Tony literally kills himself for nothing. Wtf. Shit movie.
Avengers Endgame Spoiler Thread
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I hope hiroyuki and his minions die of anal cancer.
I was just on the Yea Forums thread
Are those spoilers real? They sound awful
Timetravel? Seriously?
Iron Man dies? Sad!
>he watched cape shit
>expected it not to be a shit movie
Does cap stay in the 70s or does he go all the way back to the 40s
This looks like actual garbage, what the fuck is this shit?
if we post this in every popular thread you think the advertisers will be mad?
It was kino. Any person who didnt like it is a fucking incel and obviously hates fun and should therefor just end their existence. Endgame proves thats all you virgins are fucking try hard contrarians hoping to get some kind of reaction from the internet cause nobody would bother to respond to anything you do in real life.
>whyte mane die
>blakk pipo live
yes they're real idiot
if the movie is out then the spoilers are real
Any good cam links?
Fuck you.
>everyone snapped
>5 years later, the world finally adjusts to a smaller population and starts to experience economic prosperity similar to the aftermath of the black plague
SUDDENLY, 4 Billion people are snapped back into existence
They didn't really think this through, did they?
At least it wasnt captain vagina
Muh sanctity of life!
This has been floating on different boards you faggot and at this point I don't care, but you're being tasteless spreading this shit around.
Go do something else with your life you fucking loser.
Neck yourself.
What was it
That's the silver lining and even though it's a spoiler, i can rest easy knowing that brie larson didn't get her power fantasy self insert dreams.
Brie needs to put on infinity shoes.
I want to eat her ass
It spoils end game. For that sake, just stay off of social media until you watch the film.
Just don't click on it and thank me after you see the movie.
Yes they're real. The end of Ant-Man 2 hinted at it adn the last trailer with the white suits basically confirmned it. Now we had scenes of it in the last couple days and today the whole movie with it.
I'm not paying to see capeshit fag
Iron Man dies,
Captain America gets old.
Black Widow dies.
Brie lives
What was it?
there's nothing wrong with time travel if it's done properly faggot.
Final fight was so disappointing
>hulk doesn’t get his rematch
>additionally the four OG avengers don’t fight Thanos together
>girl power shit
>no guardians battle
>doctor strange doesn’t get to show off his abilities against Thanos again
>thanos doesn’t die due to the combined effort of the avengers
This movie was so fucking bad what the fuck guys.
Captain Marvel passionately kissing Thor
>if done properly
It never is
Tony Stark jacking off on brie
why are you so angry user?
28 years of virginity and he cooked his tendies too long in the microwave.
>Thor overpowers infinity gauntlet thanos with strombreaker
>can’t beat regular Thanos with stormbreaker and Mjolnir
alright for capeshit standards, otherwise- absolutely terrible
This is fact
>Out of shape and drunk
What bothered me more was that cap was so useless with mjolnir
where the hell are my webm spoilers at??
Nigga did you think half the universe was going to stay ded? Marvel had to backpedal somehow, and resetting to an earlier point in time is the easiest, least convoluted way to accomplish that.
>thanos doesn’t die due to the combined effort of the avengers
Maybe because they already showed not even Big Thor, Iron Man The Last Update and Captain Mjölnir tag teaming him couldn't do it.
Boomer Thor was the best thing to ever happen in the MCU
The only media product of any kind that handled time travel right is To The Moon, a fucking RPG Maker game.
The chink link to the final battle got deleted, anyone has re uploaded yet?
Guess those leaks user posted last week really was true
Obviously. They were gonna reverse the damage. Thinking otherwise is idiotic. Thanos did this shit in the comics years ago and everybody came back then too.
Nice bait
thought it was weird that they chose to end the movie on a gigantic plot hole
Full movie is here
No, Tonys daughter will pick up the mantle of her father
i was talking about cap suddenly being able to time travel back in their own timeline
>they didn't let Thor snaps the gauntlet because he was fat
>dude literally just tanked a neutron star explosion 2 movies prior
explain this?
this is bait right
It's a fucking cliche kiss during a fight scene
they were worried he would snap and wish for something else / mess up the universe
no joke, it was Tony snapping Thanos out of existence
>literally the most basic-ass bad guy motivation of "muh people that I cared about, no matter what it means for the common good
>Thanos flips a coin for everyone without having control while Tony just selectively genocides an entire people at will
The past 10 years have been showing their descent into being the antagonists, change my mind.
To OP or anyone else who's seen it:
Is there a meh or unimportant scene in the middle that I can go to the bathroom during? For Infinity War I was told to go during the Peter Dinklage axe building scene and didn't miss anything, which is it for this one?
All of the first two hours. I wish I was kidding, it's a fucking snorefest without anything interesting happening.
Cap tells to Natasha that the ocean was cleaner.
Thanos talk about it too, that we are a stupid selfish species.
Can't wait for Rule 34
How did Cap go back to the past and arrived in the present still? Shouldn't actions from the past not influence their present?
Also what happened with Vision? He still dead? I mean they had the Vision stone from the NY invasion, but didn't they get it way later?
Why didn't they just get more of that time travel juice first and needed to figure it out in the spur of the moment first?
Why didn't they take their time, especially thor, to prepare themselves? Fat fuck.
And what's with Captian Marvels cringey lesbo haircut? Why was she a bitch the entire time? All she did was destroy the thanoscopter and then dont let thanos do the snippy snappy. Super underwhelming performance.
Antman being a giant was fun at least.
shadman pls
It's his wife that's gonna continue it, or well she could too. I'm prepared for Iron Woman and Capitan Black America.
ahhh shit how old is peter again ?
fuck me I fucked up
>Antman being a giant was fun at least.
And even that was the opposite of what we wanted.
>Hulk dabbing
>Thor shittalking a kid playing Fortnite
I wanted to fucking die.
Too bad they didn't acknowledge the meme by at least making him say "What do you want me to do? Fly up his ass?". But it was already too late into production for that I guess
boomer thor was funny but they went too far with the memes about him
so is Robert Downey Jr. finally done with the Tony Stark/Iron Man role or what?
Kinda hot. Almost made me forget about her fungus
You niggers tricking me into watching the cam, the movie is 9.5/10
>they go to the past, do a fuckton of stuff, but the present remains the same, even present nebula is alive regardless of getting killed in the past
>vision is still dead and gone in the present time
>meaning they got the mind stone in the past and therefore vision couldn't be created, meaning they changed the present because they fucked up the past
This fucking movie.
wow it's almost as if the movies are made for kids
Who the FUCK do you think this movie is for?
>listening to any board on Yea Forums
Let me guess, your IQ is below 100?
I saw an incomplete webm of the Iron Man snap, is there a full version of it somewhere?
I thought 4channel was trustworthy
I'm not saying I was surprised.
>i was talking about cap suddenly being able to time travel back in their own timeline
Can anyone confirm how Time Travel works in Endgame? From what I gather, Time Travel in the MCU operates similar to DBZ. There are countless timelines that are alternate universes with countless different diverged alternate histories that don't affect the present or future timelines outside their own. That's why killing Past Nebula and Thanos don't affect their present counterparts from the Original MCU, why Steve doesn't remember fighting himself in the past, or why no one remembers Loki escaping with the tesseract and leaving somewhere to God knows where.
Then how did Captain America return to the Original MCU if he decided to stay in an alternate one to stay with Peggy and gift Wilson his now fixed shield?
What do you expect from timetravel garbage? At the start of the movie after Thor beheaded an innocent south african white farmer, I just thought "please no timetravel bullshit". And then fucking Antman showed up.
Let me rephrase that.
Your IQ is below 50?
If a mother kills her son his room will be tidier.
>when I look at her
I thought you losers were being contrarians when you said it was shit, just saw the camrip and wtf it was so poorly written and Ant Man was horrible, always overacting and trying to be funny
whole thing was rushed as fuck towards the end too
not even gonna mention Thor being so nerfed and the garbage scene where raccoon slaps him to stop him weeping wtf this is pure cancer
>Ant Man was horrible
This can't be true. Paul Rudd is the only thing I even like about this MCU shit.
1. Still trying to understand why writers did that, if we take how Hulk and Nebula explained that, you simply can't. 3/4. You're right, after killing Thanos they had all the time they needed.
I was going to pay for this, then I remembered Marvel made Spiderman: Homecoming, which had kids talking about having sex with adults and watching porn.
Now we see Hulk dabbing. I swear these shamster millionaires in Hollywood will sink to any level to acquire more money they don't deserve.
Hold your bladder and pee before the movie. 3 hours aint that much
Someone tell me why they didn't just go back to right before he destroyed the stones, aim for the head, grab the mostly intact gauntlet, go forward in time/wait however many years, and undo the snap instead of traversing through all those timelines
Did anyone honestly expect there to not be time travel shenanigans? This is the most comic-book comic-book movie ever. They've embraced it. I have been expecting it, so I'm not disappointed. I'm just here for the ride.
Quantum garbage. If you go to the past, it doesn't change the current. However, it was told by the time stone keeper that if you take a stone away that it becomes an alternative. Hulk convinces her that Dr Strange willingly gave Thanos the time stone and that's how he got it, and he promised that he will get it back and fix their timeline.
Honestly, all in all that Cap shit just seems like a plothole. There were several of them, but I can't really remember the entire movie rn.
Now I'm definitely not paying for it.
Wow really?
fuck off faggot legit endgame spoilers have been circulating for A FUCKING YEAR
>get tricked
>see a 9.5/10 movie
Damn, Yea Forums is amazing.
If Tony dies I'm done. Robert Downey Jr is the only one that brings real charisma to these movies.
You kidding? He's acting like he's on adderall and coffee 24/7, stuttering and over emoting and going all 'guise? Cap? Lol?' when others are talking. You should be watching this crap for Cap and Tony.
Because if they did that, it wouldn't influence their current time. They needed to get the Infinity stones from the past together to actually revert the snapping. What strikes me odd is how infinity gauntlet was basically destroyed after the snap, while Iron mans version "survived" multiple snaps. How the fuck did they even manage to make it powerful to withhold it in the first place? Infinity gauntlet had to be forged in a star or shit.
When I was in school the girls would fugg all the 20 something dudes. Plus it's American, it's granted that they'll talk about sex
Nothing they do affects the timeline they are in, it only affects the timelines they took the stones in.
Which is fine except it sucks if you live in one of those other timelines.
Looks like someone didn't read the thousands of posts across the internet that leaked the entire movie months ago
He's talking out of his ass. Paul Rudd was great and ant man was one of the best things about the movie
I mean, it was obvious as fuck.
Asguardians of the Galaxy will save the mcu from now on, unironically
Nanomachines son.
Sure, but how do you explain Old Captain American? I mean, I see it as a plothole, what do you think?
>3.8 billion people suddenly reappear
Let's be honest, how fucked are most of them? How many will have no job, house or family to go back to since most people moved on?
> Tony understands the space stone his arc reactors are literally clones of it.
From what I could tell it just seemed as they reappeared in their previous moments before the snapping. I mean yeah, infrastructure and economy is fucked into the dirt but yeah it's honestly something that should have been addressed.
He dead senpai
Stark is intelligent enough that Thanos is aware of who he is. He also created a new element in Iron Man 2. It's not hard to believe he could make an OP gauntlet.
But aren't the past timelines they visit already alternative timelines, because they talk to characters they haven't in the OT, and even tell those characters what happens in the future, which will probably change how they behave and diverge from the OT that didn't have those kinds of interactions. Hulk pretty much tells Strange's former mentor that he's from the future and implies that Strange died, as well as her. Thor strongly implies that his mother dies, too. Hell, the one timeline where Loki escapes with one of the stones has huge implications.
Wait, hold on. They bring everyone back via just wishing they'd come back?
How fucking retarded is marvel?
All they had to do was solve it like the actual infinity gauntlet comic, just have a good guy get it then wish everything was reset back to pre-snap.
Christ, this movie seems riddled with plot holes
I think when they went ahead with WandaVision, they repurposed any ending scenes with White Vision to be moved to the beginning of the Disney Plus series instead of Endgame.
Shit that they change only creates new timelines without affecting the one we see. So yeah, basically DBZ. Basically, they they just scavenged whatever stones (and in Gamora's case, people) they need from a base timeline and therefore splintered it in all manners of fuckled ways.
Cap lived his happy life in an alternate timeline as far as I understand.
Also, how did they come back? Imagine those people suddendly reappearing, they would die on the spot, especially in big cities...
Dead Franchise,
I ain't watching this shit without Iron Man.
Are you retarded? How was it all for nothing?
they have filmed a semi offical video about it right?
Did people who got dusted inside planes reappear midair and fall to their deaths?
Did Dr Strange do anything in this movie?
what was that 1 in 1 billion chance?
to anyone who already watched the movie i got question
at the end during ironmans funeral, who was this blackhaired teenager standing solo, i think he was showed after hawkeye and his family
This is actually catastrophic, even more so than people dying, imagine the famine, the wars, the cunts who want their lands and possessions back, Thanos did win, his ideology will live on.
The time travel in the film was fine.
Antman stole every scene that he was in and gave it life.
Can't wait for when they inevitebly re-create Hank pimp-slamping Janet with him and Hope.
Or them just going full toku and making him a Kamen Rider, I'm fine with either.
Bring literally everyone to the battlefield?
I am Iron Man.
He stayed in the past a lot longer than planned, I'd assume. Quantum realm, time is different everywhere. 5 years were 5 hours for Lang when he was there. Hank Pym's wife got a lot older in the realm tho.
But user, the comic was actually good. Can't have that in current movies.
Is there footage of this somewhere?
I think it's Harley Keener, the kid from Iron Man 3. I heard he was gonna have a cameo in endgame.
sounds like shit.
Why didn't he just punch the living shit out of Thanos with an OP gauntlet when he could? Why didn't he think of the time travel sooner? Yeah he denied it's possibility himself but then he literally figured it out in like a single night.
They are alternatives but conclude to the same ending. They only change the actual result of their future if one of the stones is missing. At least that's how it was explained. With that their current would stay the same way it is right now, as in the snap happend and all that jazz.
Honestly, that Loki just took the fucking stone and teleported the fuck out of there made me wonder what the fuck that was supposed to do? Where is he now? Maybe I just forgot something but for me that seems an open question.
based saved me 3 hours, not that i was gonna watch it anyhow
No idea who you are talking about but at that scene, I couldn't stop chuckling.
Hawkeye's youngest kid kept glancing into the camera and back again.
Was that literally the best take they had lmao?
They appeared where they have been snapped in their previous state, as if nothing happened.
Actually, the plan was to get the stones back to their time and defeat Thanos conventionally, instead of using the gauntlet. Which is dumb because there’s no reason not to use the stones to kill Thanos.
Brought everyone to battle and showed Tony his finger implying "this is the one timeline where we win", which made Ironman somehow steal the stones and do the snap himself.
>they didn't have the guitar riff from the cartoon theme song playing
missed opportunity tbt
Please help a poor autist out. How was he entertaining or fun to watch? He was all fidgety and kept on talking all the time, and his jokes were dogshit
>I think the baby peed, or the old man *pauses* or me lol
major cringe. I'm not hungover this scene but he was just shit, worst acting next to fat Thor who was absolutely abysmal.
Oh yeah
The entire cinema waited for the post credits and nothing happened, everyone started booing lmao
Too easy. Imagine People in some kind of transportation, that place could be occupied by another object. Or if they were on a plane...
Idk dude. Didn't write that movie lmao
thanks user, you saved me time & money.
maybe I'll see it in 3 weeks when the crowds have subsided.
I waited but I actually like that there wasn't one.
the 1 in 14 million chance was iron man taking the gauntlet and doing the snap to thanos and his army but being mortally wounded in the process
Did the lights turned on when the credits started? If not, you all got le trollede indeed, kek.
Only a slight dim light, then it went on full power and the curtains closed after it was over.
>dude in way over his head tries to make light of tense situations and just tries to deal with everything coming at him when his skillset is super limited
Kinda relateable desu. Jokes were dogshit in general though, he was no exception.
Big question. What was based Stan Lee's cameo? Anyone got a good link to the full movie I could watch?
How the fuck did the time travel even work? It was all making sense and then Captain America turns up as an old man. Did he live in an alt reality and then come back?
The gauntlet got damaged in the first movie but it didn't get destroyed. Thanos still teleported away after Thor failed to kill him.
We just have different opinions on what is funny I suppose. To me Paul Rudd/Ant man is funny and I enjoyed his scenes. Make of that what you will
>They let Nebula, that one mostly likely and really the one with any reason to betray the team, go alone when they were just about to use the stone and reverse Thano's snap.
God, why? Why does anyone trust her? She worked for Thanos. She was her daughter. They were family. Even if they believe she turned to their side. No one expected that her cyborg, mechanical upgrades would be used against her by controlling her against her will or having recorded memories that someone with the technology, such as Thanos, can access?
>credits finally end
>noise of an anvil being struck
>"oh shit, here's the scene"
>put my 3d glasses back on
>theres no scene, the end
sure got me
>people next to me kept saying the name of characters when they showed up and tried to complete sentences with pauses
>applauding after the movie was over
This was the first and last time I'll ever seen a normie movie on opening night. Why the fuck do people do this.
Wtf I didn't hear an anvil noise
Hulk was shit since pretty much Age of Ultron
We have Thor/Cap/Iron Man on Thanos, more than enough
I agree, it was way less cringy in the previous one
Guardians 3 will be a huge fuck up with the time travel
He already did in IW
It's kinda weird that he died so easily in the beginning (he was weakened, but still)
Thor power level is kinda weird in the movies, sometimes he's OG as fuck and other times he get fucked up by random aliens for nothing
I guess you're right.
Honestly, while I understand a number of the major characters involved in the actual comic are either not introduced in the MCU yet or they didn't even have the rights to when they began this pile of crap And god how I wished it'd stayed that way. Doom already suffered the injustice of having to be involved with modern Marvel comics, he doesn't need to be forced to have to be in the shit pile of the MCU to They already had adam warlock introduced, and he just sort of appears in the comic without much set up anyways.
Was it really THAT hard for the russos to just follow the comic story line? Instead of all this plot hole fueled retardation
Well hopefully with cap and iron man seemingly done with the MCU, this means they won't get the chance to ruin secret wars
Who am I kidding? The russos already said they want to do that
>my kids movie wasn’t good
Some Chad driving by a military base in his car. I like to imagine that he rode off into the sunset and fucked the chick next to him.
RIP my nigga
Thanks for future notice. won't be sticking around.
They traveled back to 1970 first shot is a car driving down a road with a guy and a girl in it, hippie Stan Lee says "peace and love always" or something like that
Is this really in the film?
I just got home, Endgame is so fucking good!
- why did Tony use the stones when CM, Hulk, and Thor could have used it? CM had the gauntlet for a few good minutes in the battle.
- why did they want to open a time portal again when they knew Thanos would only follow them into the past and possibly altering the timeline even more?
- why didn’t Thanos amass a bigger invasion force before going to the future? Surely he knew that the Avengers had the advantage here. Why would he risk defeat like that?
- Why doesn’t Cap have a memory of fighting himself? it’s all supposed to be a closed loop, right?
- where did 2012 Loki go and why does he just disappear never to be seen again? Was it an alternate timeline? If it was, the keeper of the time stone should have known it was a different reality and not given the stone away for some other reality to use it.
There's no post credit?
>post yfw the next Marvel movie reveals that the anvil sound was Riri Williams making a new Ironman suit that's obviously bigger and better than any other
Yeah, it was a super awkward scene.
The kids ask the hulk for an image, he gives antman the phone to take the picture. He does and asks if they want to take a picture with him.
The kids are like "who are you" and Hulk says well yeah they don't know antman and antman is like "oh yeah they are hulk fans" and it was a total mess that I can't remember clearly, I just remember that I felt embarrassed. He dabbed on them as goodbye.
based Cap staying in the past when America wasn't shit.
best ending.
Bruh it's gonna be Iron Woman
The actor said it was posabe he would come back in 10 years as a version of Nova His missing dad being Richard Ryder, but i thing that background got folded into Petr quill, new rumor he is being set up as Iron Lad
Nobody is fucking dead. Time travel was introduced. They could just pull anyone from the past and change shit without consequence to their timeline.
The mortal wound is litterally rapid radiation poisoning without any of the changes to the flesh radiation gives and also they dont give him a propper funeral just a whole lot of people looking at some flowers and the reactor from his chest in iron man 1 floating on a lake instead of getting lowered into a grave which would have hit so much harder
the kid from iron man 3 i think
I'd be okay with it if it was bad, I went in with literally 0 expectations.
It was just mind-numbingly boring.
Wtf i hit the spoiler thing and it isnt spoiler tagged how do i not get permabanned now?
That’s Kang the Conqueror
Thanks based poster.
you hear some banging metal sounds for a few seconds
People called Stark the God of Death in first Iron Man.
I think I went to the toilet when the Stan Lee cameo happened, how was it?
It only took them 10 years but they're finally on the same writing standard as the comics.
Yeah that's legit but the directors dialed it to to 11. It was like watching a zoomer off his meds. Terrible writing and characterization
Ant-man asked the kids if they wanted a pic with him too but got disappointed when they didnät know who he was
You forgot there's also the quantum realm. Can't wait for a new thanos from another dimension or timeline.
Infinity war is reality where half of earths population is gonna die, nick fury hitting the MarvelBecon is effectively the blocking out of reality, happy ever after to curb the trauma
humans can only recreate its own experience
The whole antman hulk dab scene was garbage. It went on forever and sounded like a bunch of cats screeching. Holy shit so annoying how everyone's lines just disappeared in the cacophony
It was the best scene of the movie. It's a shame that you missed it.
>reading comics
You have no right to complain about anything being shitty
Is this your fucking first day here?
That tag is for images you newfag.
I liked Infinity War better. It felt like a massive crossover that didn't take itself too seriously until the snap.
Capeshit is only good when it's aware of it being capeshit.
Plus, the mood whiplash in this was fucking insane. One minute jokes about fat Thor, the next people fighitng over self-sacrifice.
Spiderman goes back and sees that fat Asian kid, he has a backpack on at school. if 5 years had passed, wouldnt that kid be older and out of school? in Spiderman homecoming the teacher and MJ cast are the same, wtf is going on?
yeah and the guys who died in a Iadho Nuke reactor were buried in lead lined coffins and the family was not allowed
Imagine how much better it would have been if instead of snapping the characters that you knew were not going to stay dead (Black Panther, Spider-Man) they instead snapped all the characters they wanted to stay dead.
And at the end Marvel Universe just has to admit that the bad guy fucking won instead of being like the comic books where death isn't permanent. Now they really just fucked up the strength of Infinity War's ending.
You should be perma banned for being such a newfag.
Why was Hulk so based? Completely destroyed Antman.
It better be Riri. She a shit.
I'd rather have Morgan take over mantle.
>bad guy won
More like bad guys won because the Avengers were the fucking villains.
Just search in Google the full movie is online
I gave up reading comics years ago. Anyone who still reads them after how shit they've become is a fucking retard.
Just because I acknowledge that doesn't mean I want to see the few good stories the medium produced get dragged through the mud by the MCU
The movie explains that its a diverging multiverse timeline and the keeper of the time stone actually spends a few minutes arguing with hulk about the exact thing you said she would not give it away for. As far as timetravel plots go it is actually not very rulebreaking at all untill it turns out that even if cap ended up in a different universe and stayes there somehow the timeline still ended up in a closed loop where he is sitting on a bench when every other thing that has entered the main marvel universe from another diverging timeline has done so through the stark designed time machine and not ended up somewhere not directly on top of the time travel device
Who hurt you?
How so?
post a summary of the ending right fucking now
The entire class got snapped, hence why they're on a special class called The Snapped.
Obviously they all got snapped so they can go on like nothing monumentally terrible happened.
Never had the no spoilers rule on here untill recently so what reason would i have had to not post spoilers in the open?
>Thanos eradicates 50% of a population, completely at random, not looking at status, wealth or looks, etc.
>Tony intentionally holocausts an entire race
This plus
So what do you think Disney is going to do about the inevitable box office decline of the MCU now that they're getting rid of all their leading white men?
>nobody remembers the scene when spidey asks marvel "can you get through them?" and ALL of the female heroes appearing one by one behind her
That's the moment I knew I'm finally done with Marvel movies.
was meant for
Ant-Man being a Kamen Rider might bring me back to the MCU
>Tony Stark makes 2 infinity gauntlets to bamboozle Thanos
>Steals them in last ditch effort
>Dies, but idontfeelsogoods Thanos and all of his army
Oh also Black Widow dies to get the spirit stone
And Captain America goes back to the 40s.
Samurai Jack did it pretty good
It was terrible. I cringed.
So we don’t go back to the moment of the first snap?? Literally everyone that got snapped lost 5 years?
How the fuck is that going to work for Spider-Man homecoming when all of his friends are still seniors in high school instead of being like 22?
On one hand, Scarlet Witch kicking some ass was great because she's criminally underused.
On the other, all those LITERALLY WHOs
well if Tony died really no point in watching anymore marvel movies now lol imo. Guess I'll just wait for spiderman and venom. and more on...
Well, they are basically 5 years in the future now. They are still the same age as when the snap happened.
Jewish man died. White man got old.
>Ant-Man becomes its own franchise that actually uses practical effects out the ass
>they (kinda) fulfill Stan's wish to create a show that "combines the American style of storytelling with the japanese style of TV"
A man can dream.
I think that part was one of Raimi's ideas.
Well, RDJ said he was on his way out so it's no surprise.
Burgers are funny hahaha, fucking capeshit burgers hahaha
>Are you retarded? How was it all for nothing?
Tell me why Iron Man needed to die to stop Thanos.
spidey was also snapped though. they'll probably just claim everyone who's age would be time-sensitive in Homecoming (basically just him, his best friend, and MJ?) was also snapped and make passing references to it in the movie while keeping them in high school.
To me it seemed like they were brought back in 2023, but it shows Peter going back to school and meet his asian friend, so maybe I misinterpreted it.
It's gonna work off of the assumption that all his classmates got snapped. Looks like Thanos really hates the spicklings.
But only half of them should be 5 years younger the other half still lived for 5 years that’s my point
How do you get it to work? It’s all ads
Not him, but if he didn't snatch the stones thanos would have just snippy snapped again. He wasn't as powerful as the hulk to take the damage.
Oh, I get what you mean now. Yes, that's an issue.
Flash, and all the other kids are in Far From Home? So every single one of the kids from the science club got snapped? Something is not right. They are all in the next Spider Man but yet they are all still in school. Even the teacher is the same.
I think you guys misread it I think the entire 5 years between snap 1 and snap 2 were undone
>the entire 5 years between snap 1 and snap 2 were undone
So why is Tony's daughter now being groomed by Happy?
fuck i totally forgot
how and when did they get that stone back from loki
That's the only explanation but that wasn't in the movie I think.
Or am I just a brainlet and didn't notice it?
>>Tony intentionally holocausts an entire race
It's perfectly acceptable when Jews do it. They do it in real life, too. Look at the Ethiopian Jews they sterilized, or what they do their Middle Eastern Arabian neighbors.
You motherfucker lmaoooo
they didn't
Loki is now tearing shit up in some alternate timeline.
I misunderstood the innitial writing, my bad. Yes, it's definetly something that should have been addressed. Fucking time travel garbage.
Not at all. They just went further to the past and got the stone from the 1970 + some timetravel juice.
>girl power shit
It was literally 25 seconds of a 3 hour movie bro, chill.
thanks i forgot that was the reason. i guess itll make sense for the tv show theyll make
of course the permanent deaths like gamora and loki get retconned
Does any one have that new 4 gb cam rip downloaded? I'd like to /r/ a screencap of Thanos' face when Carol tanks his headbutt for shit-posting purposes, he literally looks like he shits himself
You can rest now.
It's like you've never read a comic book.
How was it "literally nothing"? Strange stated that it was literally the only way they would win
I actually wanted Cap to die and Stark to retire. I know it sounds cheesy, but having Steve meet Peg in the afterlife just sounds more fitting for a soldier who defines himself by war, and dying seems like the only solution. Also, Black Panther already confirmed the afterlife exists in the MCU. It's not like MCU is breaking newground by confirming its existence again
>be Thor
>play Fortnite
What a shitshow
>you now realize literally the only reason the avengers stood a chance, the only way any of this could have happened, came from a rat randomly stepping on a button in scotts van
How did Dr. Strange feel watching this shit unfold
Maybe the 1 chance that they had to win was actually the rat and not tony stealing the stones
He wasn't mentally stable to wield the gauntlet.
Sadly you are correct.
if they had the capability to time travel they could just go back in time over and over until they won. it's a massive cop out.
>everything dependet on a rat not getting run over
Rat as the newest Avenger when?
>didn't watch the movie
>trying to find plot holes
Just watch the movie dude. There are actual things to criticize.
It was limited amounts of time, each avenger could only travel once back and forward. No second chance basically, but yeah they still managed to find more time travel juice. It was honestly quite eh.
The Russo love Cap. Look at all the OP shit Cap did in this.
Haven't seen her solo movie but liked how the russos used her in this. Obviously they didn't like her so she was in it for maybe 3 min. But she didn't seem like the total bitch Brie Larson is.
Post spoilers on social media, anons. You'd be doing God's work.
thats wrong, it will be the little black girl from capitan fungus
>that moment when all female characters gather around spiderman at the end
But I'm not an edgy teenager who cares about "epic btfoing" normalfags
Was this movie woke anons???
I not going to spend a fucking cent watching this fucking capeshit so i'm asking for curiosity
>peter just telling everybody he is spiderman
these people realy dont know shit about comic books do they
The whole movie is actually a fever dream experienced by Tony drifting in space before he dies, that's why Tony ultimately dies in the movie too because at that point his heart just gives out. That's why messy time travel also works, it's all just wishful thinking
Thor really let himself go during five years.
its been so long
Something like Primer would be too confusing to general audiences. It's already pretty confusing to cinephiles because it isn't meant to be fully understood on your first watch.
No years were undone, Hulk literally just snapped everyone back in to existence. It was explicitly stated so in the movie, if how everyone behaved wasn't enough to give that away.
THERE IT IS. I've been reading here everyone talking about hulk dabbing but never actually posting the video. based user
no 70s
i am sure some people committed suicide after loosing loved ones and bam those people are now back ... kids without parents
>where did 2012 Loki go
into the next Thor/Guardians film
>carton theme song
>not the black sabbath song
It's not that bad, it passes out as a boomer being fun with kids, thought he dabbed after punching thanos or something.
> Fortnite
> Gunt
> Dude Lebowski
I fucking hated what they did to him.
Ironman never dies. Only uncle Ben remains dead. Fucking rice monger.
>thought he dabbed after punching thanos or something
I didn’t see the movie I’m just asking seems like they would have just created a whole lot of problems
Makes more sense to set the timeline straight and undo snap 1
>thought he dabbed after punching thanos or something.
that would have been better than what we got
Details, OP
>paying for capeshit
are you legit inbred or merely pretending?
But if they got the gauntlet in the past, after the snap but before Thanos destroyed the stones in it, it's the same shit but a lot less work.
Kill Thanos the second he teleported to that planet to see the sun set, grab the gauntlet that has all 6 stones, go back to their future (5 years forward) that's after the snap anyway or wait 5 years, then snap again to bring everyone back.
Obviously they have a way to get back to their own present no matter how far back they go or what they change in the past, this just takes less work and has a lot more certainty
when they are assembeling avengers and they go to tokyo to collect hawkeye, that is a good poit to go pee
So how was Thanos able to fight Thor and the rest of them without any of the infinity stones and then with the infinity stones Thor was able to almost kill him?
It doesn't make much of sense. Thor Lebowski could be to blame, but it's a little too convenient.
nah palthrow is fucking over marvel she hates the movie
He's just that strong. Infintiy stones only do something if you actually use them.
so how did the solve the problem of extreme famine everywhere when billions of people just pop into the world?
Thor ambushed him in IW, Lebowski wasn't in top shape so he's much weaker
Or the disney plus show.
thor was fat
What about the people that died but not because of the snap?
What about the insane changes and lost time
Why would peter go back to school when he is actually 22??
Why the fuck would all of his classmates have been snapped together?
Problem is, Never is done well. Ever
Have sex, boomer
So exactly what I thought, because Thor was fat?
What? They don't give more strength?
No, into his tv show. Now that they're shedding white males like there's no tomorrow from the films it's questionable how much of a role Thor will even have in Thor 4.
woomp woomp
how the fuck did his daughter grow like 10 years in 4 actual years
Imagine it as active item rather than passive. Didn't you notice how the respective stone of the respective power flares up when it's power gets used?
that american booty though
Another thing, how is Captain Marvel so powerful that she can destroy a ship with his body but then she can beat Thanos?
Because a woman can't defeat a man.
And why Hulk didn't fought Thanos? Because he is BroHulk now and is weak?
That doesn't make sense, Tonys daughter still exists. If their appearances revert back to their 5y younger selves then Thor would also be ripped again
it's cute I like it
That literally fucks everything up
>infant comes back and his parents are now dead
>small children lost in abandoned neighborhoods
>people remarried or with new families now
>everyone snapped lost all of their possessions and careers
Thanos is a person of colour and therefore above a white woman in the oppression olympics
Nebula didn't tell Clint and Widow that one them would have to die at all? That's savage.
Leave her be, she's autistic social interactions aren't her strong suit
He dies and no one cares if you're done or not
Turns out Thanos was right all along and the Avengers are merciless with just reverting it.
I mean, she was overwhelming him 1v1 until he pulled out the power stone and blasted her with it. Was actually kinda comical how you just know Larson must have been seething that she didn´t win there.
never mind the rat, it's also a high gamble on who gets snapped and who is not, isn't it? Strange had no way in influencing that, other than "its destiny" which makes the dusting even more fucked up since the deaths have already been decided even before the snap happened
Wow that was disappointing.
How the fuck did they survived when Thanos bombs the headquarters? I mean Hulk or Iron Man could survive that, but Hawk Eye or the rest of humans?
>Sorceress Supreme knew that Strange would be "the greatest of us all", implying that she has seen very far into the future
>didn't know anything about the entire Thanos situation
Seeing her again was nice tho.
Scarlet Witch also defeated him.
>you just know Larson must have been seething that she didn´t win there.
I actually didn't read up on any of the shit around Captain Marvel because it looked so fucking boring.
Was she actually that much of a bitch to deal with with the films?
The 1 chance was multiple things lining up:
>The right people not getting dusted.
>The rat saving Antman.
>Tony at the right moment snatching the gauntlet.
She said in the Strange movie that she can't see anything beyond her death. Also they focus more on other dimesions and stuff so probably wasn't their problem at that moment.
She´s been acting recently like she now owns this movie universe. Genuinely unlikeable even ignoring the pandering.
Ok now that I'm re watching it Hawk Eye was in a lower level in that tunnel and he was protected there.
Thanos is a titan, it's an absurdly strong race to begin with. The only stone that makes him stronger is the power stone and he didn't even use it when fighting against the Hulk when I remember correctly. The hardest challenge he had were a 3 on 1 against Ironman, Cap and an heavily out of shape Thor, I'm pretty sure if it would've been infinity war Thor that fight would have been over a lot sooner.
She was probably seething much more when /ourgirl/ Lizzie btfo'd him to the point where he needed an orbital bombardment to save his ass
unironically looks worse than the 2003 Hulk
What she said makes sense with Strange in Endgame telling Tony that telling him what has them win would ruin the chance. She simply said she wouldn´t see anything past her death since if she told them the knowledge of the future events itself would end up negating it.
Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel defeated him 1vs1.
Thanos shitting his pants at that was a satisfying moment, not going to lie.
>literal god cant kill a big purple man cause hes sad and fat
good luck adapting a Starlin comic and make it work for normies.
I fee the same way about never getting a Thrawn movie for Star Wars. Just CGI Ryan Goslyng and get the fangirls and normies to see more autism in action.
Becoming a Boomer majorly weakened Thor.
The people that got snapped didn't age. They are 5 years younger.
It absolutely does. I'll be pretty disappointed if future films or series won't adress this. Maybe many civilizations took precautions for something like this but of course this can only go as far as some small safety nets, the return of literally half of the universe is one major fucking clusterfuck that is bound to have a huge impact on the universe, maybe even bigger than the snap itself. New villains might conveniently emerge from this too of course
1. Theyre fucked.
2. The chaos from that causes enough villains for the next few movies.
3. Didnt age.
4. Convenient dusting and probably not 100% the full class.
Time travel is never, never, never fine
>Thanos somehow managed to get his whole fucking spaceship through time with a single pym particle.
Being a God isn't something special in the MCU, he is just another strong dude in the universe that uses lighting.
He is a God for us humans.
>whole movie leaked 2 days before release
The fuck are they doing?
I'm so dumb but I still don't understand what did Iron Man to take the stones from Thanos...
He just took them when he was grabbing his arm?
>she can't/won't see anything beyond her death
You're right, I completely forgot about that
Who are they?
Okay so basically now everyone is duobly fucked?
Thanos is right should leave everyone dusted
That’s fucking straight trash, the avengers literally made everything even worse
The people letting in random shitskins with cameras to see the only thing the movie industry has going for it anymore days before the rest of the population?
Scarlet Witch, Thor and and Hulk attack Thanos and kill him easily. Battle won.
And I'm not counting Captain Marvel because she was in another place at that moment.
And how is Marvel going to control all the cinemas in wherever this was recorded? In every single cinema.
Given we even got mention how things once stabilized seem to have gotten better, yeah. The Avengers by sticking to the past made things kinda worse to the point Thanos was seething hard enough at seeing them do this that he decided "Fuck this universe, im making a new one instead now."
By not trying to maximize profits giving their movies to people theaters who project movies on cardboard boxes
What makes you think these come from poor people?
>not available in your country
That’s seriously retarded
Is Marvel ever gonna use the full extent of Scarlet Witch's probability manipulation? Is she gonna have have "No more mutants" moment as the next "snap" kinda moment?
How much money earn the people that recorded this? Like thousands of dollars maybe?
>Subtitles in Indonesian
>Muslims walking the isles
The haircut was the only kino comic part for captain marvel fuck you.
Don't you think they would charge way more for watching it early? There are rich people in poor countries user.