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wow this thing is still going huh?

people like this who will praise literally anything with the star wars logo are the reason why Disney can get away with making mediocre at best star wars movies.

>four decades of adventures
Most of which meant nothing because the hard-won Republic government was destroyed, most of the heroes died, and the prophecy turned out to be complete horseshit to say nothing of all the Legends content that was retconned without a hint of respect or sentiment.

If Disney doesn't respect Star Wars then why should anyone else?

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What's with this first-world narrative being pushed by creatives all of a sudden that making art is a fucking miracle.

Cavemen did that shit before we even had language. It's literally the most primitive way of communicating and sharing ideas and stories with people. Inventing a language is harder than telling a story. Stories just need fucking pictures and no words and can work.

toxic nerds being mad at diverse casts and surbersive takes on the mythos is what killed star wars.

everytime I ask someone why they think Last Jedi is bad they never give a clear answer, all they know is that "it's bad" and that's it.

That's some made-up story, shill

accusations of shilling is also something they do to avoid discussing the negative reaction to Last Jedi.

why would you go around spreading lies on the internet user?

>If you dont want to watch it, dont watch it

Not like gives logical reasons for why they dislike the movie or anything.

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didney confirmed years ago that they're weren't adapting the fanfiction so I dunno why that user is still hung up about this in 2020.

>four decades
Of which good movies came out in two years.

Star Wars not having a good movie since 1983 is what killed Star Wars.

The Last Jedi is bad, just like Captain Marvel. get over yourself Mouse Shill.

reminder that this is the guy behind the comic and he lives every waking minute pissed at the world he isnt in newspapers writing the next garfield or marmaduke because he feels the world owes him.

The DSP of web comics.

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That's true, Disney shills do that to avoid discussing why people dislike the Last Jedi.

>four decades of adventure and joy for kids
Ah yes, I can imagine a long time fan introducing their child to the franchise now.
>What happens to him, mommy?
He dies.
>And him?
He dies.
He betrays the galaxy and then never comes up again.
Kills a WHOLE BUNCH of innocent people including little kids just like you and then dies. In fact, go ahead and assume everyone dies unless they're a robot or in a fursuit until we get to the new movies.

The film hinges entirely on plot contrivances and illogical actions. The opening battle sees Poe create a diversion so he can destroy the defensive batteries of the dreadnought in order for the Resistance fleet to not actually fight the FO despite the FO not actually having any of their starfighters deployed and it's second in command right there. The Resistance fleet is then ambushed after coming out of hyperspace because the FO can now track ships through hyperspace, but when Rose and Finn leave for their mission the FO does not track them despite that their departure should be clearly visible (it should have also been visible to Holdo too). Despite stating that they can't outrun the FO at sublight speeds but the FO can't gain on them, TIE fighters are easily able to catch up to the Resistance fleet and engage them. The FO then pulls back all of their 3 fighters because they can't cover them, despite said 3 fighters destroying the Resistance starfighters on the ground and all but wiping out Resistance command in the span of a few minutes. They never send out more TIEs for the rest of the film despite being joined by a dozen more Star Destroyers and the Supremacy. At no point do the FO ships ever simply hyperspace in front of the Resistance fleet. Rose and Finn's mission is to literally find a man when they have no description of what he looks likes, his name, or any notable feature other than a piece of jewelry he is wearing, and they have no concrete information on his location more precise than what planet he is on. When they predictably do not find the guy, they instead find a guy who can do the exact same thing they needed from the first, entirely by coincidence. Finn, Rose, and Sicario are then able to land on the flagship of the FO unnoticed by remotely hacking its shields and simply parking in a landing bay.


A bit hypocritical considering all the jabs at the prequels in the older strips.

>the rebels have the FO literally on their ass
>"why don't they take a lunch break to overtly discuss their plan, I'm sure the FO will let them"
do please forgive them for not being logical under pressure

the recurring theme of the movie is about the generational clash of both the rebels and first order and how they deal with it. Holdo and Luke sacrifice themselves to make absolutely sure that their team lives to fight another day and Snoke's death didn't change anything, just like how Sheev's death didn't put an end to the empire.

Do you have examples? I'd like to see them.

Despite the Supremacy being 3114.5 cubic kilometers in size, Finn is able to take Rose and Sicario directly to the hyperspace tracker because he mopped the floors and knows the entire layout, the exact same reason he gave as to why he knew the entire layout of Starkiller Base in the previous film. While this is happening Rey is able to fly the Millennium Falcon within spitting distance of the Supremacy without detection in order to get on board. Speaking of Rey, due to the Force Skyping the internal chronology of the film means that from her first vision of Kylo to her boarding the Supremacy is a timespan of less than 18 hours. Unlike Finn and Rose, who were inside a docking bay, Rey somehow managed to make it from Snoke's throne room to a docking bay, escape the Supremacy, and reboard the Falcon as she was on the Falcon during the Battle of Crait. That's about it off the top of my head, I only saw the movie once so I might be missing some things.

>do please forgive them for not being logical under pressure


What the fuck are you on about? That's not one of the 10 issues brought up.

To be fair it's not like Lucas respected it either

He's even still bitching about midichlorians on twitter in the mordern day.

Which I admit are indeed awful, but hey, if the golden rule he proposed is;
>"If you can't forgive its imperfections you don't deserve it"
then there's some mighty pasty gen-X/Y nerd style double-standards and double-think going on.

He has a fine opportunity here to come clean, admit his mistake, acknowledge his flaws and forgive the prequels while asking for their forgiveness himself. He could still be the better man and admit that he was young and stupid once.

here is your clear fucking answer

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I hate modern ner culture and shitpost here because i hate chanboard culture as well but even i could see Disney mishandled this sequel trilogy by constantly changing directors.They werent able to create a cohesive town,that absurd tug of war between Abrams and Johnson resulted in Abrams penning a finale that is stuck in Star Wars past instead of moving forward
I dont hate the new trilogy ,i found it inequal in quality even tho i had fun with the last movie