It's TIME. Season finale TOMORROW.
promo and trailer
It's TIME. Season finale TOMORROW.
promo and trailer
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 that user complains about the thread pic again
you have to make the thread yourself, user.
also, there are a lot of GoT and marvel threads among usual twitter screencap outrage and alita threads, so this thread could easily get lost in the catalog but let's try our best ok?
blessing the thread with mini-crowley
Name a more kino moment.
everyone welcome, leaf, bong, braveheart, budapest user, grimmfag, lurkfags, one-post fags who ask if the show is still worth watching, amyposters, joposters, rowenaposters, any kind of waifuposters, deAN memes, other memes, actual discussion about the show, webms, apu edits, get chasers, everything.
>Name a more kino moment.
this entire episode, the ultimate best monster of the week episode
>house of the rising sun starts playing
helo frens
hello user
it just ocurred to me that 113444444 is JUST around the corner
it must be ours. if we get that get everyone will come to this thread to be amazed by it.
some promotional pics from the season finale
It's okay but the twist is really easy to see coming.
Best monster of the week is either Baby or some of the actual spooky ones from season one like Asylum.
what are the chances that because dean and sammie tricked jack into the box cas will now h8 them and will side with jack?
I literally did not see that coming and had the same reaction people had to sixth sense 20 years ago
fucked up with the pics, meant to post this
what is sam looking at?
>Ever hating the Winchesters
final pic. they are probably after jack in this scene
>sammie is hurt physically and emotionally again
also, the season finale is titled "Moriah". Moriah is the mountain in the bible where god wanted abraham to sacrifice his son to him. We know chuck will be in the finale and jack is "the son" so good chance that there will be something done with the lore from the bible.
but then again, the sacrifice in the bible didn't go through, so jack will most likely not die and everyone will be dandy happy 4some family again until some unexpected dangerous and apocalyptic thing fucks everything up as it does in every season finale.
>some unexpected dangerous and apocalyptic thing
All angels but Castiel die and heaven rains down all the souls.
how far are we with the big get?
Sup lads? It’s been hard posting. I didn’t want to activate my roaming data so I could only post when there’s wifi. Made a thread yesterday, died pretty quick hopefully this one stays up longer although I have a long drive ahead
Apparently the CW has picked up the pilot for Lost Boys. I wonder if they’ll market it as the next Supernatural
Fucking checked you lucky bastard. I would have had that fucking gets if not for my half asleep ass
we literally posted the exact same time
how is lost boys anyways connected to supernatural tho?
motherfucker wow two trips in a row, this thread is BLESSED.
that's me but that's ok - i'm just glad to finally see a proper supernatural thread this week!
this means we are going to getI can just feel it
Dean is a fan of Lost Boys, mentioned by Jack in Dont Go in the Woods that he’s watched it more than a dozen times thanks to Dean. It’s an 80’s horror show about killing vampires. It’s pretty good. If I recall correctly, it’s also involves two pairs of brothers who fight off vampires
>we can no longer make memes like this
Fuck Abbie, Kill Rowena, Marry Anna
what are the chances that it will get a current yeared?
Cool cool cool cool cool
the series finale at the end of next season will end with Jack (having become the new Lucifer and king of hell) locked away in the cage and God restocking heaven with new angels with Cas in charge. God will then disappear again. Dean and Sam will retire to the bunker and restart the American MoL and teach/train new hunters. screen cap this
Very high unfortunarely. I doubt they can even replicate the 80s aesthetics the movie had. I am a bit curious but not hopeful. If they market the Lost Boys series as the next Supernatural we can say goodbye to any chances of a spinoff even if the CW has 3 shows wrapping up by 2020
>tfw you remember getting community notifications on av club
Well shit I forgot the brothers are named Michael and Sam
we're so close
where are all the amyposters? or all this time was it just one user?
i think i found a case
>we got work to do
*slams trunk*
>SUNNYVALE (KPIX 5) – The FBI was assisting Sunnyvale police Wednesday in investigating a driver who allegedly intentionally slammed his vehicle into eight people on a Sunnyvale street, severely injuring several of them.
>He said when Isaiah is not taking his medication, he can often be seen rocking back-and-forth in a corner or lapses into a hyper religious state where he sings Christian songs out loud.
>At least one witness has told investigators when Isaiah J. Peoples emerged from his damaged vehicle he was muttering “I love you Jesus.”
Probably watching the Gifted since it’s about to end
>I'll check if there is anything about it in the LORE
I can't handle this, some alita thread will probably get it
if god is real he will give us the get and make all supernatural threads super-active in the future
Thanks to the WEBMIZER for all the deliveries in my thread yesterday . I’ll save them after my vacation
>god if you're there...
It better be a damn bunker episode
is there a sneed related supernatural meme made already?
Bunker needs to go so last season can be back on the road
unbelievable what posts are rewarded with dubs
bunker should have blown up already in season 8 finale, it should have never been a more than 1 season thing
Not bittersweet enough.
>...please hear me...
>...and take my life so sammie could enjoy same real good digits
Are the 4s heaven gets?
they are neither heaven or hell's so it's all open for interpretation
checking where we are with the get
4s are like crosses
>7 posters
>60 posts
why doesn't Yea Forums watch supernatural, bros? it's incredibly /comfy/, great music, best girls has minimal retard identity politics, endless memeable content from 14 seasons and plays perfectly for the averge poster's secret dreams. It even has enough shit and flaws in it that you can complain about. It's literally a best tv series to watch and talk about even though it's far from the best.
feeding from the mini-gets to summon the big get
Yea Forums is split between the capeshit audience and the pretentious fuckos that only watch """art""" movies from literal who directors because they have le superior patrician taste.
There's no in-between.
They’re dumbasses who listen to misconceptions a lot. Their loss
based, my man
tbf I would be happy even if people came here to hate it for it being too reddit or tumblr. I mean GoT and marvel are basically reddit's new testament and Yea Forums absolutely adores those things as well.
>tfw made this image expecting it to be an achievement checklist and not a countdown checklist
You’d think they’d flock to the one of the few last shows with THREE white male leads given how much they complain about diversity lul. Anyway, I hope my application to the Saturn awards voting committee gets approved and Supernatural is nominated. I’ll definitely vote for our show
also you forget
>the only almost-regular female charcter they had died off and now there are only straight white men left
I've been too busy for 4chins lately, don't know where the others are.
Season ended awhile ago. Cancellation news just came out a week ago. RIP
you guys get ready the get is almost here
amyposters will rejoice over this get that will foreshadow the real thing
I know this was supposed to be a funny episode but I felt very disturbed by it
Fucking checked
Checked and same. It’s overrated too
get ready
feeling paranoid, the end is nigh
Do we blame Marvel for influencing the quip culture? Why can't some characters just be badasses?
>he's such an ALPHA
I'm too late fuck the 1 minute wait
so lets see who got it
And it's trash
It was very creepy. Especially that glitter scene
Is it the end of the Supernatural universe ? No spin off ? no cute web series ?
Pretty strange the absence of spin off for a series that lasted so long
Soap opera spinoff titled Days of our Hunts starring Day when?
Co-starring her geeky side kick (and possible love interest) Wil Wheaton.
Sorry i was gone for a biit. Just had sex
How much did she cost?
Sounds like a good way to get cancer.
next season is the final season. tomorrow is the finale for this season
A ring and 8 years dating
The CW exec Pedowitz is fucking Plec and giving her all the spinoff slots of the network
Ah, the most expensive of them all.
Now give us a baby hunter.
No deals around my future kids
About to head out on a long drive lads
how do you know all of these salacious things? i'm guessing you're the user that always posts about that one weird writer's crush on pellegrino
Yeah it’s fucking obvious. Eugenie Ross is the wife of Bobby Singer. Ross with Buckner constitute the dreaded “Bucklemming” duo, infamous for continuity errors in their episodes (including the one where Amara wrongfully labels Lucifer as the “first son”). The past two seasons, Eugenie is keen on writing episodes that heavily feature Pellegrino either as Lucifer or Nick even past their narrative purpose. If Dabb ever stepped down as showrunner, she would be next in line
becky wasn't even ugly. she's at least a solid 6, maybe even a 7 if she tried, but it was like a joke on the show how ugly she was. she was certainly hotter than charlie.
forgot pic
Insane angel, Ghost possession or just run of the mill crazy, we'll need to hit the books
She was insane and even God couldn't stand her for long
I noticed Robert Singer is still directing, wouldn't he be next? He's been their since the beginning
He’s already coshowrunner. 12 onwards is Dabb-Singer era
Now come on ten years, just think about all you could do
emily perkins (becky) at a supernatural con.
she was also one of the cute sisters in ginger snaps
So if dabb leaves then it's him, not that any of this matters anymore it's not like Dabb is leaving with only 1 season to go
Hi guys
>Ginger snaps
Damn that's what she's from, that's been bugging me for over a decade now
Fucker better not leave. He needs to wrap up the arcs he introduced and developed since season 12
Monster of the week
el goblino
Legit cute
What are your drive songs?
He's not, besides either Dabb or Singer made The Deal, so they'll see it through before Crowley comes for them
One of the special psychic kids Ava Wilson was in that movie too
70s-80s classic rock, 90s-00s alternative/grunge, some the later materials of Kings of Leon/Queens of the Stone Age and the likes
Just think about it logically
Queens of the stone Age has some of the best driving music ever, don't tell deAN I said that
damn, crowley was hot as fuck
no homo
i've been checking the lore and think we may have a disaster demon on our hands
ye well i checked the lore too and youve got it all wrong
its actually a very religious rugaru
Why won’t Dean like Queens of the Stone Age? Grunge has been used in the show (Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, etc) and Queens have very grunge-y material
Damn young Crowley looked like that? How do I look like that?
And I've been checking those dubs
No sammeh disaster demon's can't say the name of Christ, idjit
Anything after 1979 sucks
t. deAN
>FAAAAIRGUS! what did i tell you about smoking fags!
Why rugaru?
>How do I look like that
Oh it won't cost much, nothing you'll miss
That line is dumb. A lot of songs he listens to are made after that year
Because they're the lamest out of all recurring SPN monsters and that makes it sillier
Fergus stop being such a wee poofter
In the LORE it says some rugaru are known to hunt down lapsed Catholics who ignore lent, I think we're onto something, we're going to need fire
Sorry I called your do to be wife a monster of the week, I thought she was just some rando you bedded.
Is this the X Files episode where he was a pyromancer?
>smoking fags
Kek based
Shut up mom, don't tell me what to do
There are exceptions
Apology accepted. Spike is master of bants but I know he’s a based cool guy underneath that
S4 spike best spike
Thank you 4plebs
Liking this seasons big bad
Near the end of it
Totally seems like something Crowley would do
Anyone have screenies of God for the next episode?
Lots of expectations yes, but few exceptions
Quite a lot of exceptions
Spike is overall based. He’s the Dean Winchester of vampirekind in Buffy
If Jack kills God I'm dropping the show for the rest of the season
See you later lads. Off to the road trip with tge future wifey
Gimme a break. Here I fixed it
btw the final episode for S4 actually foreshadows all major developments for the rest of the series, but you probably won't pick up on most of them first time
Have a good trip Lad, and do try and think about this logically
ava was the hot one and becky was the brooding goth, but still a qt
>Be back before dawn
it was pretty funny desu
Angel = Sam
Spike = Dean
holy frick, God is going to bring back Lucifer and have him sacrifice Jack
what was in the box?
A head
is everyone gone? where's late nite bonganon tonight?
has anyone seen the bulgarianon lately? hope those punters show up tomorrow night
>where's late nite bonganon tonight?
right here
ah, you're one of the buffyfags. nice pic btw you cheeky wanker ;)
I want to know where apueditor has got to
Fuck off footfags, you need to take your stupid fetish, and POST MOREMY DICK IS FUCKING BLASTING OFF
Yeah there's me, bestoni and some other user
I don't post buffy/angel stuff in these threads, just give random advice and trivia on it
Absolutely haram
Appreciated it, for some reason the Amazon trivia feed doesn't work on Buffy.
there's a scene were Faith in Buffys body cockteases Spike, would love to see a webm of that episode 16 season 4
webm s floating around somewhere but heres the gif
>oh hi dean, there are no leviathan in this lake are there teehee
I really really really hate this character
while on vacation Chuck larped as a vampire and Adams lieutenant
welp gotta crash out lads cya all tomorrow!
sleep well lad
Dean likes asian women but has never fucked one on the show. What up with that?
""'busty"""" Asian women, he's living a dream that will never come to pass
Apprently Chuck has a minimal role in the next episode
Kinda sucks but its still C(h)uck
as long as Jack doesn't kill him, i'm good
Lets keep this thread afloat until the night, guise.
no u
Best prediction for the tumblr/reddit crowd to shit themselves
>Sam & Dean or one of them dies
>Cas lives if the boys die or dies if the boys live
>Jack lives but doesnt want to interact with the boys anymore
>Felecia Day returns
>Bobby dies again
>Crowley doesnt return
Supernatural has a reputation as being a show for teenage girls thought that's what I've always heard about it until I have it a shot a few months ago and found it's actually quality monster-kino