> British actress Naomi Ackie is playing a character named Jannah in Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker. archive.is
She looks cool
> British actress Naomi Ackie is playing a character named Jannah in Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker. archive.is
She looks cool
Other urls found in this thread:
>She looks cool
Sure, in the "we're trying too hard" sort of way.
They have that much time to spend on hairdo and outfit in space ?
what are the chances she is the daughter of han solo because han fucked a nig in the marvel comics
>mfw that fish alien thing is Luke
Meanwhile nothing on white persons like Keri Russell or Matt Smith. Are they trying to keep their roles secret or will they just not do anything like Benicio del Toro.
She looks fucking horrible
Bitch looks like a damn crackhead. If she started talking to me on the street I'd straight up ignore her thinking she was asking for money.
> Former Doctor Who star Matt Smith has also joined the cast in an undisclosed role. archive.is
> Zori the Bounty Hunter
That fish-like alien thing is where Luke's consciousness went.
She was high on coke at the Celebration panel. What's with these British actors? Are they all braindead cokeheads? Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Naomi Ackie all were high on cocaine.
They may not even be in the final cut of the movie for all we know.
>more OC donut steel characters introduced
It's like they want this franchise to die. There is some retard in charge cause they keep shoving halfbaked creations and poor quality lore decisions into the fucking golden goose causing it to die so fast everyone's mind is boggled how a big business hasn't roasted everyone involved at first signs.
That won't be woke. Disney only cares about diversity now
Just wait for the reactions to Endgame.
she looks fucking badass. potentially more badass than Rey, if that’s even possible lol :P
to be fair, most of the cocaine made goes to the UK
>star wars hype
They have to live in an island that's half rain,half inbreeding. I'd do drugs too.
Which Firefly episode is this?
Rumors have said he played Palpatine before the trailer
Until now I thought it was the slightly lighter skinned more pretty nigress from the James Bond movies but that's Naomie HARRIS and this is some literally who like most of the rest of the main cast
>How do black people dress in Star Wars?
>Remember Lando?
>Oh yeah just rip his outfit up a bit
me on the right
>uses a regular bow
>when an energy bow has existed for at minimum 50+ years
The characters in the past two movies were all shit so I don't mind new ones popping up because they might be slightly better.
>entire cast is cheap british actors
disney are fucking dedicated to not paying the actors guild lmao
I feel sorry for him
they really put her in a cotton field
Bad goy
Why does it looks bland/uninspired? They could make the costume design / aliens look cooler since it is Star Wars but no.
wtf are you talking about lol
Lucas was putting his own vision on screen and knew how to make toys.
Disney is fine with making money off old toys and will make 1.1 billion putting trash like Last Jedi on screen so why would they put in tons of extra effort to make 1.2 billion?
That's a interesting way of dealing with the "Rey is a Mary sue" claims.
I don't give a shit about Star Wars anymore but if there's a new black qt for me to masturbate to, then I'm glad
Lucas let the concept art team go wild. JJ wants things that "fit" with what we've seen before which means they aren't new and creative
> No one is ever really gone
Apparently, when Luke died his soul legit went into a slug and that's his true force form or some shit
>"British" actress Naomi Ackie
Oh yes just what we need - another african-american british in Star Wars
They really didn't learn a damn thing from TLJ's failures.
Well at least TRU isn't around any more. Thank God SW can only kill it once.
chewie has a laser crossbow too
How many sniveling white villains will she destroy with kung fu?
>african-american british
Nah, I will play the game at the end of the year with my white protag instead.
You'd better be memeing.
Good idea user. Forced diversity will never take over our videogames.
>tfw the only thing left to do in SW threads is making fun of redditors
Is the UK full of niggers now? Where are they coming from? Why do British niggers keep showing up in movies and TV lately?
You have something against his sister?
God that is an ugly bitch
Looks great. Really great.
Women make the best bounty hunters.
Little girls need role models like Zori.
It's a meme like the Anakin sloth thing from the last movie. Just redit trolling redit
Did they really ret-con Lando to look like the completely unlikeable Donald Glover version?
And is that a black female Boba Fett?
This is the new droid, D-0.
You know what Aurra sing was a good character in the clone wars, but she also wasn't a role model, she was a bitch. Writers are afraid to make women bad in any way nowadays and that's why we get shitty written female characters and I hate it.
How the mighty has fallen
> 2019...I'm forgotten
its a fucking hairdryer
>Disney creativity
Soul vs soulless
>no sniffs
>no "so on and so forth"
fucking loved Dooku's solar sails on the geonosian ship
Plo Koon is so fucking cool
The prequels also had much more memorable music.
>black girl
>her father is Lando Calrissian
>he left her and her brother finn
why are hollywood leftists so racists
I want to cum on the LAAT
Let me guess, Finn's sister?
>Oh my god he reunited with his long lost sister who didnt exist in first 2 movies
>Thats so y deep and meaningful!
I hate starkiller base so damn much.
I don't know, I'm just asking.
I haven't seen the new Star Wars, I just believe it's his sisters because a diversity cast is always related in shit scripts.
Have you ever seen a Star Wars movie
>might be slightly better
Don't hold your breath
>african-american british
pls tell me I took the bait and you're not that retarded
>omg how dare these two relatives act happy and shit when they see each other after years of being separated? btw introducing new characters is cheating xD
Stick to video games.
>tfw I didn't even notice
Forced diversity is bad enough but forced ugly diversity is worse. Look at the juxtaposition between Chad and that thing. Why is it so difficult to put a cute darkie next to him? You check off the diversity box without putting off people with a basic taste in good aesthetics.
Mon Mothma, I am Rebels.
daily reminder aliens are stupid and belong on the fringes of star wars
in sw and esb all aliens aside from chewbacca and yoda were
1) dirty scum on tatooine
2) those lil disgusting dwarf midgets on cloud city
3) a few random bounty hunters who are shittier than boba fett
the rebel alliance DID NOT ALLOW aliens
Who's the cutie in red and the visor beside Po?
>uncharted cinematic shit with the ugliest nigress ever made and the most boring generic mc
0 white males. Target audience white males.
Is this some sort or jewish fetish on shoving browns in our faces 24/7
>the rebel alliance DID NOT ALLOW aliens
chewie became part of the alliance
he even got a medal
"Guys PLEASE just come see it...
Look, it's just like Endgame, this your last time to say goodbye to these characters, it's a culmination of everything we've built"
i paused the trailer to look this shot. i was awed by the fact that any dev would intentionally make a protaganist this look like this.
>I have no force and I must scream
>Luke gone
>Han gone
>Leia gone
So why would anyone watch this?
Apologize to Lucas
Looks like a Netflix original character.
>who is kylo ren
>what is proper buildup to release
As viewers we have no idea who this nigger is. If earlier movies had even a throwaway line then a sibling reveal could be interesting, but instead we just have a dumb gorilla comedic relief character
He was responding to an image posted that had no Kylo, retard
fuck yeah! I can choose between an autistic mass murderer or a red haired Hitler speech making mass murderer! Thank you Disney!
It kind of looks like Hamill in the face.
>Finn probably dies because the fas wanted him to die in the suicide attack in TLJ.
>Rose is separated from him doing stuff at the resistance HQ with 30 seconds screetime because everyone hate her. She dies along Leia when the HQ gets nuked by the FO
>Mary Sue will be Mary Sue again, lifting the whole Death Star out of the water
>Kylo re is still a bitch and will not die, that will be too good. She beats him again and defeat the FO
>Luke is an yellow alien dick until the last minute of the movie
hard nope
thanks for giving me the push i needed not to see it
only an absolute retard would believe that to be real
theyre bad characters because theyre bad?
Honest question, what percentage of the "fanbase" is actually redpilled on Nuwars? Is it at least 30%? The vocal minority shits on it (and rightly so) but tons of people still go to celebrations and behave like retards and claim Mousewars is good. All I know is that new toys sell like shit.
A weak faggot who lost to a girl with no training twice.
Fuck off JJ
No one gives a fuck about nu wars redditfag. It's only good for shitting on.
You seriously overestimate the amount of people involved in internet politics. Star Wars is fucking huge. I would say the TLJ dissenters don't even break 5%
>Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of diversity hires.
TFA, TLJ, and Solo are good
Solo box office result tells a different story.
>suddenly a wild reylo appears
Kill yourself shill. Dusney wars has been a catastrophic failure.
Not everyone at Celebration is a Disney shill, people go to cosplay EU stuff or for books or autographs from Hayden Christensen and Ian McDiarmid etc.
Dilate tranny
Blow your brains out bitch
rupaul is more attractive than that ho
Disney killed the eu faggot scum.
wearing gloves? because that could be Keri's character.
It is
People with friends still go and dress as the old EU characters at Celebration though. While you post online alone about how it's dead.
Seems to be. Though Keri described the costume as 'cool' so that's somewhat disappointing.
Are you in the wrong thread or something you retarded poltard?
there isn't anything cool in nuwars.
I saw a Jyn Erso at Walgreens in February
>disney already shilling their bullshit here
Or am i to believe there are faggots on this board from r3ddit who still care about this shit
Only good thing about TLJ. Good character in a shit movie
fans will still go because nobody really turned their back on SW. its just incredibly easy to separate starwars from nu-wars, especially when they strike 90% of SW content from canon, turn luke into a completely different person, and elevate their own MC so high above everyone else that the skywalkers dont even seem remotely special anymore. to an oldfag SW fan they might as well be 2 different franchises but the new one is mocking the old which sows resentment
fucking disgusting
>Good character
he wasnt a character at all, just a few mannerisms.
>British actress
>An actual bow and arrow.
...but why though?
>Chewie's Bowcaster isn't a crossbow, just a big gun that looks like it.
>Lightsabers have multiple uses over normal swords and are pretty useless/dangerous outside of force users.
>Ewoks were specifically a very primitive race.
But an actual bow and arrow in a world of blasters? For what purpose is there to using it that doesn't make her character look too stupid to live?
It's a foreskin monster and it's meant to represent fans that didn't like the last two movies.
This guy dealt the killing blow to Star Wars, though RLM injected a deep dose of cancer when he told the disney execs to hire jj,use practical effects and make a stupid spacemagic lol story.
nobody cares about soi wars
She looks like a sheboon two years into her job at the DMV on her way to landwhale status.
It's all fucking retarded shit like the jedi text book when holocrons have existed for thousands of years.
I already did as soon as I left my TFA viewing
Lmfao this is going to be solo tier disaster.
Movie is gonna be trash.
>prequels section missing Darth Mauls speeder
I swear it never gets no love
Who is Getting Sucked into the Asshole in this Image?
Digits and it flops
Star Wars Holiday Leftovers Special
The Mouse is looking to replace Star Wars Fans with blind consumers, aka True Fans. It's been the plan from the beginning, making inconsistent shit will always alienate the fans which is what this "trilogy" has going for it. None b of the movies match at all. But 40 year-olds that bawl at commercials never notice. Then have all of access media attacking fans for being sexist incels for pointing out the flaws of their shit while dummies that think since IT'S FOR KIDS you don't have to put any effort into it are called True Fans. Then there's the third group that just want to watch a movie and have zero investment in it at all.
My guess is the Fans outnumber the True Fans and whether Ep IX bombs will be because of the casuals. But The Mouse definitely hates the old fans and wants them gone.
>Be child soldier to the point that in adulthood, a pow of the other side, that you've known for 5 minutes has to give you a name because you don't have one.
>Oh hey guys check out this random woman who just so happens to be my sister, I'm so happy to see her again. So many great memor....oh wait.
Convenient sister is the one universally agreed bullshit moment in the originals. It won't be accepted again. Especially if as shown, a capable fighter, why wasn't she taken too? At least OT had SOME kind of silly reasoning that you could twist yourself to believing
>laser blasters
>wields a bow and arrows
How do We Reclaim Star Wars from the Mouse?
>the end of a trilogy
>STILL introducing main characters into the cast
You can't fight the mouse. It would require an unprecedented uprising of the common man.
C3PO gonna fuck a mosque up
Bottom right isnt so bad. I could see that thing in Star Wars.
Should we add her to that meme image that shows all the black Afro girls being suddenly added to video games?
Damn, missed opportunity there.
Should we Mass-Boycott the Mouse and have Lucasfilm Break-Off from the Mouse?
Underrated post
Disney wants to completely get rid of everything pre-Disney Wars so the children growing up with the sequels will only have nostalgia for Disney Wars.
It's the reason they scrapped the EU. it's the reason they invalidated everything that happened in the PT and OT and had the Sequel characters instead be the ones that make a lasting impact on the galaxy(since declaring the movies non-canon would be suicide), it's the reason they canned TCW and immediately made SW Rebels after(only for that show to be a massive failure, forcing Disney to bring back TCW to appease the old fans), and it's the reason why they only use their shitty nu-aliens in everything.
>the rebel alliance DID NOT ALLOW aliens
Then how come many Bothans died to bring them information?
Shut the fuck up you retarded little cock sucker
she doesn't look like a Star Wars character.
>7 was rehashed trash
>8 was edgy dog shit
>9 will be trash
>the Jedi should end. they always fuck things up,dark side leaders to rise up.
>those books written by the original jedi? the ones that might explain why this happens or inculde a instant, long distance cure for people who fall to the dark? the only things to read on this island? Oh of course I haven't read them. Reading's boring.
There's that fag talk we talked about.
Years ago I saw this episode of South Park where Lucas and Spielberg rape Indiana Jones (Lucas also raped Yoda and some Stormtrooper). Now even South Park is too PC to make an episode about Mickey Mouse raping Luke Skywalker, even though what they did to Luke is much worse than what they did to Indiana Jones.
Ironic comic you have there
she looks like a budget rule 63 lando that had a hard night partying
Which Pokémon is this?
kill yourself dumb fuck zoomer
Fucking hell, my men Plo koon and Maul both are 100 times more creative than all sequel aliens put together.
No reason to care. Get another hobby. JJ is a hack that is only good at tricking the audience. Casuals will get sick of that, the Fans are already alienated. The only people left are the pathetic s○y faced numales that ook at trailers. Lucasfilm will have to put some effort into their product, or run it into the ground like Pirates of the Caribbean. Best part about the latter plan is Disney didn't piss away $4.06 BILLION to aquire the Pirates franchise. That price tag will be looming over Kathleen Kennedy's head every fucking day that cunt spends another $300 million to YASSS QUEEN SLAYYYYYY all over the movie theaters.
This is such a dumb franchise.
das rite, wite ppl now woke to fact dat orignal jedi wuz black, an da wite crakaz wuz da sif lords
>This is such a dumb franchise
> fire all the artists at Lucasfilm because DISNEY CAN DO BETTER
> new droid designs consist of a beach ball and a wheel
Everyone in this thread, have sex
Jew looking at a Jew unmasked.
are they TRYING to prove the superiority of the white race??
It's hard not to.
>mfw too lazy to make a HIDE STAR WARS THREADS meme and spam it in every thread.
Shitting on disney wars gets me through my day.
the EU was never canon. you are a liar
>>mfw that fish alien thing is Luke
Luke has the ability to body jump -- so yes, he's that alien fish thing for a bit, is in R2's for a bith, ends up in one of the knights of ren for battle and then settles into a new body -- I won't say who, buy boy howdy are y'all /pol/tards gonna be U-P-S-E-T.
The woke black woman with a big afro is the new grizzled white man with a crewcut,
ESB > SW > Garbage > Solo > TLJ > TFA > ROTJ > RO > TPM > AOTC > ROTS
>any disney movie above an OT movie
nice bait
ROTJ ruined the franchise forever so it wouldnt be out of the question to put it last
>ROTJ ruined the franchise forever
>yet movies that came after it and totally shit on characters from OT are better
again nice bait
By having the best space battle ever put to film, introducing one of the best characters in the series (Sheev), and having the best possible ending for Vader and Luke? I can forgive the Ewoks.
ROTJ was when she started to get weak, but it didn't ruin the franchise. The (original) ending was BASED.
Is that Debra Wilson?
So Star Wars is pretty much no white men allowed at this point?
It only wasnt canon when george decided to do something that contradicted it.
>-- I won't say who, buy boy howdy are y'all /pol/tards gonna be U-P-S-E-T.
Its hilarious that we've made blacks out to be the most oppressed race in America even though Hispanics and Asians were treated appallingly by Whites and Blacks. My dad wasn't even allowed to hang out with the black kids in his neighborhood because he was Hispanic and that was in the late 1970s.
Where the fuck are my lead Hispanic female stronk characters and hispanic male leads? Honestly fuck. off. blacks are truly beyond salvation.
>george lucas scrapped his 9-12 film plans and wanted to give up entirely since he was tired bored of star wars
>did ROTJ because he absolutely had to
>hired some hack director nobody knew so he could ghost-direct more efficiently
>turned aliens from being weird minorities who almost entirely exist in the tatooine criminal underworld to respected members of the rebel alliance like ackbar and nien nunb
>luke who attempted suicide knowing how evil his father is randomly decides he must have good in him to cope
>the character of lukes sister gets combined with leia, retroactively adding akward incest tones to the previous films
>han solo doesnt die (and then they forget to really write him doing anything important in the movie) for toy sales
>teddy bears make fools out of the emperors best troops
>salacious crumb existing and boba fett being killed by accident and totally the nonsensical rescue plans
>reusing tatooine and the death star
>vader "redeems" himself by killing the emperor which he was planning to due for entirely selfish reasons anyway. and caring for your own offspring is selfish (see: biology)
>vader does nothing for most of the movie so he doesnt remind the audience hes bad
>all vader has to do to kill the emperor is pick him and drop him
>saber duel has less impressive coreography than the ESB duel
>big silly celebration with the ewoks and ewok music
the space battle is ok
>Star Wars 9
Ja, nah
he was about to contradict all the post-OT EU with his sequel trilogy. he didnt read any of it. it was just free money for him like toys
poe dameron
>Apparently, when Luke died his soul legit went into a slug and that's his true force form or some shit
Sort of. Luke has yet another previously unseen and never established Force power -- which is body hopping.
Wow one Hispanic lead that gets little to no screen time in the first movie and was demoted to a toxic male in the last jedi.
"lets put MUTTS into every single movie!!"
its all true
tho I should say I do like salacious crumb I just dont think that type of hyper childish entirely goofy muppetry would be in the movie if it wasnt a soulless cashgrab
Kill yourself
>Frank Oz
>"WTF why are there puppets!?"
criminally underrated
he was demoted for getting all the resistance bombers killed but back in charge on crait, and in the gang of protagonists in TROS
> I turned myself into a pickle, Rey! Boom! Big reveal: I'm a pickle. What do you think about that? I body hopped onto a pickle! W-what are you just staring at me for. I turned myself into a pickle, Rey!
> Pickle Luuuke!
Disney legit adds some new mystical negress into every Star Wars film since Solo
>that alien is Luke
what the fucking fuck is wrong with the mouse jew? imagine hating white guys this fucking much
yodas an actual character who is silly, annoying, wise, and strict, etc etc while all the new aliens in rotj are just stupid
>so how long until some desperate fanboy finally fucking snaps and legit murders kk and jar jar after we all find out the slug luke leak is real?
>legit adds some new mystical negress into every Star Wars film since Solo
So one movie?
He was demoted to promote the feminist agenda.
Sexy frog
Two. Enfys Nest in Solo, Jannah in IX.
Qira fucked chad maul to promote the incel agenda
>sniff sniff
>scratch scratch
>whats a mary sue?
Seriously, fuck this bitch. I don't even want Kylo Ben to get with her.
This is not true, the art book for TFA very clearly paints a picture where JJ and Doug Chiang wanted to go really crazy with the designs but were asked to tone them down and make them more 'for the fans' in the final product. Snoke was originally supposed to literally look like a monochrome marble statue before he was changed into an old man.
>I'm so sorry luke
Micropenis rolling on its balls.
What did JJ mean by this?
Coke nose?
>introducing more characters to further muddy the non-existent story as the "SIMPLY EPIC" nuwars trilogy comes to an end
when you use too much at one time it makes your face really uncomfortable and your nose feels like its on fire, don't ask me how I know, I'm better now lmfao I pay taxes now
>imagine fucking daisy's tight cunny while she's blasted on blizzard dust
> mfw I am more entertained by threads about Disney's Star Wars Based Products than any of the movies
They always devolve into a hilarious shitstorm when the movies are just sad clusterfucks.
>>An actual bow and arrow.
>...but why though?
Well, if she threw a fuckin spear people would lose their minds.
Qira was cast so retarded got niggers like you would pay for this shit.
>hey Rose didn't work out give me another female minority!
>but didn't Rose not work out at all? Also isn't this the last movie, should we really be adding another main character?
>no we gotta dig ourselves deeper and deeper! We can make people like Star Wars again! Please please please!
I am so hyped about this movie! I can't wait for all my questions to be answered! Now that Admiral Holdo unlocked an entirely new form of space combat I bet it will be used tons of times in this movie making the space battles epic. And where will Rey get the strength to beat Kylo Ren for a third time? And LANDO is going to be in it! And now even MORE new characters!
they had that Asian guy with a bow and arrow in Rogue One that literally no one remembers his name, they're so creatively bankrupt they're ripping off their own material at this point, holy fucking shit
its all so tiresome
I dont like the actress but the character is fine
shes gonna kill kylo ren, make my words
old star war good
new star war bad
I think it was bait.
>nu was character
seek help faggot
>have a near infinite universe with infinite story telling potential
>turn it into nostalgia pandering sjw driven absolute shlock
it should end with Chewie being given the biggest medal in the galaxy for saving it in all three trilogies (after poe, finn, and rey all die)
>another strong womyn character made to sell toys but ultimately doesn't do shit in their movie
>little girls don't buy their toys anyway
>how can we make our film critic proof?
>just put a black woman in it
>every single element is automatically bad becuz disney
youre not allowed to watch clone wars s7
da planet core...
are there any niggers who can grew a hair like that without using a lot of hair products? my ex gf was a 56% and had a similar type of hair, but she did use a lot of hair products
most nigger hair grows naturally like that. they use products because they dont wash their hair
>youre not allowed to watch clone wars s7
You couldn't pay me to watch that shit zoom zoom. I hope your cock sucking cunt of a mother gets cancer.
someone's in a real stinky mood, huh
is only space cartoon, hombre
no man, just water and shampoo(like normal people wash) will make it look like shit
based and redditpilled
all the extreme entitlement and meanspiritedness from prequelfags just makes me want to spend more and more money on nu wars. I saw TLJ 3 times >:)
that'll show em
Sponny mascot concepts?
>I saw TLJ 3 times
Congrats. You're now stupider than prequelfags.
>you didn't
no u
ive watched it once a day for the past year or so
>How can we fix the plot?
>I'll try nigging, that's a good trick
>I saw TLJ 3 times >:)
Do you require medical attention?
I don't think Rian's even seen it that many times.
Wanted to cash in on that hunger games train a bit too late, but yeah its fucking retarded to have a bow and arrow, it's not even a laser bow and arrow but she's holding a physical arrow against guys whos armor can sometimes survive blaster shots.
please not lando
2001 webcam on a wheel.
I love how a good 80% of the costumes in the prequels and OT are iconic as fuck and extremely memorable, but the sequel trilogy has yet to put out one good design besides Poe’s pilot uniform
I wish Disney would pay me to change my mind.
Sequels are all just slight variations on the original trilogy vehicles.
the costumes we have so far are:
>stormtrooper but shiny
>stormtrooper but the helmet looks sorta sad?
>kylo's helmet-- nvm snoke said that didn't matter-- nvm snoke's dead, did the helmet matter?
>I think c3p0 had a red arm?
>besides Poe’s pilot uniform
You gay cunt
budget: 500 million dollars
It was better than Captain Marvel.
>forced niggers
all critics rated captain marvel 3% higher while top critics rated it 61
meanwhile 91/95 for TLJ, a good film :)
Oh god oh fuck i hate kathleen kennedy
Shut up, faggot
>fucking bow and arrow
>in star wars
nigga looks like chris rock
Actually he didn't. Luke and Han get medals while Chewie growls something in wookie that may very well be "Hey where's my medal!?".
She looks like your average homeless crackhead
I unironically hope this happens
teddy bear things use them and they also popped up in The Clone Wars
youre a fucking moron
Disney paid $4.05 billion for star wars though.
Teddy bear things were literal subhuman savages.
What excuse does a human with access to advanced technology has to use regular bow and arrow?
Go on, make us laugh cuckboy!
I've been thinking about this for a while.
Considering Lucas probably owns a significant amount of stock, we need to combine our autism to shill on social media platforms against every disney movie released, to the point where they start losing money and their stock plummets.
We can then convince Notch, Pewdiepie, and Lucas to combine forces and buy up majority ownership of Disney and fire Bob Iger, Kathleen Kennedy, and appoint Lucas as CEO.
>that helmet
What were they thinking
The design is on par with MST3K bots.
Hush zoom zoom, you're a dumb fuck.
I always thought Plo Koon was so badass looking. I remember him a lot from Star Wars Obi wan and a card i got on a cereal box.
I'll never forget you my nigga.
anyone else feel like the cgi effects actually fell off in quality for attack of the clones compared to the phantom menace? were they too busy blowing through the money the first made on coke to take the effort? look at jar jar and jew nose and then look at the diner guy and the dude beneath him, the latter two literally look like playstation 2 tier graphics
Oh boy, I was wondering when I was going to get more niggers shoved in my face.
>were they too busy blowing through the money the first made on coke to take the effort
Kill yourself faggot
kill me yourself you weak bitch