Do you guys still watch the simpson?

do you guys still watch the simpson?

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Don't post it

So Trump is a family guy character in the simpsons world?

hahaha drumpf!

No, but I watch the sneedsons

inb4 sneed

Gotcha, incels.

I just started reruns on fxx. Feels like the early 2000s again

Formerly known as DRUMPFH


i never watched it, i just like to sneedpost

I formerly watched it.

Season 10 was the last I watched

Trump (Formerly Drumpf)

Women writers were a mistake.

Nope. I stopped years ago like any sane person would.

Judas propaganda from day one

No, but not because they're making fun of the retarded idiot you mutts chose to be your president.

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Only season 11.

I stopped watching at S11E06.

Kek nice try moe but ya failed as always
Oh and sneed

just came here to say sneed

Sneed good sir