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You better post legitimate truth to this thread friendo.
S(he) still confuses me to this day. What a strange yet interesting person.
Did you really think this would be legit? He was just spotted at McDonald's a few days ago.
Die yet ?
Chris is going to die someday, either through his own lack of self care, or because someone finally decides to put the sick puppy down.
Chris is gonna die starving to death covered in cum after people realize she's annoying and have used her for what they want
I'd say we knew ye too well
You mean He.
>implying the nightmare will ever be over that easily
He wishes.
Wait, did CWC die? Did I miss something?
What do you mean F? Is he dead?
Of course he isn't, retard. If Chris actually died, there would be plenty of more threads about it on every board
Did he kill himself?
Everyone is "going to die someday"
Maybe you nerds are but I’m gonna live forever
I don't think the people who are defending Chris' sexual identity. Understand that by doing so it invalidates the entire concept as a whole.
You can either argue
"People have the ability to consent to the gender they want to identify as"
"People have an inherent intuition as to what their true sex is, regardless of biological gender assigned by doctors."
Now the second one is literal insanity. And the first would require Chris being mentally capable enough to consent.
So if you are going to do this you are going to have to pick one
1. Argument 2 is true regardless of a person's mental capability
2. Chris is a mentally capable well adjusted person whose will should be respected
Silence, tranny
Why most of the times it's creepy heterosexual males like Chris-chan that suddenly "come out" as trannies?
A theory I have heard that I think has weight:
Outside of transtrenders gender dismorphia has a higher occurrence with those who re on the autism spectrum. This could be because they don't feel like they are accepted or are adequate for their own gender peers, thus think that they might be better as the opposite gender.
>legitimizing the delusions of an individual who unironically believes in the "dimensional merge" where his Sonichus and ponies will be waiting for him, who also believes he is both a CPU goddess and a prophetess of said merge
I know actual schizophrenics who aren't as detached from reality as this guy. Stop enabling him.
>"Date me you bigot!"
>tfw on the spectrum and never succumbed to the tranny meme
>tfw the most prominent trannies in my social circles are all, you guesed it, autists
What is it about autism that lends itself to these people's view of themselves?
>because they don't feel like they are accepted or are adequate for their own gender peers, thus think that they might be better as the opposite gender
Actual gender dysphoria doesn't work like this. It's not "oh I'm not accepted as my bio sex so I will live as the opposite sex", these people genuinely believe they are the opposite gender due to their mental state, not their environment. Though, given that one's environment can affect one's mental state you then have a "chicken or egg?" argument.
In this he looks like a MALE drug dealer in 1990s new jersey.
You aren't denying the link between autism and gender dismorphia.
And what does Autism inhibit? The ability to read, express, and fit in with social cues.
>ability to read, express, and fit in with social cues
All of which can be taught and learned, and one can still end up a tranny. The autistic trannies I know are mainstreamed sufficiently.
You fucking wish. Chris will outlive us all. Hell, his fucking mom is somehow still alive.
Autism is unusually common amongst people who identify as transgender.
Autistics tend to prefer animation. It is easier to distinguish the emotions and recognize the faces of cartoon characters than real people.
Japan is also especially popular with autistics due to its robots and embrace of technology, and also its rigid social rules and etiquette (in societies with clear rules, autistics know what is expected of them and it reduces uncertainty and confusion). Japan is also more sexist than in places like America, Canada, Australia or Scandinavia.
Autists tend to begin identifying with parodies of real women because they believe life with be easier as a failed female than a failed male. I should add that female autists frequently fall into the tranny trap too. But their reasoning is more like “I’m not a failed woman, I’m a secret man cuz I’m more rational than average”.
Thanks to the Internet trannies are able to validate each other and stroke their delusions like many mentally ill communities online.
There was actually a pervert on /r9k/ a while ago who was grooming autistic teenage boys into taking pictures dressed in lingerie and cosplay and shit then threatening to tell their families if they didn’t make porn for them.
If you’ve ever browsed Yea Forums before you’ll quickly notice the overlap between gender dysmorphia, anime, and autism.
>Teehee we’re all little girls here!
>I’m so lonely
>I wish I could be the girl in a relationship
>Real girls are so confusing and hard to understand, anime girls are more relateable
>Society is so cruel for expecting men to be manly and assertive
barb's going to kick the bucket any day now, chris is gonna be fucked once she's gone
A possible supplement to your hypothesis is that they might also have ultra rigid ideas about masculine and feminine genders and, since they don't fit exactly into those molds, they figure there must be more.
Chrischan has more of a following and an impact than any of us will ever have.
He should be permanently institutionalized, t bH.
It's for his own good. He can't take care of himself, he can't go a few years without running into some trouble with the law, his debtors have nothing to squeeze out of him (even garnishing the monthly tugboat will barely scratch the surface) and quite frankly psychologists/psychiatrists have a lot to gain from studying and observing him. Autism is still somewhat mysterious and he manages to be every negative stereotype of autism rolled into one, he'd be an amazing case study for future psych students.
He has more of a following and an impact than his actually successful half-brother Cole Smithey. Despite having a family, a home, and a real career, no one reads/watches his fucking reviews and they're not even that good anyway.
autists are also surrouned by enablers, who will take decisions for you even if you are technically high functional.Familly, doctors, and overall "helpers" will give you "life choices" that you will accept because being autistic, you were raised to accept the others desire more than yours. Sexual abuse is rampant, because you can groom them in plain sight and nobody will ever know.
He’d maybe qualify for a supported living situation or personal 1:1 support hours with his benefit money probably controlled by a government advocate but access to his patreon money, he’s not nearly autistic enough to be institutionalised.
Chris is not an actual transexual, turning into a girl because you think that female gender roles are better is not transexualism is just autism
>being autistic, you were raised to accept the others desire more than yours
user, is there something you'd like to tell us about the way you were raised? Not all autists are soulless drones who follow and never lead.
Who will die first: Chris-Chan, Dobson, Moviebob or Boogie?
Multiple studies conducted by a university in Sweden, along with other research reports, shows that women with autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more vulnerable to sexual abuse and grooming overall. I agree with the other post as well, that autistic youth are more vulnerable to gender dysphoria as well. It's really sad. From my personal experience, I worked at a place with autistic youth and two of them were transgender.. among only like 20-odd kids. That's a high incidence rate. Very unusual
Watch coronavirus get him
Chris for sure.
e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
Kill yourself
Is this guy like a person who wanted to do it for free, but got rejected?
Sorta. Autists are more likely to spontaneously freak out when ordered to do certain things. But also tend to mindlessly do as they’re told in many contexts.
Remember that kid in AP class who was politely asked to help move the chairs around and he sperged himself into in-school suspension? Then wondered why he didn’t get Valedictorian?
But it's too ugly to be a woman. Women are good looking
If Chris actually died it would be a site-wide announcement
>There was actually a pervert on /r9k/ a while ago who was grooming autistic teenage boys into taking pictures dressed in lingerie and cosplay and shit then threatening to tell their families if they didn’t make porn for them.
Wasn't the guy who blew off his own head on stream about 2 years back one of those people being blackmailed? That shit was awful
Years ago I knew a guy on a forum who was one of those "haha funny secret Yea Forums club" guys who constantly """subtly""" bragged about it in public and admitted to downloading CP and rape videos, now just a few days ago I found out he became a tranny recently. Like clockwork.
>Years ago I knew a guy on a forum who was one of those "haha funny secret Yea Forums club" guys who constantly """subtly""" bragged about it in public and admitted to downloading CP and rape videos, now just a few days ago I found out he became a tranny recently. Like clockwork.
Let me guess: Is he a communist furry too?
His SSDI can't be garnished. I'd say as far as autistic lunatics go he's probably fairly typical, but that doesn't mean his life, the fact that he's a living, pathetic version of The Truman Show, isn't worth studying.
Tell that to Sarah Jessica Parker, Rosie O'Donnell, or Ayn Rand.
>He actually called chris chan an e-celeb
No but he was definitely one of those guys pretending to be right wing back in 2016
Nah, that's pretty much what transgenderism is, dude.
>pretending to be right wing
The only second-hand knowledge you gathered for autism are from "source" like the CWcki which is run by the pedophile Joshua Connor Moon where self hating basement dweller (still like Moon, who still live with his equally looser mother who shitpost their sadness away)
Oh, I wouldn't discount Boogie. His organs have to be a goddamn mess from the years of abuse he put them through. Chris is surprisingly impervious to pain and his dad lived to be in his 90s despite a horrible diet and living in their bug infested house
Can this person die already
Joshua Moon bragged about downloading hurtcore CP
Not the user you replied to, but I've heard this theory multiple times.
Is Chris-Chan the most documented person in history? Seriously, everything he did every day for the last 10 years is documented. Not even the most influential people on earth have this privilege or curse.
Perhaps, it's usually said that he is.
At the very least, he's the most well-known person documented that thoroughly.
It’s not you just only pay attention to those types. There’s a word for it. Selection Bias?
>"Reeeeeee! Stop stating facts!"
Shut up, tranny.
autism user autism
Dude. your information is way out of date.
First of all the cwcki became the kiwi farms.
Second off Josh lived in Ukraine and is currently moving to Serbia.
Also, him being a pedophile was never true.
Are you talking about those antifa furfags that wanted to beat conservatives up?
>the cwcki became the kiwi farms
Wrong. Kiwi Farms started out as "CWCki Forums", hence Kiwi Farms.
Nice fukkin digits.
Even trans people misgender Chris. Why would anyone want this person associated with them.
Autism and autogynephilia. Fetishfags taking the fetish too far, basically. Studies have shown trannies have a shitload of cluster b personality disorders too.
>I should add that female autists frequently fall into the tranny trap too. But their reasoning is more like “I’m not a failed woman, I’m a secret man cuz I’m more rational than average”.
This, plus a lot of women who go tranny have sexual abuse histories. They think that if they remove what makes them female, therefore sexually appealing to straight men, they'll be "safe".
Real talk: How would you react if Chris really died one day and the most autistic tale in human history just suddenly came to an end?
I actually didn't know this, but it makes so much sense.
Of course this "laugh at retarded people on the internet with fellow bullied 8th graders" site stemmed from Chris Chan.
Quints of truth
Based and memento mori-pilled
I would wait for the imminent hollywood movie about his life.
Yeah. But irl these "badass" Antifafurs get bullied even by nigga kids:
Sad, but also glad he'd be out of his misery. I do not envy Chris being who he is, that's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
Good little Janny cuckboy
Lads are we, the Internet, to blame for Chris's downward spiral
you guys keep saying that like she makes any difference
No, he was drinking his own cum and harassing women several years before his E-Fame started.
I'm trans and even I don't consider him trans. He's very transparently lying about it for attention and as part of an ill-advised scheme to fuck lesbians. This is the exact thing transphobes try to say we're all like, why would we want him around at all?
>Bob was hoping for a rugged, sharp, creative son he could bond with doing masculine activities like building projects and fixing things
>instead he got a fat little retard who stared slack-jawed at video games and entry level anime all day
>one of Bob's last sights in this mortal world was of the greasy lard tub he used to call his son wearing ill-fitting women's clothing and makeup
>autism and coddling
When I was pretty young I was constantly sent away to be tested for it for a few years before they finally just assumed I didn't have it. Considering how that labeling shit and tests constantly change/improve/degrade depending on who you ask I might technically have it at a high functioning level since my demographics tended to be poorly diagnosed. I kinda don't want to know if I do want to get retested because it'll give me an excuse to behave poorly if it turns out I am. If I do have it, I feel like my upbringing and the expectations that I DIDN'T have it shaped a lot of my behavior today to the point where people may think I'm slightly weird at worst but not mentally handicapped. I don't understand a lot of normal emotions/motivations other people have but can conform and pretend enough to where other people don't give me weird looks unlike actual spastics who can't read a room. However this could be the result of antisocial behavior creating a snowball effect of misunderstanding rather than actual autism.
Whether this is nature or nurture or I'm looking too deep into this, I just felt like putting it out there with a grain of salt.
no, it started long before
but we did enable it
No, a lot of the chris chan lore happened before he was a notable internet character. Chris would have spiraled no matter what, the internet didn't cause his autism. Now if you asked if the internet made it worse? Then yes probably.
Chris was doomed even before the internet found him, but it only made things much worse.
However, Chris was given several opportunities to escape the internet and all of this would stop. It's a double-edged sword.
I know that Bob did a lot wrong with Chris' upbringing, but I genuinely feel bad for him. I could tell he wanted to bond with Chris, but Chris was just too far up his own ass to do anything
Well, maybe Bob shouldn't have been such a shitty dad to his last children so he wouldn't have to wait until he was too old to be procreating.
I cried like a baby when Terry Davis died. I'm not gonna be ready for Chris, I hope he experiences more dignity and respect after he dies than he did in life.
His art will be priceless. Original CWCs will go up for auction. Such is the curse of artists.
Don't have kids if you're over 40
I understand where you're coming from.
I'm not sure how much it compares, but I still feel like I have high functioning ADHD, but I was raised as an honors student and expected to get good grades so I made my own methods of learning how to cope.
Now that I'm in Uni I'm still struggling but I'm not medicated and I can manage without. Getting an ADHD diagnosis right now wouldn't help me out that much.
Food for thought.
the internet didn't cause Chris to draw that picture of him fingering Megan. Chris' life would have been fucked with or without trolls
lol made me check, good one
His spiral is his own fault. The internet just watched it happen.
>I would wait for the imminent hollywood movie about his life.
Jonah Hill as CWC? yes or no?
I don't know if it's more sad or less sad with the internet.
Without the internet, it's just a mentally handi-capped man/woman who hyperfocuses on things
With the internet, they've got droves of fans for good or bad reasons who can follow everything he does because of the internet.
Unfortunately common.
>You won’t rape me if I’m not a girl
I did surveys on /lgbt/ and reddit. Gays/Lesbians were a mixed bag but trannies were almost always abused physically & sexually.