Let's all dedicate a thread to the world's first superhero vigilante. Everett True.
Let's all dedicate a thread to the world's first superhero vigilante. Everett True
Everett True's pretty hardcore. Punisher's got nothing on him because he don't shiv.
Everett True was straight gangsta.
Everett True, despite being a product of his time, was quite the progressive.
Everett True has little patience even for his own creator
Is there a hero that CAN take Everett down? It seems like he's just committing mass murder at this point
It's like a summary of Antifa!
I have this arguement about the new order of operations.
I also throw people across the room with at those times, too.
W-what? What's big man got against a humble working stiff that believes in the restorative power of a good meal?
I'd love to have a big book of Everett True strips.
> Dex of 20
What new order of operations? Was there something wrong with my dear aunt Sally?
Do any collections exist? Or is it all just random scans that have been reposted on Yea Forums over the years?
I'm pretty sure they haven't changed order of operations.
He had a pretty nuanced view of feminism. He hated socialites and dilettantes, but he basically gave the "If you trust a woman to raise your kids, you can trust them to freaking vote!" argument in one of the strips. Don't recall if he was doing this in the midst of an aggrevated assault, but I'd lay good odds on it.
he wears his pants up so high
Was that a fad back then? People hitching carts to mini-horses to drag them around?
Hitching your pants over your navel feels great when you're fat
>t. guy who weighs 230
It was still a thing recently in Mexico.
Scan of a 1907 collection
Oh, very nice. And it's very high-resolution as well. Is this a complete collection or just a highlights reel?
I don't know anything about the comic is what I'm getting at.
He made a bad meal that tasted like dirt. Everett True punched his lights out. Now, fittingly he makes great wormchow.
Math is racist AND misogynist
This is from 1907, another is from 1921, and it ran until 1927. There probably isn't a modern reprinting of the entire run.
>fuck thots, but trust the wife
But all women are thots or fats now, so 19th amendment is revoked
>hardcore ankle action
The USA of 100 years ago was roughly where saudi arabia is today
What the fuck is happening
>girl who talks shit about her man/gets shit on by her man immediately rushes inexplicably to his defense when he's threatened
This is the one that fucking got me
I'm pretty sure he's using the reflection in the puddle to see up her skirt
So manspreading was a thing even over a century ago.
First thing that came to my mind too.
No one's changed it, just discussed how it's not always super clear, see pic related.
At the end of the day, its a grammar for math, but the point is just to have some system so that two people can use the same equation to come to an answer.
(also, if not taught properly, people might assume that multiplication ALWAYS comes before division, etc.)
I can't find the second child, I'm growing concerned.
Absolutely based.
Somewhere in my head cannon he's the ancestor to both the Punisher and Dan Vs.
It's always been a thing. What's new is (a) conflating it to all men and (b) denying women do it too. Now that public transportation comes with individual seats instead of benches, though, there's less of an excuse for it.
That was the style back then. It's my understanding the growing popularity of belts over suspenders drove it out of fashion.
This is the most american comic ever
Most of it didn't catch on
The man is sick of hash.
Automobile was still catching on.
looks like a totally different style
The strip ran from 1905 to 1927. Given that it's signed as '48, I'm guessing Condo drew it on his own initiative years later, so his style may well have evolved by then.
Too true
I'm starting to like this guy. Anywhere I can read everything online?
I forgot I had a folder of these.
True takes on gentrification.
Is this the earliest use of "not" in this context?
So was "wops" more of a generic insult or is he actually going after their ancestry?
>Not only did he murder these people, but the authorities let him bury the bodies in a private cemetery.
He's right, you know
The sex must be insane
>He's based, you know
as fuck.
Will Mr. Everett's zoomer revival a good idea?
Zoomer Jucika sucks for example
If anything, this shows remarkable restraint. The kid deserved to eat that gun.
what in the fuck is in that cage
seriously what is that supposed to be
It's clearly a drawing of a bear.
well I must be retarded then because that shit doesn't look lime a bear to me
>stupid kid fails to recognize when he's flagging a human
True is absolutely in the right here
Imagine Everett True on a Japanese commuter train.
>Good Guy True actually has qualms about harming a child as oppsoed to an adult but knows where limits must be set
Sombody show this to /k/
>Big Mouth
Based Everett True stopping the pedophile show
I read him in the Netflix Kingpin voice.
Based Everett dabbing on the Jannies
That’s some next level horny right there
I hope he was insured
Even the cop gets in trouble.
This is fucking comedy gold. I want to see fan arts of this guy.
We need a new True in Washington...
The way he states a rule for the punchline every time reminds me of UgoJesse
Didn't his wife beat the shit out of him as well?
Man insults other man's weight
Man uses that weight to drown other man
Having weight can be useful
Right here m'boy
I love how into it all the random passersby get. They know he's speaking and acting on their behalf, except he's not constrained by the petty niceties of society.
The hero we need.
>true believes in equality for all races and men and women, is an animal lover, will stand up for anyone in trouble, is all for public decency
>and if you disagree then he'll fuck your shit up
This, fuck em nOsy waiters
'Here it is! One of his famous outbursts! This is even better than an autograph, I'm flooding in my basement!'
doesn't have all of them, but there's a pretty nice book that has a bunch of them that was published a couple years ago, should still be available on Amazon;
honestly it kinda amazes me that Everett isn't more of a mascot for Yea Forums
Everett is rather low on the OG comics power tiers
Wow. This is eternally relevant.
A Hamburg steak! That’s what they called a ground beef patty lol.
Fucking BASED
>’phone short for telephone
With the apostrophe. Nice
>he cute
- girls in the background
I bet in the author’s time most zoo animals were malnourished
The artist, Clifton Meek, had previously worked as a fill-in artist on Everett True and other strips by A.D. Condo. Meek is a forgotten heavy influence on Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks.
As an aside, Everett True's regular inker was a fellow by the name of J.W. "Jack" Raper.
boy am I glad the sidewalk's concrete and not upkeep-intensive wooden planks.
That sounds fucking obnoxious.
I don't even like shoveling snow, so replacing planks, varnishing planks, and probably maintaining the posts propping them up sounds like it would drive me up the wall.
He is truly /our guy/. The entire world is his crying Statue of Liberty
Yeah. He's the ultimate grandpa: experienced, surly, wise, and does not give a flying fuck how offended you are while still managing to not be wrong or cruel.
This dude is as unstoppable as Everett. Maybe he's his nemesis?
That conductor(?) knows what's coming.
>Hey man you mind not putting your cigarette out using me?
>Fuck you, I do what I want!
How stupid and selfish can you possibly get?
based Everett
Assuming this is True's usual route the conductor probably sees someone thrown off of the train every day.
It's dangerous to close your legs while sitting.
everett is the hero you fool
Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve.
Everett vs. /pol/
Everett vs. Yea Forums
Everett vs. /ck/
Everett vs. /mlp/
Everett vs. /fa/
Everett vs. /fit/
Everett vs. /k/
That man is going to destroy us all.
I love how the audience immediately gies "He Cute!" after Everett kills the anti-fat guys
Don't forget Everett vs. /LGBT/
But doesn't parenthesis also include whatever is multiplying the parenthetical result?
Not walrusing, I actually can't remember if that's the case or not.
Take it easy, Luffy.
you don't waste water like that
Natty Comics but did right
>that handprint
Holy shit
I was about to say True is the Id to Kelly's Ego
About time Yea Forums dedicated some space and praise for true art like Everett True instead of that pandering crap Garrison churns out.
Everett "IDGAF" True
Everett True woulda got 1
We've had Everett True threads before, glad to see him again.
Everett don't want no damn leftovers.
fucking REKT
Where's Everett from? For some reason I always get Churchill vibe from him but I realized I found that on nothing but the fact he's an angry fat bald man from the the 20s.
did buses or trolleys really try to let people out into traffic lanes?
What the fuck? How many people must have died from such a terrible idea?
I mean damn I sympathize with him here but
>nightmare face
Fuck, he REALLY doesn't pull any punches, does he? He knows that fists aren't the way to wreck a woman.
New York, see:
>Gave the guy 4 chances to leave him alone
Everett was pretty generous with this one.
He is an understanding, if ANGRY god.
Some, but not as many as there would be today. Speed limits were usually much lower, around 20 at the most, but usually 10-15 in the city, and you were expected to driver much slower than that. The cars were probably only capable of doing something like 30 at the most as well. The road used to be more used by everyone, including those who walk, bike (which was much more popular), trolley, or ride a horse, Instead of being reserved for those with cars alone. Now you get a shitty little concrete sidewalk instead, and you're gonna like it, ya fucking ponz. People definitely still walked on the (usually wooden, sometimes stone) side of the road, or sidewalks, for longer stretches while still in the inner city though, so they wouldn't hold ip other people by being such a slow sod.
Imagine women being high enough calibur to warrant that kind of protection