Bitch is constantly ruining his life

Bitch is constantly ruining his life.

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The guy is actively ghosting his entire family, including his son whom he is directly responsible for scarring for life by ordering him to do something that directly resulted in Alfred's death. He hardly needs Selina to fuck his own life up.

You made the right choice keeping yourself pure.

>including his son whom he is directly responsible for scarring for life by ordering him to do something that directly resulted in Alfred's death.
Because he wanted to spend time with Selina, so he delegated shit to his son. So she share responsibility for that too.

It's not Selina's fault that Bruce is being a shitty father.

It’s only fair, Bruce ruined Jason’s life after all

It is, because he ended up being a shitty father because the writer needed to push her as more important than his own family.

>he ended up being
He's always been a shitty father.

He was a shit dad before Selina, dipshit. Furthermore, Catwoman isn't a bad character, we just had to suffer through King's dumb bullshit

dat Harley, tho

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>Catwoman isn't a bad character, we just had to suffer through King's dumb bullshit
She is a bad character, though. She just got more obnoxious under King's writing.
Every time she appears in the Batman books is to backstab Batman in some way and then shift the blame onto him for why "things never work out'. That's has been the bulk of this "romance". One endless shit parade on Batman.

But this time it was because of her.

No, him refusing to comfort his son and instead drive his family away while he wallows in self-misery is his own fault.

That's your problem, you're a dumbass thinking in shipping. She's not a bad character, you contrarian fuck. Go read Brubaker

>Go read Brubaker
The comic full of shipping bait where you had Batman and Slam Bradley as two simps fighting over her? That run?
And Catwoman is shit because she can't survive as a character without shipping and it is because of this shipping that Batman gets dragged around the mud.

>while he wallows in self-misery is his own fault.
And why did he wallow in self-misery in that shitty run? Catwoman.

No, its King

>And why did he wallow in self-misery in that shitty run?
I'm not talking about King's run.

Which run, then?

Who do you think is writing Batman right now, user?

Tynion. This run also feature Catwoman being obnoxious.

Yes, took you six minutes to figure that out, congratulations. And in the one comic where she actively leaves Bruce alone to give him time to grieve with his family, he does nothing but mope around even as they explain to him how he's just shutting them all out, with the issue ending with everyone leaving him.

He doesn't need Selina to fuck his own life up.

But he has time for Selina. Maybe that's just Tynion carrying on the shitty characterization King left him with for consistency sake.
Maybe if there was no Catwoman then Alfred wouldn't be dead and the Bat-Family wouldn't be pushed away.

>But he has time for Selina
They've interacted with one another face to face a grand total of once in the run so far

>Maybe if there was no Catwoman then Alfred wouldn't be dead
Selina wasn't the one who ordered Damian in to Gotham, that was Bruce's decision and his alone and all the consequences of it are on him

>Selina wasn't the one who ordered Damian in to Gotham, that was Bruce's decision and his alone and all the consequences of it are on him
You do know them well it happened because Tom King wanted to make a point that those other characters were less important than Catwoman for Batman. You can't shield her.

No, it happened because King intended for Alfred's death to be a fake-out, but editorial decided to roll with it and have it stick.

And the fake-out idea was already dumb as fuck. This is the same dodge-y excuse as the one given for "Ric' Grayson. "It was the editors, not me!"
Still doesn't change my point either.

Why are you putting this on Selina and not Bruce

Because the shitty run was all about pushing Catwoman while shitting on Batman and the rest of the Bat-Family.

>Still doesn't change my point either.
That Bruce made a bad decision and it's Selina's fault because Bruce is a child who's incapable of making his own decisions?

That if it wasn't for Catwoman none of it would have happened.

But Selina didn't factor in to that decision at all.

>Bitch is constantly ruining his life.
You described the relationship of women and men since the creation of Adam and Eve. Women are the downfall of men.

She did. Bruce wanted to remain enjoying the beach with her instead of doing what needed to be done.
Anyway, why are we talking as if the problem wasn't Tom King and his retarded desire to make Catwoman relevant? Because that's my issue. Editors and writers trying to make Catwoman relevant using shitty romance as a hook while bringing Batman and his extended cast down as stepping stones.

Right so in your mind Bruce isn't responsible because of editorial mandate, but Selina is responsible despite editorial mandate. So you're willing to consider meta editorial motivations for one character but not another?

>Bruce wanted to remain enjoying the beach with her instead of doing what needed to be done.
And Bruce is a grown adult who's capable of making his own decisions.

>Editors and writers trying to make Catwoman relevant using shitty romance as a hook while bringing Batman and his extended cast down as stepping stones.

Her interactions with Bruce in Tynion's run have been minimal thus far yet Bruce continuously demonstrates that he's capable of fucking his own life up without her input.

>Her interactions with Bruce in Tynion's run have been minimal thus far
she still shows up to bring just more problems.

And he's still fucking his own life up without her.

Yes, because the mandate was to make Catwoman relevant as the next Lois Lane, so King went super retarded with it. Everything dumb that happened in that run was because King had to find ways to justify why Catwoman was important.

She's the reason why he's fucking his life up and she's helping even more by being the source of the plot's shenanigans.

So you're just retarded. Good to knoow

Nice comeback. You know i spoke the truth. King was constantly looking for ways to sell to the readers why Catwoman is so important and the way he did it most of the time if not all was by shitting on every other character, including Batman. Specially Batman.

>She's the reason why he's fucking his life up
No, he is.

Right. But that's not Selina's fault is my point.

It is when her existence is detrimental to the entire setting.

Alfred died because he'd rather spend time with Selina. Damian was scarred because he'd rather spend time with Selina. Bruce is pushing the family way, but he has time for Selina.

>Alfred died because he'd rather spend time with Selina.
Bruce's fault
>Damian was scarred because he'd rather spend time with Selina.
Bruce's fault
>Bruce is pushing the family way, but he has time for Selina.
Which he uses by not spending time with Selina unless he has to

I think they both suck.

I think what happened with Pennyworth RIP is just Tynion and Tomasi choosing to deal with the negative response to King's Bruce instead of ignoring it.
Bruce and Selina both sucked in King's run, but it got especially obnoxious when you realized all the shit that had to happen because King wanted to prove that Selina is important.
If you have to throw everyone else under the bus to get that point across maybe you're wrong.

>She's not a bad character,
Catwoam is cancer.

Catwoma is still shit ...King.

Bruce and Selina's fault.

>Bruce's fault
Cat is not your Mommy...King sorry..

No, even within the context of the situation, Bruce sending Damian in was a decision he made on his own without Selina's input. Alfred was completely safe and Thomas was content with leaving him alive until Bruce tried to make his move, Alfred's death and the ensuing fallout was entirely on him.

I can't get mad to pussy puss...

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Hey Bruce remember your kids?
Bruce: Who?
I swear to god Selina has him drugged or hypnotized or something.
Gotham was never in a worse state and Batman has the vacation of his life lmao

Well she is prostitute. being a prostitute probably meant she had to bang really creepy old filthy nasty people

well, this means I have possibilities then

>ll she is prostitute
Genital Herpes for Bruce.

The cat costume was her pimp's idea.

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I missed March. This almost feels like GCS is back.

Not to mention herpes, HPV

>Because he wanted to spend time with Selina

No, because there was a plan and it went wrong because Alfred lied. Do you people even read the fucking comic?

>No, because there was a plan and it went wrong because Alfred lied.
Alfred was being held captive. Of course he was going to be forced to lie. Is Batman retarded?

Which is still on Bruce because for some reason he didn't anticipate that Bane and Thomas, who have both been gaslighting him for months, have Psycho Pirate on their side (which he hadn't directly confirmed at that point but given his involvement in his prior issues should've been taken in to possibility), and have already demonstrated that they have brainwashed Alfred before.

Lying low and making it look like he was on vacation with Selina might've been the best move to make at that stage (because he knew Thomas was a raging autist who's sole goal was to make Bruce stop being Batman), but Bruce's move there was just retarded on so many levels.

>Lying low and making it look like he was on vacation with Selina might've been the best move
Forget all the people being oppressed and killed back in Gotham.

>Whining about femme fatales in a noir book like Batman

Come on, bro.

But he didn't forget, as said he was already making his plans with the rest of the Bat-family to retake Gotham and spent any moment not on the beach with Selina physically rehabilitating himself for the task. There was an issue in the middle of the arc to show that even in the middle of it they were making preliminary moves like cutting off Bane's supply of venom to Gotham. Bruce taking Alfred's word at face value was retarded, but it was repeatedly shown that Bruce was doing far more than just sitting on his ass at the beach while this was all going down.

>Bruce wanted to remain enjoying the beach with her instead of doing what needed to be done.

No, they were biding their time to catch Magpie's Venom shipment, and they took opportunity of the down time to R&R and make sure Bruce was back in shape after betting beating up so badly.

She's not even a femme fatale. Are you crazy? The books always bend themselves backwards to justify her.

>Alfred was being held captive.

And he said he had escaped.

>Of course he was going to be forced to lie.

Why would Alfred ever agree to lie? He'd rather die than do that. And he's too tough to break under duress, he's a former spy. That is why Bruce had no reason to suspect Alfred was lying, because he knows Alfred couldn't be coerced. And the whole fucking deal with keeping Alfred as a hostage was to keep Batman away, why on Earth would they need to lure him back in such a complicated way?

>Is Batman retarded?

No, but you clearly are.

Batman has no life to fuck up. Being Batman is his life.

>And he said he had escaped.
He lied.
>Why would Alfred ever agree to lie?
Because he was being held captive and they beat the shit out of him?
>He'd rather die than do that. And he's too tough to break under duress, he's a former spy.
This is the same Alfred that told Bruce to roll over and accept defeat when Bane was beating his ass in the Mansion. King's Alfred is a huge fucking pussy. Remember that? Alfred standing still while two madmen are in their home and one of them is beating his son?
>That is why Bruce had no reason to suspect Alfred was lying, because he knows Alfred couldn't be coerced.
He let himself be coerced into letting them stay in the mansion and beat-up Bruce as soon as Bruce showed up. Huge fucking pussy.

But as I said before, Alfred already has lied to the Bat family several issues before (by telling them that nothing was wrong after Bane and Thomas had just tortured Bruce for several days and beat the everloving shit out of him in his own mansion) and demonstrated that he'd been compromised. It wasn't voluntary (they probably drugged him or got Psycho Pirate to fuck with his mind or something), but the fact that Bruce didn't factor this in was an incredibly stupid oversight.

Wow, there are actually people here willing to defend King's nonsensical writing.

He was still enjoying his time on the beach. That's the point. He was enjoying himself while Gotham burned.

>He was still enjoying his time on the beach. That's the point.

Oh my God, are you fucking serious? You're angry he wasn't literally 100% of the time depressed and angsty about Gotham?

Because after spending months as a mental wreck what he really needed to do was allow himself to break down even more.

His father figure was being tortured, his city was being overrun, innocents were dying. Do you want me to believe that the real Batman would take time to enjoy some beach and resolve his love life amidst all this shit happening?

Sorry, but no. The real Batman would be a focus entirely on fixing that shit and wouldn't be happy at all that any of this is happening.

Fucking The Dark Knight Rises did this shit better.

>but the fact that Bruce didn't factor this in was an incredibly stupid oversight.

Because it makes no sense in a situation where they are intentionally keeping everyone out of Gotham, including Batman himself. Why on Earth would they ever bother to use so much subterfuge if they simply wanted Batman to return to Gotham? That is why he thought he could trust Alfred. Because goading Bruce to break the rule and give them a reason to kill Alfred serves no purpose for Bane or Thomas when they could just do it anyway any time they wanted, and make a big show about it.

>The real Batman would be a focus entirely on fixing that shit and wouldn't be happy at all that any of this is happening.
But he is. He spends more time in the vacation issues training than relaxing, the few times he actually is shown on the beach, it's in the context of him coming back after having gotten some of the plan down, or hearing news about Gotham and not being happy with what he's hearing, only staying put because he needs to wait for Magpie's shipment to arrive so they can make their opening moves and clearly not enjoying it. The moment of their reconciliation happens during one of their training sessions. That he enjoys being with Selina doesn't change the fact that he is trying to work to fix things as quick as he can.

>Do you want me to believe that the real Batman would take time to enjoy some beach and resolve his love life amidst all this shit happening?

When he was in such bad shape a couple of thugs almost killed him? Yes. He needed to recuperate properly. You're advocating that Batman has to be completely suicidal to a point where he's actively sabotaging his own recovery just so he can brood more.

Does that cat mask have a fucking blowjob ruing built into it? Jesus Christ DC.

He had time to enjoy beach and resolve his love life while people are dying. I'm sorry, but that's no Batman. There wouldn't be a beach. He'd be training alone without distractions. He'd be getting shit done.

>He'd be getting shit done.

He was getting shit done. You're crying that you don't like the specific way he's doing it, like a stereotypical fanboy.

He was getting nothing done. He was swimming and fucking, and talking about his love life, and crying about maybe not being a man enough. Catwoman was the one trying to convince him to go back to Gotham.

it was shit, user. Why are you defending shit?

I mean the real reason is that Tom King didn't originally plan to kill Alfred at all, so presumably things would've unfolded a lot different originally. As-is a lot of what happened there doesn't really make much sense unless you assume that Alfred basically betrayed Bruce while he was at his lowest both physically and emotionally.

I didn't like City of Bane either, but you're not getting anywhere by just lying. He's repeatedly shown to be trying to get shit done, training, and getting ready to hit Gotham.

>I mean the real reason is that Tom King didn't originally plan to kill Alfred at all,
That's what he says. Why would you believe him?

meant for

He was doing nothing. Sure, he was exercising, but other than that he was sitting on his ass. The Magpie shit was something that was still going to happen.

Why is a Homestuck villain in Batman?

Because he stands to get nothing out of lying about the editorial decisions of the people who are employing him? That and him being pretty open about his shitty ideas (such as outright admitting he basically picked names out of a hat while deciding who was the murderer and who were the victims in HiC) suggest he's got no reason to lie about this.

>Because he stands to get nothing out of lying about the editorial decisions of the people who are employing him?
Shield himself from criticisms of killing Alfred. He did the same shit with the "Ric" stuff and Wally stuff. He always blame editorial for whenever he gets any heat in social media.

>Shield himself from criticisms of killing Alfred.
Or, bear with me on this, Batman and DC's editorial is just really shitty, as has been pretty consistently proven for the past 20 years at least.

Tom King is too.

>Yes, because the mandate was to make Catwoman relevant as the next Lois Lane, so King went super retarded with it.
So King did nothing wrong, then, going by DC's treatment of Lois.

>Sure, he was training himself to get back in shape, but other than that he was doing nothing, other than try to plan how to re-take Gotham
>But besides all the stuff he was doing? He was doing nothing

He was exercising at the beach and clearly enjoying himself, and his plans fucking sucked.

>He was exercising at the beach and clearly enjoying himself
Getting back in to shape after a long period of not being able to do so, with the woman he loves which I suppose is a crime now
>and his plans fucking sucked.
Doesn't change the fact that he was planning

it's a crime when the people you love and care about are being tortured to death while you bask in the sunshine and makes plans about honeymoon.

So it would've been more morally acceptable for Bruce to just sit in a cave and brood while waiting for Magpie's yacht to arrive instead?

It'd be better if he told Catwoman to fuck off and trained by himself in a cave while brooding, yes. Bit of repentance for the soul.

Seriously, the whole thing makes the pairing look awful. You can set up the hero's town being controlled by the villains, his dad being held up and tortured. You know, all that shit that makes the readers boil with rage. And that skip that to show the hero drinking margaritas, swimming, and flirting with his dame. Worse! Show that the hero delegated his fucking job to his 10 year old son so he could carry on enjoying his vacation a bit more, and not satisfied cap that shit off with his son being captured, his dad killed, and his son scarred.

I mean, what the fuck was King thinking about?

Selina has always been Bruce's endgame. King was right. They were all right.

She's a villain. Batman never had an "end game".

>It'd be better if he told Catwoman to fuck off and trained by himself in a cave while brooding, yes. Bit of repentance for the soul.
So gone right back to doing what he'd been doing that lead him to being beaten in the first place. After she'd spent however long nursing him back to health and shuffling him across the world to ensure that Bane's people didn't find him.

>And that skip that to show the hero drinking margaritas, swimming, and flirting with his dame.

Which is the first time we've seen him physically active and healthy for several issues. The only straight 'vacation-y' moment in this issue is the opening with him Kayaking, immediately afterwards they're sitting down, having drinks, and talking about what they had planned and establish that Magpie's ship is arriving in a matter of days. Every page after that they are training, when they're not training it is night time, and Bruce is clearly shown as being uncomfortable with sitting around not being able to do anything. Selina has him do some crimefighting in the local area specifically to allow him to let off steam.

>Show that the hero delegated his fucking job to his 10 year old son so he could carry on enjoying his vacation a bit more,

It's literally the last thing he does before storming Magpie's yacht and making his move

What matters is what the readers see and when we get to him we see him enjoying the beach and resolving his love life. That's what sticks. Even the Magpie stuff, which is inconsequential, is shown as something that will happen in the future. Leaving us to assume that he's going to be enjoying himself for a good time. That's the problem. We've more pages of them taking a breeze and talking relationship than fighting crime or anything. This while his dad is held captive, his city is being controlled by madmen, and people are dying.

>So gone right back to doing what he'd been doing that lead him to being beaten in the first place.
What lead him to be beaten is the comic arc being retarded. In a normal Batman comic Alfred would have shot Thomas and Bane with a shotgun while Batman beats the shit of both of them.

To be fair, Damian was fucked up WAY before meeting Bruce, scarred for life since before.
However Bruce hurt him now, he's still better off.

>I am a retard who can't follow the story so every reader has to be treated like me!

That's not how it works.

Baby Hitler fags BTFO.
Helena is going to replace him out.

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Hey guys I know you're all arguing, but what was the nature of the deal that Batman's rogues made with the Designer, and why is he trying to murder all of them now?

Did people already forget Earth 2 existed?
This guy gets it.

>Did people already forget Earth 2 existed?
>Implying people even know what Earth 2 is anymore

He has three batcaves, one with power armor strong enough to raid hell. He had a deployable wing of bat-drones, and a great deal of other options. It would have been morally acceptable for the person with a batcave on the moon to get off his ass and start putting effort into the plot.

Why are we even still arguing about King's run we already agreed it was bad? It's over now. Why can't we just talk about Tyrion's run based on it's own merits and not beat the decayed horse corpse?

Harley looks straight up moe here. Who's the artist? Looks like he draws some good "fuck me" faces.

>He has three batcaves, one with power armor strong enough to raid hell. He had a deployable wing of bat-drones, and a great deal of other options.
Right, if there's one thing you should do when dealing with enemies who have compromised each and every level of your professional and social life, it's right where they are likely expecting you to go.

Earth 2 Future's End was my shit until it started getting shitty

The Tynion run is trash so far. Deathstroke jobbing just to do "it was part of my plan to get caught all along, Batman!" plot twist? Come on!

Yes my word, you might even want to start by asking a friend to make sure it's uncompromised first. Possibly a techno-empath of the half-machine variety. Or a slightly wacky yet capable buddy. Or a hacker/infobroker extraordinaire who hangs a suit in that very cave. Or the hacker/detective extraordinaire who hangs a suit in the cave.

But it was literally a part of the Designer's plan to have Batman think he had the upperhand but double fake out with Cheshire and lead him on a wild goose chase while he and the assassins were released. The Penguin got involved as a wildcard, but Spade btfo'd him instantly in front of Batman no less and escaped. I don't see what the problem is

Only good opinion here

It's needlessly convoluted for the sake of having dumb plot twists.