being smart, funny and attractive, so she's decided to not get help for her situation and be a dumb ugly brute.
She needs a better face in the main pic. The overall body type, while more buff than my usual preferences, is within acceptable parameters, providing she'd also be in her right mind.
So how was Jen in the actual contents of this? Because the cover looked nice at least.
Why can't leftists separate from what makes them cum, from what makes them a person?
>That Face
>That Posture
>Those glasses
>Those abs
It's not fair I want a green wife
I don't care what everyone is saying she's still hot and i want her to dom me
The cover art was a lie. Interior art was different and the she hulk was more masculine looking bulky.
Ironic given the fact that this particular incarnation of She-Hulk is nothing more than Byrne's porn avatar.
Yeah, this was bait, if you were expecting a She-Hulk looking like the cover then prepare to be disppointed
Okay Schmoe.
>The overall body type, while more buff than my usual preferences, is within acceptable parameters,
No, it isn't. I accept to wiggle room.
She hulk isn't thicc. She's athletic. She isn't a rugby player she's an underwear/swimsuit model with a bit extra tone.
Or essentially:
I don't get why they dont make her a cool muscle babe, take note from Noi from Dorohedoro or something
If you like that you want a husband.
Nah anka just has shills like Bendis of KSD. His redesigns are universally terrible.
guy at work said that liking muscle babes is gay lol
It was normal Jen, not retard Jen.
How about personality wise? Ithough heard she was at least in her right smart and funny mind?
What the fuck is marvel's problem?
Because that's just as shitty as what Aaron's doing.
Why can't you faggots just accept that if you don't like or you don't like she-Hulk. This is about as thicc as she should be:
Nah she was only slightly less moody than aaron has her.
I thought his women was smoking but yeah his Redesign are bland and samey
Only the Schmoes took notice when she became a slab of Beef. Jen is svelte.
Size of the hips and thighs seem disproportional. Everything above the hips looks good though
>draw Jeff Seid
>add circles to his chest
>massacre everything under the second row of abs
>"look at my she-Hulk bro"
>Scoff at me calling you an incel all you want but I used to be as retarded as you until the night I got laid.
Is this a subtle reference to the “last post on Yea Forums “ pasta
ffs, weren't you casuals whining about how superheroines weren't sexy any more?
This build for She-Hulk is good.
Coomer (toward aaron) is in relation to tossing his fetishes in. I wish she-Hulk got to be the near nude swimsuit model again. She's one of the only characters that actually works for.
This whole scene got me having weird pants feelings when I was young.
Hairs too short (as is she in general) and she doesn't need glasses as shulkie. Otherwise kinda cute.
Thanks user for giving me the need for a She-Hulk with short hair.
>Giving Jane Thor's role and name.
>Making Jen more like the actual Hulk and giving her his name.
>Killing Heimdall with Ewing and giving Sif his role.
Only She-Hulk is getting some backlash by Shulkie fans but this whole thing reeks of "Woman can only be good if she assumes a man's identity" BS.
>Coomer (toward aaron) is in relation to tossing his fetishes in
>I wish she-Hulk got to be the near nude swimsuit model again
Coomers are so fucking stupid, my god.
I'm 100% a Schmoe, I just admit it.
Aaron acts like he's desexualizing Jen by making her into a fetish object more than ever.
Whatever happened to her?
Can you think of more Sex Positive character than She-Hulk? Aphrodite? *Shrugs*
>if I don't quite the whole thing I get to act like you didn't say it
Hang yourself faggot. I want she Hulk to be she Hulk I don't give a fuck about cooming.
>I don't give a fuck about cooming.
>She-Hulk gets back to normal
>She gets kind of the Zarya build as a powered up state
>She goes back to old nightmareish freak thing she is now as a "World Breaker" ish hulk mode
Seriously, just add actual titties and this would be the ideal
Best suit
IMAGINE the Handjobs
Reminds me of Kristen Nun (She's Massive)
boobs too big
Don't be Gay.
Bigger than Logan's head.
>artist draws a character to be their personal voice box
that is some good shadow animation
>deformed anatomy
As if that's a bad thing?
And Aaron having having she-hulk drawn over-muscled and talking about how being a dumb ugly brute makes her "free" and telling deadpool when he asks why she's not funny anymore that being witty is also incompatible with being "free" isn't "cringe"?
Do you find Ewing having Bruce tell off current Jen how she used to be about self control but now they're not so different also "cringe"?
Jen's current messed up state is what's really cringe.
The Deadpool one actually made me sad.
Deadpool respects his predecessors and is sad when they lose their knack for the 4th wall.
Hulk fights Zzzax. His whole MO is absorbing brainwaves. Doesn't work on Hulk.
Carol ain't got shit.
This was written by Aaron. Here he is literally telling off some of his light defenders. The ones who say "I like her new body type, but can she keep it while going back to being smart and funny?"
Aaron told you people off. His own supporters for not being on board with him 100%.
Aaron's She-Hulk sucks and she needs to go back to normal. Including a more reasonable body type.
Women can't get that big without juice. Neither can most men, and those that can aren't so cut.
Whatever. I want a She hulk who looks both nice and buff. And I don't think I'm being unreasonable.
Betty is better as a Harpy. Way more unique, and legitimately more monstrous than RoidJen.
Go away Jason.