Is it really poor man's Venture Bros.?

Is it really poor man's Venture Bros.?

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It wants to be, but the writing is too inconsistent to create well-developed lore like Venture Bros' OSI and the League and whatnot.

In Harley Quinn superheroes don't arrest supervillains just because.

And that's before we get into the problems with the characters themselves.

>In Harley Quinn superheroes don't arrest supervillains just because.
I've noticed that in this universe, and in other shows, if you aren't caught at the scene of your crime you're totally fine and you can wander the streets. There's no concept of being a wanted criminal.

It's like if you wanted Venture Bros but couldn't find it in the store and then went dumpster diving behind the lot and Harley is what you found.

No, Harley Quinn is the Hot Topic version of Venture Bros. Lots of similarities on the surface but none of the details. Just like Jared Leto is a Hot Topic version of the Joker and Margot Robbie is a Hot Topic version of Harley Quinn.

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Not really because Venture Bros was more than about parodying comic characters. Venture Bros is a mishmash of various Saturday morning cartoons, comics, and about every band you can think of with comedy relying on good timing/obscure references/wit. Harley's show is more FUCK! the punchline with the shock value of seeing familiar DC characters in a more "adult" context. The Harley Quinn show is passable at best, and extremely frustrating at times given the material they're given to work with. At times it makes you wish it was a Legion of Doom office show.

Did anyone here see the new episode at C2E2? What happened in it?

I'll probably check this out for its visual presentation alone, looks like they actually gave a shit or two. My friend says it's funny but I don't trust his tastes all too well

>I'll probably check this out for its visual presentation alone, looks like they actually gave a shit or two
>CG blood splatter

What an insult to Venture Bros.

Why are people comparing it to venture? What about it is similar?

>I've noticed that in this universe, and in other shows, if you aren't caught at the scene of your crime you're totally fine and you can wander the streets. There's no concept of being a wanted criminal.

huh, never noticed cape shie worked on the logic of a 5 year old trying to avoid getting in trouble for flushing dad's keys down the toilet, but you're totally right.

>I've noticed that in this universe, and in other shows, if you aren't caught at the scene of your crime you're totally fine and you can wander the streets. There's no concept of being a wanted criminal.
Because of the same reason you can escape a mental asylum and hang out in the city sending mooks for grocery store runs.

Comics work best either as a throwback or anachronism, because back in the 1930’s through 50’s to a lesser extent you could run out on your family by going to the next town or escape the cops by going to the next state.

It only has a handful of similaries. Art direction is similar vs something like family guy or simpsons. And it has a lot of humor around characters talking about day to day nothings. Which isn't specific to venture brothers but I feel like that is where it got popular on cartoon network.

Clerks and Kim Possible had villain pointless banter years before Venture brothers. Hell, Buzz Lightyear of star command had banter before vb too. .

>At times it makes you wish it was a Legion of Doom office show.

I'd watch this. But I feel like we already get just the right amount of bane. If they did an office parody they wold lean to heavy on him and it would fizzle out.

man, now I'm day dreaming about Livewire being like IT and being pissy that her skills are wasted resetting people's PCs

It's decent. I was about to give up after the first episode but it picks up afterwards by just enough in my opinion.

While there is the possibility of Bane overuse, there's more excuse to delve deeper into the Legion of Doom roster for an extended cast. I don't see Livewire as the IT girl, but more the social media gal who runs the Legion twitter/webpage
>Cheetah is getting complaints that she's shedding and tearing up the carpeted office floors
>Parasite keeps stealing lunches from the employee fridge
>Mister Mind is in charge of their filing system

>My friend says it's funny but I don't trust his tastes all too well

eh, its hit or miss.

>Why are people comparing it to venture? What about it is similar?

because its the only show on adult swim with a focus on banter for humor. They haven't seen the other dozen shows that also have banter

>Livewire as the IT girl, but more the social media gal who runs the Legion twitter/webpage

its funnier if they completely misuse her and waste her talents.

If we're talking a real office parody, you can't actually set things up rationally. People have to be in positions for stupid, emotional, self serving and nepotism like reasons.

Yeah, kind of weird how no one has spoiled the episode yet.

Does it have moments of tension cut by comedic improv?

I love VB. Everything about it from the Voice Actors to the obscure comic references to the dialogue is perfect. Everything except the release schedule.

If you don’t care about Harley, and odds are you won’t because she’s the worst part of the show, you’re not gonna have any tension moments. Even if you do you know she’s not gonna die or get seriously hurt


We've had many threads go over the limit with great quotes from Venture Brothers same with American Dad, Aqua Teen and Futurama. Could probably do it with Harvey Birdman or even Sealab.

Harley Threads on the other hand contain pretty much no quotes from the show. Make of that what you will.
Inb4 the meeping Harley Shill get in the thread.

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I'll give one internet if someone can quote 3 lines from this show that would make anyone chuckle.

Venture Bros. is a blatant parody of Johnny quest and similar classic cartoons, but also a sincere homage to the parts of them that were great.
Harley Quinn tries to do that with Superhero cartoons, but is not always funny or sincere enough.

>Venture Bros. is a blatant parody of Johnny quest
I mean for maybe some of Season 1? Otherwise it has abandoned pretty much any structural, thematic or even visual similarity to JQ. If Dr. Z and Johnny didn't cameo once in a great while there'd be zero connection.

>Prostitute rules in here!
>No kissing on the mouth?
>wait, no, I mean stripper rules!

That’s all I got

It's a fun show that is a total minefield. Sometimes the jokes land and are great, but there are a lot of humor and new school family guy esque humor

Never watched venture brothers, never will.
Harley is more interesting than a literal who from a universe with lore inferior to that of DC.
I've seen Harley in other animations, 8n books and also in movies. I never heard of this venture thing when watching 90s Batman the animated series.

More people care about Harley. Nobody in my family has even heard of the Venture brothers.

Probably the former tho.

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Kite man is the only memorable character

Harley Quinn is rich man's Venture Cucks.

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I think we can all agree that the style in OP's image is utterly and completely soulless on every single possible level.

I don't know. I like the Harley Quinn show

No, it's actually quite fun in its own way.


Kinda, not really up there but it's funny enough to enjoy but not good enough to warrant many rewatches

They just needed to push some aspects of it a bit further to get DC's version of Mike Tyson's Mysteries. I still hope they get a second season and just does this.

Yes. No matter how hard Harleyfags try to tell you otherwise

How about comparing it to the older seasons?

A show just starting off will get more fairweather viewers. They come to check it out and leave when they realise how shite it is.

Yeah but Livewire isn’t a tech whiz. That joke is more for Dr Sivana, The Brain, or Brainuac

>on Yea Forums
If anything it'd be the Ivyfags or Kitemanfags who'd try to tell you that. Everyone who's watched it on Yea Forums has said Harley is the worst part of the show

>same reason you can escape a mental asylum and hang out in the city sending mooks for grocery store runs
This is not all comics, it's the Harley-Quinn-verse comics. Some comics still bother with secret hideouts and whatnot. Harley Quinn just goes "whatever" and lets the villains run around unencumbered in the Legion Of Doom building in the middle of Gotham.

Just watched the first episode of this, do they turn down the 12 year old trying to sound adult-tier swearing later on?

>Why are people comparing it to venture?
Because the interns working on this show were told to repeat that comparison as much as possible.

ah, so they're shills
>let's compare it to a show with a relatively small fanbase
they're fucking retarded shills

Venture Bros. is the poor man's Venture Bros., since it is literally made by just two dudes on their PCs.

Rather, I'd say that Harley Quinn is the rich man's Venture Bros.

venture bros is actually on streaming services people have, so the people who want to watch it don't need to pirate it like harley quinn.

"Whaaat? You guys know I have a type."

I know it's bait but I'll bite.
No, it's not even vaguely similar in terms of themes. At most all they have in common is being an animated show from the US that has heroes and villains aimed towards adults. The writing styles aren't even the same. Venture bros is often trying to be very witty and quotable with each piece of dialogue whereas Harly Quinn is much more straightforward with hopes of the comedy coming from scenarios themselves instead of what the characters say (with obvious exceptions of course) like Gordon being a shambling mess craving friendship from batman etc.

Venture bros is also aimed much more squarely on tropes from shows like johnny quest and silver age tv shows like Time Tunnel and GI Joe whereas Harley is much more interested in the weird golden age iterations of DCs extended mythos cast.


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Ventur bros does include superhero stand-ins more and more as the show goes on (unless you count fantastic four and the sort of Dr.doom rip off) but these are never the main focus beyond how they could complement some of the core themes and make for good jokes. Ventur bros is about a lot of things but at its core it's mostly about dealing with failed masculinity and of trying to emulate the legacy bad people in the past. It's also about how partaking in child-like fantasies of dress-up forever is seriously harmful to yourself and those around you. One of the biggest tensions in the show right now is how the character Dean is trying to leave all the chaos and drama of heros & nemesis behind him to have to escape the cycle of awful his father and grandfather before him got involved in & his brother Hank who, like a child, still just wants to be Batman & be involved with everything Brock and his dad gets into.


It takes a common adult swim approach of taking something aimed for kids, parodying it by applying adult problems and perspectives on it, and then doing something interesting by making good drama and genuine exploration of what that could mean. Morel Orel did the same thing with Christian kids animation instead of adventure shows like Johnny Quest for example. Harly Quins show is trying to do something completely different. The show doesn't treat costumed escapades as an immature way of escaping growth or distracting from the ugly reality of adult abuse. Instead, it frames it somewhat jokingly as a means of asserting yourself in the world and drawing parallels to creating your own kind of celebrity persona in the public. Harley worries a lot about her brand, whether she's playing to it, how it's received by the public and other villains etc. She isn't being a costumed villain to hide from the fact that she had a bad childhood, she processes that like an adult and moves on within one episode of meeting her family, instead, it's her way of having a growth and a personal identity. Where characters are allowed to hide from their flaws and avoid real-world responsibilities through costumed fighting in Venture Bros, Harley is forced to confront hers if she wants her villain carrier to thrive. She's forced to accept responsibility for her role in the relationship with joker, admit to being a flawed friend to Ivy and the rest of her new crew, and even has to draw her own line in the sand about when enough is enough in Villain when teaming up briefly with Queen Fables. Venture Bros is about how escaping from things like trauma and insecurity thought childish fantasies leave you broken, Harley is about how not dealing with the later leads you to perform worse in the former. I like both even if Venture Bros is much more ambitious and interesting in what it tries to do IMO but Harley is fun and can exist alongside it as it's own thing.

>Yeah but Livewire isn’t a tech whiz.
That's the joke

The general dynamic of the Legion of Doom is similar to the Guild of Calamitous intent, and it has its attempts at bants and similar forms of how dialogue has been written.

it takes elements of casual adult life and puts them in a megalomaniac setting of villains and heroes who act as if this is simply a kind of office job for them. The very casual behavior and plots add to that.
Very similar to how venture bros set up the guild and the OSI, who just wage war on eachother as kind of a systematic game almost.
it creates that feeling of being able to easily relate to these characters when you dig past their gimmicks and thats what Harley Quinn did almost the same too

>the Legion Of Doom building in the middle of Gotham.

Not that strange, people know of freemason lodges/major corporation headquarters/seats of corrupt officials/etc. and no one bats an eye
As long as you pay your taxes, or fake them well enough, the government won't give a fuck

>The Legion of Doom HQ is in Gotham too
Of course. God forbid anything at all happening outside of Bat-city.

nah, not even close

its a fun show, but not a great show.
way to inconsistent to be great, maybe they'll get a showrunner who can actually do their fucking job and writers who aren't too pussywhipped by current day social justice

Less funny than Harvey Birdman
Less awesome than Venture Brothers
Less controversial than Drawn Together
Less any of these things than prime-time American Dad

"Hurr durr my DeeSee villuns have a potty mouth...ooh was that some toesies!?" drivel.
Not the worst shit Yea Forums has ever adhered to but not worth mentioning in the same breath as good shows.

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Every single shill thread for this show is the same "Yeah it's sorta ok I mean I generically like it because it is "fun" in some way I can't articulate-heyaren'tthesidecharacterssortagood?" And then a defensive crouch against anyone else who enters the thread. Some WB intern is really having a rough go of it.

The shark is the worst character in the show. The show constantly stops for extended periods of time to allow him to mug for the camera where the only joke is him rambling or inappropriately reacting to something with funee voice

No, you just suck. Not everyone that argues with you is a shill

Hell, you can just drive by the NSA building like its nothing. And you can take tours of parliament in the uk.

Lol, imagine babe giving a tour.

Yes, but the guild was a joke based on the legion of doom.

And villain banter wasnt invented by venture brothers. It just does it well.

Sometimes people just genuinely like things that you find mediocre. Not everything is a complicated conspiracy against you.

I can appreciate the comparison but making jokes on the concept of an organization of villains isn't some unique idea that Venturs Bros has a claim too. Even the original comics and 80s cartoons were making fun with the concept decades before Ventur bros was a thing.

Which is ironic considering it is likely more expensive to produce.

Venture Bros is made by 2 incels in a Windows XP PC since the early 00s.

The budget should be higher than ten thousand dollars.

The fuck does this word even mean anymore