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Seek sunlight, incel.

looks like a power-rangers villain


Hey, suicide is never the answer. Don't do it.


I hate this off brand deformed michelle rodriguez so fucking much.

so goddamn ugly

Post ya brapper or fuck off.

Disney isn't even being subtle about it.

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>Wakanda is all black and beautiful

>Asgard is diverse, and under the control of a black valkyrie

So who's really racist here?

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That's your insult? "Go dilate, you mtf trans person that successfully had the money and resources to get SRS!"

Weird flex.

>That's your insult? "Go dilate, you mtf trans person that successfully had the money and resources to get SRS!"

>Weird flex.

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She's not that hot.

You guys remember when the Nordic Gods and their pals were racially diverse?

dilate and cope

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You successfully had the money to castrate yourself?

Wtf? How does she become the queen of Asgard?

Do I look to you like I´m giving the slightest fuck anymore?

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>murrican degenerates shitting on every piece of culture they can think of
enjoy your freedom


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i wonder how often they wish they could go back

Every waking minute.

wanna know how I know you’re a woman(formerly a man)

Thor just decides he is not a good leader and gives her the title.


>BP in full kill mode ready to shove his claws into Klaw
>Renames Bucky WHITE wolf
>Another white boi for us to fix

Holy shit user you may be on to something here