Has any character (Besides Animal/Miracle Man) got tired of the continual conflict and just fucked off out of their universe, maybe even mid conflict?
Has any character (Besides Animal/Miracle Man) got tired of the continual conflict and just fucked off out of their...
The Thing fucked to France during... Civil War I think. Or one those huge similar events
It was Civil War
doesn't Sentry do that at least once?
The Atom?
Doctor Manhattan? Though he did start caring again eventually.
Captain Marvel did that for a long ass time.
Joe Theseus in Bacchus
No he didn't
>got tired of the continual conflict
Jack Knight
>just fucked off out of their universe
Is that the Overvoid?
Thor Girl just straight up said the earth was full of cunts and that she was going to teach us how to ascend into energy beings but we blew it by being dicks to her and fucked off forever.
Frankly they should bring her back. That's a fun concept even if they stole it from SG-1.
That makes sense since he could hide in a microverse or something.
I was looking for the Doctor Manhattan Anologue who was comparing time to comics. Saying he could see time differently...
And I found this image. It seems to portray a character failing to exit but I don't remember reading this comic.
overvoid didn't exist when that was published, but it's a good equivalent to it.
I ... forgot about "Thor girl"... was she an Initiative character?
Swamp Thing maybe?
Fuck if I know. I don't read comics.
>That makes sense since he could hide in a microverse or something.
That's what he did after Identity Crisis and learned of the Multiverse so he took refuge in Earth 51 until that Countdown book where the Challengers From Beyond came for him.
Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt. It's a fun read even if it doesn't live up to the "spiritual sequel to Watchmen" moniker.
She was like an alien who was a Thor fangirl, even had a gold hammer of her own. I think she showed up in the Jurgens run
>I was looking for the Doctor Manhattan Anologue who was comparing time to comics. Saying he could see time differently...
You're probably thinking of Morrison's Captain Atom.
I still don’t understand Pax
This has been an excellent opt-out thread, despite the weird time travelling mirror thread that appeared above it the moment it was done posting (to the cataog).
I can now rest.
He did in Doomsday Clock ;^)
Astoria -- literally does exactly that.
Astoria left Cerebus right before a big fight. Think she said fuck and went to garden.
She let Cerebus and Cirin fight it out in space.
i should have read the entire thread before posting