ITT: Weird moments or status quo changes that everyone forgot about

Pretty self-explanatory.

Everyone remembers Sue Storm's mid-life crisis stripper costume from Tom DeFalco's run, but on top of that, Ben Grimm got his face slashed up by Wolverine and spent a whopping 34 issues wearing a mask to cover it up

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The X-men aren't supposed to be seen by security cameras because of shenanigans years ago involving the Adversary and Roma

But i remember that.

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I remember that happened but I forget WHY that happened

Does Sublime count? All of humanity infected by a sentient virus that makes them hate mutants.

I think he wore a similar mask for a couple of pages at the beginning of the Lee/Kirby run.

That's a reference to it

Dunno if it really counts but the Fantastic Four didn't even wear costumes for their first few issues, they just wore regular clothing. I believe Marvel editorial demanded Kirby design costumes because they wanted to give the team an identifiable look.

It doesn't count.
the status quo wasn't fullfilled in that case.

that’s retarded

And now that Bendis has pissed off to the Distinguished Competition it will (thankfully) come up again.

Emma Frost got with Scott by basically taking advantage of her position of power as his therapist to try and compell him to have a psychic affair with him under the pretex of hit being part of his treatment, while repeatedly trying to make it a physical relationship to Scott's clear objection and discomfort.

This is apparently considered to be Jean's fault when she discovers it and confronts Emma over it, because it's okay if Emma did it because she really loves Scott, I guess?

good times

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Unironically the best version of the character.

Venom used to eat brains. And then chocolate bars because it was basically the same.

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i remember these

If you live in the MU you believe that Daredevil was initially Mike Murdock, Matt Murdock's normally sighted twin brother, and that he died and was replaced by an unknown man.

Or you might not, the endless "Who is Daredevil" storylines get really muddled.

Nobody forgot the Ben-mask. It just isn't interesting to bring up over and over.

Reed had a arm cast for several issues during the Byrne run where Mephisto was able to magically break Reed's otherwise unbreakable bones. *That* is more interesting than Ben wearing a mask to cover up a wound and you never see it mentioned. Because its still not that interesting.

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>must not fap

who would win, FrankenCastle or Avenging Angel Frank?

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I think this was hand-waved away by some of the team going through the Siege Perilous to escape the Reavers. (Of course that doesn't account for the X-Men who didn't go through: Longshot, Storm, Wolverine and Rogue.)

Meanwhile, a status quo change that seems to have been jettisoned is Nightcrawler no longer has a soul and is supposed to be immortal. Which was ignored/forgotten when he recently died in space and was pod people cloned along with a bunch of other X-Men.

Aquaman's powers. First he's super strong and knows the language of fish, then he can just swim fast and is telepathic, then he's kinda super strong and can control people with his telepathy, then he's sometimes super strong and can use telepathy to talk to fish as long as they aren't to savage, then he gets "the Clear", then a water hand, then dead, then Super strong and telepathic and has a magic pew pew fork, now he has the "life force".

Clones are clones, the island cultists could just mass-produce clones of all their members.

I think Garth Ennis only referred to the Punisher Angel period once in his run where Frank was internally monologing about how he was an Angel for a little while but quit because God was too much of a pussy.

Jean gained immortality in Venomverse by learning self-revival.

Wolverine's burning claws seem to have been wisely ignored since his return from the dead (twice).

For a while, the F4 was comprised of Spidey, Hulk, Wolverine and Ghost Rider.

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During Eric Larsen's run on ASM there was a storyline where Peter voluntarily gave up his powers so he could quit being Spider-Man and would no longer put Mary Jane in danger. For a little while the comic deals semi-realistically how he would be without powers (Right after he remembers he can't swing home or else he's pull his arms out of his sockets so he takes the stairs. Or when he punches a guy in the face he hurts his own hand too.)

Of course, super villain bullshit still happens and he's really getting beaten up but Black Cat helps him out and he gets his powers back to save her.

It lasted three issues.

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Aunt May became for a short time a Herald of Galactus. Yes, it is canon.

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More interesting would be to mention the time Ben turned into a human for a long period of time and his girlfriend got turned into a female thing, and then Ben spent time wearing a suit that made him look like the Thing and gave him moderate super strength, and that's the same suit that Darla aka Ms. Thing in Fraction's FF used.

I thought they were cool desu

What about Toad's tongue?

What are you, five years old? What use is there in his claws being on fire?

burning things dipshit

I mean it'd let him cut through adamantium since adamantium can only cut adamantium when it's super heated. I'm sure that'd be mildly useful.

What about it?

You mean he'd break and bend his own claws, since they'd be superheated and thus weakened?

The mask is one thing but why the gun?

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Is it a gun? Looks more like a big metal pipe thats been broken at one end

Kurt had the shittiest form of immortality though

He could still be injured and feel pain. So being incinerated on the surface of the Sun would still atomize him. But due to his immortality he might still be aware of it and be in eternal pain

There's an alien in Marvel that for all intents and purposes works like the Disney version of Kaa.

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I don't understand
I mean his usual face is already hideous and scarred-like, why does he care?

So shouldn't this mean that a clone is walking around while the real Kurt is either a disembodied spirit or repeatedly gradually regenerating and choking to death in the void of space?

He got a flaming tongue powerup like Wolverine's flaming claws. I was asking if he still had it.

No, adamantium's weird. The adamantium doing the cutting needs to be super hot.

Because Comicbook writers are hacks.

None of the 'revived' individuals being made by the mutants living on the island are anything but clones with implanted telepathic snapshots of the originals memories.

There's nothing stopping them from churning the bastards out.

Right, but in the case of somebody like Nightcrawler, who can "get better" on their own... doesn't that create duplicates?

I suppose it makes sense that Xavier is okay with the cloning thing since he's been a clone since Uncanny #167 when the Brood egg in him hatched and took over his original body.

They wouldn't know the Nightcrawler duplicate is still "alive" because the sun is outside of their telepathic range and he can't get a message out

Also if he didn't have a soul before he died, and his Krakoan clone does, which one is more Kurt?

IIRC he WANTED to eat brains but never did, because choco