What line wouldn't he cross

What line wouldn't he cross

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Killing an innocent.

Killing Captain America.

age of consent probably

boning your mom

getting remarried

I kind of meant in terms of punishment

Like would Punisher be into roman style lion feeding or cruxification?

I don't know... can he do what needs to be done?

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He's fed criminals to a polar bear and gutted a criminal and strung his intestines up like Christmas decorations.

Have you read The Slavers?

that's still quick death

like would punisher keep someone alive for years?

I don't think he is for torture per se. He used a popsicle to "torture" that low level mob guy. He could have just torch for real. Frank is above torture if he can. He would say that he dispenses quick justice.

>attaches Barracuda's balls to jumper cables
>basically dissects a dirty cop in PunisherMAX
>ties a slaver up by his intestines
>pic related


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>that's still quick death
You better not be talking about the "strung up his intestines like a Christmas tree" part, because Frank literally had to search how much of that cunt's insides he could pull out and keep him alive.

He also threw a woman against bullet proof glass until the frame got knocked out.

Meant to reply to OP but you get the point, Frank doesn't have any sense of mercy for the people he deals with

Here's Frank beating a woman to death by throwing her against unbreakable glass repeatedly. Ain't nothing quick about that.

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All of this lasts less than a day
I'm saying would Punisher keep someone alive for days or years

I'm talking like the torture from the comic "A history of violence"

Bitch can you even read?
Is this your shitty attempt at bait?

Fucking s child

I mean the Punisher is goal oriented. Unless torturing a person for over a year helps him get closer to killing more criminals than I doubt it. It's much easier to kill them as soon as you can and move on to the next crook. He occasionally makes it more painful and long lasting for the truly monstrous but other than that he wants to move on to the next target.

Fuck you fucking faggot
I'm giving you a clear fucking question you stupid cocksucking faggot fuck

ok sorry for the vulgarity but it's frustrating
You obviously know I'm not talking about brutal mortal kombat fatalities

You're asking a retarded question that has been answered, you're not fucking reading the images that people are posting for some reason and you're acting like a faggot.
I'd say read more comics but this is Yea Forums and apparently no one does that anymore.

You're like the michael jordan of being an obnoxious whiny bitch


That was more a Punisher 2099 thing.

He kept people locked up in his basement jail.

fucking schizo

This and Resivoir Dogs is why I hate when someone in a movie or tv show, they get shot in the stomach and die immediately.

He wouldn't cross a red line, that's for sure.

He probably wouldn't do a genocide.

Has he killed teenagers? What about a child psychopath?

Killing children, babies or pregnant women
This one too

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That was different

I don't think he'd rape a criminal to death