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>"mining" vessel
>somehow has the weaponry advanced enough to destroy Federation capital ships

J J Abrams is the worst. This was the beginning of the nostalgia shot fest and Lost set the gold standard for dumb crap that never ends or makes any sense

>100 years more advanced than those capital shops
user a large transport ship today would beat a ship from one hundred years ago, it's more manoeuvrable and it will see it coming way before the warship knows its there. Also consider that a deep space mining vessel probably would have some form of defense,as well as mining charges.

Complete bullshit. Modern cargo vessel would get fucked by a WW2 destroyer. Even WW1 one. Not to mention WW2 ships were actually faster than modern warships.

It also makes sense to have your mining vessel look like some dark lord's evil ship right?

Go away JJ.

fun movie

mining charges for smashing and blast planets apart are pretty powerful

Eric Bana is underrated


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Hi Chris I’m Nero

It was a mining ship . But once their planet was destroyed , they found a secret army base that had been experimenting with Borg technology and combin3d it with their ship
Also apparently they were held as prisoners by Klingon for years also

All this was in a comic book set before the movie.

The nuTrek bridge sucks. What are those two white joy sticks nobody can reach?

Maritimefag here, congrats on being a retard. I’d like to see a modern tanker do ANYTHING to a Fletcher

>red matter

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How many degrees do you have user?

Even an 18th century ship of the line would btfo any modern cargo ship in a static engagement

I know, you have to give him respect for the sheer amount of plastic surgery he had done for this movie

I unironically yell this whenever I have a large fleet engagement in Stellaris


>something you want to preserve is detroyed
>you travel back in time
>you wage war against someone else who could help you

>why didn't Kirk bomb environmentalists in STIV for failing to save the whales?
>why didn't Picard attack Vulcan in First Contact because they didn't make the Federation more powerful than the Borg?

How the fuck do you make a movie like this and not have a single good space battle?


There's a comic or novel tie in that shows they go to a Tal Shiar base where they were studying Borg tech. They use the tech to upgrade their ship.

I know Yea Forums hates Episode 7 more than any movie in existence, but chirst JJ's Trek movies are a thousand times worse. Episode 7 is mostly watchable, I think Into Darkness may have been one of the worst big budget blockbusters I've ever seen.

At least Trek had god-tier sound design and a memorable villain, something that can't be said of episodes 7 and 8

Nero fucking sucks, """Khan""" is even worse, Kylo Ren is way more memorable.
They also have some pretty good sound design.

I already fired you

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>There's a comic or novel tie in...

Fuck off