What was he thinking at this moment?
What was he thinking at this moment?
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Who would pay to see this gay ass movie - let alone care at all about capeshit designed for pre-teens.
People are gonna clap during this scene. I can feel it.
where can I watch leaks online
it's weird to think that i could probably ruin irl friendships with this gif right now
mr.stark i dont feel so good
worst villain ever!
do it you faggot
get better friends
Nooooooo! I'm turning into delicious End Game purple salt for limited time McDonald's End Game fries with collectable grimace sauce! Noooooo!
wtf the bad guy loses? spoiler!!!!!
“Does anyone have any orange slices?"
"If the Avengers went back in time and gathered the Stones, Starlord would never have been able to find it and get sent to prison, meaning the Guardians of the Galaxy would've never formed and Gamora would probably still be alive. Also, if their actions created an infinite number of timelines, how did they still manage to make it back to their original one? Time travel is such a dumb trope."
But on a universal scale.
I will never get to play Half-Life 3
people who've seen it - was there a prefilmed Stan Lee cameo, and if so, did the crowd start going wild? did anybody do some gay tribute/respect thing?
People started crying. It was very awkward for me since I'm not super I to all this. One girl was rolling in the isle blubbering, it was like being in a weird church
Also, thanks for the spoiler tag to protect people.
I already got baited so it don't matter at this point.
I've been so tempted this past week, it's taken all my willpower to contain it.
If this gif somehow got out of Yea Forums and onto social media sites it would be absolute insanity
they kill the bad guy?
Hi, can you please spread the online film to EVERYONE on twitter and reddit?
Thank you,
DC Marketing Team ;))
>did I leave my stove on?
Is loki still dead
>mfw when its legit
That he got beat up by a girl.
"Finally I am free from this shitty fucking franchise"
explained in the movie
Looks like he got too high to be thinking anything.
Did I left the oven on?
>At least my infinity stones are safe this time
waiting for a non-shit cam rip.
Those aren't friends.
Holy fuck thanos and tony deaths are so fucking cringe so glad i stopped watching this shit years ago
"Finally, I have become Avengers 4: Endgame"
"When I grabbed that dude earlier, I should have crushed the head."
>the baddie dies at the end and probably someone who gets "sacrificed for greater good"
whoah who would have guessed? it's not like disney have done this i don't know, FOREVER maybe.
how stupid people really are? can't no one do any independent thinking?
i think the mods just gave up, they have to realize you cant stop spoilers at this point and that sticky only encourages people to post more spoilers
yikes. what's the fascination with the snap? ithe movie really hammed it up by flat out saying he could wipe out half of the universes live with a snap of his fingers and then he goes ahead and does it at the end, robbing us of the surprise because they couldn't think of a reason to show how much of a threat he was.
now they're just using the snap over and over again as if it has any kind of significance to the way the stones and glove work.
I'd let her bear my babies, also spoilers for capeshit?, what are you 12?, at least they're saving people the headache and money.
>if you find this video, please don't post it on social media
What the fuck
Feels like some marketing ploy, where they pull a switcheroo and when the movie actually releases it's a completely different cut with a different ending.
Only thing wrong with this is assuming Disney and Marvel are actually competent.
It's been tempting to me too, all this fucking power in the palm of my hands.
I feel like Thanos here.
>What was he thinking at this moment?
"Why didn't I just make Infinite Resources?"
That would be impossible as if there could be infinite power then why aren't there infinite stones? Because there's only six.
He looks like Yag Spetto
Seriously what the fuck, how does only one of them choose the right one? Whatever universe this is, it isn't the correct one.
Haha the jannies spoiler'd my thread
Me and my wife's son have already brought 10 tickets to watch this movie. Can't wait.
I have that Vacuum. It's fantastic. 10/10 would buy again.
Imagine having friends who will never talk to you just because you spoiled the new capeshit movie for babies. What a fucked up and degenerate society this has become.
Boy, you sound fun at parties, edgelord
Thanos dies in the same way he ended in Infinity War. This is poetic.
I don't care about 13% anymore Stark
>Scarlet Witch
>Possible Black Widow
>Iron-Woman (Pepper Potts)
>Cap Marvel
>Black Panther
Trust me, the MCU isn't close to dying. Most of the names I listed are veterans. Plus, the new heroes grossed a lot of money in their solo films.
It's so fucking gay.
Why do they care SO MUCH.
Young loki alive tho
>it ended exactly as i expected
>i should have shitposted more on tv
>bye apu
>baddie in superhero movie dies
what's new?
hes gonna come back, just watch. Future or past Thanos will find out about time travel
i aint ever seen none of these shitfests and i aint gonna but i do have to say that 'shot' is kino
>"Oh n-"
>I feel like Thanos here.
>What was he thinking at this moment?
Realizing he was defeated simply because he didn't snap the right people.
"The future is female"
nothing because he is fictional character
All of us could surely end several.
So let me get this straight, of the 3 main Avengers, all of whom are white men, one dies and the other two retire and hand off their mantles to black people?
Black men comprise only 6% of the US population, but commit over 50% of /all/ murder in the country.
Thanos was promptly removed from reality for wrongthink.
Look at this friendless loser.
Where are you on the spectrum?
how does that work? I haven't seen the movie before but it's capeshit of course thanos dies during it what the fuck else would happen?
Delayed adolescence is a helluva drug
>They took my personality, my motivation and my character development to turn me into a generic big bad graprefruit only because I had become too popular and people liked me more than half of the heroes
>oh well, time to die
it's ridiculous. the only toss up for me is whether or not they were going to retcon everything and start the fucking franchise over like star trek or x men or some shit. all of this is so fucking tiring.
This. How is it even a spoiler, do people think Thanos is going to win or something? Or that half the dead cast (all signed up for 5 more movies with Disney) aren't just going to come back to life?
people probably expected it to end like in the comics, where Thanos becomes a happy farmer
>One girl was rolling in the isle blubbering
pics or it didn't happen
lmao there are like 20 buttons and not a single one works for download.
>I should have snap all the Jews and Negros instead
that happened in the first film though we even got some nice farmer thanos screenshots out of it. this movie was the end of several people's relationship with MCU so you know who is and isn't going to be around. I figured it would be a fucking retcon then we'd just get new actors for half or they'd replace them with young people and do a x-men first class bullshit who even cares at this point
no thx
What did you expect? the movie will Premier today
They replace the stones right after taking them, so they never change the timeline
Just finished it. I really didn't think the quality was too bad, way better than what first came out last year with Infinity War.
Also movie itself is bretty good, pleasantly surprised desu.
Should've added -- I didn't torrent it, I used this user's link.
>12 minutes in
>starting plot feels rushed and cobbled together by an amateur writing team
>already bored
The only good part was Hawkeye's family disappearing, how do you fuck up the intro to your most important movie?
That's it? I thought he'd die a gruesome death
What about Loki? He fucks off right out of the movie
>what the fuck I’m not a grapefruit
>I can’t dry out
Brava Russo’s!
Reminder he did nothing wrong.
All the avengers did was bring back dying old people and terminally ill children.
Same, unfortunately I work with most of the faggots. All they do is talk nonstop about capeshit movies and it drives me insane. None of them even went to see Alita and looks like I'll be seeing King of the Monsters alone.
>wait... are hulk and shrek the same person?
Thanos got some of the worst things happen to him. Did he deserve it? He just wanted to create a wholesome world.
i think You(You) mean (You)
based user
If you didn't see this coming you haven't seen the Hollywood formula enough. Villian gets killed by his own devices is a tale as old as time.
Thanos doesn't go back to his timeline instead he's dusted
I did this back when Star Wars TFA came out. It will only make your life better once you know who your real friends are
The cameo happened in the 1970s when Cap and Tony were looking for the tesseract. This is 1970s Stan Lee with more hair and sideburns
thanks fren
are you a massive newfagg, or just a retarded boomer?
>be an asshole to the people you supposedly care about just because it would make you laugh
>if they get mad they are not your friends
ITT: Autistic 16yos and potential sociopaths
I haven't seen the movie but why is Thanos the villain? Isn't he risking everything to save the universe?
australian here. people were actually clapping multiple times in the movie including this scene, when we see spiderman, hail hydra scene and a few others and after the movie ends. good experience
did you miss the entire point of cap going back and putting the stones back in their place? jesus christ it’s capeshit not looper
Theres an accetable cam version onpiratebay. Watch it if you cant wait
Its a different timeline. One doesnt affect the other. They said it 3 times
There was a brief stan lee cameo. It was 70's when tony and cap go back to retrieve the tesserect
it’s retarded anyway. anyone who is going to see the movie and cares about spoilers will see it opening night and if not they’ll just avoid the board until then
>I want my mommy
but it can help yourself
imagine being friends with people who would get angry if you spoil them a children's movie
>I just sent this to a bunch of marvel drones friends on kikebook
>their faces when
that is the original timeline movie. he just does what he does in the avengers movie. our loki is dead
his motivations made literally no sense. Initially he wanted to wipe out half the universe to preserve resources. then he destroys the guantlet. ok. what happens when the universe repopulates idiot? Wtf is wrong with the writers of this film? it's astoundingly shitty writing.
> Aussies clapping at a movie
Guess it isn't just Americans huh
This guy here sounds mad
it’s the first time i have ever seen it happen except the last avengers. this time was more clapping though. some retard started rolling on the floor in front row once the film ended for some reason
thats the thing
nobody pays for movies anymore
Same. I just go to the top trending videos on youtube and do a spaced spoiler reply to the top comments. I've gotten so much hate, it's hilarious. I haven't had this much fun since the Deathly Hallows book came out.
This could be leigt but I truly don't give a shit about these shitty comic book movies to even open this link
how long before the jannies delete this post
someone refute this
123movies is absolutely based. (((Disney))) BTFO.
> Thanos realized that killing half the universe was the only way to make Half-Life 3 happen.
hope you have a good antimalware
Thanos is like people who believe in trickle down economics.
They believe in something that is utter bullshit because they are either mad or stupid.
I use 123movies all the time. You'd be stupid to browse foreign streaming sites without good antivirus software
>Thanos is like people who believe in trickle down economics.
>They believe in something that is utter bullshit because they are either mad or stupid.
capeshit is actually one of the types of movies that people actually pay to see because they are fun movies they can see with their mates
>Thanos is like people who believe in trickle down economics.
Lol omg. Guess what asshole, you live a better life TODAY than kings and queens of old. Guess what the reason is?
If a customer at work is rude to me and looks nerdy I'll spoil it
Huh, really makes you have sex
>fortnite is canon in the MCU
Imagine having friends that care so little about you and would ruin a piece of media you enjoy and have been waiting to see its conclusion for a long while just for the sake of being edgy and contrarian.
man children xD
yeah stop being friends with onions cucks its that simple
mr mcdonald i don't feel so good
Same 'people' who ended friendships over politics. AKA normies
How can anyone be spoiled over the fact that Thanos loses? Sony ruined it by announcing another Spider-man movie before Endgame was even released, and Disney followed suit almost immediately after with new TV shows and films that involved dusted characters from IW. If they're announcing films about dusted characters, that means Thano's snap is going to be fixed. You honestly have to be living in a rock not to realize that Thanos' snap would remain permanent.
Ok? Youre still ruining someone else's timeline.
Exactly. Just like Thor taking mjolnir from another timeline and his mom from that timeline being ok with it, even though it dooms that timeline's thor and Asgard shit's retarded
Bless you Oleksandr
[spoilers]Shuri reverse engineered Thor's hammer in Endgame and makes a stronger one with vibranium
>Vibranium is stronger than a material forged in the core of a star
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
Vibranium was forged In a star to. The ancient Wakandans harnessed nuclear energy to forge it.
just forces that thor to get stormbreaker earlier
who's Steve Jobs?
A movie where the 'good' guys unsave the universe
cap returned Mjolnir at the end, so it didn't fuck up anything
I'm 1.75hr in and its confirmed legit
Captain America holds thors hammer.
How did he stay in the past when he would have gone to a different timeline?
he would have just been in the other timeline, the question is how did old Steve exist in our timeline
really makes me think
are you implying that people don't see movies with their m8s? who goes to the cinema by themselves?
That's what I meant. How can he time travel within his own timeline. Wasn't that supposed to be impossible or something?
I work at a software company and we use slack (about 500 employees)
If I posted this gif in the general channel do you think I'll get fired?