It's kind of funny that the live-action movies imply that literally all she had to do to make Timmy fall in love with her was stop dressing like a dork
It's kind of funny that the live-action movies imply that literally all she had to do to make Timmy fall in love with...
>Grow Up
>kid size
Also losing the braces, glasses, and get a different hair style apparently
And a different personality.
Well her personality was the same just toned down.
Never understood why they had her hair turn brown though.
And a newfound appreciation for the environment.
What's she so angry about?
And different eyes
That scene where she was tying herself to the tree, made me realize I how I had a bondage fetish as a child
she lost all her rich daddy's money, hit the wall and no man wants her anymore
Her weird boobs
Do we even know what her eyes actually look like in the show? I don't think she's ever taken her glasses off.
tit is right
>deep toot
no she doesn't ever take them off but some scenes you can see behind them and they are just dots (might be just lazy animators)
Did she appear in any of the live action movies?
they're purple iirc
that's common with cartoon characters that wear glasses
That is how women think, so yes.
yeah never understood that. I guess wearing glasses makes your eyes vestigial like a mole
That's literally real life tho, if you look like shit people don't want to fuck you.
A joke about how glasses magnify a person's eyes in real life
honestly Live Action Tootie always gave me the impression that she was probably originally meant to be an OC character and they just made one or two minor alterations to the script to have her be Tootie, cause she basically has nothing whatsoever in common with cartoon Tootie, when basically every other show character that appears in the LA movies is immediately recognizable when compared to their toon versions
yeah, you've said that before, it didn't make sense then and it doesn't now
Were some of those designs fanmade?
the baby, and the two older versions