See you, Space Cowboy

See you, Space Cowboy..,

Attached: cho.jpg (800x533, 49K)

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Oh no. No no no.

Is that his resting face?

>asian facial hair genetics

don't even try

Good he's such so fucking OLD

wasn't Spike like 27?

>looks nothing like Spike
>two decades too old to play Spike (Cho is 46)

what are they even thinking

I can see it. The only other viable choice is Keanu.


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What did they mean by this?

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After Death Note, it’s probably better that they didn’t cast a white guy.

Here's your Spike

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He looks different without dreadlocks

>this jealous white incel argument again

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>ideal Spike
>half-Asian so no one can bitch

he's an aussie and doesn't suck the jew dick

Go back in time and get this guy

Attached: spike.png (515x290, 166K)

>Spike is young, handsome and suave
>cast old Asian man who looks like he runs a supermarket
what did they mean by this

Or this one.

Attached: spike2.jpg (620x947, 94K)

not even the race, they just cast ugly/mediocre and unfit people sometimes. it's like that airbender movie with the indians and shit. just doesn't fit

Both adaptations are shit.

Don't know who this guy is but damn if he doesn't fit the look for Spike.

Attached: WAG-Royal-Events-bob-morley-39379715-500-600.jpg (500x600, 180K)

Keanu said years before a show was even conceived of that he was too old.


nobody has his face
you have to look for some rare 1/4 hapa

The guy one HWNDU with the curly hair was basically Spike irl. I don't know if he was going for that look or it was natural, but he was the closest you can get to him without going full anime.

it's 1000 years into the future, everyone has fucked everyone by that point, your 20th century racism has no place here.

>Elliot Gould doing Jeet Kun Do

Now there's a mental image.

>inb4 retards claim Spike was definitely white

This is literally the actor spike is based on isnt it?

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Why don't they just get a Japanese?

Attached: ken.jpg (473x663, 55K)

Fuckin RIP
I liked him in the tv cuts of Harry and Amar

He's got old asian man wrinkles and spots.

Fuck Keanu is older but looks younger.

Shit actors.

i think this being the future, Spike was mixed, Jett was ambiguous but generally though to be black (his last name probably contributed to that), I was just corrected IRL the other day by someone who told me Faye is Chinese, which I missed.

No one knows wtf Edward is.

Netflix and their meme live action adaptions.

Why aren't we talking about the more important casting? WHO WILL BE THE MILKY MAMA.

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The face is not so importan. Can he fight?

I jerked off to her so many times.

Edward seems like some sort of Brazilian or Chilean or one of those darky countries.

some are better than others.

this one is already leaning toward "others."

in before screencap of her sunbathing on the top of the ship

It made sense to have the actors Asian in Death Note, since it takes place in Japan. In Cowboy Bebop, almost everyone is an earth mutt. Spike is as likely to be white/Jewish as he is likely Asian. I for one doesn’t give a fuck about Spike being Asian. HOWEVER, getting a 40 year old man to play him is just retarded.

>implying such designations exist in the future

In 2071 everyone fucked everyone

it's one of those choices that screams "budget concerns." like john cho is a name actor, good for them, but the actress playing Faye is generic as fuck. The dude playing Jett has presence all day long, but is hardly as imposing as anime Jett.

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looks like somebody punch him on the face

It is

you better don't find it out user...

What the fuck was his problem?

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still waiting

Why the fuck didn’t they cast him??? As a Korean myself John Cho is a disgusting choice and too old for the role. Why did Sunrise okay this?

i still maintain that donald glover would make a great spike, if people got over him being black

dolla dolla bills y'all

one name actor and the rest cheap nobodies they could afford. this is going to be as shitty as the white death note

daniel henney
won bin
so ji sup

many of Yea Forums would be mad because much of Yea Forums is racist, and many would be mad because Donald Glover does not know kung fu.

Those two groups will make up 100% of Yea Forums

he was tortured for years in the most insane conditions

>several month of redpilled Cowboy Bebop high quality discussion on Yea Forums
I can't fucking wait

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how did he do it lads? even hapa keanu couldn't do it like mifune.

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Wait, what?

Isn't Spike jewish and based on pic related?

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Too old desu

They accidentally made him into a Trigun villain.

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They couldn't even be bothered to put a japanese person in the role, some ugly chinese american.


this dude looks a lot more like lupin than spike

He hated cats

Spike is too tall to be asian.

guy picked "Spiegel" just because it sounded cool to him

oh, honey... gotta keep up on the news of the day

Goddamn, I just don't see it. Terrible casting choice.

there could be a million scripts and a million directors all filming the million scripts and not a single fucking one would be good

stop crying about something that was never going to be good

enjoy the cartoon and pretending you like jazz

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tanaka noiki for spike


some shit latina.

Here is a good choice for Spike - The guy from Warrior - Andrew Koji

Attached: Andrew Koji from Warrior.jpg (254x200, 17K)

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Pierot La Fous

Cowboy Bebop

>Spike is from a Chinese triad. They only allow Chinese irl into their gangs.
>The solar system currency is called "woolongs." Showing the Chinese won the space race.
>His name is Spike Spiegel, because he is a traitor. So they gave him a nickname similar to a group (jews) that are known for treachery.
>His appearance was primarily based on the main protagonist of Tantei Monogatari, portrayed by famous Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda.

I have no clue why people are shocked he isn't Asian. What is weird is that "Jet Black" is a nigger and Faye Valentine isn't a white girl but spic now.

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that'll do, pig. that'll do.

whos going to be feet kino?

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Straight from the creators mouth that he is Asian. The problem is John Cho is not a good casting for the role.

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i'm thinking they didn't have that kinda scratch

Jett Black was always black. Faye was never white.

Interesting how we read things when we want to.

Since when you fucking American mutt? What's up with you Americans anyways wanting to cast everyone a nigger?

jupiter jazz is the best episode(s), and it's great when you're up at 2:30 and put it on in a dreamlike state.

i hope that if they adapt the best story they do it justice

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This. Why didn't put Keaunu since he always looks the same anyway?

People say Keanu is too old to play Spike but even then he looks way younger than Harold. I guess he's just too expensive to attach to a Netflix project

for bonus points he actually knows martial arts

how much money do you think would have to be floated his way for him to breach contract with john wick 3 and do his passion project?