So which will be the REAL kino?
Star Wars High Republic
Conceptually, Into the Dark seems more immediately interesting, but I pre-ordered LotJ if only because I've liked Soule's SW content, and it is clearly going to be the book that introduces the setting and immediate conflict, which to me makes it the more required reading. If I enjoy it though, I'll probably grab Into the Dark. Has Claudia Gray written anything that has been well received?
Gray has easily been the best recieved new New Canon author. Bloodlines and Lost Stars in particular are a couple of the best canon Star Wars books with her other work is not far behind.
I dont think it was an accident that her and Soule are the authors to launch the era.
Well shit. That's great to hear. I guess I'm definitely getting both.
This fucking book is like night and day. Felt like the only ST media that was written by someone with a brain.
>This fucking book is like night and day.
How so, if you don't mind my asking?
Pick your poison
>stronk blonde Jedi womyn who needs no man but has a harem of them anyway to be meatshields for her awesomeness
>heroic white male Jedi who happens to be a duncecap but is routinely saved by sassy Negress with jaded outlook on life and the best aim in the galaxy
It's the only piece of media that actually goes into detail about how the New Republic works. It's also the only thing that actually tries to explain how the First Order relates to them.
Doesn't really matter anymore though, Rise of Skywalker shows that people running behind trying to patch out stupidity just doesn't work.
Please. I beg of you. Have sex already.
It's so frustrating because I feel like when you really get down into the details, there is a lot of interesting shit going on in the sequel era, but JJ Abrams just had zero interest in showcasing any of it in the movies.
The First Order is supposed to be a terrorist organization harassing planets and only gaining followers through intimidation. They are like Space Isis. Meanwhile JJ only ever painted them like Space Nazis 2.0 when that's what the empire already was, making them exactly the same faction on the surface when they couldn't be more different at the heart.
Same goes for the Resistance. They are a splinter group who formed to fight the terrorists when Mon Mothma and her New Republic wouldn't. They aren't a military organization like the Rebellion was, but of course, again, the movies would lead you to believe otherwise.
Hopefully in time, after there is plenty of supplementary content surrounding the era, people will get used to these concepts and be able to see the Sequel Trilogy through that lense like it deserves.
>Giant fortress in the sky
We know the answer.
should have made the new republic army the bad guys eliminating imperial insurgency at all costs
Looks like it is still going to be mostly humans again.
Well yeah. The Star Wars Galaxy is like 60 percent humans. That's just how it is
No there wasn't. It was all fucking stupid.
You're wrong but I respect your retarded opinion
The girls in this show are surprisingly hot
The Phasma book and comic were interesting shame Rian killed her off.
it's a shame that the whole point of those two pieces of media were for a three minute fight scene and they were barely even used in it.
>it's a shame that the whole point of those two pieces of media were for a three minute fight scene
That's not really how this works. The point was to tell an interesting story and give some context into her character, regardless of how she's used in the movies
the book was made specifically for the journey to TLJ series, which is to set up details we will be seeing in the movies so they make sense. the book was there to set up her armor being blaster proof, why she uses a spear, and her general ruthlessness. all things we see very short glimpses of in tlj before she dies.
the book also had the bonus of giving us FO backstory which the movies never touched on in a single line.
the comic was just to set up how she lived from TFA to TLJ and explain why she turned SKB's shields off.
You're missing the point that the book isn't any less worthwhile just because she was shit in the movies. It's still a good book regardless and she's a more interesting character for it
Solid discussion.
>Light of the Jedi
>Into the Dark
Soule and Gray are the top of the NuCanon writers, so both of these should be good. I bet they both turn into series of some sort, like the old NJO.
>Marvel High Republic
Cavan Scott has been unioronically kino on the kid stuff he's written and he seems to really know his canon. I'm excited about this, especially with how good the designs are. Hopefully they get a good artist.
>IDW Comic
The Adventures comic is actually really great most of the time, so this could be cool. Unfortunately DJO wrote one of the most forgettable books of NuCanon so far. So I'm not sure about this.
>A Tale of Courage
This will be solidly passable I think. Ireland's other two books were fine at best.
Overall, I think the High Republic will be the best thing that's happened since the Disney buyout.
>Hopefully they get a good artist.
Nobody's confirmed yet?
There will be no kino.
Fuck off. For all your toughness, your asses got kicked by a girl.
Honestly, now that you present it that way, there could have very easily been a repeat of the OT except inverted. Instead of the meek Rebellion standing against the mighty Empire, you could have had the Mighty Republic defending itself against the First Order insurgency. Maybe it comes off sub-optimally considering contemporary foreign policy, made no better by Leia effectively running a Black Water like Merc group in the Resistance, but it'd be an interesting position within the context of Star Wars.
>now that you present it that way, there could have very easily been a repeat of the OT except inverted. Instead of the meek Rebellion standing against the mighty Empire, you could have had the Mighty Republic defending itself against the First Order insurgency.
That's actually what the Clone War was, funny enough.
Hard to say.
Into The Dark seems to be about a spooky deserted space station and I really dig horror stuff and I'd love to see that genre played out in the Star Wars setting.
Light of the Jedi seems like the main worldbuilding book and it also looks like it will have a wookie with a lightsaber, so it could easily be too awesome to remain in the Disney canon.
I'll probably read both.
But Clone Wars comes off as two equitable martial forces, needing to resort to every possible tactic to get a leg up on the other. It's always felt more like WW2 with touches of 1, Korea, and especially Vietnam depending on the episode.
Is that not the case?
He's probably not wrong.
When have star wars books ever been like that?
Not that I've seen, which is surprising.
Phil Noto did character designs for the High Republic project as a whole, so hopefully he'll do some of the interiors as well.
How come they're not wearing clothes similar to Luke's in ROTJ. Didn't george say that his Clothes were closer to the jedi of the past?
George said a lot of retarded shit like that.
When Disney started making them.
more past than 200 years before tpm
Name one (1) DisneyWars book that's like those two premises.
Why should they be beholden to something George said out of universe 40 years ago?
A lot of people seem to miss this, probably because he ditches the tunic on Endor, but Luke's Jedi clothes are pretty similar to the standard Jedi robes but black (to evoke Vader and his danger of becoming him). Biggest difference is that he wears a jumpsuit instead of a shirt and pants and a hooded cloak instead of robes.
Basing just off the cover image, both are a bit difficult to choose. The left has the highest ratio of male to female, in a predominantly male dominated fandom, But, the female is the closest to the viewer, meaning it's likely she's the lead, and considering this is Disney Wars, any female is never a good sign.
On the right, the male is likely to be the lead, as he is the closest to the viewer, but the female in the back is in the middle of the screen, wearing a flight-suit with a bunch of straps, and an multiple insignia's, meaning she's likely to be a rebel or something, trained in combat in some way, probably a combat pilot or something. And the author title on the bottom doesn't give alot of hope. "New York Times best-selling author Claudia Gray" Nothing good ever came out of the New York Times, and most definitely not any actually good author. I rarely have high hopes for a female author writing for a previously male designed, and still male dominated property. And Especially not a female writer from the NYT.
This is what happens when you don't have enough sex in high school
>"New York Times best-selling author Claudia Gray" Nothing good ever came out of the New York Times, and most definitely not any actually good author. I rarely have high hopes for a female author writing for a previously male designed, and still male dominated property. And Especially not a female writer from the NYT.
are you pretending to be retarded or do you really not know about the NYT best sellers list
Honestly this is 10/10 bait, mate. I'm very proud of you - some of the best I've seen in a while.
I thought the same thing
The Ships are pretty sexy too
Huh, he IS wearing that. Black on black and his most memorable fight not having it must’ve fucked with everyone’s memory.
God I'm hyped for this. It can't come soon enough
It's made under the direction of people who thought that TLJ was a good movie and not an abomination, so no
Lost Stars.
>Black on black and his most memorable fight not having it must’ve fucked with everyone’s memory.
Pretty much. Here's the full ensemble.
And yet there's barely any r34 of them. Was this show that forgettable?
Who let you out of the 'tard farm to post here, Kamille?
Fuck yourself, mouseketeer.
Is that a goddamn wookiee with a lightsaber? I feel bad for whoever gets in his way
Of course these were patterned after Obi-Wan's ANH robes in the first place. For TPM Lucas had Chiang and McCaig experiment with different ideas, and at one point the Jedi would wear black robes while the Sith would wear lighter colors.
Who let you out of your coffin?
Nobody watched it because nobody wanted to sit through two whole seasons of kiddy schlock before it gets good, a trend with Star Wars animation that is beingcoming pretty fucking tiresome
This early concept for Maul had settled on that tattoos but had a thorny crown of feathers instead of horns.
I actually liked the show when it focused entirely on racing and the complexities of having to get sponsors and money and equipment/parts to start a racing team.
Sometimes I do wonder if it would be worth making a general in /trash/.
Curious how much traffic it would get
Considering how it turned out when it first wound up there, very little.
Truthfully I don't ever remember seeing it there. Oh well
Do people really not like this book?
I'm 90 minutes in and so far id say it's at least well written
you haven't gotten to the second arc of the story yet probably when it shits the bed
Neeku was the hottest girl.
I'm only 3 episodes in.
Is there a reason he's fucking autistic?
Claudia Gray is the one who made the Holdo self-insert character for TLJ, I'm going to pass.
The other doesn't look better though, some blonde chick with a mexican lover/subordinate...
This really follows the whiteboard planning though, diversity>>>>>>interesting story
>Claudia Gray is the one who made the Holdo self-insert character for TLJ, I'm going to pass.
This was funny bait at first but I'm starting to get more and more worried people believe it
>This was funny bait at first but I'm starting to get more and more worried people believe it
You need to chill out, Claudia
He's an aberration of his species; Nikto aren't known for being expertly tech-y except for things like swoop bike gangs. They're basically Gamorreans with the capacity for Galactic Standard speech, with reputations and mercs and thugs for hire. I'm not certain whether he was just a bullied runt or if he's of a different caste or part of a subspecies of Nikto, but he has Nikto bluntness in speech and mindset which is very offputting, because he has no filter and very little ability for deception (at least in season 1, season 2 is a different story).
tl;dr yeah, probably a bit autistic.
Neeku isn't hot he's just normal body temperature.
Bet you think Snyder DC movies were "filters" you soi sipping clown.
Mad he got filtered
mad nobody likes his shit film.
>Keeps responding even after getting btfo
Star Wars is dead user.
There is no "kino" just terrible terrible terrible stuff.
Good. I prefer it dead.
Star wars is much better and easier to enjoy when it's niche like the 80s. When it gets too popular you get too many idiots with opinions that eclipse actual discussion. Dead star wars is best star wars
>n-no I get the last word!
okay Rian.
It's a shame that this show could never really figure out what it wanted to be. The idea of an outer rim space station that holds competitive starship racing sounds amazing, but the characters and plot were really hit or miss.
Good take
Pretty much. You can tell that they really just wanted to have a cool racing show but had to figure out a way to involve the first order and resistance
has Soule ever written anything good?
huh, I didn't even realize that was him, I did like that
I mostly only associate his name with some bad X-Men shit I read
>that left one
I'm shocked to see a nuWars novel without a black woman on the cover.
Stop defending this shit you actual shill.
Stop using us to defend yourselves from being hated by people you cocksuckers.
Why is it always black women on these comics and books? Explain this shit. Not Mace, Lando, Finn but OC light black girls. Every goddamn time.
How about pointing to 3
That's not going to happen
His Swamp Thing and Red Lanterns runs at DC were good.
Wait until the /tg/ general dies. Then with the refugees from there the /trash/ one might stand a chance.
>Rian Johnson, the writer and director of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, also proposed a number of ideas that made it into the novel. These ideas include the disposition of the New Republic's government and the makeup of its political factions.[6]
Seething waifuists triggered by the pairing
Well shit I guess I have to hate it now, huh? They used Johnson's idea so I guess it's a bad book after all
George would enjoy it tho. He has jungle fever.
Why should we even care about this when the ST made everything pointless?
This isn't the ST
Did they confirm if the upcoming stories will be interconnected outside of the setting, or will they all just be world-building ahead of new long-form stories like movies or television series?
>Less than 5 years ago, Star Wars told us to "Let the past die, kill it if you have to.".
>Now, it's taking us all much farther back into the past.
What the fuck is wrong with this franchise?
They are all interconnected to some degree. They have been putting emphasis on how each release, while self contained, are all part of a larger story and leading to something huge
Remember how two years ago this company was saying the Jedi have to die and didn't let the Jedi come back in their new trilogy? And now want everyone to go back to buying Jedi shit?
If you thought the point of the last Jedi was to end the Jedi you are fucking retarded
The egghead is a qt, is xe Umbaran?
I suppose I meant more in the sense of if you'd want or need to read two stories to get a fuller picture of one larger story between the two. What they seem to be describing is more akin to traditional world-building, maybe with some foreshadowing of future events that will be expounded upon in an actual movie.
In any case, I still bet that the next SW movie will be about the High Republic. Let's hope it doesn't suck, or else we'll be nostalgic for the days when we thought "The Last Jedi" was the worst thing that could happen to the franchise.
>we'll be nostalgic for the days when we thought "The Last Jedi" was the worst thing that could happen to the franchise.
People will think it's the worst regardless. That's how this fan base works
That's what they said about the Prequels.
And that's what they said about "Return of the Jedi".
There will always be a Worst Star Wars Movie and it will always be more recent than you think.
Still there is some delicious irony about Disney killing Star Wars more than the PT ever could in less than half a decade after spending 4 billion on it. This is a beyond critical fuck up that Disney probably thought they were immune too except the absolutely weren’t in any way
user, they made their money back in a couple of films.
That's pretty much how any fandom works. This is just on an international scale now. Used to be about "fake geek girls" and now it's straight up "fake geeks" who only got into Star Wars five or six years ago like that Collider guy who cried about not being able to go to Galaxy's Edge.
I still blame it on them not planning out the Sequel Trilogy ahead of time.
Like, seriously, how was that NOT one of their priorities upon starting the series?
>But the marketing budget!!!!!
We meet again Yea Forumsmblr
user it was never about just breaking even it was so they could break even and make a fuck ton after that, not break even but operate almost at a lost with costs constantly ballooning and profits shrinking with each major product release, they had two, billion dollar theme park expansions flop with all the parks now slowly dying as Chad universal is slowly releasing Epic Universe but asides from the parks Star Wars could’ve and should’ve been Disney’s next mcu, remember how they went from planning a movie every year to nothing in the foreseeable future, because it only took five fucking years for things to go south, now all the spin off movies are dead, they’ve announced what like 3 trilogy that were all canceled in the span of months, the ST toy sales are flatlining so badly that they just stopped selling anything but OT and even PT shit and everyone involved wants to distance themselves from the corpse they helped created, you’re a fucking idiot if you think breaking even is what they wanted you don’t spend 4 billion to break even. They wanted it all but planned none of it so they’re not dealing with a glorified Disney + advertisement
> they had two, billion dollar theme park expansions flop
Hi, that's not how theme parks work.
user theme parks can flop when their not generating nearly enough attendance or profits as they want then too
Listen I hate to be an autist, but I work for a large theme park similar to Disney, I know a lot about the industry. Disney hits attendance capacity frequently, galaxies edge or not. They built it knowing this.
A land can't "flop" because it's not meant to imediately spike attendance, it's meant for longertm profit through merchandise. The short term matters almost zero unless it's truly made to save a dying park (which Hollywood Studios certainly wasn't since it got Toystory Land)
Compare it to movies. Movies make 99 percent of their money while in theaters, and then can quickly "flop" because once they are out of theaters the money being made has stopped. A land at a Disney park will be there for up to a decade, and the money from people attending will be made throughout. There is nothing banking on the first couple weeks.
Confirmed for not having read it.
The guy is not a bumbling idiot.
Between the two of them, the female is the more misguided one.
You literally don't know what you're talking about.
It would've been a decent arc of the show.
As a book, it's mediocre at best.
Characterfags overreact hard to it though.
>he actually thinks that a tie-in book made a character for the movie
What an idiot.
Yeah Ciena's a fucking dispshit way more than Thane is. Most bumbling Thane ever was is when he got shitfaced and puked on Mon Mothma.
Chocolate Space-Nazi Waifu redeemed by White Cock.
>even /comblr is having trouble defending this
how shit is this going to be?
Remember how you felt the first time you saw Jar Jar?
Yeah, that kind of primal disgust will be the highest point.
who's going to show up on which cards?
I want closure on Quinlan but I feel we may never get that.
pretty much
white men are not allowed to have something just for them these days.
and liberals wonder why trump keeps winning elections.
they alienated something like 30 million people just with identity politics and feminism destroying all white male hobbies
also the comics, movies and games have been like that as well "white men bad, women strong"
>wanting to read the DIVERSITY (x3) Republic
Kek those are kinda neat
Well said. Which park do you work for?
>not liking Mandalorian
I'm sorry youre so triggered by Dinosaurs
Don't respond to posts like that
>implying anyone is upset about dinosaurs
So what's going to happen when these come out and they are on par with the Trawn trilogy with basically zero diversity?
How will the fandom menace cope?
Lying, collages of Reddit posts saying how they didn't like it, and really narrow screenshots of lines that sound silly in a vacuum. Same thing they have been doing this whole time
>why trump keeps winning elections
You mean the literally ONE election he's ever won?
Or they'll just keep posting the fart page and lying about what book it's from as if it represents all of disneywars.
I have no faith in anything Star Wars anymore. I have given up
We know, bro. You talk about it endlessly
Spot on
Why was there no multimedia project?
Because they wanted Filoni and Favreau to have 100% freedom with the story
So? The scripts were written early enough that they could make a couple tie in comics before the release
Just seemed like a strange choice
I don't see a single bad thing with any of those underlines.
Man people are stupid
Diversity can mean a lot of things. It's a fucking universe with tons of different alien races but I bet you just don't wanna see black people.
It's not that they couldn't do it, it's obviously that they wanted the show to tell the whole story on its own.
What tie-in comics would there have been anyway?
I see no problem here
>Actual ending
sounds kino
>Not pro-war
Anyone complaining about this has literally never seen star wars
Thanks for posting something to get me excited!
False flag operation to deflect any future criticism. Similar to “You just hate women!!” that gets spat out when people criticize a bad movie that happens to feature women.
the show gave us what we needed in the first season. background on mando, cara, greef, ded pig, and gideon. it may have been lacking for some of them, but nothing that needed a tie-in comic yet. we still have a second season to go to fill in more before it has to spread out to other things
Curious how they are going to handle the High Republic AFTER the multimedia project ends. We know the overarching story is set 200 years pre-phantom, but the high republic itself started 800 years even before that. I wonder if they are willing to go that far back for new stories once this one ends. Would it be a whole new era within the larger high republic era, or will the High Republic just be an unusually long era for the SW universe?
I was wondering the same thing actually
Good point I suppose.
Quinlan story is better in Republic
The dark side, as always.
Literally the first Star Wars live action TV project. I suspect they weren't hedging any bets on it succeeding.
I would have set it 800 years before TPM, myself, but I suspect the "Great Disaster" is going to be the main talking point about it.
I was so frustrated that talented people put real effort into making the sequel era unique and interesting and the movies themselves pissed it all away.
It completely shuts itself halfway through as the amount of completed original script fades
Claudia Gray wrote a cute weird girl who didnt have much respect for authority.
The movie had a psychotic authoritarian that the movie tried to tell you was right despite her awful decisions.
Their similarity is they both have dyed hair.
Doesn't need it. He is the story of a single character and his journey of doing what is right.
No need other material unless it is a prequel.
>Hopefully in time, after there is plenty of supplementary content surrounding the era, people will get used to these concepts and be able to see the Sequel Trilogy through that lense like it deserves.
Does it 'deserve' to be seen that way when the movies themselves go out of their way not to portray it like that? Supplementary materials shouldn't be required to understand the setting let alone if the two are contradictory to each other in presentation.
Maybe looking at them critically as films, but I'd say no when it comes to enjoying the entry as part of the larger continuity.
Similar to how the prequels didn't really feel like they fit until the supplementary material, the sequels deserve the same fate
>>Maybe looking at them critically as films, but I'd say no when it comes to enjoying the entry as part of the larger continuity.
Well that's my issue because I have no real interest in the continuity/world of the sequel era, the movies themselves make it hard to care. And anything set after TRoS is bound to suffer from the film and potential canon rewrites in the future.
>Similar to how the prequels didn't really feel like they fit until the supplementary material, the sequels deserve the same fate
In my opinion none of the prequels are really elevated by supplementary material save maybe Revenge of the Sith, but more media like both Clone Wars series and the good books are refinements of the prequels themselves bringing out their best qualities while grinding out the worst.
What if they do like spider man and we keep getting new STs that are all VII, VIII and IX?
I think I'd be kinda into it.
Please no. I like 1-9 being a tight linear story. Complicating things wouldn't help at all.
Virgin high republic vs chad old republic.
Nobody is confused by there being like four spider-man continuities.
That's because Spiderman is known for having multiple continuities and starts from scratch. Having a "Spiderman saga" that is 9 movies long but reboots itself multiple times at 7 would be equally confusing
Nah, yo
Good discussion
Nah, I agree with What I DO think they should do is recast the OT cast and bring back George to direct a new trilogy taking place between 6 and 7 telling a medium stakes adventure that can give closure to the characters in a way the ST didn't.
with bait like that you could probably start a youtube channel, quit your job and live off of patreon bucks
Wait a year or two and that might happen in the comics, sans George.
I'm sure it will. I do think we deserve a Trilogy of films about it though
>I suspect they weren't hedging any bets on it succeeding
They used it as the tentpole for their huge new streaming service. They were ABSOLUTELY betting on it succeeding.
final phase release, please understand
Abrams books is on here, and they do all the Art Books.
Which is sick, desu. Has there ever been an art book based off of books and comics?
the comic is your art book. everything else you need to use your double digit iq to picture in your head
For star wars? There have been 2 underwhelming "art of the marvel comics" books but never one for novels.
It's a really interesting concept to put out an official art book to a novel that has no pictures. The only other franchise that had ever done this (as far as I know) is Evangelion for their Anima books
dude weed lmao
>art books
I'm still salty that there's an art book for mobile kino that will never see the light of day, even though people at the Wook have a copy.
This breaks my fucking heart. Holy shit I loved this game and always wanted it to get an art book, but I had no idea one actually existed
This might be the most unfair video I have ever seen
This world could do with fewer of them.
>he doesn't like BTS art
get a load of this guy
I like them plenty well, but you shouldn't be expecting one for something that isn't a movie or tv show, which are the only things getting art books right now for SW that actually get sold to the public.
I can't believe they've let that story sit untouched for almost five years. There's even a few small references here and there, nut nothing substantial. It's crazy that there's a whole canon story - and one of the first from the Disney era - that's just straight up unavailable in any format.
I find the fact that they still consider it canon the most fascinating part. You would think that years after being unavailable, they would strike it from canon or at least ignore it/write around it but like you said, there are pretty notable references to its events in even some recent content.
> movie or tv show, which are the only things getting art books right now for SW that actually get sold to the public
As someone mentioned before you even replied, The High Republic IS getting an artbook.
>pic related
Guess that makes you wrong twice.
>I find the fact that they still consider it canon the most fascinating part
Tbf, when was the last time anyone even mentioned Uprising?
It's got no merch, it's never listed as part of any timelines, it has no presence at cons, the characters haven't shown up anywhere...
Like, yeah they still consider it canon, but only because they have no reason not to.
whenever lando is brought up in nucanon it gets a mention because of cloud city
Off the top of my head, one of the Aftermath books mentions the Anoat Sector lockdown, which is pretty much the backbone of the whole game
So basically Aftermath and Last Shot? I don't remember anything being mentioned in Last Shot though.
Maybe the Ep IX novel will mention it, but I kind of doubt it.
The same thing the rest of the world is doing, not caring about Star Wars
This book was solid. First special edition art book I ever got
nothing about last shot is memorable
Not caring about it, just talking about it endlessly and constantly speculating and thinking about it.
Anyway, anybody else notice how dead star wars is? I wake up, think about how nobody cares about star wars all day, and then go to bed ready to do the same thing tomorrow
Was this before or after you got your Porg tattoo?
Hey, it had that Gungan who spoke normal Basic!
...and that's seriously all I remember about that entire book.
I'm glad Daniel José Older is doing the Adventures comic for The High Republic, because he's the least impressive of the five authors so far.
Dude porgs are so lame! Nobody cares or thinks about porgs at all because star wars is so dead! It's so dead I only made THREE threads about it on Yea Forums today!
Ready to start harassing people online to sell me theirs
Recast the OT cast and remake IV, V and VI with prequel tier battles and shit.
battle of yavin, battle of hoth, and battle of endor (space) would be so much better with nucgi actually showing the scale and everything involved
They were a hated radical terrorist organization vs what was basically a cold war black ops group. But instead of reflect that they just decided they wanted to still sell stormtroopers and rebels again.
Man I really wanted to say something like this.
No matter what this project really excites me despite the diversity/Dino crazy I’ve been seeing around here
For me and seemingly others these two writers really get that SW vibe and make quality content that feels like the mid days of Legends.
>No matter what this project really excites me despite the diversity/Dino crazy I’ve been seeing around here
user, I continue to laugh at complaints about diversity in a galaxy comprised of races and species that span countless planets. If anything, within the lore of the galaxy, the OT is an aberration for how similar the primary characters within it are to one another.
As for dinosaurs, I have a rancor and a zillo beast to throw in the face of whatever dipshit thought dinosaurs needed to be specified as something that didn't already exist within Star Wars.
Considering the fandom over the past two decades, there will be a lot of crazy takes about what the High Republic will be comprised of, but what matters more to me is that it is a setting disconnected from every character we've ever known with the possible exception of Yoda, but more important than that, it will be set in a galaxy I love, with a setting that thus far feels less "the wolf is always at the door" and more "how wonderful have the inhabitants of this galaxy been able to make it without Sheev trying to tear is down all around them."
Do I love the characters? Absolutely, but they are based on archetypes. They are archetypes. What makes Star Wars particularly special is the galaxy, and now, creators get to go play in it with no obligation to doing characters justice, and free to tell whatever stories they can and want to in that setting. The potential is off the charts, and frankly, the only issues I've seen people have with it are based on the personal baggage force themselves to interpret the little of what we've seen of the High Republic though. Just my two cents though.
There’s two different ones on cover art related to High Republic and there are two recent Star Wars books I’ve seen at Barnes and Nobel with extremely similar black girls. None of them appeared in he movies, and not Landos daughter or whoever she was in episode 9.
This is hard to watch
Nice to see that the falseflag is working as intended.
How so?
Has to be Umbaran, definitely not Rattataki.
Agreed completely
No examples though of course
What did you said?
Sorry sir
Louder you fucking faggot
Oh shit, sorry. I didn't know you were gay.
Yeah. Luke wore the tunic up until his meeting with Vader.
His full outfit is very Jedi-esque, particularly on Tatooine in the hologramn and when he meets Jabba in person, when he's trying to seem as "Jedi" as possible.
Kathleen and Rian both needed to be stopped with lethal force. Alas they weren't and they have damaged something that was considered the world over as culturally significant.
Just say at every opportunity: "I don't consider the sequel trilogy to be's just Rey's daydreaming as a slave."
List of black girls in books:
> Rae Sloan (not on any covers)
> Sana Starros (on one comic cover)
...that's about it.
Stop discussing things you don't know about.
>the sequels deserve the same fate
the only thing the sequels deserve is to be made non-canon and forgotten
you mean 1-6
both will suck disastrously
>it's just Rey's daydreaming as a sex slave
Are you purposely forgetting all the state elections since then?
You'll get over it
how does mouse semen taste?
Which one of those did Trump win?
Holy shit shut up