Black Widow & Hawkeye

I don't understand this?! How were they able to:

get the Soul Stone? Hawkeye was clearly in love with his wife. His whole arc is based around his kids and wife.[/spoiller]

So how did the soul stone actually end up in his posession because black widow clearly wasn't which he loved the most

How did the universe get tricked so easily?

Attached: AAOU-BlackWidow_Hawkeye.jpg (1750x1000, 382K)

You don't have to be in love with someone to love them you fucking incel turbo geek. Was Thanos in love with his daughter? Moron.

imagine caring about capeshit logic

His wife no longer exists. So therefore by process of elimination Black Widow is the person he loves most.

>You don't have to be in love with someone to love them
lmao what ????
>Was Thanos in love with his daughter?
yeah he was. That was the whole plot twist of the entire scene.

>His wife no longer exists.
but the whole point of them getting all the stones was to bring them back. It was his entire motivation and the thing he lived for.

>lmao what ????
t. mong

Capeshit logic.

And why does he love her the most exactly?

Attached: Where+are+your+brainlet+images+fj_d237bc_6691842.jpg (692x800, 73K)

Because, because... they flirted in past movies!!!!11
This is called character development, pleb.

To love and to be in love are two separate things, brainletbro.

They used to be fuck buddies. If you ever had to let a fuck buddy die, you’d be hit pretty hard too.

nobody said anything about this you fucking RETARD. The criteria you have to meet is to give up WHICH YOU LOVE THE MOST. Thats the ultimate price for the soul stone.
>"A soul for a soul"
??? What part about this do you not get? Its not just something you may or may not love you fucking brain dead monkey.

> they flirted in past movies!!!!11
fanfic is the worst

Seriously? I love my daughter...I'm not IN love with her. I love my Dad...I'm not IN love with him.

Fuck some of you guys are drooling retards.


When did I dispute that, you fucking retard?

>When did I dispute that
right there . Its okay. YOu fucked up and didnt remember the mechanics behind getting the soul stone and posted some random garbage without thinking about it. Happens. Move on.

Another retarded plot-hole in a movie filled with plot-holes.

>You don't have to be in love with someone to love them
And where does that part dispute the rule for the Soul Stone?
Imagine having a QI smaller than a chimpanzee.

Thanos didn't want to fuck his daughter yet he loved her, love doesn't always mean romantic or sexual love, you can have fraternal love and friendly love

Movie has lot of plotholes specially due time travel shenanigans, but this isn't one of them, this is you failing to understand that you can love people who aren't your sexual partner


So without fucking massive retarded plotholes you people try to defend here endlessly Hawkeye should have sacrificed his kids or wife for the soul stone.

Can’t sacrifice someone who’s already dead. After Hawkeye’s wife got dusted, Black Widow was next in line.

so why does he casually love black widow more than his wife and kids then? explain .. i'll wait

His wife and kids were GONE you absolute moron.


stop posting. Your point is completely irrelevant to the thread.
did you ever lose someone? you still love them. Even when they are gone.

You can love someone without wanting to put your dingle in them. The Thanos-Gamora relationship is clearly more of a father-daughter deal.

Oh, so you can sacrifice your dead loved ones in that case. What a deal!

don't his kids call her aunt or someshit.

no he'd just never receive the soul stone? If it was that EASY to get it why even sacrifice Black Widow or Hawkeye. Might aswell throw a dog down the cliff. Fucking retard. Why are MARVEL fags so bosessed with defending a moronic plot hole?

How can you physically sacrifice someone who no longer physically exists?

Hey fags, so did retcon the sacrifice to be the one you love the most or is it still which you love?

Since you retards were sperging about it, i went to check the scene and Red Skull says "In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul for a soul."

you can't. The soul stone is not for everyone. Thats why its locked behind this shit on some obscure planet and lots of people have tried to get it (see infinity war).

Because she was a good friend

He wasn't supposed to make a sacrifice.

>Why are MARVEL fags so bosessed with defending a moronic plot hole
They waited 11 years for this mess of movie. They don't want to admit it's poorly writen.

they changed it from infinity war to loosely fix the plot hole

You're the one trying to argue something simple and getting butthurt over it.
Capeshit is dumb, but that dumb shit has it's own little dumb rules.
Hawkeye can sacrifice Black Widow because she was the one actual living thing he loved the most, there's nothing hard to understand about that?

I was expecting both of them to jump and trigger some sort of deus ex where they both survive and get the soul stone for proving their love for each other. I’m glad they didn’t go that route.

His wife and daughter still don’t exist at the moment.
Ask a capeshit question, you get a capeshit answer.
They have a Strong relationship don’t they?

>it's ok to be dumb, fuck good logic.
Marvel fans are actually using this argument lol.

The one he loved the most was his daughter, therefore he can't make a sacrifice.

Black Widow loved herself the most and sacrificed herself to give Hawkeye the stone.

They're platonic best friends. She introduced his wife to him. They're war buddies. She is the person he cares for the most who is still alive.

to get the stone you must lose "that which you love". not "love the most", not "someone you are in love with", just love.

Jesus christ why are capeshit soiboys so angry, even when discussing the thing they supposedly enjoy? Are they all little men?
