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lmao faggot
Needs an edit at the end.
>”Like mommy more well enjoy getting raped fag.”
I'm all for supporting your kids and I guess if your kid is showing signs of being trans you need to figure the smart way to deal with that but goddamn dial it back ya beardo fuck.
I'm reading Strangers in Paradise now, and that's one reason I'm loving it. Yeah, plenty of the cast is gay or bi, but it doesn't really come up as a unique fact or thing all that much. It's just there along with the heaps of other bullshit they have going on.
It's funny because he wants his son to wear a more revealing outfit. Wait what.
His comic is a desperate cry for help.
I honestly cant even try to shit on this guy, his whole life is absolutely misserable
Are you coding son?
His whole comic is the world's longest suicide note.
The phrase 'sad' gets tossed around onto people a lot, but this guy genuinely is sad and pitiable.
I would not be surprised if he posted a comic about getting a vasectomy. HE's already done at least one about his wife bringing home other men.
>just nod if you want me to end it all for you, lunarbaboon
So basically we're waiting for the final strip that says "good bye".
Wonder Woman should wear pants.
So he's getting his son to dress more like an ancient Grecian male soldier would have worn, right?
wtf, what is this?
>look it up
>It's real
>He was beaten so badly he choked on his own blood and went comatose
>The beating was so bad even California judges said the cops were facing trial.
>The appellate court even sided in favor of sending those cops to trial
>The jury found them not guilty on all charges
California's the worst state, no exceptions. I know homeless people are a plague to larger urban areas, but damn bro.
This gives me permission to shoot a cop or two if I see them doing this.
I imagine lawyers just try to pack the jury with as many psychopaths as they can.
Who beats a man for 9 straight minutes?
Who takes 9 whole minutes to beat a man to death?
It’s really simple in most areas. A lot of people are completely trusting of police officers and they generally do fucky things during trails like only allowing a few seconds of video of the entire ordeal. Cops get away with murder in every state.
Why did you need THIS to give you an excuse to stop someone from beating a seemingly innocent man to death?
Six armed officers that tasered an unarmed man man five times, that's who.
There's actually an image of the ground where they beat him after an ambulance took him and you'd think somebody was stabbed to death there's so much blood.
amazing how giving up your arms and entrusting your lives to the state always seems to work out
>give me permission
still a cuck mindset. it is your very duty as a man to enact justice as your god sees it
Realistically there's no way a citizen could do anything but watch this happen, though.
There were six men with guns beating a man to death. There's path you can take that doesn't result in that homeless guy still dying. What are you going to do?
>Tell them to stop and get ignored
>Physically intervene and get beaten, too, or arrested for interfering with an officer's duties.
>Try to be your own "good guy with a gun" and get gunned down.
The only thing you'd be able to do is either take it or an hero by cop.
thats just injustice right there
I want to fuck both of them right in those poses.
>six men
fortunately the gun control crowd hasn't taken away my 100 clip magazines yet.
>>Try to be your own "good guy with a gun" and get gunned down.
they're too busy beating the man, did they even have their guns drawn? I feel like I could take them down, I'd have half of them dead before they even realized it.
Are you suggesting the homeless schizophrenic man should've had a gun
I feel like in this situation your best course of action is to record everything. Barring a couple backwards states, you have a right to observe and record police officers in public.
I'm suggesting that involuntary holds need to be way more enforceable.
That came across nowhere in your post.
>Cops get away with murder in every state
And THAT, boys and girls, is why the "We NeEd GuNs To PrOtEcT uS fRoM tYrAnNy" argument is and always will be bullshit.
Oh I'm not that guy.
Well I wasn't asking you, lad.
>cops beat an unarmed man to death
>therefore we should rely on the state to defend us
librul logic at its finest
We should take away everyone's guns and disarm the police.
if 6 murderous agents of the State can have guns then why not? The government shouldn't be taking guns away from citizens and then saying that it's perfectly fine for their own agents to murder civilians without consequence. Shit like this is exactly what the 2nd Amendment is for.
That's okay, I'm happy to give my opinion for free!
>if 6 murderous agents of the State can have guns then why not
None of them should have guns. Especially not cops and people with mental illness.
>creating an environment where overwhelmingly male police officers will always have the advantage over womyn
That's not very feminist of you, comrade.
Here's the before and after of the guy, doesn't even look human after how badly they beat him. I lived in the town where it happened at the time, it was just a couple of blocks from my high school.
You do know there are municipalities that don't have police departments, right?
Are you so mad that we forgot what we were talking about? I've been sitting here racking my brain over how you came to that conclusion and I'm getting fucking nothing.
And create a tyranny of the strong? Where rights are decided by genetic lottery? Fuck no. Guns make all of us equal, you don't have an excuse not owning one other than concenting to be victimized.
>one lying on back
>one lying on stomach
woah, user, you're just like, a beacon of sexual creativity.
>i need guns so that the bullies can't kick over my sand castle
Is this really what you think
pretty sure this is actually why "wE cAn AlWaYs TrUsT tHe GoVeRnMeNt, ThEy WiLl NeVeR aBuSe ThEiR pOwEr" argument is and always will be bullshit, bootlicker.
Armed civilians could have stopped this by putting a bullet in every one of those cops. And any decent jury would have acquitted them.
How did they get the audio? The video is disturbing and I do believe he would say that after seeing what the CC picked up but it seems weirdly clear for the video quality
I’m from a very liberal state and I’ve been praying to god for a decade to crack California off and sink it into the ocean for a fucking decade, it’s nice to see I was right to continually want that
Guns are the great equalizer, making physical strength no longer the deciding factor in all conflict. Like that old saying that Lincoln made all men free and Samuel Colt made all men equal.
The point, if you can call it a point when delivered in that manner, that user was making is that guns allow women to have a way to defend themselves against physically stronger men.
>Guns are the great equalizer, making physical strength no longer the deciding factor in all conflict
You know there are other weapons besides guns, right? Hell, if nobody's got guns, people who are really that paranoid about self-defense are just gonna start carrying around knives or mace instead. And good for them, that's way less deadly and probably cleaner.
>Samuel Colt made all men equal
I've never heard that in my fucking life, that's fucking insane.
>guns allow women to have a way to defend themselves against physically stronger men
You know what women actually carry around in their purses if they're concerned? Mace. And it works fine.
This guy also made a comic about how he and his wife brought a man home with them to fuck them, and then sent that man to go look after his kid.
That's a good one!
goddamn, it's like his entire face is inflated. sickening that that happened
>a knife
those are really good ways to get your ass murdered
If the other person has a gun, maybe. But like I said, that's why we take away the guns.
If the family actually cared, they wouldn't have left him in the streets.
that would actually be pretty badass, a physical strength based meritocracy
>And any decent jury would have acquitted them.
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Cops. Cops do shit like that regularly. And the point wasn't to kill him quickly, but to torture him. Imagine the scene from Clockwork Orange where Alex and his droogs beat up the drunken guy. That's cops.
Turned on the TV. Another kid shot himself with a gun today. Just found a gun laying around. Loaded. Again.
Must be a day ending with the letter Y.
>this is what liberals actually believe
this one is pretty based desu
>but still male
when will the social justice crowd accept that our justice system is misandrist and sexism against men in our justice system is the most significant inequality?
>take away guns
>nobody gets killed by guns
Makes sense to me.
>I know homeless people are a plague to larger urban areas
They're really not, but urban city leaders are absolutely chicken shit about how to deal with homeless populations. They don't want to actually help them, but they won't just put them to death. However, nor would they swing the other way and just give them places to stay. So we have this situation where homeless people die long suffering deaths because the people who could do something, do nothing.
It's mostly just cops.
How would that read in English?
Cops in all states will seize your phone, camera, whatever, and even if they fail to prevent the footage from coming out, cops generally aren't convicted of crimes even when there's video proving illegal behavior.
No wonder his wife refuses to let him hug her
>Tell them to stop and get ignored
You'd probably be arrested. You may just get beaten alongside the homeless guy.
>remove the cape
>shorten the skirt
He just want to see panty shot
Yeah man fry those pigs I got caught smoking during lunch once and the school safety officer confiscated my cigs so now I'm an anarchist
More like
>I need guns so bullies can't burn down my house, steal my TV, rape my wife, murder my children, and shoot my dog
>things that will definitely happen
You are braincucked. I have no other word for it.
>a woman is safer trying to knife fight a rapist than she is shooting him
You have to be 18 to post here
Are these things regular occurrences in your neighborhood?
>he actually thinks rapists and gangbangers will willingly comply with gun control laws, turn in their firearms, and abide by Queensbury rules when it's time to forcibly fuck someone in a parking garage at night
Wow that's horrible we should all forfeit our autonomy and submit to the government right now
Yeah, because prohibition always works so well.
Where the fuck did I say that?
I've been maced and can say that when you have adrenaline and re pissed off from being maced it does not slow you down. Can't see shit though.
I know right? So retarded.
If you genuinely think you're going to Kill Bill your way out of a dangerous situation because evil guns are banned and everyone just has knives, you're exactly the type of idiot that's going to get julienned over $5 in a parking lot.
>ah hell, I WAS gonna shoot up this school, but then I noticed it was designated as a gun free zone
>guess I'll have to go with a school stabbing instead, sonofabitch I got my trenchcoat dry cleaned for this and everything...
Jesus Christ, deposed dictators and terrorist leaders don't get stomped as bad as he did.
>I've never heard that in my fucking life, that's fucking insane.
either or underageb&
Yes. But it's getting better, a meth lab burnt down last month so now we only have three on the block.
There's another saying you must not have heard about knife fights. The winner is the one who bleeds to death after the loser.
>Have none of those things
Based, I really am the true depressed chad.
>t. literal sheep who has never heard of Waco, Kent State, or literally any red flag/ATF raid of the past year
A man was shot and killed by a cop who drunkenly broke into his apartment because she thought it was her house and that he was a burglar. Crazy shit can happen and I can't imagine being so docile or ignorant as to not want to have a contingency in the event of needing to defend my life or the lives of my family members.
>implying that only happens in California
Persistent propaganda leads people to mistakenly believe the average cop is in mortal danger at any and all times if they lower their guard even a little bit despite the fact that the job is on average safer than working as a run of the mill retail clerk. This combined with the general assumption that cops are trustworthy even with every motive in the world to lie to preserve their job, reputation, and freedom, means that cops almost never face charges and even more rarely get convicted even when there is overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing.
Pretty much until we decide cops should be legally required to know what they're aiming at before they fire a gun, use the full suite of less lethal options before jumping to guns unless faced with a deadly weapon in range, and criminalize any injuries or deaths resulting from a cop deviating from prescribed take down methods, we're gonna have cops getting away with literal murder.
That's not to say officer wrongdoing is common, but in cases of officer wrongdoing, getting away scot-free is common. Also a whole bunch of other obvious police reforms are needed like ending permanent civil asset forfeiture except upon conviction and ending discriminatory patrol practices where certain neighborhoods never see cops except in emergencies. Also end departments being funded by ticketing.
>mace works fine
>lol there are weapons other than guns
If you pull out mace or a knife and the guy who wants to fuck you pulls out a gun, you're either getting shot, fucked, or shot and then fucked
Yeah, because obviously people will just brew guns in their bathtubs. How could I have been so foolish?
No, you TAKE the guns. By force.
>but then I noticed it was designated as a gun free zone
In this scenario, the whole country is a gun free zone. Also, do you think guns are allowed in schools NOW?
>There's another saying you must not have heard about knife fights
That saying is actually about gun fights, and like I said, nobody would have guns.
>The winner is the one who bleeds to death after the loser
Well that's not a saying, that's something you just made up. The person who gets stabbed first is generally the loser.
Yeah, but in this scenario, the cops don't have guns either. Waco was pretty justified and Kent State wouldn't happen in this scenario.
Yeah, but again, in this scenario, nobody has guns. It's like you guys can't even imagine a country with no guns.
fucking heartless pigs
Alternatively, there is the scene where Alex's droogs become cops and beat him up, which also kind of sums up the personality of most people I knew in high school who went on to become cops. Not to say there are not some good cops, but a lot of dumbass bullies see being a cop as an opportunity to do that professionally
>Waco was justified
Yeah all those kids they literally burned to death totally had it coming. Tell me, how do you not gag when you get to the heel? I'd think the laces would prove problematic, but you've really got that thing up in there.
>That saying is actually about gun fights
No, the saying he's talking about is in fact, knife fights.
Loser dies in the gutter, winner dies bleeding on the way to the hospital.
>It's like you guys can't even imagine a country with no guns.
I can imagine it, but seeing as its a literally impossibility, I cannot take any argument with it as the premise seriously.
>Waco was pretty justified
Tell me what it's like having to constantly deal with the taste of boot.
>use the full suite of less lethal options before jumping to guns unless faced with a deadly weapon in range
You know the main problem in the US is more the gun culture than the guns themself. This thread show it well, people think that having a gun will immediatly turn them into superhero fighting for justice and FREEDOM so they should be allowed to shoot everything because they are the good guy.
>he literally thinks people can't and don't homebrew firearms
>he literally thinks muh gun free zones work
>he literally thinks it's as simple as "well just TAKE the guns"
>he literally thinks criminals who are already fine with murder/rape/robbery will give a fuck about "possession of an illegal firearm" being added to the list
>he literally thinks government agents burning unarmed civilians (including children) to death and posing with the charred remains was justified
The fact someone can be this ignorant and feel no shame honestly horrifies me
>Yeah, because obviously people will just brew guns in their bathtubs. How could I have been so foolish?
Go visit /k/ once in a while, you can make a gun with a pipe and a nail. But I'm sure that the magic gun radar in your fantasy world will be able to detect these too so the benevolent, all powerful noguns squads can confiscate them too.
>Well that's not a saying
It's paraphrased. remembered it correctly.
Do you think that when someone is stabbed they just go "Ugh" and die immediately? They keep fucking stabbing, at someone who is conveniently within arm's reach. And that's assuming the fight ends with one thrust and there are no cuts from swinging them at each other. And if you think you can block that I suggest you take a sharp knife and see what it does when you run it up and down your forearm a few times.
Well the didn't take his tv
Want some more?
The cops initially tried to blame the doctors for malpractice.
And iirc they sued the state (aka tax payers) for compensation.
It's not even funny how cartoonishly evil they are.
>all this projection
You're such a faggot holy shit. People want guns because it evens the odds. If you look at all the justifications for wanting to be on a level playing field with the people who intend to harm you in this thread and just see
you're beyond having the situation explained to you. You're too ingrained in your sense of smug superiority to even try and understand why someone might want to carry a weapon that is more effective at stopping an oncoming threat than literally any other method.
>This was because he was suspected of stealing mail
Always remember it's a federal offense
It's the case in a lot of other countries though. So, it's not an impossibility.
Oh quit samefagging, at least I'm not worshiping a child molester with a messiah complex.
>people can't and don't homebrew firearms
I'm sure there are a couple psychos out there who are really that committed, but they're definitely a tiny minority and half of them accidentally kill themselves in the process.
>he literally thinks muh gun free zones work
I never even mentioned those, and I don't think they work. Unless that zone is the size of a country.
>criminals who are already fine with murder/rape/robbery will give a fuck about "possession of an illegal firearm" being added to the list
I don't expect them to, but you know what happens when guns are outlawed? The price of guns on the black market goes way up. A gun is gonna be way out of your average criminal's price range.
>you can make a gun with a pipe and a nail
I'm sure that most people are capable of doing that and making it effective. Totally a legit possibility.
>Do you think that when someone is stabbed they just go "Ugh" and die immediately?
No, but they tend to have second thoughts. And they definitely don't run after the person who just stabbed them and ran away.
>They keep fucking stabbing
The person who got stabbed keeps stabbing?
Which means it's not the jurisdiction of the local, even the county, police.
>more effective at stopping an oncoming threat than literally any other method
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
>People want guns because it evens the odds
Then why the fuck do households with guns have a greater incidence of domestic violence fatalities? Evens the odds my ass.
Dumbass bullies and (in my experience) all those nerds that got bullied by other nerds. Those dudes all became shitty cops.
I appreciate that being a substitute teacher means I have a more dangerous job than any cop.
Give me five countries where there are no firearms outside of the military, then.
The only cop I know was a gay furry in high school so you might have a point.
I was asking, nigger. And you think shooting a cop for breaking and entering won't see you on death row? Laughable. Either you're killed by the state in your home or you're killed by the state after a stint in prison. You'll never get away with killing a cop in America.
>trusting the government to voluntarily disarm itself once you've given up your guns
>believing that a ban on guns can be enforced without guns
>expecting everyone to just forget how to build guns because they're banned
England, Australia, France, New Zealand and Norway.
>Fuuuuck no
Thanks, based retard.
>believing that a ban on guns can be enforced without guns
Works in a lot of other places.
>expecting everyone to just forget how to build guns because they're banned
Man I remember gun building class in the fourth grade. That was fun.
>he thinks shootings dont happen in countries where guns are outlawed
>he thinks homebrewers are all slack-jawed Cletuses who accidentally kill themselves trying to build their own guns out by the cee-ment pond
>he admits that a person who just got stabbed would still be alive, but insists they wouldn't attempt to stab the person who just put a knife in them
>he thinks making a homebrew firearm/explosive is rocket science that the average person can't wrap their heads around
Just admit you have no frame of reference for what you're talking about.
>he thinks the state is the issue and not the entire US police system
>just don't go outside
>just don't have stuff that people might want to steal
>if you believe hard enough you'll never be put in a life or death situation
>I'm sure that most people are capable of doing that and making it effective. Totally a legit possibility.
You can find instructions on Google in five minutes and get everything you need from any hardware store for under $20. Yes, it's a legit possibility. There are people who make them when the police do those cash for guns things just to make some extra money.
>The person who got stabbed keeps stabbing?
Have you never been in a fight at all? You don't feel pain when the adrenaline is going. You feel it a few minutes later when you look down and see you're covered in blood.
>No, but they tend to have second thoughts. And they definitely don't run after the person who just stabbed them and ran away.
Of course, everyone who stabs someone in the middle of a heated and chaotic knife fight is fully aware of everything that's going on and can immediately disengage before the other person realizes what just happened. And only good and innocent people win these fights, always without a scratch.
I'm right though. Especially about New Zealand.
>he thinks shootings dont happen in countries where guns are outlawed
Where'd I say that? One things for sure, they happen a lot less often outside of America. Wonder why.
>he thinks homebrewers are all slack-jawed Cletuses who accidentally kill themselves trying to build their own guns out by the cee-ment pond
Well of course there are none of those guys out there, they've already killed themselves by accident.
>he admits that a person who just got stabbed would still be alive, but insists they wouldn't attempt to stab the person who just put a knife in them
They might try, but it's not gonna be easy once the person who just stabbed them is running away. And again, they're not gonna give chase. And if that person isn't running away? Eh, fuck em, they're dumb, they deserve to get stabbed.
>he thinks making a homebrew firearm/explosive is rocket science that the average person can't wrap their heads around
The average American can barely boil water.
>if I pretend everything everyone is saying is just a comical exaggeration, they'll eventually see my blatantly uninformed worldview is objective fact
You really come off like you've lived a sheltered life.
>Have you never been in a fight at all? You don't feel pain when the adrenaline is going
Yeah, you definitely speak from experience, huh tough guy?
>And only good and innocent people win these fights, always without a scratch.
Yeah, just like in gun fights, right? The good guy with a gun always wins?
I didn't make up anything you just said. You really are that stupid, I'm just pointing it out. Don't blame me, I didn't drop you on your head as a kid. I would know, I'm your dad.
>Americans are all wacko gun nuts and that's why it's so dangerous there
>but also they're harmless idiots so confiscating every gun everywhere would totally absolutely work with no issues whatsoever
I'm going to assume you're either baiting or just retarded. There's ample evidence to support either.
>n-no you!
>h-haha, I w-win kiddo!
Hey, that's slander, I may have said they were idiot gun nuts, but I never said they were harmless. That's exactly why the guns are such a problem; Americans have them.
>user's mental image of an innocent bystander attacked by a methhead for helping the shadow people steal he thoughts
I'm sorry for being more clever than you.
>You are sixteen going on seventeen
>Baby, it's time to think
I have a crippling muscle control disorder that would make me an immediate threat to everyone in the vicinity, especially myself, should I ever be handed a loaded weapon, so unfortunately your argument is wasted on me.
I'm not even anti-gun. I'm anti-easy access to firearms. They're a tool that can be used properly in trusted hands. Mine wouldn't be. A lot of people that have them wouldn't be. Most people that have them would be. We just have a bunch of dipshits refusing to implement obvious reforms to eliminate the grey market for weapons that feeds the black market. 58% of fucking crooks that used guns in their crimes got their guns in private sales from some "law abiding" gun owner. That we don't have universal background checks, a gun registry (you could even exempt all guns from needing to be registered until their first transfer so you don't make anyone a criminal for simply having a gun in the first place), gun safe laws, and laws requiring reporting lost or stolen firearms is insane.
See? You didn't even come up with that. And nobody's gonna get it anyway.
Move to anywhere in the EU then. Where they have immigrant rape gangs roaming around unchallenged by the police.
You really aren't. It's not even hard to look it up and see you're wrong.
>Sports rifles and shotguns allowed
>The states issue firearms licences for a legal reason, such as hunting, sport shooting, pest control, collecting and for farmers and farm workers. Licences are prohibited for convicted offenders and those with a history of mental illness. Licences must be renewed every 3 or 5 years (or 10 years in the Northern Territory and South Australia). Full licence-holders must be 18 years of age; minor's permits allow the use of a firearm under adult supervision by those as young as 12 in most states
>In France, to buy a weapon, in line with the European Firearms Directive, a hunting license or a shooting sport license is necessary depending on the type, function and magazine capacity of the weapon.
New Zealand:
You could still own sporting rifles (and still can) in New Zealand. The entire reason >The Christchurch massacre happened is because idjits like you made self-defense gun ownership literally illegal in New Zealand and disarmed cops. Guess what happened? NZ is literally a testament to how gun control policy works.
>Has pretty lax regulations for gun ownership and home gun ownership is common.
I must have been taken for a ruse cruise or you're terminally retarded.
>he thinks people don't know The Sound of Music
Jesus Christ, you really are underaged, aren't you?
Being a cop is one of the safest professions there is. In 2016, 171 officers died while 260 farmers, 134 construction workers, 101 roofers, 217 ground maintenance workers, and 918 truck driver died.
In 2016, 1,092 people were killed by cops.
You are more likely to be killed by a cop than a cop is to be killed on duty.
You are less likely to die if you are a cop than if you aren't.
Fine, I'll admit an argument with some asshole I don't know isn't important enough to me to do all the research so I tricked you into doing it for me. The most interesting thing in there was that all those gun laws are way more strict than in the US and all the guns are limited to (mostly) hunting and sporting (which are still dumb hobbies but that's beside the point).
>The Christchurch massacre happened is because idjits like you made self-defense gun ownership literally illegal in New Zealand and disarmed cops
Actually it was because the mosque didn't let people have guns because it was a fucking mosque.
I appreciate your effort though. I'm serious about that. I've gleaned some valuable insight from all of that.
Dude, Sound of Music is pushing sixty. How old do you think most people here are? You're kidding yourself.
See that's reasonable enough. The only issue is implementing checks and balances to ensure that those restrictions aren't abused.
I think most people can agree that a schizo who got busted trying to set off a pipe bomb at a pep rally probably shouldn't have access to a firearm. But the issue is when the governing body decides to classify a group of people they don't care for as "dangerous" so they have free reign to bust them up with impunity.
That's what happened back in Nixon's day. They couldn't make it illegal to be black or a hippie, but they could make weed illegal and proceed to lawfully detain/beat the fuck out of blacks and hippies because "they might have pot on them". I'd say it's a slippery slope but that's not even really accurate since there's precedent, hence those kind of concerns aren't really unfounded.
>I'm right though. Especially about New Zealand.
>New Zealand
>home to literally THE most notorious mass shooting in recent memory
6/10 made me reply
I'd rather be an idiot with a gun and only a complete retard would disagree, especially considering the kind of historical precedent for what happens after a government disarms the populace
>they happen a lot less often outside of America. Wonder why.
Because getting bottles of battery acid is easier? I'm sure a euro like you would be pretty familiar with that problem.
Ah I remember being 14...
>Actually it was because the mosque didn't let people have guns because it was a fucking mosque.
>Meanwhile a gunman tries to mass-murder people in a church in the deep south and gets fucking dropped immediately because literally everyone at mass was strapped
Only wannabe tyrants have moral issues with widespread civilian gun ownership. The right to bear arms guarantees freedom for the common man.
The mosque could have let people have tanks, it's federally illegal to own a gun for self-defense in NZ.
Also see: Somebody tried a church shooting recently in the US and killed 1 person because they had the drop on them, then 6 other armed churchgoing citizens drew and one of them put down the assailant.
So is that why Dylann Roof didn't kill anyone?
Your suggestions would create a state where police cannot do their own jobs, and would see an absurd spike in crime after some time. Like Europe where they keep trying to ban everything from guns to butter knives.
The police are not there to play fair. They exist to beat the bad people, and they are not super human beings. They do not have inhuman reaction time. Contrary to your comic books, no one can see the world so fast that time stops. Police are not bullet proof either. An officer could trivially be shot dead before they can meet every requirement you just demanded. The police REQUIRE odds be stacked in their favor to do their jobs. The job is safe, currently, precisely because such allowances exist.
Further, "less than lethal" options are a pure meme. They were implemented and mandated. For a while. The police had to stop using them cause they don't work. Getting hit just wrong can kill a civilian, and anyone determined to fight back can fight through such things anyway. There is simply no right way to use them.
That said, police need accountability, but fuck off that 'everywhere' mentality people have when looking at America from the outside. One police station does not control all police stations. Do any of you have any conception how big America is? Or that states and cities are run independently of each other by demand of sheer practicality? The stories of bad cops always come out of the minority of corrupt locations, and their corruption is reflected in how crime ridden their area is. 99% of police forces in America do their job just fine without armchair warriors breathing down their necks about restraint.
>Actually it was because the mosque didn't let people have guns because it was a fucking mosque.
Places of worship tend to be targeted by terrorists and nutjobs, that's more reason to have armed protection.
>The Christchurch massacre happened because they took the gun
Say the guy living in the country that had at least 7 fucking school shooting since the start of the year.
You're talking to an idiot, but aren't you conflating legality and illegality? Like, someone can commit a shooting with an illegal firearm in a country that doesn't allow civilians to own firearms.
Any system can be abused. You just have to lay down ground rules and hope those in charge abide by their spirit. And if they don't, you toss the fuckers out and implement barriers so that their method of abuse can't be used again.
>and would see an absurd spike in crime after some time
Possibly, but that's the opposite of what happened in New York City when the police threw a fit and stopped policing awhile back.
>THE most notorious
You know why it's notorious? Because you don't have monthly mass shooting in New Zealand.
Today I will remind them
>16,000 murders in total for 2018, a fraction of which were committed with guns
>lowball estimates consistently say guns are used for self-defense at least 55,000 to 80,000 times per year
>Like Europe
The UK's per capita homicide rate is 1/5th our own and their cops don't even fucking carry. In fact, we have a higher per capita homicide rate than EVERY developed country. That's most of Europe included.
Why are there barely any deaths before the ban?
california is an evil place.
everyone in that state should burn in fire and the survivors should be striken with plague
looks like the assault weapons ban made it worst
As noted in my same post, departments running corrupt RAISE the crime in their area. Except the vast majority of police in the country are not corrupt. Iron fisted measures to reform a place like New York would destroy the peaceful status quo in other locations. Particularly small already peaceful cities.
Thank LA, Chicago, and NY for raising the average. Again, looking at America as a unit forms a faulty picture. It's a collection of affiliated countries forced to be friendly with eachother via law and government guns.. A given state has an incredibly long list of things that is their own right to determine within their bounds that the national government cannot make their own laws about.
>We're going to take away all of your civilian firearms.
>Don't worry, we promise to disarm ourselves too. Just as soon as you're all disarmed first.
You are dumber than dirt, you know that?
>1/5th the murder rate.
Good, good.
>Almost identical rape rate.
>No way to defend yourself against rape either.
>a fraction of which were committed with guns
There were 14,542 firearm homicides in 2017 per the CDC. I know 2017 isn't 2018, but I doubt the figure for 2018 is gonna be far off that. "Fraction" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. By the way, plenty of robberies, rapes, and assaults are done with guns.
Are understudied as fuck and rely on self-reporting by people that probably just illegally brandished in the first damn place.
>Almost identical rape rate.
That would indicate that guns do literally nothing to protect you from rape which obviously does not help their case as a crime prevention tool.
>Works in a lot of other places.
that's fucking cute, where exactly did it "work"
Alternatively, this
>inb4 someone doesn't know what per capita means, cause there's always that one idiot.
Just direct em to this post, folks. You know they're coming.
It actually seems like it'd indicate the rate for sexual crime would likely be lower if rapists had to worry about getting blown away.
What's the point of forfeiting your rights to self defense to the government when you could get sexually violated at the same rate as someone who has a right to defend themselves?
You're seriously telling me you'd rather make sure you can't fight ff a rapist so long as Americans can't anymore, either? Wew.
>departments running corrupt
That's all of them.
>It actually seems like it'd indicate the rate for sexual crime would likely be lower if rapists had to worry about getting blown away.
I can't say anything about rape, but the UK's rate of home invasions is a lot higher than it is in America for exactly that reason.
The hacker group anonymous released the addresses of the cops. Apparently.
>It actually seems like it'd indicate the rate for sexual crime would likely be lower if rapists had to worry about getting blown away.
Because it's equal in countries with and without gun restrictions? Explain.
>You're seriously telling me you'd rather make sure you can't fight ff a rapist so long as Americans can't anymore, either?
I'd rather people fight off rapists with any method available to them. I talked the rapist I caught in 2012 into surrendering so I didn't have to kick his ass. If someone wants to shoot a rapist, they should feel free though.
This. I'll take my chances with the wack jobs and the weirdos before I ever give up my right to self preservation to governmental goons.
>People arguing about all kings of stupid shit in the thread instead of congratulating the based dad in the OP that fucking CORRECTED his son's incorrect perception of Wonder Woman.
I fucking wish MY dad had sat me down and told me things about Wonder Woman. I was in my 20s before I found out that the invisible plane only looks transparent to the readers - in the book people can't see HER in the plane either, it's just a visual device. She doesn't look like she's sitting in midair to the people in the book. Family Guy lied to me. If only my father had told me...
The UK's rate of home invasions is higher because draconian American drug laws lead a lot of people that get robbed to not report it and because half the country lives in bumfuck nowhere. You need to have neighbors to rob them and it helps if they don't know immediately who did it.
>when will the social justice crowd accept that our justice system is misandrist and sexism against men in our justice system is the most significant inequality?
Yeah, I bet those police thugs got off scot-free because they were black lesbian feminists or something.
user he only correct his son because it's the only way he has to see somebody dressed a bit sexy in his wife house.
>Be American
>hate Big Gubmint
>decide mental institutions are Big Gubmint
>shut them down
>mentally ill people now on the street
>get scared
>ask Big Gubmint to beat them up
Truly this is peak freedom
The more you read about cops in the US the more you will realize they are little more than a state authorized gang.
Looks like Family Guy should have done some research before making a joke about this. You lose, Peter! You lose.
For peak Irony, Reagen's who emptied the asylums and he ended up being shot by a crazy person who was then dumped in an asylum. Talk about karma.
watch surviving edged weapons and you will understand why police officers are so paranoid
Reminds me of a video talking about the time a random person was swatted and killed by cops. The person talking about it said that maybe cops shouldn't be so trigger happy. And people in the comments section were defending the cops and saying that it's the most dangerous job ever and really stressful. And nobody talks about how an innocent man that had nothing to do with anything was gunned down in front of his family in his own home. And we're talking about a dozen armed and trained police officers likely covered in bulletproof clothing.
>>And any decent jury would have acquitted them.
>thinking any form of cop shooting would get anyone a decent jury
you'd be lucky just to live through getting arrested
Worst example I can think of is the guy that was shot in a Walmart for carrying around a BB gun...that Walmart sold and he was intending to purchase. Somebody called the cops on him for buying toys while black and cops shot him before he knew what was happening. No charges for the caller or the cops. It was chocked up to a freak accident.
Bonus points: A second person died of a heart attack while fleeing the cops' gunfire.
If accidents like that can happen without any violation of rule or law by anyone involved, we need new rules or new laws.
What's being spammed?
most likely means the anti-gun eruo who wont shut up
Cops are a gang with monopoly on force.
Except for cops, right?
> it'll be sunshine and rainbows with everyone having state-funded HRT and not total chaos and anarchy because there will be no more people enforcing the law.
Then nut jobs use vans, acid and bombs.
>OP posts contentious politically-charged webcomic with no actual discussion, just some variation of "lol"
These threads happen all the time, they used to show up on Yea Forums several times per day. I guess whoever posts this shit realized the mods don't care about Yea Forums and moved here.
I have even seen it on /tg/ The group behind it are cunts.
>None of them should have guns.
>Especially not cops
School shootings didn't happen when kids were taught to shoot, in school.
>Yeah, because obviously people will just brew guns in their bathtubs.
you can make a diy gun with 2 pipes, a plug and a nail
Should we start regulating plumbing and hardware stores as well?
I don't think you even know what "political" means.
But shootings outside schools did. A lot. Like a lot a lot.
>HE's already done at least one about his wife bringing home other men.
Post it.
Same as with soldiers. Some join out of idealism, some join for the paycheck and benefits, and some join because they see it as giving them carte blanche to shoot people, most of them brown.
Film it and put it online for revenge is aboutthe only thing you can do. Like those two retarded obese women who couldn't pin down a man and he ran off and they shot them lol
Guys I wanted to make fun of some guys slutty tranny son not this jesus christ I need a hot shower
The jury didnt even convict the cops you dumbass, you think they'd let off their killer?
>all the 'noided libershits ITT
It makes me happy to know that your ideology is fundamentally an unstable vacuum and will always, invariably, give rise to a state.
The worst part is the "hostile architecture" cities use to ensure homeless people don't loiter in public places because out of sight, out of mind. It's an especially petty type of evil.
I dont mind some of that design to keep they away.
But what pisses me off if that they implement those measures while still refusing to publicly acknowledge they have a homeless issue and change the fucking policies that made it that way.
>some join because they see it as giving them carte blanche to shoot people, most of them brown.
No, they do not. Nobody wakes up in the morning going "Man, all those years in the police academy sure were tough. I can't wait to throw it all away by gunning down a bunch of nogs for no reason whatsoever."
The homeless are fundamentally scum, anything and everything to drive them away is good.
If you want to give them a place to stay and work to do, make homelessness illegal. Then they get 3 square meals a day, their own room, and all the work they like.
Report the baiting cunts.
Stop replying to them
I hope you limp wrist libtards are the first to go in the fabled future race wars that gets spewed on this site. You're cowardliness asses refuse to own the weapons to protect yourself and your family deserve extension.
choose one
This is so upsetting. I'm literally fucking some dudes husband because fuck you all I want a daddy bear but fucking christ why would you let kids be part of this sexual fetish. I know there is no literal sexual exposure but that must seriously fuck up an kids perception if relationships and marriage and development. It's like the inverse of single slutty moms with kids who have to meet a new 'dad' every weekwhy the fuck would you do this. Oh God wait what if the skirt shortening thing really was some pizza gate shit. I can definitively believe a male feminist would rape a kid. Like 200 goddamn fucking percent.
Also fuck trannies. Fuck parents who let their kids get bullied for being trannies too. What a piece of shit.
That's not what that expression means. They had a threesome.
These people have to be the most self destructive on the planet, advocating for the removal of the thing keeping normal people from beating them to death in the streets.
Oh nooo not the poor terrorists! They wouldn't hurt a fly! They're a nanny brown people!
Why are liberals such retards?
Wait so, the toddler was in the crib in the bedroom as three people fucked?
I have some red flags.
No brain and a desire to be a good person made them overcompensate.
Just say you're gender fluid tranny and tell them to give you reparation money if you ever see one.
britbong here.
Our armed response units are fucking kitted to the teeth so if a rando with a shotgun shows up he's fucking dead.
I worked with a guy who was unironically the sort of reddit basedboy that I thought was only a meme.
>literally raised his wife's son while the birth father lived with them
>exclusively drank craft beers
>Bernie bro
>always looking for someone to fuck his wife
He took his wife's kid with him and his wife to weird, clothing optional hippie retreats too. Spooky shit.
haha, Remember that user who claimed to be a black tranny behind the blond hair, blue eyes, white korra edits?
They did a 180 so fast i swear some broke their necks.
It's not unusual to keep crib age babies in the bedroom with the parents for safety reasons. Fucking in the kitchen would kinda defeat purpose. Kid's not gonna remember it anyway. Your parents probably fucked in front of you.
>You are more likely to be killed by a cop than a cop is to be killed on duty.
Only if you're a moron who can't into math.
171 cops out of a total of ~686,000 cops = 0.02%
1,092 civilians out of a total of ~323.4 million civilians = 0.00034%
An MMF threesome is not the kinda threesome that any man should really be lobbying for. FFM? Sure. I can buy that. But two dudes is a woman's fantasy. Unless that other dude is pure bottom and a total dick-worshiper, an MMF threesome is all about the woman.
It's just a slightly more socially acceptable form of cuckshit.
>Kid's not gonna remember it anyway
Not consciously, but this probably explains why you're a messed up cumbrain.
I'd only do a MMF threesome if the other male was a cute svelt twink I can dominate.
user is a retard, but your math is off.
He's comparing the death rate of sworn officers (0.02%) to the proportion of deaths caused by officers in 2016 (1,091 police deaths / 2,745,000 total deaths = 0.04%)
So yes, technically, if you die, you are more likely to have been killed by a cop than a cop is likely to die at all.
That's a bit of an unfair statistic because cops are more likely to be in dangerous situations to begin with.
I mean it's not north sea fishing tier dangerous, but it's close.
As it should be. Cute twinks, traps and sissies are made to be fucked. No man in their right mind should wanna have some other guy balling his woman. Regardless if he's getting laid or not. It's in a man's nature to wanna fuck and dominate and be possessive.
Exactly. A more interesting statistic would be how many unarmed (or presumed unarmed) suspects were killed by police.
I.E, how many people who actually weren't a threat, or didn't appear to be a threat by the time of their death, were killed by police.
This is opposed to the number of gunmen, assailants, and retarded gangbangers playing with finger pistols killed by police.
do cops beat trannies too?
The Goverment is the gang. Police enforcement is just one of his armed branches.
The ruling form of goverment holding a monopoly of violence is basically how most societies through history have operated, it's nothing new. One of the gripes of classical Anarquism towards goverment is exactly about how they get the privilege to lawfully use violence
I was referring to the soldiers, dimwit.
Honestly, why the fuck do niggers always act like tough shit to cops?
Even the most 'progressive' department will have a performance bias when dealing with nigs just due to hard reality being shoved in their face.
>One of the gripes of classical Anarquism towards goverment is exactly about how they get the privilege to lawfully use violence
Through might, of course. I say this unironically.
Might doesn't make you right, but being mighty implicitly gives you the right to rule. It's through constitutions and laws and reason and debates that people settle things in ways besides costly fighting and rebellions, but ultimately, all law is predicated on force.
This is just and good.
>Honestly, why the fuck do niggers always act like tough shit to cops?
"why do nogs [do retarded thing X]"
You just answered your own question, user.
Shiiiet, whitey. It's those cracka ass snowmen always gettin' all systemically raycis on my proud Nubian brothas. Nevermind that we be bad at complyin' or we do shit that makes us look bad in front of cops or we commit crimes. Fuckin' gay-ass cumskins.
It was SU, but your point still stands.
Witnessing all of that helped me open my eyes to the danger that is identity politics, you can get away with anything just as long as you are the most "oppressed" minority.
>they will weaken the laws even further and allow even more dysfunctionals into positions of power until we reach a point where common folk are dominated by a handful of psychopaths
shit's fucked, brehs
It's 2020
Hol' up. You be tryin' to correct me and shiet? Always tryin to put a brother down.
Dont go getting depressed user. Been a good few years and things over all are looking up.
Dont ignore the problems of course, always keep them known and open so they can get fixed.
But dont let it harm your mental state.
based af
Are you all right user? You know this is a comedy cartoon strip and not someone’s literal autobiography, right?
>People bitching about police oppressing the people and being trigger-happy.
>Be chilean
>All hell breaks loose if a policeman or even a soldier is seen raising a gun, the whole country goes at their throats. Even just shoving people away is in the territory of human rights violations
>The end result is that police and the army literally hole up and hide on their own quarters as random people throw rocks and molotovs at them without a care in the world.
Call me a fucking fascist if you want, I'd rather have USA' eeeeebil police than our own de-fanged version.
As a matter of fact, let's fucking trade them.