
Godzilla General
New Russian poster

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Other urls found in this thread:



I want this movie to be two hours of nonstop monster carnage, but five bucks says it’s still 80% bland human characters talking about what’s going on instead of delivering the goods.

>80% bland human characters talking about what’s going on instead of delivering the goods.
Yeah, like every Godzilla movie ever. Only plebs want to see monsters fighting.

Godzilla has only 18 minutes of screen time

me in the middle


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And it will be chopped into several small slices of action in stead of a proper battle. Well I'm being a bit harsh, they went all in with Kaijus this time around so we will probably get a decent amount of action.

How can lizards even compete?

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Ghidorah looks like absolute dogshit.

King of the monsters is literally just filler until we get to see Godzilla get KONG'd

real talk how the fuck is kong even going to put up a fight against godzilla outside of his sheer punch power?

Caveman intelligence and tool use

The final trailer was nice: youtube.com/watch?v=QFxN2oDKk0E

He's getting powers when grows

>Only plebs want to see monsters fighting.
Dubs of truth.

Giant super fauna who are perceived as gods by mankind fighting amongst the ruins of civilization, gonna be great.

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>dass messed up
>dis Gahzilla's wurl, we jus live innit
>dam right

Can we stop with the Nig-quips in every action movie?

does kong have some kind of fur that deflects nuclear breath?

more like massive bomb general

Singed hair if lucky. I guess his mobility will be its best asset, intelligence as well. Though Godzilla seems to be able to strategize as well.

It's a trailer, you don't like what your see move on. Thats the point of them.

He has Mike Pence powers

>it is what it is, you don't have to like it
Is there any "argument" shittier than this. Maybe "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything". Look where you are pal, a place designed for discussing this shit. Those one liners was awful and we have all the right and reason to shit on it. Not shitting enough on such things is why we have had 10 years of this God awful capeshit.

Heisei-inspired poster?
The movies with good human characters/stories are the best since they give you someone to care about if they get squished by Godziller.

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Black Man reflexes.

>17 and counting
But they've only revealed Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah so far. I'm guessing a few others will make cameos and get stomped by Godzilla or Ghidorah like in Final Wars, or they're setting up a premise for other monsters to have minor roles in King Kong vs Godzilla.

The others that are shown are OC kaijus. But now that Toho expanded their contract with WB we might get to see more after 2020.

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Mothra is such a useless piece a shit

Mothra will _____get me off_____

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Based Mashiro poster

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Absolute Kino

I'm a bit disappointed I read the spoilers since now I won't be surprised.

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>like every Godzilla movie
This defense is bullshit. The Toei movies cost $38 to make and had some poor bastard buried under 150 lbs of rubber so limited screen time makes sense. With a massive Hollywood/China budget and a small army of cgi artists, there’s no excuse.

That is gorgeous!

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A 2 hour CGI monster fight would cost at least $300 million, not counting advertising. No studio on Earth would greenlight that - even if the movie made money, it would lose money.

Fuck you. Mothra is the embodiment of unconditional love and valor against fierce opposition.

Is it official that they've extended it and the MonsterVerse will continue? My understanding was that Toho said they'll extend the contract IF Legendary uses the IP and keeps making Godzilla movies.

If this movie doesn't do well, Legendary could very well just say nah and decide to end it after GvK if they don't think it's worth it.

And that might not be such a bad thing. Assuming Ghidorah dies in this one, and then there's another big bad in GvK, how many good match-ups are realistically left? Destoroyah, Gigan, Biollante, and MechaGodzilla are the most likely candidates, but they could all be done terribly if they aren't handled well.

I have no idea whether I want this universe to continue or not. I guess we'll see.

New monsters are always a possibility. We don’t need to rehash old ones every time.

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I doubt audiences would keep coming back to see "Godzilla vs Some Shit We Just Made Up" year after year. But then again they probably wouldn't for Toho monsters either.

Honestly I don't like the sound effects. All of them. Especially the roaring. They all sound like Jurassic Park to me.
The only sound I like is the Muto sound and the sound of crane before Muto appears

>yfw Jet Jaguar appears at the end of the film to save Godzilla

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Doesn't really matter. General audiences never knew shit about Marvel comics before MCU got big and popular either. Now everybody's read wikipedia page on them.

imagine actually being a kong cuck and thinking he has a chance

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>flies right into the light
>erry time

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>A lotta white boys like Godzilla but my supa-nigga named King Kong played his ass like ping pong

He teams up with humans and gets a mechanikong suit

Cope harder apelets

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This movie is going to be fucking great

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I wish they kept the fairy twins to summon Mothra, but now it looks like you can use CB radio to summon her instead.

>check Godzilla twitter hashtags
>it's all japs creaming themselves over the movie
Looks like they are really hype for it, huh.

Mothra better not die.

the last movie i watched that the theaters was BR 2049 but im for sure going to see this

New trailer showed way to much
Unless theres more 'cool' parts they pretty so them all

Name a more iconic duo.

Does someone have the Godzilla movie image guidelist? i want to see the original movies, but don't know which ones should i skip.

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Where do we add Shin and the animes to this?

Why they gotta pronounce Ghidorah that wayEEEEEEEE!!!!

I gotchu senpai.

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>Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla
Not a good day for Anguirus.

You got that right faggit!

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Mothra keeps current with technology because she doesn't want her job to get outsourced.

They pretty much had to show that much, because this movie's biggest obstacle to box office success is the complaint everyone had about the previous movie not having enough monster action. They have to prove it's full of kaiju fights in the trailers or people won't give it a chance after 2014.

Evidently press screenings begin tonight

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really? they must think they got it right then cause if they know it's a stinker they hold it until close to release

>They literally added "Muh Godzilla" in the trailer

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I supported DC over Marvel. I can root for the American King Kong over the Foreigner Jap Atomic Lizard. It's honestly a more even fight.

Is Mothra a strong female character?

Yeah, and not a Mary Sue either.

But they are going to use muh speed and muh intelligence against Godzilla and he'll probably be already weakened

Only plebs want to watch chinks argue about Godzilla. I'll watch a drama film if I want drama, I want to watch fighting monsters, pleb

It's not a defense dumbass, that's the truth.
We are humans, and movies are made for humans and about the humans. It's not a coincidence that the most acclaimed and beloved movies in this franchise are the ones with the best stories and tightest themes.
If you want to watch action figures smack into each other for two hours straight then play a video game. Even as a Toku fan i'll say that it's hard to squeeze in 20+ minutes of monsters fighting without fatigue creeping in and it becoming literally boring.

Yeah I was gonna see it until that shit. Hard pass now. Best I'll do is a camrip now

yes please pass on it thank you

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based retard

I must say, whoever cut and edited the trailers deserves a medal.

They actually get me hype for the film.

Yeah, fuck Kongs.

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Godzilla is such a manlet. That three headed hydra monster deserves to win for being taller. Fuck shorter creatures for thinking they can be "kings" of anything if someone is taller than them. That's not how it works.


pleb here, honest question: is she the Kenny of Godzilla?

>Mothra fights Rodan while Godzilla fights Ghidorah
>Mothra will sacrifice herself to save Godzilla
>Rodan will see Ghidorah is weakened and turn on him because WILD CARD

I'm pretty goddamn hyped not gonna lie famygdala.

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can it really be called jobbing if your enemy is King Ghidorah?

It's like saying Captain America jobs to Thanos.

Why is she so hot lads?

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tell me there's more

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Whoa!!! Badass. We are a ways out and they aren’t afraid of the publicity. Keeping my hopes up!

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>But now that Toho expanded their contract with WB we might get to see more after 2020.
When did that happen? If you're referring to the recent Variety article, I question the validity of the claim about additional Legendary films. Japanese sources continue to state the contract has to be renewed and Shinji Higuchi originally said the contract had to be renewed. Toho reopening offices in Hollywood could be interpreted as a sign that they intend to handle things themselves. Either way, don't spread false news.

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Yeah, the other monsters are awakened around the world by Ghidorah's cackling on the volcano and start rampaging everywhere.

Outside a brief montage, they primarily show up at the end of the movie for the "Lion King" ending of all the monsters converging on the ruins of Boston to bow to Godzilla as he takes his place as the King of the Monsters

It didn't to my knowledge. Toho just invested into their LA office , implying they want to increase their presence there and leverage Godzilla franchise in the west, according to their press release. The most logical conclusion is they probably want better licensing deals with legendary and brand exposure. Personally, I think they want to get that merchandising ball rolling and get the prime cut of that directly.

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Sauce on this?

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I am buying a van just to get this shit airbrushed on it. FUCKING HOOOOOOOYPE!

>Fuck MUTOs. Thank you. That is all.

Toho also said it wanted to make their own movies and build a global audience for them. The World of Godzilla is still a thing. Why would they want their films to compete directly with the Legendary films? They could work with other foreign studios besides Legendary to help them with that. Those studios could supply foreign actors or help with visual effects. So until there's official word that the Legendary series is getting a extension, you can only speculate.

Add Shin to “Pretentious But Entertaining” and the anime trilogy to “Cinematic Xanax.”

Beautiful poster. They are knocking them out of the park.

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That was way back in 2016. It honestly makes more sense to continue with Legendary's MonsterVerse than reboot the franchise yet again with lower budget, especially after that version got popular in the west.

I dunno, with Toho you never know. I think they can make their own movies for the fans and release them in between big Legendary movies. The core fanbase will go and see them yearly, normies can go to Legendary's huge event movies once every three years. imho, that'd be a winning strategy.

Banana weapons, primitive tools, and the race card

A coconut gun that fires in spurts.

I want to see a Ghidorah solo movie now.

I feel like the smart thing would be Toho arranging things so Japan could make their own entries for Monsterverse with the help of international effects budgets.

Steven Weintraub/colliderfrosty in Tokyo for a screening right now

>smart things would be for Toho to somehow magically conjure up money for effects for their own Japanese movies
That would be smart, for sure. I can see investors lining up to throw truckloads of cash at them.

I want to see a solo Mothra movie. With me as the lead

You can always make your own porn parody.

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>Try to watch some old Godzilla movies
>Decide to watch Ghidorah, The Three Headed Monster
>First few minutes, this is actually pretty good
>Suddenly Hawaiian pixie girls on some Japanese variety show
Holy shit this is awful. Japan is so uncomfortably fucking weird.

so its probably rodan that's falling burning up?

No, it's Godzilla getting dropped

dude you're singing the song right now dont lie

>>Rodan will see Ghidorah is weakened and turn on him because WILD CARD
This Rodan fellow sounds like a cowardly, lying, obsequious, opportunistic rat that knows it will never be Alpha on its own merits.

ghidorah looks smaller here?

Not really, Rodan's just bigger than usual

Rodan is the Starscream of Monsterverse.

>Japan is so uncomfortably fucking weird.
it was the bombs, but it's the same weirdness that gave us the series in the first place

ah just slowed it down they did the ol holywood shrink a little to fit in the frame trick

jumps on godzillas back and chokes him out, what can godzilla do against that?


>jumps on Godzilla's back
>impales himself on spikes
Cool plan.

> Kong jumps on Godzilla's back
> Gets stabbed by his spines
> Gets whacked off by his tail
> Gets blasted off by a nuclear pulse
lots of things user

It's not like he needs to anything, if the shitflinger decided to voluntarily disembowel himself.

Intelligence? Kong has been shown to quickly use things around him as weapons.

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prep time

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but Godzilla has been should to quickly dismantle monsters and then BBQ them

Heh the Kiryu Godzilla movies are my legit favorite.

godzilla now has permanent ape cape! NOICE!

where are the monster girl pics?

Beautifully edited. Say whatever you want about WB, but they make the best trailers in the whole industry.
If the movie is at least as good at the this trailer, we got shriekino in our hands.

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Kong will clearly get some kind of power up to kee up with Godzilla. Plus Kong ain't dying. Why? Because Hollywood will never approve of an American made kaiju be killed by a Jap made kaiju.

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finally a cool poster

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:) I always wonder how close were they from setting that actor fire :|

Supposed leaks says Godzilla wins overall but Kong wins one battle before.

Thats just kong trying to stop G from laughing at him

Last year's Comic Con poster was pure concentrated kino.

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actually godzilla being dropped from atmosphere

this. all the ones i'm seeing from other countries aren't doing it for me.

why does this look like porn

wait this wasnt in the leaks, when does rodan fight ghidorah? unless this is when ghidorah mindbreaks it

Has it been confirmed. One person says he got fucked up because he got dropped in the atmosphere and another said no its because the military dropped an Oxygen Destroyer on his face?

The wife is even stoked and she’s normie as fuck. It will all work out my friends!

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Thanks, I wouldn't like the smell of rancid shit by my side while watching the movie

both of these happen. you see it in one of the trailers that godzilla smashes down into buildings from the sky

The wife of a kaiju superfan doesn't really count as normie for the purpose of gauging broad normie interest in this movie. Most normies aren't married to kaiju fans who excitedly show them every trailer that pops up on Youtube.

this chick got some good looks at it, and it definitley appears to be Godzilla

Two separate instances of BTFO.
He gets OD'd in Mexico, then slamdunks in Boston.

i believe so, from the trailer theres a close up of godzillas spines highlited in blue, watch the trailer again and pause at that momemnt

They gonna have to edit that cross out for most of Amurrica! ;)

have sex


Kong doesn't fight unless provoked or when defending his home.

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you just answered your own question retard

It looks like a painting desu

the end of that is fucking sick, somebody webm that shit please

Godzilla going to gentrify Skull Island for sure

Why would Godzilla even cared about some ape or his island?

maybe because theres another threat. come on

vacation spot for him and Mothra

Because he's /ourguy/

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>Godzilla vs Kong
>directed Adam Wingard
>same guy who did Death Note netflix movie

Also chav Millie will be in it. Fuck. Should we be worry?

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Thanks for making me sad dude.

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I'm certain your wife is a lovely woman

Because the ape wrecked its own island and now is demanding that Godzilla's home island grant his asylum. Godzilla knows that the ape will just fuck everything up he had worked so hard to build but now Mothra is preaching that we have to help out of a vain morale principle. Now Godzilla has to keep the ape out of his home while being branded an apecist by Mothra and the horny kaiju who want to bang her.


From where?


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say we all

Allegedly Based Dougherty has been given some creative influence over the film. Assuming KotM does well critically, and given Wingard's reputation, he may only be directing in name. Similar to how Bay was still listed as a producer for Bumblebee, even though they wouldn't let him get his claws anywhere near that film.

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They're gonna do some BvS shit where Kong and Big G fight for 5 minutes before teaming up to fight the real villain aren't they. If they go that route I hope Biollante is the big bad. It even looks similar to a skull crawler in a way.

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is still sucked though :|

trendmasters toy commercial

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that or maybe destroyah

Adam Wingard is also the guy who made The Guest, don't forget that.
He can be terrible but he also can be good, and when he's good, he's great.

Movie's been confirmed to have a clear victor. Not saying there won't be a big bad, but for most the film monky and leezard will be going at it. I was in a thread on /m/ and suggested Biollante for a future Kong film after GvK. She collects biomass to grow in size, including the carcass of Ramarak, which forms her distinctive triangular head.

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American studios are going to shit this franchise up so hard. Godzilla is not about monster battles, and humans never help out. He needs no help. Godzilla is nature and he doesnt like or hate humanity, he just does what he wants and people die. Godzilla movies are about the human dramas going on in the background and their futility in the face of nature.

Fuck marvel capeshit and star wars trannies. Japan killed the Shin Godzilla sequels to turn the series into this model as well.

Wingard at least has some enthusiasm for Toho movies. Apparently he's a big King Kong Escapes fan.

I don't even entirely disagree with your post but Shin functions best as a standalone film just like GMK or Megaguirus. Thank fuck Anno won't retroactively ruin it like he did the first two Eva Rebuild films.

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Will this be the Rock vs. Austin of kaiju movies?

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Based Kong

Maybe he'll drink King Ghidorah's blood and become King Kong.
He'll gain a golden form, grow and shoot electricity out of his ass.

Only way he stands a chance against Godzilla.

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Post yfw Godzilla and Kong start quipping

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Japanese dubbed trailer with jpop shit music is pretty gay.


i'm telling you guys

it was the bombs

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I'm disgusted, but laughing

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Why do they always disable their likes/dislikes and their comments?

Ill never understand how the nips didnt grow out of 2002

Yeah, that's Rodan's Japanese name. They switched it here to avoid confusion with the element and for copyright purposes.

>Americans are this low-test

I kind of like this better. It gives a lot more emotion than the fucking sad piano music we always get. I'd watch a sub of the jap dub.

post yfw when Skull Island becomes Monster Island because the UN made Monarch gather all the released kaiju in one place and the whole film is a metaphor of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

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Infant Island

>Implying any form of central world government will exist after the biblical cleansing that is King of the Monsters.

That dub literally kekked out loud!

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But that's not Ghidorah.

When can we expect to hear critic reactions now that they started press screenings tonight. I'm sure i'll like it regardless, but i'd like to get an idea of the normie reactions.

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if normies love it, we Yea Forums will by default hate this movie right?

Same writer as the 1998 US Godzilla

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Why is he on fire?

BRUH. That's some bitchin' fan art.

do zilla and mothra actually fuck?

Yeah, pretty much. The two biggest names in kaiju history locking up for a historic rematch. Basically WrestleMania X-Seven's main event, but with giant monsters.

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Well, not quite. Terry Rossio collaborated with Ted Elliot in 1993 - 1994 to write a Godzilla film that was very different from the shitshow we got in 1998. In this version, Godzilla is depicted much more traditionally (more traditional design, indestructible, has atomic breath, is a male and doesn’t lay eggs). In this version, Godzilla was an ancient bioweapon created to defend Earth from another bioweapon from an evil alien race - a “probe” that would slaughter many species to gather genetic material before finally mutating into a “Doomsday beast” known as the Gryphon. Jan De Bont was slated to direct, Stan Winston was going to do effects (pic related was some concept art), it was going to be great - and then Sony pulled the plug in late 1994
When Emmerich and Devlin got their greasy mitts on it in 96-97 they threw out literally everything and rewrote the script from scratch - except for one scene from the original draft where Godzilla sinks some fishing boats. Because they kept that one scene, Rossio and Elliot received screenwriter credits
They were both pretty pissed that their script got thrown out, too, and think it would have been far better than G98

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Their relationship transcends the the physical but just how do you think those eggs get fertilized? He scrheeeonks all over them of course. :|

Here’s a link to the original G94 script, it’s pretty kickass
Pic related, Gryphon concept art

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Wingard did the Guest and You're next, also some shorts in the VHS movies he can be good.

Not true, he worked on the 1994's avorted (and fucking awesome) project and was only credited for this in the 1998 movie even if he didn't worked on it.

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That's interesting, I'm happy to be wrong.

Is that Burning Godzilla I'm seeing?

Say it with me lads.
>only 36 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters

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I mean...

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How are Nips taking it that the Americans are better at making a Godzilla movie?

damn, ghidorah took that like a man


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Is Godzilla a reptile or a lizard?

>that shot

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You're damn right Rodanbro, you're damn right.

I think he's some kind of marine reptile, but he does have gills...

Fucking kek.

>only 36 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Fucking beautiful.

Mothra a cute.


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Then watch some pleb shit like pacific rim

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Godzilla 2014 made 500 million. That's still pretty niche for a blockbuster.

>well, here I am

>Devil in Dante's Inferno was a three headed monster trapped in a frozen land
>Ghidorah is pretty much the devil

I can't wait.

Second trailer had a quick shot of him in there

I can't wait


fucking Butts, he's just milking it now

Fucking fag, I don't want him anywhere near this

Wait, Kong is as big as Godzilla?

I thought they'd team and Kong would be riding Gozilla or something like that.

Ghidorah terrified me as a kid for some reason. I hope this film turns out well.

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>Millie Bobby Brown movie
Wtf why did he do that

as if you don't know that he's a pedo

>Blue Oyster Cult cover

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>big ass monster movie
>monster is covered by the sea, buildings or various other objects, or shown with shaky cam bullshit for a second or two
>whenever it's out in the open it's constant darkness, rain and smoke to make sure you never see them properly
It wasn't funny the first time. Fuck that 2014 movie and fuck this one too.

>Bear McCreary

The guys shit all sounds the same with one or two exceptions.

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I'm exited for the movie desu, but this is awful. Bad sign.Gives me flashback to Desolation Row in Watchmen.
Hope it stays out of the movie.

oh the memories


I'm guessing (given where it is in the soundtrack) that this is the first Godzilla-Ghidorah battle in Antarctica


This sounds strangely familiar....

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Saw this linked in a thread on /m/ and fucking hell it looks pretty good.

if this ends up also being in the movie I will lose my shit in the theater

Ok this sounds way fucking better.


>they actually redid Blue Oyster Cult's Godzilla for this movie

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Couldn't they just go around the castle?

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You utter plebeians, that's a cover of "Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult. And it's almost certainly the end-credits song



Yes, already knew that, and? It still is a mismatch from the tone of the movie, or at least the tone they're selling with the trailers. it doesn't fit a Godzilla movie at all, and it's a silly song.

Desolation Row was a cover too and was named in the comic, but it still was extremely dissonant with the tone of the film, specially when it's the last thing you hear after the movie ends.

It would be embarrassing to hear some shitty rock song over the credits of a Godzilla movie that actually looks melancholy kino.

You sound like some normie and know nothing about the genre...please leave

I dunno, going off the leaked ending leaning more towards a Showa attitude, it's a perfect fit.

>a Godzilla movie that actually looks melancholy kino
you're gonna be REALLY disappointed by the quips and cheesy as fuck ending

>Yes, already knew that, and? It still is a mismatch from the tone of the movie, or at least the tone they're selling with the trailers. it doesn't fit a Godzilla movie at all, and it's a silly song.
>It would be embarrassing to hear some shitty rock song over the credits of a Godzilla movie that actually looks melancholy kino.
The only embarrassing thing is your entire post

>The original Godzilla theme is remixed in the newest movie
also getting some Final Wars vibes

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Rodan/Mothra/Ghidorah's themes are all in the movie too.


Based Zilla poster.

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this fucking sucks lmao