>Gendry didn't craft his very own Baratheon armor to accompany his war hammer during his downtime
>instead he wants to tuck tail and hide in the crypts
>Gendry didn't craft his very own Baratheon armor to accompany his war hammer during his downtime
>instead he wants to tuck tail and hide in the crypts
because fuck dat gay nerd shit lmao
Kinda pissed but tbqh he has no reason to take on the Baratheon Mantle he is a bastard
>expecting anyone to wear more armor than the bare minimum in this show anymore
For a series of books with an autistic attention to equipment detail, the show adaptation is hilariously lacking in the costume department.
but he's already taken on the mantle, now they're gonna write it out? this was the one thing i wanted. He's a Baratheon, and he has Targaryen blood, niggas important.
i mean, he crafted a bull helmet, an antler helm isn't far off at all.
>named characters wearing helmets
Now you're just being crazy
that thing looks ridiculous
>Gendry puts on the most distinctive helmet as he rides into battle
>"wait who's the guy with the fucking ANTLER HELM?"
come on now
Why don't they put a tiny bit of forethought into casting their characters so that 7 years down the road the offspring of a 6'6 testosterone fueled conqueror isn't a 5'6 manlet?
Someone designed and greenlit this sorry weapon. What a dumbfuck decision.
I think you've mistaken my position as someone who disagrees with you, and not someone who is just aware that D&D don't care.
>someone was paid a large salary to design that thing
Looks like on of those fucking balloon hammers kids get at birthday parties.
Wow costume design went downhill. That Loras outfit is /fa/ as fuck.
because an unacknowledged b*stard of a prostitute isn't going to get the best childhood nutrition in Westeros
What's wrong with it? Looks powerful
makes me think of dark souls III
Nothing is wrong with it, Yea Forums is just filled with DEXfags
That only means so much. My brother and I have different fathers and grew up with our destitute waitress mother. I'm 5'9 130 lbs, he was 6'1 240 lbs.
Queen of Dragons is infertile. She's fucking her nephew but she's infertile.
Arya is fertile and Gendry is a young buck. Gender will be king at the end of the series and Arya will be Queen.
Bran will fuck Meera to keep the Stark clan alive.
To me it just looks like someone slapped a hollow aluminum cup onto a lamp leg from their hippie grandmas house.
is this supposed to be a contradiction? anyways even poor people today get much better nutrition
He needs to be safe in order to safegaurd Arya's child and carry on the stark line.
It's supposed to illustrate how much difference genetics make, and an absolute monster like Robert would have monster children regardless of nutrition.
(He's pregnant)
his mother was a midget
It looks powerful for something in fucking World of Warcraft
It takes two people to make a baby.
It looks like it's a horrible weapon for fighting skeletons.
Robert wasn't a “monster“ on the show. Magnificent actor but still. Gendry is an irrelevant side character.
While it does looks stupid, wouldn't a mace be something you'd absolutely want against skeletons?
I mean skeletons don't exactly have a lot of flesh to cut into. I'd assume you would want to break shit instead.
Though I guess an axe would also be pretty high up there.
>a massive hammer designed to break and smash bones
>not good against skeletons
How many times are you going to be able to swing that 40lb hammer before the horde of zombies overwhelm you?
Yeah, a mace would be ideal, but a hammer weighs a lot, so it's not that useful when you're hitting something light like a skeleton. You're using way too much effort for a single swing, when you could just one shot a skeleton with a mace.
Real war hammers aren't like something out of warhammer or WoW, They're closer to picks or ice axes in origin than actual hammers, and having a head that big would make it ridiculous to wield without making it much more effective, indeed if anything it'd be worse than a proper war hammer.
Warhammers were designed as anti-armor weapons you mongs. They wouldn't be any more useful against skeletons than most any other weapon.
Because he's Stannis-tier on the list of characters DnD don't care about and he's going to get killed off to clear the path for Dany ruling Westeros.
oh were real weapons not designed for use against undead skeletons? thanks for the update chief
>because weapons weren't designed to be used against the undead this clearly means a weapon designed to be used against a heavily armored foe, the furthest thing from a skeleton, would be best against it
Ok retard.
You think Missile launchers are the best anti-infantry weapon too?
>You think Missile launchers are the best anti-infantry weapon too?
for current urban times where infantry tends to be holed up in buildings? absolutely, you fucking retard
>actually claiming missile launchers are the best anti-infantry weapon in the modern era
Holy shit, you're actually, straight up, 100% retarded
skeletons are heavily armored in bone
He's actually Robert and Cersei's child that supposedly "died" during infancy.
man the armor design in got is fucking terrible. Only loras has a passable armor
The showrunners have completely forgot that it takes place in a Renaissance era, not a medieval one.
Full plate doesn't exist anymore.
Incels don’t realize that warhammers are the prefect weapon against people wearing armor
Incels don’t exist, anyone can have sex
Literally the only people it is possible for to be incels are literal eunuchs
Is Bran even capable of getting it up?