What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 253.png (2048x1536, 3.35M)

The main mercs in the comics aren't the only team of mercs under the employment of the Administrator. This exchange indicates there are other teams, all named after various fortifications, and at the end of this issue we learn that the RED team in the canon of the game is literally named "Team Fortress".

It's a play on the game's title and I'm honestly kinda surprised they didn't go full tongue-in-cheek and make the line something like
>because they're TEAM FORTRESS... and you know what? I'm TEAM FORTRESS, TOO!

Those were the in-company project names for the various iterations of what would eventually become Team Fortress 2.

AKA Brotherhood of Arms. Name refers to the more blatantly militaristic theme and style, as well as the concept of an overarching commander that was eventually scrapped.

The "aliens vs. humans" concept, based heavily on existing Half-Life art and HL2 assets (they'd keep the engine.) Name is based on the Citadel you'd eventually see in Half-Life.

Near-final version of TF2 that had the visuals and setting, but not the finalized characters or other things you've come to accept as the game' staples. Name refers to the real life "Vanguard", which is code for various federal facilities predominantly located in the west or midwest.

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So it's a meta joke?

Huh, I actually didn't know that

Cool beans

>The ongoing is only missing one out two issues.
>They will never ever be released.
Fucking Valve

Gotta keep the tradition going.

But they did?

Attached: 256.png (2048x1536, 2.71M)

Hey, at least they're releasing a Half Life game in this fucking decade.

Crouching idiot, hidden badass. She really has no idea how they beat him. The TF2 crew are really just a bunch of idiots, but they're Really good at what they do, and too stupid to know when to give up.

too -> two. that's the joke. As in Team Fortress Too (Two)

I wish they'd release TF3 already so I can spend the next 5 years playing that too.

>The TF2 crew are really just a bunch of idiots
Sniper, Heavy, Spy and maybe Medic aren't idiots.

They absolutely are.

>yfw Half Life 3 is coming out before the last TF2 comic

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Listen, just because they’re intelligent, doesn’t mean they aren’t fuckin idiots.

They make poor choices, which qualifies them as idiots.

I like kpop.

Replacing your teeth with tiny home cooked meals is stupid?

>the way heavy is looking at the baby monkey


How're you gonna chew those?

>Half Life 3
user, I...

put the teeth back in your mouth, stupid