Indiana Jones with that sword fag.
What are some other movies with this concept?
Guns in movies
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Your life.
Also this image is fucking stupid. I've only been training 5 months and I can easily blitz people at gunpoint. Any MMA fighter worth his salt wouldn't give you the chance to pull out a gun, anyway.
what if i pull out my gun really fast
Chances are my fist is faster than your trigger finger.
Not him, but if you practice your draw enough and are competent with hand to hand in CQC scenarios a pistol can really make a difference.
>standing 10 feet away with a gun
checkmate atheists
Yeah but what if I draw like mega fast
I could easily circle strafe and CQC you into the ground before you can even think, "Oh shit I missed!" at that length.
Stop lying on the internet, you are a fat manlet IRL
>quote from man shot at gunpoint
I may be a manlet, but I'm certainly not fat. My small frame makes me hard to hit. Also, people tend to underestimate me often, which works to my advantage when they shit bricks and see how good I am at finding weak points.
In all my years of living, I have never let myself be injured by another human being.
You won't be saying "cope" when you're on the ground foaming at the mouth and pissing blood begging for mercy.
I beg to differ homo
You haven't seen me move. People call me "smooth skin" because I have never been harmed.
can you teleport too?
No, but I am very fast. My fastest mile time is 4 minutes.
They call you smooth skin for a different reason kid.
more like smooth brain
I've only been training for 1 month and I can already outrun a cheetah at top speed
It is impossible for you to have gauged my intelligence from the posts I have posted. Keep posting unrelated shit, though. It makes me laugh to see how pathetic you are.
Who trained you?
keep telling yourself that
I read books.
i don't want to be anywhere near a ten mile radius of your deafening faggotry
I'm sure most people wouldn't say the same. I was pretty popular in high school.
Mac, is that you?
>I read books.
You've never been in a real fight.
I have superspeed and can dodge bullets
Let me tell you something buddy. In math class, you saw the instructor teach you how to add two numbers. You saw him do it on the board, and then wa-la. You knew how to do it. Same concept applies to fighting at its core.
Imagine unironically believing your martial arts training can beat a guy with a gun. Real life ain't like the movies boys
Don't act like you know how real fights go down. It's not all just niggers wailing at each other with half clenched fists and sideways pointed guns. Just saying.
Based MMA user
yeah until you got dabbed on in the test
Is it just me or has Yea Forums gotten increasingly absurd in its threads recently?
It feels like people have started to really give up on everything.
Pfft. I went to the gym for a week and beat the shit out of a silverback gorilla riding a tiger.
In that user’s defense, CQC is a real life term. It wasn’t made up for Metal Gear Solid.
Fuck your 21 foot rule. Also, op related:
lmao the odds of me finding a guy that good with a gun is extremely fucking low
meanwhile, my odds against the average person leaves me with like a 99.9% chance of victory
My fucking sides.
Bullets are faster. And you can fire a lot of them in that time. Just so you know
Hey, fatty. Give me an address and I can prove my point to you.
>having a smoke outside nightclub
>drunken mma homo grabs me and tries a takedown
>I remember what's illegal in mma and therefore what they're untrained to defend against
>he breaks hold and scurries off after I've broken two of his fingers
Amature. Been training karate for 6 months and by the time you'd pull the trigger I would already be behind you.
He's dead though, user.
That's a very good impression of the average mutt after a week at his local McDojo.
Cor I can remember playing mgs3 for the first time and going into school the next day telling people I was a CQC expert
Shut the fuck Chink we already disproved your theory after the Boxer rebellion
>mfw this whole thread.
How can a nation raise so many retards?
yeah, IDK about MMA but I crossfit and I can literally move mountains with my sphincter muscles now
I believe you user, keep heeming criminals
At 6 months I teleport into the past and choke MMA style the person's mother out before they have a chance to birth someone who would pull a gun on me then I teleport back and forgot what happened. Maybe some day gun fags will invent time travelling bullets to stop me
Captain marvel
The first Punisher movie with Dolph Lundgren has this. The bad guy have a dojo with samurais that gets hyped up during the movie, but during the final assault all of them gets gunned down before they can do anything.
ok but what if im far enough away
charlie vs mac
Based vigilante user