Can we talk about Pearl

Can we talk about Pearl
I like Pearl

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yes i also like pearl, shes my favorite character and waifu

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Is any Yea Forums character better suited for mindbreak than Pearl is?

Reminder that this graceful dam is also made out of oyster cum turds

Truly, she was designed for rape and abuse porn.

we're all made out of cum

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Will i taste better if i eat pineapple?

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Pearl was made to cherish and love.

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yes obviously

Pearl, you say?

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>What I'd do to a mega pearl
Look at this and tell me she wasn't made for pure sex

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Definitely in the running for most gorgeous character

I too like pearl

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That imageset where the fat dude fucks her forehead is the only good thing to come from Stephen Universe. The number of loads I've spent on that is insane.

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What the fuck

You should read it. It's really hot.

Onion Gem

I don’t think I wanna read something like that especially with a full stomach


Oh yeah that JLullaby one was great

Based. It's really sexy. The girls' expression is insanely sexy.

Cringe. There's more fucked up porn out there.

Fucks dad guys

Normally, I don't much care for big guy/skinny girl pairings. Don't hate them, but they've never been my favorite.

But this one really grew on me.

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Shame it'll never be canon, but we shippers were made for suffering.

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Why ruining her with eyelashes?
Why are men allowed to do things like those?

I think Pearl and CJ are going to marry.

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Best asset of the show.

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