Unironically a one of the greatest things to come out of adult swim in the last 10 years. Filled with tons of soul.
Hope the creator gets to do something again on this level.
Unironically a one of the greatest things to come out of adult swim in the last 10 years. Filled with tons of soul.
Hope the creator gets to do something again on this level.
Does Yea Forums have no taste? No one has seen this?
2007 called demanding their sorandomu humor back
So you didn't watch it then.
based and horny bitch boy pilled
Perfect Tennis Forever
Unironically watch it tho. It's the best western anime to come out and it's wholly unique despite it's obvious influences. Literally the entire thing is available on youtube officially for free
Is this a pilot?
Rewatched this the other day, surprised how much I still enjoyed it. Absurd, hilarious, surprisingly well-thought out anime parody behind all the seeming randomness.
It's an Adult Swim April Fools Special
I still have some of the songs on my phone. Such a good show
>I've committed no crime, other than cream pieing their daughters, with sports
I would call Ballmastrz the best anime parody out there.
It perfectly captured the feel of grimy 80's space anime and sports shonen while doing their own thing in a very entertaining way.
I still can't believe he namedropped Bible Black like that, fucking madman
Ironically too many ppl wouldn't want another work of this though knowing AS it'll probably happen again someday
Everyone I've told this show about anyway gets INSTANT cringe factors unheard of the moment they watch it
Hmm, i'll give you that. I forgot about ballmastrz which is obviously more well done than this and just as unique
What do you mean exactly
The problem is that they burned the whole thing in one night without telling anyone.
Yea Forums only had some warning because of a leak.
Gemusetto kind of came out at an unfortunate time really.
Ballmastrz was a loving parody while Gemusetto was way more shitposty and a little held back by hokey overdone stuff like Pokemon references and bad dub jokes. I feel like I would have found it way funnier had the two not came out so close together.
Fair. I actually didn't watch either of those two until around a year later after they came out, I watched ballmastrz after machu picchu.
The story is really strange. It just seems like it got made for literally no good reason and they gave it a somewhat decent budget then just dumped it out of nowhere one night.
>April Fools
didn't expected that
I'm still genuinely sad about the ending. You broke my heart, Tenikami
What was the best OP and why was it Like A Sports Ball
I like it. I like the part where he talks about bible black.
Funny how this is probably one of the Adult Swim pranks with the most effort put into it and it's also the least known one. Everyone gave up on it after 5 minutes.
Tasteless faggots, all of them.
naughty hot tub dancing of course
last one is actually kind of dope, reminds me of little dragon which might be what they were going for. I have no fucking clue what they were doing with the visuals for that one but it still had it's cool visual moments
It was pretty good