Watching Ben 10 for the first time in ages. What does Yea Forums think of it?
"What is she doing here?"
It's based!
First series is the only worthwhile one.
Is still canon in it's own universe.
So making Alien Force and Ultimate didn't ruin the purity of it
People actual used to get badly bullied for liking this, Power rangers aswell
>People actual used to get badly bullied for liking this, Power rangers aswell
I want proves or sources
Does anyone know if there's any truth to the rumor that Gwen was originally intentioned as a love interest, but then was changed to be Ben's cousin relatively late in production?
Not true.
>Does anyone know if there's any truth to the rumor that Gwen was originally intentioned as a love interest, but then was changed to be Ben's cousin relatively late in production?
The Ben10 wiki says this, it doesn't really link a source but says that it's written in the official artbook full of concepts and rejected ideas.
I don't have the artbook, so it's a "trust it until you can verify yourself"
I remember it well, you'd get called gay and laughed at. This happened often. They would spit and throw stones
They really should've just rolled with Gwen being a neighbor. Just say their families are close, it's not that hard to justify.
It's insane how bad I ship them.
Who would let their teen daughter go off on a trip alone with a teen boy and his bara grandpa?
as a kid, I didn't mind it so much, was just another show
some time a few years ago I found out about incognitymous' work, however, and that was that
Yes you can
Honestly worth sharing, but it's a pairing you could never admit to in real life.
everyone on Yea Forums is a pedo that just wants to fuck gwen
Might as well contribute to this thread.
I thought it was a pretty good show, but the series is probably known more because of gwen and ben
So who likes the original art style the best, because I really can't stand the new looks. Some of the stories are good, but the art style just zapped the charm.
Which episode does Ben kiss Gwen's bare flat chest?
I don't want to fuck Gwen.
I want Ben to fuck Gwen.
so you are vicariously a pedo
honestly I like all the gwens
except the older gwens those all look boring
I want to fuck gwen AND ben
Those pupil less eyes are creepy.
>short hair gwen
well thats a yikes from me
but user, they all have short hair
That's not true.
I like you user
What a stacy
I didn't know I needed this
I wonder what the voice actors really think of the pairing...and the fans?
Didn't hirsch knew about dipper and mable and thought it was cute?
Original is the only one I liked period. Alien force at least tried but it never clicked for me, plus the characters felt like they had their personalities removed.
I know his actual twin sister, who she and alex are the basis for dipper and mabel, knew about it and let's just say she wasnt a fan.
I loved this show as a kid and I hate this board's humbert humbert-esque obsession with her
kek some sweaty neckbeards shipping her with her brother
I highly doubt it given that any support is pretty much an instant blackballing. A full on never work in the industry kiss of death. As a side note I often wonder if Tara Strong or Meghan McCarthy do their character voices in the bedroom. Of course if they ever admit it they'd totally be fired.
I'd bet money that Tara has
>I'd bet money that Tara has
Raven or bubbles?
Raven for sure
>just say their families are close
... Y'know, it helps to actually READ the posts you are replying to.
>Raven for sure
A Bubbles "but I poop from there" would be epic, not sure if it would kill or set the mood.
The hottest pre-teen couple of all time. Know why it has such staying power to even be a thread today? Sex. Pure hot cousin fucking sex. I honestly don't know which one is hotter, Ben or Gwen.
What say you?
Og Ben 10 was alright
I don't know my opinions on the teen Ben trilogy Thoguh. Only real gripe was for af and ua the art style was a tad bland.
>It's insane how bad I ship them.
It might be the most popular taboo ship of all time.
What is with the hal jordan posts, did I miss something?
When you were in middle school maybe
That's one cool orangutan, you got there user.
You do request?
I mean, it makes sense. All those shippy moments with a friend who is a girl would make perfect sense. But they changed her to cousin and it became a sailor Neptune dub debacle.
Death Battle, online web series. Two fictional characters fight in a battle toy eh death. Ben fought Hal Jordan and Hal killed him
Ben lost to Hal beat Ben in an internet video, and Yea Forums was far too invested in the outcome.
I’m convinced this series popularity is only still going through Gwen x Ben porn exclusively
did danielle actually draw this
Aunt and adult Gwen from the original looked neat.
Hal fans are so desperate to gain acceptance and recognition from others that they are clinging to any way to show their character look better.
The original Gwen design is really good. It's so good that modern CN realized how good it was and stopped using it, because them utilizing it is a lot like Danny Devito sitting in a Lamborghini Countach.
Is this real?
>Gwen learns she has slightly more r34 art.gif
Oh shit, love your work dude. Please draw more Raisins Girl art. It's your fault it's become my obsession.
I sometimes imagined in the past that it would turn out that Ben and Gwen were secretly twins or half siblings.
>secretly...half siblings
So one of Max's sons cucked the other? Awkward.
It gave me an incest fetish along with ATLA
Can skudbutt ever be forgiven for giving Gwen tits in the model that every 3D animation of her uses?
>Can skudbutt ever be forgiven for giving Gwen tits in the model that every 3D animation of her uses?
Remind me again what was wrong?
She had tits.
>It gave me an incest fetish along with ATLA
I'm starting to think this shit is intentional.
>He wasn't alive for the age of CN crossover bumps
What a miserable world you have inherited