Why don't movie studios hire cosplay models to act out their superheroes ???? More often than not they look better than whatever studio execs hire to play.
Why don't movie studios hire cosplay models to act out their superheroes ???...
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Autistic when it comes to acting
acting is more than just looks.
Not that much more, but still.
most cosplay models are grotesque looking
'Cause they can't act for shit.
because most cosplay is specifically for a picture rather than being something that can withstand the demands of a filmmaking set
It's easier to make someone who can act looked like a character than teach someone who can't act. And also hot white people are not in the (((subversive))) agenda.
If cosplayers are attention seeking whores AS THEY ARE, imagine putting them in a filming set
Literall hell
they arent jewish
If you think regular actress are terrible, then these models are not your cup of tea.
Acting is harder than it looks.
she is so hot bros
What makes it improbable for a cosplay model to not have the capacity to act?
They're not SAG members. The studios might get sued. And they have no star power and you have to hire a casting director or some bullshit.
You have to go through a process to get a cosplay girl into a starring role and you have to convince financial backers to back her.
A famous actress can help secure you a lower interest loan or more money for a flick. Because they anticipate star power will put asses in seats.
Some directors have pulled off stuff like this.... for models.
This but too bad she's 3D
I want to fuck a chick in a bodysuit
right in their pusy
The probability, for one thing
true i didn't think of that
based pusyposter
>spends time and money dressing like stupid cartoon characters
hummm i really wonder what
Is this her as well? Or am I being a retard?
Because they're too pretty. Hollywood doesn't want pretty anymore.
that's a boy faggot
>Why aren't movies porn!!1
doesn't this bitch make vids of herself fucking a dildo
someone post him without makeup
that fucking manjaw
Doesn't seem to have a penis? But in fairness a good photographer can make a tranny look pretty female so...
You think literally any girl is a boy
Anons are so hysterically scared of accidentally finding a trap attractive that they just assume everyone is a trap.
Honestly if it looks like a hot girl then I'm going to want to try and fuck it. Traps are 100% gay, but most of them are fairly easy to spot.
then show me the benis
He's full of shit. It's an Ukrainian chick shirogane sama. Forgot her actual name
why don't i hire a prostitute to cuddle me and stroke my hair while i overdose on heroin?
wait, actually why don't i do that?
who knows op. who knows.
Found the facebook. Got a lot of fap bait on it.
>Major blockbusters lately have showcased the wooden acting of such famed divas like J.Law, Scarjo, Sophie and Larson
>"lmao you can't just hire an attractive woman she needs to know how to act!"
hi op, can i download this pic? i want a frappuccino
yeah that's her
just have her whole stuff
holy shit bros, know if i can buy her socks?
Not everyone can act you fucking mong
What do you mean?
Actors are attention whores too, you know.
There's a difference between being not good and bland and absolutely awkward and inadequate which is how 95% of people are when they try to act.
She seems to like them a lot.
95% of men, maybe. Every woman in our society needs to learn how to act a certain way just to deal with the constant unwanted attention from males, plus by the time they're adults they're already masters at using makeup, posing for cameras and putting on a fake personality to appease their fanboys.
i was memeing but im curious now. downloading
so then...on par with Brie.
Post the best stuff.
>then show me his benis
no u (im too lazy)
I bet you think pic related is a boy too
that is obviously a boy though . . .
seek psychiatrist
I mean if a boy looks like that you may as well fuck it. It's not like you're trying to a knock up a girl and get married in the first place
good luck with the HIV fag
she says she cant wear that at cons for too long because of the sweating
imagine the smell
Yeah you're probably right the stds wouldn't be worth it
curious user here, actually impressed, a lot better than reverse image search gives you
I dobt see a penis. Do you?
By the way her names shirogane and theres a thread on /hr/
Acting good enough for film is difficult.
You idiots who keep saying she is a "he", STOP IT. It's not 2010 anymore. It's 2019. It's not funny anymore. It's stupid and cringy.
I imagine the logistics of just going to take a piss are annoying too if you wear it all day.
if that she is a he it's alright with me
Literally HHNNNNGGGGGGG tier.
Trying too hard
No seeds?
>when you realise you dont know if a "girl " is actualy a "girl " anymore
Try late at night States time. There were 12+ seeds at 2am the other day
That girl has no titty
Worked fine for me.
>it's a reddit migrants try to fit in episode
>that budge
aint foolin anyone mr
I...don't think you've ever actually seen a woman naked?
This guy has it right, all the fags in this topic mumbling about 'muh acting' don't know shit. If it was about acting we wouldn't have Rufallo Kosher Hulk or Brie the Cheese Larson.
>Acting unions keep contract $$$ sky high
>Same unions guarantee work for the established actors via screwing over prime age talent
>Established actors have to 'pay dues' in both money and pussy and ass. If you have a captive labor pool you can casting couch them with impunity
>Jewish nepotism
That's it
I'm no titty expert but that looks like a titty
OP looks like a typical Russian boy but is probably a girl. She looks best when they shop her awful manjaw. A shame because she's got a pretty decent body.
It's a girl but her face is hideous. Seriously, don't google that picture.
i have, that's where my expertise identifying males come from
When I needed voicovers for a college animation project, I had my friends record them for me. Most of them were fine, some were great, but there was this one girl who simply couldn't act. I had to coach her so fucking hard just to not sound like she was in a Neil Breen film. Like, acting isn't a terribly difficult profession but there are definitely some people who simply can't do it.
Only jap cosplayers are any good though and we know how much hollywood loves them.
I doubt that, see women actually do have a slight bulge if they're thin enough for it. It's called the mons pubis. Either you've only ever seen absolute heffalumps or you've seen nothing but dudes.
Look, if you niggas are gay then just admit it, dont hide behind turning girls into traps anymore in your head. Literally go to craiglist, take up a gay sex offer, get fucked in the butt, contract STD, and become a percentage. Thanks.
But cl doesn’t have those personals anymore???
>tfw nobody that cosplays mai has comically huge tits
>tfw nobody that cosplays chun-li is buff
>>tfw nobody that cosplays chun-li is buff
definitely the best one but she still doesn't look intimidating
he doesnt know
they can't act
From the magnet link
dayum that's a tight butt.
>we'll never get a movie with this aesthetic
why even live
baitin is easy in this board
Because of unions. No really. If you aren't with the SAG, you don't get to act.
Why don't cosplayers make their own unions and crisscross SAC and the movie industry as well?
why is this asshole posting a pict-
Holy fucking shit
Literally all me
Quite pungent my dear
god, this shit takes me back. I used to make this flashmovie back in '06 and the only girl I had for a short line I needed was my best friend's girlfriend at the time. When I told her to do two sentences in a normal / slightly angry tone she couldn't fucking do it, she even could not believe that it helps doing some gestures while speaking to act better. Fucking dumb bitch.
holy shit is this shopped?
Imagine putting a vibrating egg inside and then zipping her up.
I don't remember this episode
no chucks?
>tfw saw her at a Moscow cafe
Not that cute without cosplay though
why don't employers hire decent workers?
They're blinded by shit standards like "must have experience" "must have degree" nevermind they're an obvious methhead covered in tattoos and lazy as fuck
what's wrong with it
Girl on top left is Korean, retard.
I honestly can't live any longer without an Asuka gf guys. This is goodbye.
See you tomorrow
Have a drink to calm down. the magnet link I posted earlier (long one) I'm still seeding if you want to grab it
They don’t have agents getting them work, and they’d have to give up their real jobs and lives. They’re moderately decent amateur costume designers and have some good looks, but way more goes in to acting than that.
how about some 2D for a change
That's just sad. Why do sad people do things like this?
Unless she had plastic surgery I'm going to assume the only reason she's even fuckable is 6 years of mastering camera angles and photoshop. Look at that fat and manjaw.
This from the movie kind of works honestly
How come this link is different to the one in /hr/?
too wide, and unnaturally flat gap
You're either delusional or a chad to have standards that high. She's a perfectly above average girl without the cosplay and a solid 7/10 with the cosplay. Mild manjaw doesn't detract from the fact that she's young, healthy looking and totally fuckable.
What do you guess she was a fat teenager.
Because I'm seeding it.
She might be very thin, or the angle of the shot is obstructing the way she's positined calf/leg wise and it's making it look bigger.
Might just be a good shop as well
jesus, of course every photo is chosen from hundreds of bad ones and then photoshoped to hell
>a perfectly above average girl
The incel energy emanating from this post.
>all these retards saying that acting>looks
yeah because Emilia Clarke was and is a great actress
well you do visit the incel board
Post a pic of your much more attractive girlfriend then user.
>"I LARP that hot women are uggo's on the internet because I am repugnant" - You circa now
Do you think she's somehow ugly? She's not like standout hot when she's not all cosplayed up but she's nowhere near ugly
even attractive people look like shit in 2/3rds shots. even homely ones look half decent by mere chance in some picture eventually
post a non make up pic, just cause
Best I got from the set so far as far as 'no makeup' goes
>girl wears anime garb
t. Incelerino
Thanks lad
I can help seed in 8 hours' time
>"Women who are fairly good looking when dressed up in sexy clothing with makeup and good photo angles are sexy looking."
Your parents were related before marriage weren't they.
whoa... just like what happens with celebrities...