Uh oh, looks like Scar's soul has possessed Rita's body

Uh oh, looks like Scar's soul has possessed Rita's body.

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Scar from The Lion King has possessed Rita from Oliver and Company's body.

Thats..odd, lion king didn't come out quite some but after this film.
also what's with the while scars ghost thing people started from following kingdom hearts?

anyone see those videos of that dude who watched kimba and disagreed with the rip off accusations?
>oh no someone fell to their death this is such a fucking rip off how fucking dare star wars rip off kimba

That's kinda hot.


The villain from The Lion King is inhabiting the body of a character from Oliver and Company.

Yeah, YMS. The crux of the argument is basically
>there's 52 episodes and 4 movies of Kimba, they've done basically every plot you could think of for an African jungle setting, it was inevitable that the Lion King might have some similarities because Kimba did everything
And many of the examples (particularly various major compositions) people use to discredit the Lion King come from the 1997 Kimba film, released 3 years after TLK. So it's actually far more likely that the '97 Kimba ripped off TLK and not vice versa.

There's also a pretty good write-up here:

There's a LOT to debunk about the Kimba situation
>the birds in Kimba and TLK have completely different personalities and purposes within the show
>the warthog that appeared in Kimba was only there for a single episode and his personality is nothing like Pumbaa
>"Simba" literally just means "lion" in some African language, the Kimba localization team originally intended on using Simba but changed the letter to make it more marketable
>the antagonist lion from Kimba, Claw, looking like Scar is a coincidence because there's always been a metric fuckton of villains with facial deformities and dark color schemes, it's literally square one for designing a villain
>most of the "incriminating" shots that TLK supposedly copied are from the '97 Kimba film; TLK came out 3 years before this, making it impossible for it to have copied these shots
>Kimba had a fuckton of fight scenes in a fuckton of locations centralized around Africa; no matter where TLKA had its fight scenes, you could easily draw parallels
It's pretty much all coincidences th at people cherry picked out of a franchise that lasted for 52 episodes and 4 movies
Thee YMS streams do a good job discussing this... if you don't mind hours of him repeating the same points over and over. You might be best off waiting for him go make his final video about the topic

don't forget that the creator of kimba was inspired by bambi, and bambi itself had shots of the prince standing on cliff overlooking a forest.
That kind shot is incredibly common in film.
I don't think kimba ripped off tlk either, just coincidences or just common tropes you could find in any number of films and tv shows.
It is kinda funny in hindsight about people just going
>yeah it was a ripoff
without even watching it or anything lol

I understand not watching Kimba since it's a 60's anime and aged like fucking milk left out in the hot sun, but in that case they really should just keep their mouths shut about things they don't know.
But of course that's asking a bit much from people in general


So it's not gay if I fuck her up the ass?..

I wish the Lion Kibng had ripped off more from Kimba cause then we'd have Simba going to the city and driving a car with Nala or Simba destroying cars and tanks with just his paws.

Maybe if they made more direct to DVD sequels we could get that

We could also have Simba dragging Mufasa's corpse around and using it as a chair, blanket, disguise, etc.

I can only dream for a movie sequel with Simba trying to build himself an amusement park while a Scar expsy tries to destroy it because lions shouldn't build such things.

don't worry user, there are tons of movies other than tlk that ripped off kimba.
Like american werewolf in paris
>kimba goes to paris in an episode
>that movie involves going to paris

Yeah but I want Simba specifically to imagine how cool it would be if a scientist could graft wings to him and make him a flying lion and call it a "Flyon"


I'd still fuck it.

I'm not prepared

The spirit of Scar has possessed Rita.

Both Scar and Rita will enjoy it and you can hear both their moans come out of the same mouth.

>scar and rita's voices mixed together

Still would.

Any 34 of this specific thing?


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Lion bad guy assumes direct control of dog good girl.

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Is this a fetish I'm not aware of?

>since it's a 60's anime and aged like fucking milk left out in the hot sun
Ironically they actually age much better than modern anime in terms of art direction because of the few similarities they share with western animation, especially modern ones. Even Nintendo's colorful and varied house style owes a lot to the stuff of that period.

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It is now. It's mine.

I will now watch your movie.

Is it gay if you fuck a woman's body taken over by a man's soul?

No. Xena teaches us souls are agendered, but bodies are not. So feel free to nail any number of women inhabited by the souls of villains of either gender.

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And Zira has posessed Georgette's body.

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How can you even watch TLK and not see it was a rip? Some people throw trope around when it's clearly like, a shot for shot theft. Trope is like "MC dad is dead" Theft is "monkey lifts lion cub on big jagged rock face" scene for scene shot for shot

just because they dont act the same doesn't mean that you arnt literally stealing the idea and shifting stuff around, it's the same as those chinese rip off cartoons

>"monkey lifts lion cub on big jagged rock face"
You mean the thing that happened in the Lion King and didn't happen in Kimba?

Why did Disney give Rita and Georgette seductive voices? Like I don't want to fuck the dogs, but if i'm in another room and I hear one of their voices I think it's an attractive woman.

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idk why disney shills defend theft so hard, I guess you dont have the one scene but here are some stolen scenes. Oh no it's just a trope though, just a trope.

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Just a trope

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Kimba had one film and music video after the first 1994 LK film, but yknow, K-Kimba stole stuff too!

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I just don't give a shit and enjoy both.

I think it's pretty safe to say that Lion King didn't purposely rip off anything from Kiba. The very idea just screams "Weebs desperately need something to complain about"

That's fine I do to, but I'm not gonna be some brainlet who can't criticize things because hes afraid of conflict


big kitty inside medium dog

"WeEbS DeSpErAtElY NeEd SoMeThInG To CoMpLaIn AbOuT" Nah, you just refuse to criticize anything except other individual anonymous people because it's easier and less effort than doing any actual mental work yourself