Itt: unfilmable books

>itt: unfilmable books

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Infinite jest

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Inherent Vice
That shitty adaptation a few years ago just proves it

he used this, but just made propaganda for that shit

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They really did leave almost all the interesting stuff out of the movie

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What the ?

Any book that doesn't rely on plot

based post

House of Leaves

a shitty meme book

The Catcher in the Rye

Books are for fags

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Isn't that the one that killed off a bunch of actors?

was the script from a book, can u actually read the script somewhere?

I'd love to see a filmatization of Finnegan's Wake.


this but unironically

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it would be the film equivalent of gibberish

>mordecai richler

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the medium of film is not evolved enough to film this

Well better get to sucking my chuckle nuts user.


Anything from this list

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>Infinite jest
there are so many long boring stretches of infinite jest where nothing really happens that could be cut for a film. you could easily make it.

But user, the Coraline movie was awesome

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You'll die 3 days later if you read it

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>Catholicism is the driving force of Western civilization

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