>The writing in Game of Thrones is terri-
The writing in Game of Thrones is terri-
>knowing anything about good writing
>pop novelist
>everybody fast travel to winterfall
>"Brilliant. Everybody important is here. How did the writers know?"
This pleases smooth brained idiots.
When you watch Game of Thrones you’re, in fact, being trained to read Stephen King.
>another fanservice episode where everyones favorite characters hang out
yeah amazing
>when your writing is so shit you're in awe of d & d
Looks like Stephen King is drunk again.
>OP doesn't know about King and based "Constant Readers"
It's like you want everyone to know you're retarded.
>char X goes out and recruits the others for like an entire season
>"wtf that's so fucking deep, truly genius writing"
So the writer that cant write endings is saying the last season is going well
>praises writing after seeing a 12 year old girl get plowed last episode
That’s gonna be a yikes from me
Stephen King is only popular because of the movies adaptations of his books. He has written about 60 books and hundreds of stories and only a handful of them are known because people are only familiar with the movies. He's a lunatic that shits out as much as he can and hopes for more movie deals.
How else am I to live vicariously through these characters if I can't hang out with my bro, Jon Snow?
>12 year old gangbang in IT
a hack praising a hack
if only GRRM could serve up his halfway decent shit at the same pace that King shovels pure garbage
King used cocaine hax. That would kill GRRM.
Stephen King is a good writer. Interesting prose far exceeds the use of colorful metaphors and wordplay.
TS Eliot for example, the height of a “genius” poetic mind, is completely redundant. Poetry is mostly masturbatory and pointless. Dostoevsky was a realist not a poet.
I am not surprised Yea Forums is this pleb, I wouldn’t expect a higher standard from a board that just watches movie adaptations of books.
hey, its a living
I'm gay btw
>please make a HBO show about one of my books
>It’s a Yea Forums thinks they know good writing episode
You have no idea how popular his books were pre-film. Misery was huge, same for Shining
>gives literary critique on /tv - home of capeshit
Stephen King is a decent writer of scenes, and a terrible writer of books.
Not even true. I read some alien book by him and it was such trash filled with farting and poop references and of course Simon and Garfunkel
>coke fiend with a team of ghost writers who put out consistent schlock is a better writer than TS Elliot
>Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
seethe more pls
He probably thinks they're going to get trapped in the crypt with that one ugly little bear bitch and be forced to gangbang her to escape or some shit.
What a hack.
Why is he saying this, is he drunk ? You have all these characters and no one but the Autist DM with scrips under his wheelchair, John and Danny and hero of the show Jaime stick out or do anything noteworthy at all. Nobody at top of the Wall except hound and punished snake, no one in them dinning room except characters of note etc
The only book I've read of Stephen King's is The Stand and it was one of the worst books I've ever read
>pretty good, George, pretty good, but where are the '50s greasers?
Well, if you didn't know how much of a hack King is, now you do.
it's easy to get all the characters in one place when you completely avoid explaining HOW they got there, and just have all the characters show up one by one without ever going any deeper on how they traveled to the location.
What a fucking hack.
This from the guy who made Under the Dome.
Ah yes, Kid Orgy truly great writing
only book i've read of king's is the outsider and the second half of that book is fuckin hackery so no wonder he lauds the got writing
This asshole got absolutely clowned on by Stanley Kubrick, who refused to abide by his pedantic demands to stick to source material in what ended up becoming one of the most lauded and debated pieces of horror in cinema history. Not pictured: Stanley Kubrick suggesting, through proxy of Stephen King's self-insert, that the latter's substance abuse and domestic conflict were his own fault.
>trashpop wrtiter praises another trashpop writer
is that the one with the baseball coach who gets accused of killing a kid?
>Stephen King is a good writ-
Name three (3) characters who “””just show up”””
yea my man
>bad writer praises bad writing
>Stephen King is a good writer
>interesting prose is better
>colorful metaphors
>good writers must only include poets
>realism implies complete lack of poetic language
How does it feel being so stupid and poorly read?
ok yeah my friend listened to an audiobook version and said it had promise as just like a regular murder mystery but then just goes full retard and outlandish
Jaime - we never see his travels, it's something like a month's journey from KL to Winterfell.
Tormund / Ed - they're at Last Hearth, no scenes of them traveling and they get there before the walkers / wights somehow. Yes, they had horses but it's winter, there's fucking snow everywhere, it was dark. How did they find the roads to get to winterfell so quickly? How did they travel at night in the cold / dark? Even from last hearth to winterfell riding at max speed on a horse without rest it's a few days ride at minimum.
Sam / Gilly - They traveled from OLDTOWN, which is THOUSANDS of miles away from Winterfell, at least a 2 month long journey minimum on horse / carriage, yet somehow the logistics of this are completely forgotten. Somehow Sam doesn't even know his father / brother were killed, despite the fact that he would have been travelling WEEKS through the reach, past horn hill (seat of his house). There's no way when stopping at some Inn or tavern / village that Sam wouldn't overhear the rumors that a major lord and his son were burned alive at a massive battle with dragons and Dothraki. There's just no fucking way.
Do I need to go on? We never are shown characters traveling like this, because the show is too rushed and everything is done at the writer's convenience rather than through consistent logic that matches with previous in-universe rules.
Daily reminder that it doesn't matter what celebrities say about other celebrities/current events/etc.
You have Maryl Streep giving public speeches in front of millions about defending Polanski, who assraped a 13 year old girl and would be arrested if he stepped foot in the US. That doesn't mean that Polanski was right in what he did because some braindead fucking actress, who actually is an alright actress in some movies, decided to defend him for whatever reason.
How wil blumpf recover! Must step down
i wouldn't mind if that was the direction it took but the way it all culminated in a sudden convenient manner was really distasteful imo
but everyone is shitposting about SK good or bad so just grab popcorn and enjoy the show lad
Stephen King writes genre fiction trash. If you like his books, you are by definition a pleb. The fact that he will go senile tweeting about Donald Trump is the icing on the shit cake.
wait whats wrong with simon and garfunkel? i like it...
>Constant Readers, it is not.
the fuck is this supposed to mean
he fucked deem keeds
the long walk is the kinoest one and still doesn't have an adaptation.
>please make filler episodes about characters traveling to winterfell
>why so many fillers when only 6 episodes are left?
>lets ignore catlyns fast travel to KL in S1
so many mouthbreathers in this board. of all the things to pick to shit on D&D you pick the logical one.
I am hoping that Ned's corpse gets reanimated and guts her like a fish. If he holds his head under one arm he'll be able to do it
Didn't he prefer the recent It adaption to Kubrick's take on the Shining? He may write well but he doesn't know when stuff is well written. Just as critics don't make good writers, writers don't make good critics. I love his books but his trashy opinions can be safely disguarded.
>>lets ignore catlyns fast travel to KL in S1
did people praise that for being well-written?
I noticed the fast travel but I just had a brief chuckle and moved on
>still being a trumpfaggot
lol @ ur lyfe desu
>praises King
>throws shade at Eliot and Dostoevsky
you're being disingenuous and you know it
The other one everyone forgets when talking about raven speed is in season three Bran tells Aemon about the army of the dead and killing a white walker and Aemon sends a letter and the VERY NEXT SCENE is Dovas giving the letter to Stannis and it’s the same letter, they saw a Night’s Watchman has seen it first hand. It’s not quite as retarded because you can belive time has passed but it still is precedent for that kind of writing.
Stephen King's prose makes me want to gouge my eyes out every time I've tried to read some of shit. The man is prolific and comes up with fun concepts, but his writing is TERRIBLE. The fact you're holding up King as a plebfilter should signal that you really, REALLY need to open your horizons to better stuff.
is this the coke addict who wrote a detailed child sex orgy?
>they make it look easy, but it is not
>hiring someone to write for you without eventually coming clean involves very difficult considerations
did they had a problem with it? is the more interesting qusetion, and no they didnt
King is not a good writer. the dude lierally writes 50 books every year and only 2 of them are decent enough to be published. He is just really autistic about writing. thats why he is famous
>it's not
if you planned a proper plot from the start and intended on them eventually ending u pin the same place at the same time, how is it "not easy" to keep to that?
jfc the absolute state
He is quite right. He is not being ironic. When you watch Game of Thrones you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
it's true tho
jesus christ.
Seriously ALL the threads were there and it was pretty obvious how it was gonna go.
This was the work of ONE writer.
All the TV writers needed to do was slowly work towards the logical conclusion.
Instead they just blurted it all out, complete hack-job!
And do i really need to mention Kings movie track-record?
>The same retarded wojak poster has been posting on EVERY thread with his fucking strawman for weeks
You should be euthanyzed
People dont want filler characters, they want characters to respect the rules of the world.
If time/distance traveled ratio was somehow equal for the characters some of them would arrive at winterfell weeks after the fight
poor shizophrenic user sees things that aren't there :/
>If time/distance traveled ratio was somehow equal for the characters some of them would arrive at winterfell weeks after the fight
poor anons brain can't comprehend that stuff happening in different regions doesn't automaticaly mean they happen at the same time.
Lol half the characters literally teleported there. Theon jumps into the ocean, goes back to king landing with le 20 good men, free yara, and teleports to winterfell. Jamie just says fuck it and goes there. LF finger bringing Sansa to Ramsay was retarded. Tormund and Beric teleport in front of the army of the dead. Greyworm and the unsullied teleport there. Its not that impressive.
Having characters wanting to return home is not a feat of writing. Jon, Sansa, Arya, and Theon ending up in Winterfell does not require Shakespearean 200 iq writing.
Yeah sam and gilly scenes were actually 2 months before the rest of the episodes.
Also when the retarded “avengers” went beyond the wall and daenerys was there to help in a day was fair, they actually asked for help before they even were in danger.
Your answer made clear that youre epic trolling :^) tho, i refuse to believe someone is that retarded
Did you read Harry Potter when you were younger?
It took Arya four seasons to get from KL to The Twins m8
It took her 1 episode to get from Winterfell to KL in season 1 using the same road
It's absolutely easy when you take things like internal consistency and throw it away, which you can do when you know your fanbase will slurp it up anyway and not even care
Like how did they get Arya there, simple, they said "Arya goes to Winterfell" and then she was there. Job done.
How did Samwell get there, "he went there", no problem. When did he leave Old town? How long did it take him? Irrelevant.
At one point the show was an intricate framework of intermeshing stories that might have been difficult to coordinate but it hasn't been for a long time because nobody gives a shit.
>Yeah sam and gilly scenes were actually 2 months before the rest of the episodes.
wich ones?
>Also when the retarded “avengers” went beyond the wall and daenerys was there to help in a day was fair, they actually asked for help before they even were in danger.
this was legit retarded.
>Your answer made clear that youre epic trolling :^) tho, i refuse to believe someone is that retarded
i no argument but u dumb.
so predictable.
>It took Arya four seasons to get from KL to The Twins m8
because we actualy got to see the journey.
>It took her 1 episode to get from Winterfell to KL in season 1 using the same road
because we didnt get to see the journey
that's why i said
>t stuff happening in different regions doesn't automaticaly mean they happen at the same time.
This is ironic considering writing or "prose" is a classically plebian art. Verse is musical and mixes fluidly with melody and dance.
I have never read a series with a worse conclusion and such schizophrenic quality as The Dark Tower. If they ever make a series out of it do not put Stephen King at the helm.
Nice advertisement, Stephen.
oopps you are equating the amount of exposure for the viewer of a journey to the distance wich is dumb.
News from war can only travel so fast nigger. There's no guarantee if it did travel so quickly and wide, or that sam overheard anyone talking about it. Commonfolk wouldn't care at all about the lord and be more obsessed about the presence of dothraki and dragons that were considered myths.
>It took Arya four seasons to get from KL to The Twins m8
lmao. evidence that people who complain about the show don't even watch it. she only traveled to the twins after the hound got her in S3.
As a long time FAGGOT , I'm in AWE of how perfectly the COCKS behind my ass all came together at Winterfell. They made it look easy. Constant Readers, it is not
The writing turned to shit after they went off the books.
nah, he was the kanye west of horror paperbacks in the 80s, movie deals notwithstanding. everybody read his books. he is no longer constantly in the news nor discussed by normies because these days people just shitpost on facebook and play mobile games to waste time, instead of reading paperbacks. he was still pretty huge pre-social media in the 90s/early 2000s, it's only today that he's kind of a meh relic. dumb zoomer.
>good writing
I don't like Trump either but seeing he's literally rent free in lefties head is amusing as fuck.
objetively, the only thing that's wrong with GoT is that normalfags like it
>You're right that was retarded
>You have no argument!!
Ah ok
>one example is true to all the other examples
Ah ok
>Literally an enemy that plans to kill all humans plot device
>Wow how did they assemble all the characters
King admits he writes the literary equivalent of fast food
Why is everyone sucking the show's dick in its worst season?
The dialogues in EP1 were mediocre at best, but in episode 2 were great. The fact is, that Cogman and D&D can write dialogues, this guy who wrote first episode is pretty bad... D&D problem is not dialogue, they written some great original character interactions, their problem is plotting, but then its hard to blame it because D&D left them with a MESS plot wise.
someone post the underaged sex train
>mentioning king and dostoevsky in the same post
I can't shit on King because he wrote Carrie, which is fucking awesome, but I have read only a few of his books and a lot of them bored me. The Dome was alright but the padding was so fucking obvious and in the end, I just didn't care who lived and who died, and the whole schtick with the ayylmao and the "insect under the magnifying glass" was stupid because it added nothing of substance. Misery was only worth for the shock aspect (which has actually great build up) and Salem was not really that interesting and the ending sucked ass.
That said, the Shawshank Redemption is an amazing movie so yeah.
But GoT is still trash.
>that one doesnt count!
Ok what about euron fighting yara, then travelling all the way to kings landing and then travelling all fucking west and still suprise grey worm?
80s coke fiend King is legit enjoyable. The night shift is a great short story collection, and the first half of the stand is excellent. He went to shit after he sobered up though, insomnia might be the most ironically named book of all time.
>>that one doesnt count!
it does count but you can't accuse off screen travel of fast traveling.
>Ok what about euron fighting yara, then travelling all the way to kings landing and then travelling all fucking west and still suprise grey worm?
this one is fair aswell. but still off screen travel =/= fast traveling
>almost no one here has listed any good writers or books worth reading
Hows a brainlet supposed to evolve without a little help?
you're an idiot, don't touch a book ever again
This made me think. I mean King made some really bad stories...
post the harry potter pasta,you know which one