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MCU is done for, black science man wields his massive IQ like thors hammer.
double the resource and now we have a even larger problem
Aren't there women that need raping?
>Reddit DeReddit Redson
didnt we go over this a million times
>house is full of cockroaches
>they won’t stop multiplying and eating all the food
>instead of calling an exterminator, you make the house bigger and put more food in your pantry
This is retard logic, too.
I wish Thanos got rid of the 13%.
>Theory of relativity
>Discovery of electromagnetism
>Planck's physics
>Tyson's twitter
I just doubled the resources again. Check mate.
>double resources on planet
>now all the third-world countries who haven’t died out yet because we keep giving them handouts continue to overpopulate at an increased pace
>we continue to pollute the planet because we have no incentive to research cleaner, more renewable resources
Uh huh. Black science guy has the smart for reelz.
>be smart scientist dude
>don't understand basic principle that matter can't be created out of nothing
I did the math on this one too
Thanos' idea involves killing have of everything living in that house. Randomly. If there are two people and six cockroaches, there's a good chance you're just gonna end up with three cockroaches.
>double ressources
>population skyrockets
>after 50 years everything is the same as before, except pollution, immigration and lack of space in cities is worse than ever before
thank you black science man
Also doubling ressources is pretty fucking hard. To plants now grow twice as fast? Is the ground now twice as fertile? How does doubling space as a ressource even work, is every city suddenly twice as big?
Killing half of the population doesnt defy the law of conservation of mass. Its just infinitiy stones, it cant undo basic fundamental principals.
Why are you living in Turkey???
>being so cheap you have to steal memes from Yea Forums
Was it autism?
This. Funny how reddit will not bring up his rape accusations because he doesn't fit their white male bad narrative.
Wait. I worded that wrong. But you know what I mean. The capeshit villain isn't targeting bad guys, so he's not doing anything inherently good.
Based *chuckles* actually man
I'm really not sure if I should be bothered or not that he has the same h-index as me.
>IDF on the center right
Yes, and now science african american inflatable autopilot agrees.
Black Science Man at it again.
This guys is such a fucking faggot holy shit
And people can't turn into giant green monsters when angry either, physics doesn't apply to MCU.
His wife got really mad at him for forgetting their anniversary on January 1st and he's passive aggressively reacting to her
Can somebody tell Neil to shut the fuck up before I break into his house and deactivate his Twitter
Is that really the central problem in this capeshit series? "The universe is running out of resources, and the bad guy will kill half of all people so there is enough for everyone?"
That is just, it's powerfully fucking stupid, it is as if the very essence of brainlet wojak transformed itself into an apparently multi-billion dollar film concept, I thought capeshitters were dumb before but how does one even begin to address this.
nice math
The whole debate is stupid as fuck because the inevitable conclusion is the same. Even if you halved people / doubled resources you would eventually return to your original position because of growth.
removing half of all people in the galaxy sounds easier than doubling everything but people in the entire galaxy, also imagine what kind of physical problems it would cause if every planet doubled in size
If the stones are a creation of the current universe, for sure you cannot one-up its power creating more resources than what is available out there.
Disregarding the blatant ignorance on narrative conventions, of course.
Arent stars alive? Cuz you just killed half the stars you dumb purple APE!
>FYI guys: movies are, in fact, not generally realistic
Thanks Reddit nigger
Isn't he supposed to be a scientist? Doesn't he know you can't create matter?
it cant be destroyed either
I'm in the minority but I'm glad guys like him exist because I would rather live in a somewhat scientifically literate or at least scientifically appreciative society than some dark ages bugga bugga bullshit.
He's a fedora tipper but at least he's trying
Thanos didnt destroy matter. He just converted it to dust and ash which is possible through chemical reactions
I bet Nig deGrasse didn't read the mice utopia experiment.
or better yet the 56%
Tell that to Rosie O'Donnell
>implying snapping your fingers to end half the universe is any more plausible
absolute state of capeshiters
How come Ive seen so many people saying these shit? Thanos is evil, he's wrong and of course his plans are bullshit. It's just capeshit, it's not that deep brah
I appreciate your point of view. Nonetheless, one could argue that if he states inanities over and over again, he could do more damage than good.
I just wanna follow this guy around in public and tell him to shut the fuck up anytime he tries to say some faggoty pop culture "science" statement.
>remember Christians your religion is stupid but only your religion everybody else is reasonable and I am respectful of their beliefs
Fucking nigger
Kikes are already hellbent on that.
I think we're in a worse scientific society now because of niggers like him, now science is deeply mixed with politics and is viewed and treated like a religion.
based brainlet
if you magic up more resources people will just say fuck it do whatever magic will fix whatever mess we make, if you punish them they will be incentivized to create an actual solution
fuck i cant believe a marvel movie is going over people's heads
What is the problem with WHITE MALES in the year 2019?
he mentions
>IF you wield the power
meaning he's playing by MCU's complete disregard of physics or science
I'm not jerking Tyson, he annoys me more than anything, but this is not a valid complain
Is this guy famous for any other reason than the fact that he's black?
He is mocking Twitter at this point
Data is over looked for feelings all the time and people are shut down for opinions based on that data.
>if he states inanities over and over again, he could do more damage than good.
He couldnt possibly do more damage to science than anti-vax shit coming out of Jenny McCarthy's mouth.
>I think we're in a worse scientific society now because of niggers like him, now science is deeply mixed with politics and is viewed and treated like a religion.
That's a fair point but I dont think Neil ever took it that far. Seems like that's Bill Nye's new gig, though.
Keep in mind some of the most popular american shows involve hunting for ghosts, mermaids, and sasquatch. Neil at least POINTS people back towards reality even if he gets a little euphoric in the process.
Feels like the dark ages again, a big cult trying to hush scientific data.
>Science Nigga blows out like 20 years of canon building with 1 tweet
Someone call Feige, he might hurt himself
>That's a fair point but I dont think Neil ever took it that far.
>there is more unraped pussy in the Universe than there are stars in the Galaxy.
Eat shit Christfags(all other religions are cool though especially Islam)
>it's not that deep brah
In fact, for anyone with a functionning brain, its beyond stupid. Its offensive, and convinces me more everyday that 99,99% of mankind should be eliminated or sterilized to allow evolution to happen.
We are fucking looking at retards in tight suits punching each other for no reasons. Even cavemen wouldnt have interest in such crap. They starved for knowledge, wisdom and dreams. Your dream is to be a faggot straight out of a gay pride or carnival punching another faggot for dumb reasons ?
Raise your standards.
>shut off your brain brah
You cannot shut off your brain. Only being born without one.
>kill half the population
>25 years later there's as many people but you've destroyed the gems
Brillant, Thanos
Why didn’t thanos just snap away all the galactic niggers in the universe?
I said he gets a little euphoric but claiming that questioning arbitrary lines across land is on par with Bill Nye's ice cream video is apples to oranges.
This is 10x more of a problem than black science man.
Remember the March for Science?
What a retarded thought. If intelligent life has traveled and observed us, it’s safe to assume they understand how free travel isn’t allowed on our planet since they’ve remained mostly undetected
Yeah but why did Iron man also try to snap his fingers then?
I think he's trying to tell us that January the 1st has no astronomical significance. Could be wrong, though.
Yeah. Precisely. They wouldn't even offer such chance and just aim their weapons carefully, and make sure no one survive.
woah the villain in a movie is wrong?
Woke science is fucking hilarious
Why not just snap so living beings don't need as many resources to survive? Or make them reproduce slower?
I appreciate your point of view, however that doesn't make you less of a retard.
Very little has astronomical significance. What a trite statement.
Islam would have stoned Isaac Newton to death, you brainlet.
>movie science isn't re-
>remember guys, Christianity is stupid and borders are dumb
>it's science
>meme science man thinks one can create matter out of thin air
truly ebin
>he doesn't know about Islam's golden age of science and math
Lmao fucking christfags are the only ones that suppressed knowledge.
Didn't he become BLACKlisted for being a pervert? Or is he immune for being black?
>Christianity is stupid
Religion is objectively stupid unless considered as a form of social control and tricking average plebs into acting outside of their own selfish interests. All religions.
>borders are dumb
You got me there.
People die when they are killed.
If this guy actually knew any physics, he'd know the apocalyptic repercussions doubling resources without defining resources would bring to any planet with life in this fucking Universe. Double the food and you have yourself a climate disaster waiting to happen just for starters by doubling carbon-based emissions.
Double the size of the planet to compensate and you are pretty much ending most life on it in the process because the sizes of planet actually do fucking matter to the life inhabiting them.
I really hope that's a fake tweet and not him actually spouting such retardation.
Your christianophobia is showing, back into that shit hole you came from
the women that accussed him of sexual ssault is a bit shady but still it just gets ignored
>if everyone is poor just print money until everyone is rich
>celebrating cultural holidays is stupid unless it has something to do with the stars
>Using the Julian calendar of dating
here you dropped your fedora, i know you can't bend over to pick it up because you're a fat fuck
>A 1000 years ago we were smart!
>still the same a 1000 Years later.
like I said, fucking brainlets havent evolved.
>you can create matter
>self proclaimed scientist
He didn't say Religion he said Christianity you illiterate.
Funny, since Galileo was almost executed by the church. But christians being so kind, decided to let this one live as long as he didn't tell anyone about what he discovered.
Which would be a fine viewpoint and I could respect it if he attacked all religions that way but he doesn't. He's a chickenshit who only takes shots at Christianity because it's safe.
And who created capeshit if not the gems ? Replacing old tales of wisdom and wonder by mindless entertainment ?
Capeshit is a psy ops. Just look at the results. Manchildren unable and unwilling to stand for their own, reproduce or have responsabilities. Because *pfiuuuu* magic. One day, they will get superpowers and everything will be fixed. That everyone is special and beautiful, and we all be friends.
Meanwhile, old tales taught to work hard, fight harder, endure hardships but never expect them to solve themselves by magic, learn from your elders and distrust strangers, because you never know what they are up to.
Jesus wasn’t born in December though, he was born in August.
Westerners also don't know about why 3 billion of us in the non-western world had ancestors who shed blood and tears for centuries in order to kick you invading Muslim shits out of our lands and in most places managed to genocide you subhuman filth the fuck out, and part of that is because the rest of the world was advancing while you dumbshit filth were keeping us in medieval ages with your "progress".
What Westerners also don't know is that the golden age of Islam is based on Arabs and Muslims thieving as much shit as they could from Persians, Chinese, Greeks, Egyptians, and surrounding civilizations which were all better than them.
But thankfully there are plenty of non-Westerners here to correct this attempt of a Muzzie at taking credit for shit he didn't do.
I thought black science man was #cancelled for sexual harassment or something?
>since Galileo was almost executed by the church
You do know his work was sponsored by the the Pope? You know the only reason he got in shit with the church is because the Pope though he was calling him an idiot not because of anything else he said really?
>Anyone that isnt a full on trad-/pol/ larp-fag must be a fat fedora tipping nerd
Liberals being massive hypocritical fags about criticizing only Christianity while giving the goat-fuckers a pass isnt a license to believe in the absurd.
Maybe you guys are too young to remember how fucking gay the religious evangelical right in america used to be before liberals overtook them as the primary cultural force, but I can assure you you dont want them back in power either.
Probably because every popular male celebrity gets hit with rape accusations. How else will these women make their bucks?
All atheists are like this though
if you're too historically illiterate to understand the benefits of religion then you should go back to africa with the rest of your nigger kind amerimutt
>Galileo was almost executed by the church
nah, they just told him to stfu and renounce heliocentrism. there was mention of "stronger action" taken against him if he refused, which did come to pass and was basically just getting is stuff banned and him being prohibited from lecturing. but it's not like he was at risk of an actual death sentence
It's because women are attracted to power but then wonder why a man who is drowning in vagina fucks and discards their mediocre ass without a second thought. This become a rape in her mind after the fact.
Do you understand the concept of predisposition of time, retard?
The churches are ever only gay now and it's because of the liberals.
why didn't Hitler just build level 10 forts on the soviet border and let them use all their manpower trying to get through?
>f you're too historically illiterate to understand the benefits of religion
The IRONY of this sentence.
I just thought of something. The x-men can save us from captain marvel. Rogue can take her powers and be like cartoon rogue.
it's a children's movie anonski
I'm not religious but my family has been for generations. Insulting Christianity is insulting my heritage, and if you can't see it that way than you're a fucking retard.
>heh, and remember stupid Christians, your traditions are stupid and not science
Galileo was never almost executed. He was treated quite gently, and the pope, who was a friend of him, specifically asked for it. He was tried because of some of the aspects of his thesis, that ridiculed the pope and was perceived as a political/personnal attack on the church. He was never tortured or anything, and his career was actually paid by the church. The very same church, unlike any other religion in existence, decided to sponsor science, study old texts and continue the works of the romans, greeks, north africans, etc, scholars. Try to learn history before posting such idiocies.
hahahha ebin libtarts btfo
>I'm not religious but my family has been for generations. Insulting Christianity is insulting my heritage, and if you can't see it that way than you're a fucking retard.
Then you are just as retarded as the muslims who blow up a bus because someone drew their pedo prophet. You are a fucking moron and jesus's blood cant offer redemption from that.
this is literally the argument for mass migration though
Irony of a modern liberal posting Nietzsche
>being offended is the same as killing innocents by treachery
Kys. Really.
wasnt he put under house arrest?
>it's an other episode of muslims acting like "we wuz kangs"
>calling someone out on their bullshit is the same as murder
So we are done here then.
>Irony of a modern liberal posting Nietzsche
>anyone who thinks organized religion can be wielded to do immense evil must be a libtard
take your 15 year old che guvara t-shirt ass back to /pol/
Yes. In a house than most of the population at the time couldnt afford to live in. Paid by the church.
I don't care what special fucking term for yourself you faggot. If it barks it's a dog.
It's the same thought process.
>hurr you insulted some shit I didnt even create that my ancestors used to erroneously believe in therefore you have personally insulted ME
The golden age was just the moment conquered populations could still contribute because they were not completly islamized yet, and mass use of slavery could compensate the failings of the invaders. Some severed heads solved the problem.
Redditors ITT
>If it barks it's a dog.
Again, you're making the logical leap of asserting anyone who disagrees with organized traditional religion must be a liberal and that's simply outside the bounds of reality.
What's funny is Newton was more obsessed with the Bible than science
Half the people and the people breed and we are back to square one.
Aren't you the same guy crying because the church "persecuted" Galileo. Are you Galileo?
No its not retard. If someone insults me, i can be offended, but it doesnt mean i should shoot a mosque or bomb a train, you fucking moron. Do you realize you are putting disagreement at the same level as murder ? Did your mom dropped you on the head when you were a child ?
Why do liberals like putting words in other people's mouths?
Wasn't Newton a huge christfag and hated atheists?
>hey dude how come you only attack Christianity
>woah calm down murderer
lmao bitch on the far left got two cups stacked like haha
Maybe dont try to solve the problem with the intellectual ability of a 5 year old you capenigger.
Dude he makes science cool by making references I know. Fucking love this guy.
people tend to forget all about what Neil deGrasse Tyson did to Chris Benoit's family
Trips don't change the fact that there's a court super-injunction prevent discussion of events that may or may not have involved Neil and the Benoit family. Delet this
Well, what did he do?
>The Mad Titan
Why do people ignore this?
Most scientists in Europe were until very lately in history. For catholic christians, science leans the study of god's rules in creation, and they were very motivated. Today, the catholic church is the only religious institution with a science department. It was the main supporter of knowledge in Europe until roughly the french revolution, and continued after.
Double the resources uniformly faggot not every shit in one place
Not quite that retarded. BlackScienceMan failed to think through one step. "Just print money" is a failure to think through zero steps.
Remove the need for resources at all, make everyone immortal and then snap them infinite space to live in
Thanos is retarded.
>Double the resources
Exact same levels of overpopulation and resource exploitation in 100 years or less.
>Kill 50% of people.
Exact same levels of overpopulation and resource exploitation in 100 years or less.
Thanos could have simply snapped his fingers and simply drastically reduced fertility for all people or something like that.
There's an episode of Stargate SG-1 where they meet friendly aliens who want to share their technology for the benefit of Earth but who are in fact sterilizing the whole planet very slowly so that by the time the humans realize they're dying out it's too late to do anything.
That's how you do it. Capeshit is so ham fisted and dumb. Thanos could have come up with a much more foolproof plan to halt overpopulation and resource exploitation. What he eventually settled on makes capeshit no better than GI Joe cartoons.
Five year old logic to hard for you to grasp I presume?
>What's funny is Newton was more obsessed with the Bible than science
And the greeks believed in Zeus. Just because a man who existed in a time where the dominant zeitgeist was organized Catholicism and other Christianities believed in the bible doesn't mean it cant be false. Are you really going to sit here and tell me adam and eve existed?
>Aren't you the same guy crying because the church "persecuted" Galileo. Are you Galileo?
Not him, but they did.
I didnt suggest you were going to do that. I said they both are born from the same basic thought process. It's dumb to take personal offense for shit that has nothing to do with you. Muslims are naturally the most egregious offenders of this, but that doesnt give you the right to be equally stupid. If you are superior to them act like it.
Expanding someone's argument out isnt putting words in their mouth.
or the 60% left over by the other 40%
Didn’t he rape a couple of women?
If you doubled resources it would fuck with the balances in the universe because you would need to create energy. There would probably be changes in physical laws which aren’t conducive to life
>mad titan
>all this backtracking and coping
>I cant respond to his arguments so here's anime_slut.jpg
Its the day the earth completes one trip around the sun though
If he just got rid of the 2% we could do the rest.
t. sodomite who will soon face the Lord's judgement
>thinks turning the universe into a huge, undying cancer is a good thing
This is what happens to narcissists when they lose most of their former relevance: they start taking hip shots on social media that 98% are just fucking retarded when you think about it for 10 seconds.
Why do Libs like "Science" so much when they are so dumb?
The only people who unironcially argue about le science and le atheism on the internet are redditors.
Im fucking hate the MCU cuckery, but hes wrong. You can create something out of nothing, thats like Newton 101.
>Are you really going to sit here and tell me adam and eve existed?
>Have two kids
>Name them Adam and Eve
>I cant argue even again so here's another anime reaction image. I have a whole folder of these.
>everyone who disagrees with me is gay
I can do this shit all day boys.
But did thanos destroy keys?
why didn't he turn them all into resources?
>doesn't make any distinction between trump and fictional characters
>talks to them the same
this isn't the agora and you're not Socrates, you pathetic larper. No one here has a responsibility to entertain your fallacies.
>Im fucking hate the MCU cuckery
Understandable. But to clarify, the Reality stone's power is "turn your wishes into reality" and the Power stone's power is "max out the other stones so they affect all reality at once".
So he can in fact do that if he wants
>I didnt suggest you were going to do that. I said they both are born from the same basic thought process. It's dumb to take personal offense for shit that has nothing to do with you. Muslims are naturally the most egregious offenders of this, but that doesnt give you the right to be equally stupid. If you are superior to them act like it.
You did and continue to do it, fucking moron. If someone attacks my faith, and i have good reasons to:
1. Be offended because my faith supports good behaviors that create better societies ( ever wondered from were human rights came ? Christianity. No talmud, an ideology of race supremacy, not quran, and ideology of conquest, not buddhism, an ideology of being braindead and senseless)
2. I just demonstrated by my very reaction that you are a moron, since i vehemently oppose the murder of innocents over my opinion. While i disagree with islam, and even actually see it as a grave threat for our societies, i would never, ever, applaud killing random muslims over one muslim may have said or did. In fact, i would consider them as what he would be, a criminal. And treated as such.
Now fuck off retard. I would be ashamed to post such insanities. Get help.
I don't care about you faggot fucking argument. Why should anyone?
>I cant refute what you said so I'll claim I'm under no obligation to do so
You are just like the SJWs who say "It's not my job to educate you shitlord!"
>Was it autism?
>literally begging people to debate you
The one and only correct answer he has ever given
Newton was a fucking retard
Why do people follow this buffoon?
Science is like a religion at this point where even the most amateur scientists are regarded as wise and knowledgable.
Seriously though, why didn't the movie go with Thanos's actual main motivation from comics, that he wanted to impress Death? It is significantly less retarded.
Wouldnt it be better to just put a limit on the amount of beings that can be alive in the universe at any one point in time?
What a fucking retard
>if you mutilate someone enough, he will die
No shit sherlock. I was pretty sure i could live without heart or guts...One thing is sure, he manages to stay alive without brains.
Writers didn't want to have to introduce death as a character, make her interesting, cast her, make her worth the Avengers giving a shit about etc.
She will show up in Phase 4, Angelina Jolie has been cast as an Eternal.
>reminder that Thanos got cucked by Deadpool
why not just make everyone not need anything anymore?
>I can't refute your claim so I'll claim I have no obligation to
It is not a claim. No one here in this thread has any obligation towards you. You obviously have a very inflated ego to think people are obligated to engage you in a debate anytime you come up with another way to make yourself noticed.
Marvel don't think it be like this but it do
Roses are red
Violets are blue
A is not the first letter of the alphabet
Yeah. A fucking retard who paved the way to modern knowledge.
But sure, when you are a 2digits iq moron, it must be hard to imagine that at one point of history, people had less understanding of reality as we have today and considered popular possibilities.
Fuck this avengers shit, post braphogs
t. Retard who thinks we have any more understanding now.
And here you are responding to me.
>You did and continue to do it, fucking moron. If someone attacks my faith, and i have good reasons to:
You claimed earlier that it was not your faith. You said it was the traditional faith of your family and ancestors but not yours personally. Did you lie?
>1. Be offended because my faith supports good behaviors that create better societies ( ever wondered from were human rights came ? Christianity. No talmud, an ideology of race supremacy, not quran, and ideology of conquest, not buddhism, an ideology of being braindead and senseless)
It creates good behaviors if you ignore all of the bad ones.
>2. I just demonstrated by my very reaction that you are a moron, since i vehemently oppose the murder of innocents over my opinion. While i disagree with islam, and even actually see it as a grave threat for our societies, i would never, ever, applaud killing random muslims over one muslim may have said or did. In fact, i would consider them as what he would be, a criminal. And treated as such.
Again, I never directly said you would support mass murder. I simply said that the thought process behind people who attack others in suicide bombings in response to depictions of Muhammad and those who get offended by critiques of christianity are essentially the same root thought.
>this image is what you look like bro
>this image of a random person online is TOTALLY YOU!
life grows exponentially, resources do not. fucking black science man
>calling someone out for insulting you is the same thought process as strapping a bomb to your body and murdering innocents in the name of your religion
Just wanted you to know that you're retarded.
>You responded to me!!!!!!!
So? You responded to me too. I'm sorry you're so deprived of attention you mistake me calling you a retard for me I caring about you or your viewpoints user.
doesn't make him any less of a retard
Keep going. I want to empty your anime folder.
>he cant grasp the concept of an underlying similarity leading to two different outcomes.
lol ok
It's not about math is about teaching a lesson, how many more times would he need to snap his fingers and give people more and more?
Why not just snap them once and teach them the lesson of their lives?
>getting annoyed that a stranger bumped into you is the same root thought as gunning down an entire block of people
You're a complete retard
so, you just like jerking off to your own prose, or? why do you keep responding to every single inconsequential thing people post?
>I wonder what forgoing fission technology in favor of fossil fuels and “green” energy looks like to real aliens.
>I wonder what small populations of the world breaking their backs to support a large population of undesirables looks like to real aliens.
>might they ask, “WTF?”
We do. But still not enough, since as we discover more, mote questions raise.
Just fuck off. You are working for me at this point. Do you realize there are lurkers, and they can follow the whole conversation ?
Link me the post i said i wasnt a christian. I wait. Forever i guess.
And you continue your retarded thing:
Disagreeing or being offended is not murder or terrorism. Get this in your brain, or the mass of shit you call as such. People get angry and disagree all the time. You know what you ate doing ?
You support terrorism. Unironically. Because you normalize horrible atrocities by trying to put them on the lvl of opinions.
Deal with it.
And yes, it creates good behaviours. Love your neighbor. Forgive. You do not behead or kill in the name of christ when you truely know his dogma. Telk me, where in my faith is it written to enslave or slaughter ? Nowhere. Only in the old testament, that is a bad translation of hebrew tales included to try to convert them.
Get help and study.
It's evident he's on the spectrum, user.
>>he cant grasp the concept of an underlying similarity leading to two different outcomes.
Apples are oranges...
Kek. You are a fucking joke.
>I want to empty your anime folder.
Conclusive proof redditors are retarded, don't you know? there's more anime girls in my folder than stars in the universe.
Imagine being hailed as a genius but being too brainlet to understand basic principles of entropy.
>population doubles overnight all the time
How the actual fuck does a human mind come to this conclusion?
Wow being anti-intellectual is so fucking cool. Look at me I hate science and rational thought.
>phoneposter who probably got his cuckime from subreddit posts like most weeb reddit trannies do
>redditors are retarded
Speak for yourself, niggerboy.
50+ millions died in WWII then the baby boom happened and everything balanced out again
Fuck I'm starting to laugh
>I'm from Denmark, EU
>eurocucks are now writing their locations as though their countries are mere cities in the larger superstate
fucking retard how do you think all scientific advancement is done? by having theories and examining them
he was correct in any case, alchemy is possible and occurs today in particle accelerators and nuclear reactors, so fuck off
no u doesn't work of me spastic
Politicizing science to try and brainwash young impressionable minds is so fucking dope bro
>everything you hate is now invalid because you slapped a wojak or pepe from KYM/reddit on it
>no identity, so you just spout memes and cliches 24/7
>no drive or happiness, so you criticize everything that isn't wrapped in layers of sarcasm and flippancy
These desperate tryhards are just lite versions of the Christchurch shooter at this point.
>i runned out of retarded arguments so i change target and try to appear smug
You realize there are no names or upvotes here ? Yet you appaling stupidity is standing out.
Yes, plebbitors are retarded. And dangerous. Thats what happens when you stay in an echo chamber and circlejerk. To grow up you need to face opposing views.
He better get a Nobel prize for this episode of logic
>exposing your files AND your browsing history on the internet without giving it second though
you fucking dumbass
Reminder that black science man
dis nigga named after chicken nuggets
>These desperate tryhards are just lite versions of the Christchurch shooter at this point.
You are so stupid you do not even understand how visible you are.
Posting an image=/= being a mass murderer.
Get help.
That one guy totally owned you guys.
You're going to triangulate my position via anime girl analysis? I wouldn't even be mad.
>that guy is not me
How pathetic are you. Seriously.
>I don't know how IPs work
I'm imagining you're talking about me, thanks dude.
>i am desperate and have been slaughtered in the whole thread.
Give up. You lost the moment you posted.
Take your meds schizo
Thinking about my IP is the same thing as raping my invalid mother. The thoughts come from the same place of hate.
So basically "magic". Cant even make consistent motive within the same in-universe rules. Hacks.
he needed several years to get that idea?
>out of argument
Continue. We are past the argument. Now its full humiliation. Sorry, the blue boards are not safer than the one you wish to raid.
>t. That One guy
Honest to god, dude, it's been a while since I have seen someone as clueless and desperate for attention as you are. Real deer in the headlights. Is this your first day here?
You are fucking stupid and im glad you got called out by based science user
>nigger english
The stones are written to be cheat codes for the universe, it's why they are a big deal.
There's even a secret 7th pink stone that has the power of gay
It is rather grimly amusing that our parents and us are going to leave behind the giant unavoidable crisis of mass overpopulation and we selfishly refuse to even so much as discuss it
He just talks about whatever is tending. If it was the Super Bowl I'm sure he'd post about how "isn't it funny that they call them world champions when only one country participates? This is why you should allow more Muslims and Mexicans in your country"
Actually if you remove someone's brain, they die.
>based science user
Which one ? The one who said galileo was tortured ? The one who equals desagreeing with killing innocents ? The same , you ?
Kek. My sides. Gone. Just give up. Or are you a /poltard falseflagging ? Because if yes, its pretty well done.
Unless you think of it as a chicken egg, which can only be laid by what we now consider a chicken
Not sure. It continues tweeting, so it should be studied.
>Golden age started by scholars studying Hellenistic writing
>Golden age ended by people deciding that their religion is a better source of knowledge
Really makes you think
All it requires to solve is to stop the free food shipments into Africa.
It's a philosophical unsolvable metaphor for the universe and he's a fsggot for posting like he has the answer because he cheated his way through college.
>Almost all
Which armed conflict(s) came about because both sides both completely agreed with each other?
Precisely why discussion on population control is forbidden
People don't realize that Neil deGrasse Tyson is the greatest shitposter who ever walked this earth
Reddit talks about that regularly though and most posts about Neil DeGrasse Tyson are filled with comments about how "cringy" he is.
>Nig deGreasy Chicken
>Double the amount of fresh water on the planet
>Drown millions
Nailed it
>Black asking for handouts
Imagine our surprise
That made me laugh and I wanted you to know
>a bunch of lies in green text then a meme response because you have no brain
Woah wow damn....
Neil comes from Wakanda
I agree. Republicans/conservatives need to be stopped.
World War 1.
All sides wanted war.
The Troubles
No they didn't, a complex series of mutual defence treaties compelled them to declare war on each other
This is actually wrong on every level. I'm not sure if Neil is joking or not, but if he isn't he is not smart.
Species reproduce at exponential rates if left unchecked. Take a look at any organism that we accidentally cross contaminated into an unnatural habitat for them. They usually thrive and take over the entire ecosystem in that area because they have absolutely no natural predators and there is no end to resources in sight. See: Fire Ants, Killer Wasps, Rabbits (the term 'fuck like rabbits' exists for a reason), ect.
Doubling the resources cultivates exponential growth. Those resources would be gone in a relatively short time.
Before you say "But user, erasing half of life would have the same effect because of the exponential growth you stated!". Wrong. That exponential growth works both ways. With most of the universe gone, resources can become more abundant and plant life will be allowed to recover from constant harvesting.
insane purple space monster did not have a rational plan? thank you science nigger for pointing that out
And France lusted for war, that is why they started a huge arms race, made powerful allies, triggered Russia's Balkan ambitions etc etc.
In the end everyone lusted for war, except Germany, Belgium and the Ottomans, all of which were more or less bullied/stupid enough to go with it.
>creating matter is easier than changing the state of matter
what kind of fucking "math" neil deweed nigger mike tyson on?
>In the end, everyone lusted for war
>except Germany
Oh, Hanz
no dude he's talking about me
>In the end everyone lusted for war, except Germany
he is a living meme. not an actual man of science and intellect.
....who was stupid enough/got bullied into joining.
Quote me correctly or not at all
>if you can snap your fingers and do a magic trick you can also do any other conceivable magic trick
Science Man
popscience is a cult, and probably the most retarded one at that.
It's a metaphor for why you shouldn't have borders and should let Muslims and Mexicans move into your house and fuck your wife and eat your food.
I am the user that he was responding to.
I wasn't talking about you.
>haha! I've merely tricked you into not killing people and helping others in need so you would act outside your self interest!
but he doesn't WANT to do that.
>le Nietzsche
you're probably an edgy teenager who didnt read any of his shit
I bet you have a folder full of le stirner images you larping faggot
>a pagan holiday becomes a religious holiday
apparently paganism isnt a religious belief
>House is full of cockroahes
>They haven't even begun to exhaust their local supply of food and resources and can harvest more via magic and technology when they need it.
>Destroy half their population because you don't understand that your people died for a much bigger reason.
Worshiping death, and having her show up and talk to him would have been simpler.
>Expanding someone's argument out isnt putting words in their mouth.
It literally is, go back to r/atheism until you're old enough to post here.
Thanos was supposed to be somewhat insane, so it's not like his plan had to make perfect sense. It was literally killing billions to save millions. The biggest flaw with his plan was that if he eliminated 50% of all life in the universe at random, many species would go extinct due to the sudden imbalance of males and females.
How does that make sense? Killing off everyone retains the same amount of matter, doubling all resources either creates new matter violating a universal constant
>just double the resources
>give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day
>give a man two fishes, and he will eat for a lifetime
Tyson doesn't say here that any wars started because both sides agreed with each other, if you think about it logically. The opposing sides could simply not have any differing beliefs.
Britain declared war on Finland in 1941 and unsuccesfully bombed some ports (sinking a Norwegian ship...) despite neither country having any grievances with each other. The grievances were between Germany and Britain on the one hand, and Soviet Union and Finland on the other. Churchill even sent a private message to Marshal Mannerheim about how sorry he was about it and later called it a historical mistake.
>that one ugly girl that looks down on you despite being the ugliest one in her own friend group
The Emu War.
people would just multiply and consume more resources all over again
the correct answer would be snapping his fingers to change biology or industry to consume less
can he just create a utopia where every currently existing person will experience maximum pleasure in their brains 24/7 to the end of time and disable breeding?
Oh ok thanks for your input, /Pol/ user
Could Thanos have used the stones to find Pluto under that lady's dress?
t. bill nye cock worshipper
Thanos in the house
Hes right. Pop science is fucking gay and ypure a redditor faggot if you think otherwise. Fuck bill nye and niel Tyson and anyone who falls for their global warming alarmism
Typical black science guy. Let's double the amount of matter in the universe, surely there will be absolutely no repercussions from doing something like that. Except possibly the collapse of the entire universe into a giant black hole.
He's an intellectual rapist, I love it.
in that he rapes intellect with his retardation?
>and just remember guys, Easter is a stupid holiday for a dumb religion, and borders are imaginary and outdated
If you have the power to half the speed of the whirlpool, then surely you also have the power to double its speed. Checkmate Thanos!
M-Mr. deGrasse...we're trying to stop the whirlpool not accelerate it.
what if Thanos didn't WANT to double the resources?
maybe he was okay with killing a bunch of people
that's a fucking plebian strat, create tank & motorized divisions and just encircle them all with a little bit of micro
works well against retards in multiplayer that pick the ussr and just draw one front line to hold
This is fake
You do it again and again until they learn.
Christ, I legitimately hate this retarded memelord. The worst idiots are smart idiots.
Does anyone please have the one with him bitching about artificial borders not being valid and someone replying “does your fucking house not have artificial barriers?”