Forget 40k, can Warhammer Fantasy be adapted?
Forget 40k, can Warhammer Fantasy be adapted?
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Not even warhammer fans liked whfb, why do you think the setting was nuked and replaced with AoS?
Warhammer Fantasy is 40K's gay basedboy brother...
Are you retarded?
Fantasy is the setting with topless elf prostitutes ridding dragons, 40k is the one where women surve in the military and cyborgs use xer as a gender pronown.
Stating a fact. Not saying AoS is better, simply saying whfb wasn't popular and AoS is. The 40k is a unique type of Sci fi in that it's got a massive fantasy mythology element to it. Whfb is just another fantasy setting.
Probably, yeah.
There's plenty of space to do a film, whether it's of say, a mutant trying to find absolution from the enemy within or a witch hunter origin story.
Hell, there's plenty of space for shit to happen in the universe, whether it's a telling of Sigmar Heldenhammer's bond with the dwarves and fight of the orcs or the first war against chaos.
But "fantasy is gay waa" retards mean it'll never happen. People who actually care about WF will never get anything good because GamesWorkshop is retarded and killed some of their greatest lore, storytelling and even some of the best gameplay by changing Warhammer Fantasy into discount Space Marines. AoS removes many great characters and lore from the game and replaces it with Space Marines but golden.
One of the greatest losses to WH was when they changed it to AoS and removed a certain Dwarf general. There used to be a dwarf where you would write in the name of one of your enemy generals in a book. If you lost the fight, you'd write an additional two names from their side in your book.
If you then faced these characters again in the future, you would get a bonus against them if you checked your name-list and they were in it.
You were able to write your own book of grudges and have it valid.
Removed. For yellow-coloured space marines.
What's the difference? They're both mainly focused on space marines
GW nuked the fantasy setting/world before they started age of sigmar. Now all the different armies exist on different asteroids flying through space connected by magical portals, or something
These truly are the end times.
>Le elves!
>LE dorfs!
>Le orcs!
>Le humens!
Too fucking generic. In addition people know Warcraft more so it would be compared a hell of a lot to that.
At least WH40k has Catholic Space Nazis vibe to carry it through.
>not setting it in lustria to get undead pirates vs aztec lizards
Use your brain user.
>le pirates of the caribbean
Anthology series set in a bar about people telling stories
You forgot halflings, retard, and chaos beasts. Warhammer is generic if you look at the cover and say "LOL IT'S BAD LoR"
The thing about Warhammer is that it isn't about having AMAZING D&D RACES! It's about being grounded in reality and knowing that the real people and things you should fear is internal. Your own mortality will hinder you and those you face are not all daemons of Slaanesh or Nurgle, but those you would have called neighbours. It's an amazingly deep world filled with religious lore and is entirely based around your mortality and humanity. Magic is dangerous, and should be used within reason else you bring down chaos on those around you.
It brings together all the fantasy tropes I love. Magic is dangerous, requires lots of study and is feared. Religion is deeply necessary and the gods' influence can be felt. Characters are normal and human, they're not just tropes. A small variety of intelligent races means that they can all stand out. You have your tall, stubborn elves and your drunkard, suicidal dwarves to juxtapose your zealous humans. It's brilliant and if you think it's generic, you've just not read into it and that's a shame.
Download a WFRP 2E PDF and read it. Educate yourself before you spout opinions your favourite youtuber gave you, retard.
They already did it with the Warcraft movie. It's basically Warhammer.
>b-but space marines are unique though!
>muh gothic aesthetic
You described life in one realm there. Now describe any non-human realm without making it sound generic
Good luck
Based /tg/ crossposter that knows very well ho to rust jimmies 'round here
Aztec space lizards that are the ones handed they keys to the world by the old gods and work tirelessly to save it from forces unknown, unfortunately for them they are flawed creations who are too dedicated to the great plan and their location means they can't stop all the followers of chaos.
So the aliens from Fifth Element
>"Oh yeah? Let me move the goalpost! Haha i gotem! Let me post it on reddit!"
I've just generally described the Empire, the most important realm that Warhammer Fantasy takes place and where most major races can be seen and experienced and now you're asking me about other realms? What, was I too right?
I'm not going to spoonfeed you the lore, retard. Read the book.
They could probably do a reasonable adaption of vermintide
love skaven
our armour is strong strong
simple as
Hehehe I knew someone would get mad over that
>someone says the non-humans are generic
>country by describing the human empire
Wow I sure am the one who moved the goalposts here
>the most important realm
So the non-human realms are generic and udnerdeveloped? Thanks for agreeing with me
I must have missed the Aztec dinosaurs in the 5th element.
Oh right good point. They aren't even as creative as lumbering aliens, they are literally just a type of species that already existed on earth
Why are you even in this thread?
Oh so 40k is generic because Catholics and Nazis existed right?
You have plenty of massively different and varied areas in the Empire, from the Reiklands to Altdorf's capital. They're all culturally different and have not only different turns of phrase but standards and problems. There are pirates on the Reik. Altdorf is suffering from the problems of being such a major capitol. Forests are filled with increasingly aggressive beastmen. The mountains are alive with dwarves. The writing and lore of it is great, and you're just a baiting faggot who's upset that they'll never feel passion about anything but capeshit and the Sopranos.
Just ignore the spiteful contrarian retard. .
Sure. Here's more funky writing and lore from WFRP 2E.
>say that realms other than the empire are underdeveloped
>You have plenty of massively different and varied areas in the Empire
Stopped reading. Thanks for repeatedly proving my point
WH40k human history is inventive enough that you don't need to have entirely new concepts to make it unique (though there's plenty of those). Plus, why are you comparing Fantasy non-humans to 40k humans? Not only is the Imperium more creatively developed than any of the non-human realms in Fantasy, every single non-human race in 40k dwarfs the creativity of all Fantasy ones put together
WH Fantasy was always shit until the latest total war games saved the whole shitty universe and made it based
Complete fucking retard.
Armored Space Troopers? Generic.
Armored Space Troopers who are their society's version of a religious order or knighthood? Stands out.
>tfw multiple top selling game series
thats it, you are going in my book of grudges, next to age of sigmar