''You know what the trouble is, Brucey? We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy's pocket.''
''You know what the trouble is, Brucey? We used to make shit in this country, build shit...
One of the best television characters of all time
the ending of his ark was the climax of modern drama
Too true.
They still build shit lol. Why are hicks so dumb? Don’t they know idealism and generalizations are for youth and practicality is for adults? It’s soley because they have their panties in a twist over other races but they try to use vague platitudes as a justification for their cuckrage and it’s not fooling anyone.
cant tell if from silicon valley or isreal
>calling a baltimore native a hick
>criticizing people for making generalizations
>while at the same time generalizing a very broad "they" (whoever you perceive to be a hick i guess)
is he implying that the compensation for manufactured goods doesn't come from the next guy's pocket? lmao idiots
Going on frustrated soliloquies about those pesky immigrants doesn't work if you can't even take care of your own livelihood.
i don't recall his character saying anything about immigrants. the point is that deindustrialization has fucked the city.
your talking in circles
What went wrong Eurobros?
>ywn watch season 2 of the wire for the first time ever again
A rat.
Germanic invasion 3000 years ago.
Wrong WW1 was the beginning of the uncuckening of Europe. Based Black Hand bringing down those AustroHUNs.
I tend to like season two more the more I watch it. The McNulty drunken whore scenes are obnoxious though. But I really liked the setting around the blue collar area of Baltimore.
Also, Ziggy and his fucking duck.
Some Serbshit assassinated the heir of Habsburg Empire.
>tfw you realize every bad event that happened during the 20th century was because of the B*lkans
I'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger kids chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was teaching them about the chess pieces, he was really referring to THEM being the pawns! What an amazing metaphor!
It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.
Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Wire is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.
Also the acting is amazing. Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.
cringe and yikes
those stats are bullshit for any year pre 1900.
Found the butthurt Central Asian. Go back, non-European.
That guy's gf had fantastic tits
T. Chinklet
>A Slav(e)oid Turkish cum rag having the gall to call anyone else a non-European.
Ok eternal Roman Larper. Be sure to eat your raw reindeer meat today just like grandpa Genghis prescribed!
It’s actually funny you mention Turks. Turks, Huns, and Khazars all came from the same region around Central Asia around 3000 years ago. The anglos and Germans are offshoots of these peoples as well :)
If you even have the delusional audacity to dream that Slav(e)vic lower life forms like you are actually European, then you better wake up and apologize.
Germanics are native European Nordic Aryans, you babyfaced primitive Slav(e). Europe is an Aryan continent, you're just living rent free in it thanks to Aryan clemency and tolerance.
>this is what Germgols believe
>panties in a twist over other races
Half the crew he was trying to look out for were black, not everything is about race you dummy.
>look at me I have black friends I’m not racist!
Name some things he ever said or did that were actually racist, you baseless judgemental freak.
I’ll bash your head in you mug. I poop on you. I throw poop on your head haha doodoodome. *farts*
Notre Dame took almost 100 years to build... what project today would get funding for that timeframe?
He was swinging up, not down. Fucking A did you watch the sho..... oh what am I saying, of course you haven't.
You know what the trouble is, user? We used to discuss television and film on this board, build our own memes. Now we just got our hand in the next website's pocket.
Pretty obvious you've never watched the show and are just in a seethe that nativism and protectionism exist.
>gets BTFO and then pretends he was just trolling
The absolute state of that guy ITT.
i finished with season 3 but didn't like it as much as 1 + 2.. made a break but want to give 4 and 5 a shot soon. what can i expect?
it's done dude. The series dies with the docks
uganda be kiddin me
both correct
Based Frank
Best Season of The Wire
Holy crap the World Wars really took the wind out of Europe.
is this a common opinion?
It's mine too anyway
alrighty, thanks for sharing
Most people will swap 2 with 1, but with mine its 1 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 5.
5 is pretty much universally considered the weakest season, its not terrible or anything but it gets really goofy and the new plot they introduce kinda sucks. It has its moments though, like one particularly sentimental nigga.
I always forget that there are types of people that feel an unearned sense of superiority over people of a different economic standing. You are just downright pathetic.
is the most popular opinion but you need to see 1 to get how good 2 is so I can see the argument go either way
Most people are fucking retards and say to skip 2. People who actually know what they are talking about usually have 2 or 4 as their favorite season.
Season 1 is the introduction for the series, where the motivations for certain characters and groups are fleshed out, as you need to realize that there are numerous factions within each group. Season 2 is important as it hits you right in the gut when you realize that blue collar workers will never catch a break, and will most likely have to turn to crime to earn money. Season 3 is seen as the climax of the series mainly due to the main gang getting btfo. It mainly comes down to people realizing that they can't change the inevitable as with Stringer Bell realizing that he will always be nothing more than a nobody when it comes to someone with actual power, Prez throwing his career away despite finding a way more useful way to contribute, and Bunny with his realization that he won't be able to help his community with the way things are handled. Season 4 and 5 are basically the epilogue of the series with a reboot as newer characters replace older characters. [Spoiler/]
2>1>4>3>5 seeing Carver's redemption arc play out was one of my favorite aspects of the show. Not seeing Herc get shot in the face was very disappointing.