Season 3 confirmed
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Season 3 confirmed
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>season 3
Where the fuck is 2?
>3 seasons
Can't stop Dan the man!
Dan 'The Diaper Man' Milano
Blakechads report in.
And he calls us gross for lewd pics of Miko?
Technically he has to say that when it's blatant porn, this he can pass off as a harmless mistake due to twitter cropping.
Our man, /d/an milano.
Why are these people so degenerate towards the creators? This is why we can't have nice things.
/d/an mil/aco/
Fivko is dead, long live Blive!
This is the same guy who made Greg the Bunny and wrote on Robot Chicken
Putting this up, expect part 2 tonight.
Blive and Bergko are the chad ships.
Why is Five the only one referred to by his gamertag?
I mean, i'm sure they could call Miko Mi_K.O. but that's way too much.
Five just rolls off the tongue.
cuz no one asked his name and he never correct anyone
Miko x BITT and Five x BITT is the only correct ship
Yeah it's weird. I think even his aunt and uncle call him Five too. I couldn't imagine anyone irl calling me by my gamertag.
Hey it's all good...
Who knows? Even his grandparents call him Five, so the nickname might have even come before the gamertag in that case.
Tweet aside, is he really against lewd fanart or is he fucking with us? I guess the upcoming episodes will give us the answer no?
He's playing sides against each other. He already bait and switched the shippers. He's responded negatively to some nsfw works, including feeder fetish, but he then retweeted diaper art (even if you want to claim that was a "mistake" he was still being way more polite to the artist than the other drawfags he was rude to). Just look at the top part of OP pic alone some niggeroid tweeted the diaper controversy and brought in thousands of free views for Dan. Controversy creates cash. Literally 12D chutes and ladders.
He's probably against making it so easy for kids or people who don't want to see it to find it.
Fucking with us. Before the show premiered, he would joke with some NSFW artists on the regular, because those were obviously the ones campaigning for the show's release the most. It's with a side dose of .
do the creators know how horny everyone is for Miko?
You mean season 2.
there's no way they couldn't.
They designed her to be horny for, they know.
Dan does. All he does is browse and RT GlitchTech fan art on Twitter all day, 75% of which is Miko art.
is there anyone who doesnt know about cartoon porn by now?
>not calling it Fergy
Bait thread title
This is Yea Forums not your YouTube channel
It's really admirable that the creator is just goofy and silly with all his answers about the show no matter how weird they are. He doesn't take it too seriously or like he's trying to write some groundbreaking show with relationships and characters we've never seen before that need more representation. Just flat out, "Haha, yeah, diaper episode, writing it now!".
What video game references/parodies do you think the show actually dead well? I only like the Metal Gear and Castlevania ones
They definitely do now
The candy crush/mobage episode was pretty cool. It'd have been easy to go "not real gaming" but it gets treated pretty fairly.
I assume it was a nickname originally that he based his screenname off of
They subtly did the "not real gaming" thing since none of the techs knew about it despite it being super popular with normies, since they play real games and not casualshit.
>Knows there is a hormonal teenage boy hiding in her daugthers' room
>let's him stay
Is the mom based or irresponsible?
oddly enough I cant see any of them working on making games
Remember your QCQ training.
Five I could see, Miko not at all. She would be the ideas person that wants to make a game, but doesn't know a lick of code.
Can I get the sauce to these tweets I wanna see these
Eizouken but with Miko, Five and Mitch.
Might be proof that Five is gay.
Lexi's casual outfit.
I think he meant CQC.
>inb4 still what?
Close quarters combat
Which one would be Kanamori? Five is the tallest and cutest, but unlike her he actually wants to make games and not just money.
Season 2 is basically the 2nd half of season 1: basically the She-Ra maneuver
I was imagining Mitch as her since he seems like he'd be much more money oriented and getting the profits, rather than caring about making a game.
>Why is Five the only one referred to by his gamertag?
Eh, I had a friend that had their nickname as their gamer tag. I don't think it would be that unusual. It was probably an IRL nickname first.
I'm surprised no one has gushed over the robot.
Seeing the metal gear parody and Miko and Five talking through a codec reminded me of this
shes not that cute, if anything the big one would be more to Yea Forumss taste
he's a gilf, Five doesn't seem to have parents
I have a friend of a friend who wound up nicknamed after his gamertag irl. Rare but it happens. Probably more frequently as people meeting online before they meet in person becomes more common.
She was a brainless cunt and people are too busy gushing over whatever Overwatch character she was ripping off, I'm sure.
I prefer girls with holes I can put my dick in.
I saw a post with a picture of a robot from... I think Second Life? That looks very similar to this one and so is probably what this is referencing, but I can't find it
what's left of her? just a torso without limbs, stuck in a tank-suit?
>Five doesn't seem to have parents
He did at the beginning of Smashozaurs, wonder what happened to them.
>still no episode where Five uses a Laura Croft skin powerup and traps the glitch in a fridge
Does Glitch Techs have its own booru yet?
Refresh my memory. Is it ever stated that his parents died or that he is living solely with his grandparents either? From what one of the staffers said, his "family lives in the apartment complex behind where the taco truck is". Could be he is just around his grandparents for his summer job.
sad to say, but the only booru that works well is the horse booru, if the others were designed the same way they would all end up dead
I'd rather see Miko dressed as Quiet from MGSV
were those guys suppose to be overwatch?
no, just generic moba
Some boorus, like the Loud House or Gravity Falls, have been getting hit hard with takedowns of loli art. In fact the only reason those boorus haven't been deleted outright (like a few, way less active ones for other cartoons were) is because they're already so huge and have an abundance of non-loli art to justify their continued existence. If Miko is considered to be underage then we'd be screwed.
If they where is was hard for me to tell. Maybe the Rhino guy was supposed to be a parody of Winston?
It's unclear. His parents could be totally fine, but the fact that we've never seen them in the present day definitely FEELS like it's meant to imply something. That said, they had to somewhat reorder the episodes for netflix, so it's possible that things just got bumped around and their absence wasn't even intentional.
I do have a pet theory that will probably not pan out, but you never know.
So even she has a big butt for her age. Why did the phat ass gene skip the older sister?
The game was called "Oversight Squadrons," so yes. Maybe a parody of mobas in general.
The game was literally called Oversight. That said, it was clearly meant to be a pastiche of not just Overwatch, but all the various games that have attempted to do essentially the same thing with a different skin.
Leader was a whitened Doomfist. Rhinoguy was Winston. Tank girl with the pupleblue skin was probably a slight nod to Widowmaker. Robot girl was literally that new character they haven't even made an in-game playable model for yet, but that shows up in the cinematics.
I don't even fucking play or watch Overwatch and could see the Rhino dude was fucking Winston.
I saved screenshots of her, but guess not many people into robot girls.
Can any of them speedrun any game?
>Wanna mix browns after shift?
They gotta do Warframe if they wanna get some more people who are into robots
Warframe would be a horrifying glitch. Fuck that shit.
When's the Kingdom Hearts glitch where they get Nick/Netflix cameos?
When are they gonna make a fucking Fanboy and chum chum crossover episode?
Right here. This is where I would like to insert my penis.
Miko doesn't seem like she would be a speedrunner, but Five might be.
People like to give Mitch a hard time, but the fact is he was willing to share his gear with Five to boost his confidence.
That's fucking great.
>Mitch is the leet xXx Pr0G@m3r LL
>Five is the casual
>Miko is the hardcore gamer grill
That makes Zahra the speedrunner.
I think you need to watch that again
>They go into a game that's a crossover between a random anime game and a bunch of Netflix or nick franchises.
That would be fucking great
>it's ok when the underage male character does it
But Five is maximum sticc
Haneesh and Bergy for sure.
She probably thinks it's fine because they have a little girl in there. Five would have to be a super chad that gets both girls to get away with it.
Diaperfag here. It's nice to feel represented.
sounds like he is trying to tell her something without offendind her
>Miko, MY big ass keeps pushing stuff off the counter without ME noticing, I should pay more attention
I don't think any of them are casuals.
>Five is the casual
Five is the nostalgia nerd that perfects old games to the best of his abilities.
Why is this diaperfag mad about other diaperfags?
hello, based department?
Virtue signaling is a worse drug than heroin.
Obvious shitposter. Only person who responded to the tweet with a like is the guy who posted the original picture so they're probably just fucking with each other.
Well here's Part 2 of Reset Button, this has a bit more lewd and less words so I hope it's an easier read.
Nigga what the fuck
>I'll give you a friend discount, 600$
>that's 3 times more than what you bought them for
>eh, we're not great friends
Holy shit I'm dying.
They're having fun that they don't care if Netflix fires them! BASED!
oh my god
To be fair, that's probably actually a discount if you consider what he'll actually get for them after an ebay markup.
Five and Bergy have s o y mouth.
Ralph and friends interacting with humans could have been the sequel we needed. Instead, we got Disney Properties: The Movie.
which member of her family will be next to find their secret and not get mind wiped? my money is on the dad
That great, now we just need to get mitch's voice actor to read ninja's tweets
is this the end of the noodle era?
Is Todd the final villain of the show?
Holy shit, that'd be perfect.
Based high IQ user.
I think it's the time for someone in five's family to an episode, even if they get mind-wiped by the end
Noddle Era ended in the early 2000s
>episode after Alpha Leader
He might not actually be lying about being "friends"
They'll definitely have an episode where the dog that we saw in the first episode gets jealous of Ally or the other way around. I think that would happen before either of the parents find out.
She is cute but it seems like this show has only attracted thiccfags too ashamed to admit that they are into a loli instead of robochads.
This design is gross.
but adventure time is both the ultimate 2010s cartoon and ultimate noddle cartoon
>SUF cancelled
>Shits Pony! unwatched
>Bowel House was a crash and Bern
>Kipo: The Genocide of Wh*Toids was forgotten in a week
Who would have thought Glitch Techs, which was supposed to be cancelled before it ever saw the light of day, may usher in a new era of faux anime looking cartoons with actually decently proportion characters.
Miko is an anomaly. Enough complaints about how problematic her figure is, and she'll be slimmed down by next season.
I just tought of something, what if Fives parets were Glitch Techs and thats how they died
Something relating to the disaster that is Hunt Down The Freeman would be nice.
That he works for his grandparents doesn't mean his parents are dead. It's not unusual for people to work in family businesses.
I'm latino, and my best friend from college is the daughter of a latino man and a muslim woman, and let me tell you she's so fucking beautiful. Probably one of the best looking groups of mixed people I think.
I think that's a bit too obscure. They'd sooner do ET.
This, his parents might have actual jobs. It's not like you need 5 people to work a food truck.
>SU wasn't cancelled it is just ending
>I'll give you that one but did anybody ever care?
>Seems pretty well liked by the people who watch it
>Kipo is a pretty well regarded sleeper hit that looks more faux-anime than Glitch Techs
The loli has a fat ass but that doesn't make the dated vidya humor show some kind of exceptional visual masterpiece. Most of the non-Miko designs are pretty fucking ugly.
I watch Its Pony and I'm really glad that Bitch Techs is segregated from the rest of Nick. Maybe Pony will actually have a chance and not immediately get booted to Nicktoons for not appealing to the ADHD crowd.
At least they're not pretentious cunts who are political 100% of the time, so I can excuse their wide mouths in pictures. Bergy and Five would be total bros and great to hang out with IRL.
>this show gives me feels because I'll never have a group of coworkers like the techs.
stupid dumb fuck
I still can't believe notMabel savagely crushed the spines of these turtles.
>not allowed to say Lord of the Rings
>namedropping Gollum is okay though
>I'll give you that one but did anybody ever care?
I follow an artist who sadly ends up liking shows like that, that don't get a lot of traction. I haven't given it a chance myself, though.
Whatever, incel faggot.
can a small child smash a turtle? one would the think their shells could take it
They're fine. You have to kick em for the kill.
>some kind of exceptional visual masterpiece
Its action sequences are great though. Only Kipo comes close, while Bowel House and Steven Universe Sepulcher's action sequences look like fucking dinosaur fights.
>Most of the non-Miko designs are pretty fucking ugly.
The only one that bugs me is Miko's older sister (they made her chin look like it could cut diamonds). Otherwise most of them are pretty good especially the monster designs.
I thought Shit's Pony was pretty entertaining but visually its unremarkable and some of the character design choices are questionable. Like how there is a girl who is Annie's friend but looks exactly like her mom.
Copyright is fucking weird man.
Button-mashing or stick wiggling?
She might shatter their joints if their weight is placed on their feet when she impacts.
Who's the chick on the left?
I have only seen the dracula action segment and it was kind of butt ugly desu. Something felt slightly stiff about the whole thing.
His final form design was also extremely generic and ugly and not in the cool spooky kind of way.
>Dan: You know that apocalypse causing girl from Gravity Falls? Get her on the phone!
>Exec: We can't afford her.
>Dan: Then get us the Mexican cinema equivalent!
>Miko: How did you get me pregnant!? You said you where wearing protection!!!
>Five: I-i don't know! I had had level 15 armor equipped!
Or the absolute banging milf
Lets fucking hope.
Stay calm five. Remember what your father told you if these kind of situations happened.
>Episode for my fetish is made
>Five is the one that ends in diapers and not Miko
I'm disappoint before it even was a thing.
bottom is tempting...but man top would be a wonderful way to go
>Listen mi hijo, this not gonna make sense tou you now but dont skip your squats, some packages are too much to take with your neck but if you're prepared, you may be able to walk the next day
5 years later
>papa, I understand
I love siblings interactions
Or the quirky labcoat woman
Leader was mix of Reinhardt and Doomfist, mecha woman was mix of and widowmaker, Rhino was Winston and the flying robot is Echo, the announced new hero
I know that face, thats the face a mom makes right before she says she can unmake you
>The virgin mobile gaming Five vs. the chad photobombing Bergy
How long until we see someone do a dumb Fortnite dance in this show? That shit is still way to popular for them not to make a reference.
You think they might introduce a villain or group of villains? Like some shit head kids who figure out how to create glitches? They do a rogue like episode where the kids use a glitch so they can live forever by always coming back.
>You will buy it again five or the THICC gook won't get to live long enough to see another re-release
looking at Five noodle legs, I saw he didn't prepare enough
Speedrun episode involving extremely complicated, precise, bizarre and silly strats.
I'm just at episode 3.
Seething/horny Miko in the background optional
That inspector tease might mean that the company itself might be evil if they don't mean those 2 kids will be the "chosen ones" or something like that
I hope so, this show desperately needs a recurring villain. The glitches themselves are cool looking but not especially interesting as characters, but if they were all being released by this show's Jack Spicer or something, it'd go a long way.
It could also GKND style where miko will go into the special glitch fighters. Like they become glitches themselves or fight in virtual space where mind wiping happens often.
I hate this show
The fact that Hinobi keeps selling products that can unleash reality-warping monsters and don't seem to invest time into figuring out why paints them as evil already.
Exceptional losses. If it came out fixing the problem would down grade game play experience people would honestly just keep the glitches.
So you are a homosexual then?
>figuring out why
Thing is, they know exactly why it happens, it's more that they don't seem to care.
and in the castlevania episode they teach the audience to pay attention to the dialogue.
i want a boss(phil?) episode. he seems to not like games and be hiding shits.
You call those toothpicks, legs?
Thought so myself. There are just so many glitches happening every day. If they were really trying to stop them, they would've work on a more effective containment plan or you know, fix their consoles and equipment? They seem like they can afford better tech. There's something bigger going on here.
Do we know how many season this show will have or it's just 'make up the story as it progresses'?
dont let your dreams be dreams!
also probably into tactics games. he got the plans!
Having an entire monster hunting militia per town and mind wiping tech is just a lot cooler. If you can make video games and phones this way wouldn't you?
screw that, they could just NOT do a love triangle and it would be fine.
there's nothing that bring people together like uncovering the hinobi conspiracy!
imma be shipping them until they stop making them adorable together.
I feel like they make consoles that rrelease monsters on purpose, lik they want to find somethin out by doing that and all the magers are brain washed into not questioning it
I love this image so much.
from which episode is this from?
I'd watch it
Near the end of the first episode where Mitch and Phil are explaining to Miko's parents that she wasn't lying.
XCOM my nigga. at least the waifu in the mech
maybe they are getting something out of capturing the glitches, so they sell the technology that creates them and then get the techs to capture them.
They're definitely going somewhere with it, it sounds like they just weren't as able to pursue plot stuff early on. I'm betting the biggest stuff is in the 10 boarded-but-not-animated episodes that we'll only have a chance to see if the show does well.
Considering the Techs don't destroy the glitches but send them back to Hinobi corporate, it seems pretty likely that Hinobi is getting something from them.
Was this an actual shot in the episode? I don't remember it.
Pair this with
1st episode, after the brother unplugs her game, is there for just 1 frame
>6 seasons and a movie
>not 10 seasons, video game alt story series and 3 crossover movies
You gotta think big son. End it with a live action ad for some Vr suit that cost more then a house.
Assuming this is the In-universe equivalent to NIKE Mags that is still pretty good
how much are they gonna nerf miko's design in later seasons?
Okay you got a laugh out of me
they wont
Her hips will get straightened and her butt will mold seamlessly into her legs without definition.
none at all. there are at least 20 episodes ready to be animated, or in different stages of done. its not worth it at all.
They know how much the success of this show rides on her ass and hips. They won't touch the design, but they'll probably include less shots on her lower body
>they'll have to fire that one guy who just does ass shots
cant wait for the obscure japanese games that only Five knows episode
Nah, I don't think that is something we should worry about. Like for S2, they already have 10 ready to animate and 10 more boarded I think. It would be a lot of work just to reduce her assets. And for anything past that, her design would be too iconic for the series that they wouldn't dare touch it. They might just include less blatant ass shots which there honestly isn't much to begin with.
I really appreciate that Five gets to be genuinely cool in a good number of scenes. Like sure he gets dunked on a lot, but it's not ALWAYS him. He's not just the butt Monkey.
>And for anything past that, her design would be too iconic for the series that they wouldn't dare touch it.
I want to say maybe in the final season they can look older, but then I remembered that Mitch probably is an adult so they probably don't have to grow at all.
Nah were safe, Eric and Dan know what draws viewers in.
is that all you care about.
changing style can really hurt a show, look at what they did with legend quest
I'm surprised there hasn't already been a massive shitstorm, people knew Miko was gonna be thicc long before the show came out.
Miko desperately needs one of these
your boogeyman doesn't exist
Miko need one of these
So is she just a torso and head? Maybe this whole thing about the rumors of fetish art has some weight after all.
Mexican Joker Five when?
I know what draws ME in.
it's all anyone who watches this show cares about. it's mediocre and the dialogue is zoomer cringe shit.
Now I'm wondering how a diaper fetish episode would go, thanks a lot DAN.
Anyone has a webm of the Smashozaurs fake cartoon intro?
What the fuck, why did nobody tell me the cast was this based. Haneesh's VA tweeted this just yesterday.
>Zahra's thighs in those pants
I don't watch the show to coom. Speak for yourself retard.
I thought she was a parody of D.Va
is this official art?
>is actually entertained by a zoomer kid show
is that way
I can see an episode where these two speedrun what seems a complicated and long game by abusing glitches/bugs and breaking the game itself.
No (you)s this time, fag
Either Mario party style where they were diapers to compete different challenges or some mech game where the robots look like they have diapers on.
or a glitch enters miko's search history.
D-do you think the Muslim girl has to take off her hijab to put on her headphones, like just reveal her hair and ears to everyone there? Knowing it pisses Allah off and she might go to hell forever but having no choice and doing it, feeling everyone's eyes drinking in her naked, exposed head?
Do you think she gets turned on by it?
>they do a speedrun episode
>the speedrunners and fans are all trannies
Fanart made by x_Wolfsteak_x who worked on the show, so kind of. Dude is into bottom heavy chicks so this must've been a dream job for him.
I really enjoy this show but the fact its getting all this attention when RoTMNT didn't is making me so depressed
god imagine your name forever being tied to your gamertag or account name you mad at 13. I was too pretentious making my gamertag: LunarDial
franchise fatigue will do that
Also black April probably didn't help things either
Are you making this a stealth horny hijab thread?
If it makes you feel any better the lion's share of this show's popularity comes from a cartoon ass as opposed to the show itself.
thats what they get for making Raph the leader
If pork meat is harem, and human flesh is pretty much the same as pig flesh, is sucking dick harem?
Okay... so I'm a newcomer to glitch techs and I'm only a few episodes in. So far I'm finding the male lead to be okay, the female lead to be kind of irritating, and overall I'm frustrated that they seem to just be okay with the obviously evil mega-corp being obviously an evil mega-corp.
How far in do I need to make it to really get a fair taste?
a lot of people would be offended if they did change her to look more skinny. body diversity and all that
I hope they change Mitchs design, his poorly shaved face really botters me
Past episode 2 or 3 it's just a monster of the week show wait until season 3 brings in plot guys. Plus if you were working so for obviously evil mega-corp you'd love them two at least the way they're treated.
jump to ep 5 straight ahead my nigg
Bergy looks so fucking defenseless and scared in this one, like a cornered critter or some shit. Why is this guy so adorable?
I would really like to believe that even at their age, I would have serious reservations about what Hinobi is doing. Thanks for the heads up, though. I guess I'll just enjoy the porn for now. It is delightful.
As someone else said, you should watch episode 5 though, it's one of "filler episode is the best one" cases. Mega-corp would feel less evil if you started after the beginning anyways but that's hard for a netflix show
Poor fellow.
it doesn't get better, the obnoxious characters and corporate worship only gets worse.
>had Miko's legs wrapped around his waist
>crotch pressed firmly against his spine
Have you recently suffered an injury to the head?
>Miko riding him like a horse
Oh fuck I missed that in the montage. Lucky bastard.
I like this guys stuff, but one of these little niggas really needed a Porygon-Z
But he didn't get to experience any of it, neither will he ever know.
pretty sure we nagged her about it, but in miko's case she went for cute 'mons as a theme.
maybe whenever she decided to do zahra she'll give her a porygon.
your on Yea Forums user. nearly any user here is victimized by some sort of boogeyman because of a few examples in media having design quirks they don't personally like. Even happened with this show a bit unfortunately.
I should not find this arousing.
she's based
Five needs Golurk
Or melmetal or metagross or something, it's weird that there's not really anything to represent Alpha.
Then again based on his absence from the intro and pretty complicated-for-animation design, I'm not too confident that Alpha is gonna stick around for very long.
Considering the absolute size of the lad he's probably only going to be there for boss battles or they need to give it their all since they hadn't bought any upgrades least onscreen.
I can see alpha working more under the rules of recore; What i mean, is that you could pop alpha's eye out and re-socket it in another body that accepts it.
That's more or less what I thought was gonna happen at the end of that episode, I assumed Five would get Alpha but a slightly smaller, simpler version, like when they de-digivolve in digimon. But nope, he just got the full sized roboman who feels like he might doomed to an eventual Iron Giant-style goodbye.
Does Five have a colored turnaround model sheet released yet?
>hhe might doomed to an eventual Iron Giant-style goodbye.
They sort of already did that just "you go, I stay"
Fives: World building, character development level design non-intrusive tutorials
Miko: Gameplay loop, Movement mechanics, game difficulty balancing
Phil: Grizzled industry veteran who knows people in the business. Prioritizes profitability, creating hype and meeting deadlines for the gaming group.
>What i mean, is that you could pop alpha's eye out and re-socket it in another body that accepts it.
>Objective: Survive. Evade. Resist. Escape.
Titanfall episode when?
hmm a way to get rid of the body would be something like...
"öh no, alpha's body is too big and the gauntlet can't render it. You have to choose a new body for it!"
Nope. I asked Dan on twitter if they could release more model sheets but he said they might get in trouble with Netflix or Nick. All the stuff out in the wild I think must have been released without proper permission.
mate, don't ask dan, that's too obvious. ask the other animators that don't give a shit and are two or three degrees separated from the project.
This fits, but Phil isn't a cute awkward teen like Kanamori. Much lower appeal. I feel like Mitch is the second closest personality-wise. Or maybe Zahra? We don't know a ton about her, but she is cool as hell and doesn't seem inclined to put up with a lot of fanciful bullshit.
Or the chill hijabi chick
Is this fucking Buck Bumble by way of Starfox 64?
Zahra is the hypercompetent one that doesn't give a shit and in reality should be in a way higher position, but prefers her current laidback job.
Too much effort, I've basically just been using pic related and a few other crew sketches as my references for Five anyway. Crew drawings are usually a bit better for the job than the actual animation models anyway.
we already had that one as well in the same episode. and twice!
The Muslim girl, Zahra is a massive mary sue. why do poc women always get written as perfect and smug characters who can do no wrong? Miko isn't written like that and she's a POC woman.
if she were a mary sue she wouldn't have been trapped by the jojo vampire.
Outrage about Muslims tends to be more explosive.
Miko and Zahra are not Piece of Crap women. Why would you say such a thing?
>why do poc women always get written as perfect
>Miko isn't written like that
You, uh. You disproved your point in your own post, user.
Plus "talented but lazy and unambitious" is a standard character archetype, it's nowhere near sue territory. Stop tossing around buzzwords.
>Feeder shit
Gonna need a source of that, chief
I think that was just straight up vore
>You disproved your point in your own post, user.
gee i wonder why...maybe because muslims have to be portrayed more positively and if they aren't, it would be hateful. but because miko is asain, she can have character flaws(which actually in return makes her relatable and not a forced diversity push)
>Muslim girl
>Invest all her exp into support abilities
What does this mean Yea Forums?
I'm not about to have an argument with an idiot who makes a claim and then contradicts his own claim in literally the next sentence.
Zahra is a heal slut who services beefy tanks with BIG, FAT health bars.
I hate muslims as much as the next guy but we barely saw enough of Zahra to say she's a Mary Sue, no more so than the Indian dude at least.
Their team leader is flamboyant asshole who thinks he's king. Someone was gonna have to pick up the slack.
Here's a hint, if you already hate something before you even experience it, there's a good chance you're gonna hate it afterwards too.
She's just taking the longest path to avoid a bigger responsibility
I'm like 80% sure that's just straight up Star Butterfly on the left there. The knight behind her also looks super familiar but I can't quite place it. Maybe more further in the back with that cloaked figure but I can't really make it out.
OH shit also I think the two closest gargoyles are straight up the gargoyles from Hunchback of Notre Dame?
Zahra saying Big Daddy was a freudian slip
Miko is a robot
>An indian and a muslim working together without any friction
That's too unrealistic, even for a kids cartoon about gamestores employees fighting living glitches with sci-fi weaponry and erasing memories
What about the rest of her family?
Hopefully because she'll always stay the same as Five and Miko become pros and Mitch gets a redemption arc but is still an ass because it's funny.
all robots except the mom and one of the kids
Their hate for mitch is so great any other thoughts are swept away in the ultimate goal of not losing it.
like everything in this show it's hard to tell what's a goof and what might be meant to be a little seed of foreshadowing. Why's there a secret little mural of the Hinbo bee in the castlestein castle
Thanks for the attempt. I'm just too lazy to make a self-made turnaround from screencaps.
I mean... Hinobi is the company that makes all these games right? That's like finding a statue of Mario in Castlevania. Totally normal for a silly castlevania like this. Sort of like running into Link in Super Mario RPG.
Besides, foreshadowing that Hinobi might be up to no good is kind of pissing in an ocean of piss at this point, isn't it?
Hinobi looks to me like the capitalist version of the XCOM council; yes, they look evil, but its part of the job.
So the show is pretty much Ex-Aid meets MiB?
now this is good fanart, fuck. god ive never wanted to rail a 13 year old hapa girl more in my life
It's always Hinobi's tech that keeps glitching and creating these things in the first place. You don't get to claim necessary evil when you're fighting a menace you are creating yourself.
It's similar to the situation with the Markers in "Dead Space." Sure, they provide perpetual energy in the midst of a resource crisis, but the drawbacks don't make it worth it.
This show will not age well, gonna say that right now.
Hell, it's pretty much already in pre-2010's gamer culture so it's already dated
Yeah, except instead of a vital resource for survival, Hinobi is either doing it to make super fun vidya games, or doing it for some other purpose they haven't told us yet. So unless they reveal that reason and it turns out to be VERY compelling, I think we can put them in the bad guy bin for now.
That kind of dialect CAN sometimes take on a strange sort of charm all it's own. The first season of Static Shock is kind of fun as a time capsule of what corporations thought kids thought teens sounded like even though I can't figure out a god damn thing anybody is talking about.
>Islamist woman
>Playing videogames.
She must have the most moderate father or brother ever.
Who would have guessed that the head of HinobiCorp is actually Samuel Hayden.
Is it the whole "you can't draw pictures of people" law that came mostly from Mohammad getting salty that people were making fun of him? I've never heard that muslims aren't allowed to play video games thing.
>Implying the language has changed that much right now.
The only bad things were the usage of newb and noob and the nerds catchphrase.
Also "Come at me, bro" and "Like a boss."
Applying gamer slang in real life in general is kind of cringe. I get that these kids are used to highly realistic and physical VR games so there isn't really that much difference from their perspective. But it still sounds awkward and weird when they say "DPS" or "Griefer" in real life.
Also, aren't they saying nerts? Five seems to have a thing for outdated slang.
I like how Rise of the TMNT uses phrases like those all the time as well as dabbing and whatnot, but it gets a pass because they're wannabe teenagers with not enough real-world social interaction.
Oh damn that's actually a very compelling reason to watch it again after all these years. I remember next to nothing about Static Shock but I love seeing weird outdated lingo. 90s-early 2000s nostalgia in full force
It's weird since Mitch has a youtuber/streamer personality so he evens it out with post-2010 gamer culture. It's just their choice of games which kinda date it.
Language and how far into the future we're watching it is what will date it. Would be weird to watch this show past 2040 unless Netflix is still around.
the turtles never overdo it
Honestly I think while the choice in games is certainly dated for 2020, it will make it feel somewhat less dated in 10+ years. It very much prioritizes 90s games obviously, but with as much distance as we have it's pretty clear which of those have stood the test of time. When you do stuff that's hot at the moment, you run the risk of those things turning out to just be a flash in the pan that's quickly forgotten. Imagine if they'd committed to a PUBG episode because they didn't yet know that by the time the episode aired, Fortnite would have totally eclipsed it.
All right, so they already got "Die Monster!". Which meme will they go after next? My bet is anything dealing with a Kingdom hearts like a story.
Souls-like game where losing is an inevitable part of the learning process.
Praise the sun
Based Sans poster
Pokemon Shiny hunting
Knowing Toby, I 100% GUARANTEE He will actually let them use Sans.
Watch him be voiced by cr1tikal.
He'd probably do a song for the show if they asked.
This is a really nice shot.
Nah, he'll just talk in a text box and sounds since he would be a glitch
Five is too much of an omega male to cause alarm
shes hoping to get some too
Wait why would he attack the Glitch Techs?
Dan can say what he wants, there's no force on earth that's gonna stop this ship.
Anybody else get strong Dead Cells vibes from this scene?
>Genocide Speed Runner causes Sans to go full Bad Time on the Neighborhood.
>Five. Here. Now.
the show references game mechanics moreso than games, even in the castlevania spoof, the most recurring thing being spoofed was the voice acting.
this show is dated due to the characterization of the cast in contrast to the actual reality of gamer culture being a toxic spill. there's also the unsettling theme of the main characters being a private police. Glitch Techs doesn't celebrate gaming as much as it glorifies consumer culture that shitty corporations like EA and ActiBlizz thrive on.
and that just puts me off, man
I mean if we're basing it on his character, wouldn't escaping the SOUL-crushing infinite loop of suffering that is existing within the game be an enormous priority for him, as soon as he learned there was a way out? No idea if he'd attack them, but he could wind up feeling like he has no choice.
Or it could just be one of those situations where his presence itself causes problems, but it's not like he'd be down to just let himself get captured.
More realistically, he'd be a small cameo.
He won't. He'll hang around and tell dumb jokes. Mitch will want to blast him because glitch, but Five or Miko (whoever's turn it is to be the smart one) will realize that Sans isn't scary and they'll decide to all be friends.
>5 more seasons and a movie
Come on executives you can make him do it
cuz Mitch will be Mitch and see all the monsters as walking XP
Clocktowers do definitely make me think of it at this point. There should be more clocktowers in media, they're so stylish. I mean, there's already a good number, but you could always use more.
Mitch or one of the other Glitch Techs blasted everyone else.
Because they caught Papyrus and he intends to free him.
I don't think there's anything wrong about them having an idealized, friendlier version of Gamer Culture(tm) in their lighthearted show. It's a nice bit of escapism. Plus I think Mitch is more or less meant to represent the shittier side of the hobby.
It seems pretty likely that the show's megacorporation, Hinobi, is being set up as the endgame antagonist. I'll concede that they haven't really made any progress there, but they've only release half of a season so far so it seems unfair to judge them too harshly just yet.
If Five ends up craving cock, that might do it.
Oh it might not be canon, but it sure as hell isn't going anywhere either.
Good thing Miko has a lot of grippable surface
Miko would be the guy of the relationship anyway. So either she'll use a strap on, or they'll swing. I can definitely picture her getting off on watching him suck cock.
It would be a buddy-buddy effort
Diaperfag here.
I heard about this because of the twitter shit, but this show actually looks kinda neat.
Thanks for letting your ADHD get you into trouble, Dan.
Not a diaperfag, but I too got into the show for degenerate fetish purposes.
So has the series commented on Miko's large butt/hips yet or not?
>someone gets banned for posting the miko pic he did
>then this happens
funny how that works out
why are you trying so hard to be a mentally ill faggot? just off yourself already
Was I the only one that REALLY hated the vet?
"Oh, you don't TrUUUUly know your pet."
"How dare you talk about pet artificial intelligence like it's some sort of program..."
forcing a pet onto fives was shit too. i'd rather he be the no bullshit front liner melee dps/off tank while miko flys around on the bird being ranged dps/support
Her saying to Miko "I like you kid, you think with your thumper, not your thinker" or whatever was pretty cringeworthy.
good lord this took way too fucking long. I had to cut it in half to keep it under the 4 MB limit
romance subplot has to happen, please god
But big robot though
Dan confirmed it won't. But if we keep getting these kinds of moments at this kind of frequency, I think that should probably be plenty. Just hope the fanartists don't get put off by the de-confirmation.
Didn't he say they were both going to wind up fucking the robot?
First line was obnoxious know-it-all, but the second line sounds like she values memory which kinda makes the pets unless the story was going to make it like pokemon or just upgrade them all the time.
>chosen one who can't be mindwiped
I thought it was because she hit herself with the wall. It kinda disappointed me that she was getting in Mitch's face. Hopefully they actually explain this even if it's just genetics
My guess is that she's some kind of experiment.
Stop this.
Allah, please forgive me
>his poorly shaved face really botters me
But that's just how a pro gamer shaves, nigga.
I miss them
>Some letsplayer ecelebs were shoved in
'Kay. Lemme know when you find more references to actual games.
What's next an Israeli gamer working together with Zahra?
>Their hate for mitch is so great any other thoughts are swept away in the ultimate goal of not losing it.
...That may actually be plausible.
"How do you do fellow kids" is the "how do you do fellow kids" of memes rn tbqh
There is already a character that wears one on her head.
Another episode of Mitch getting BTFO'd? Nice.
Yeah, those were the main ones that really put the show's long production time on full display. Though they wouldn't have even been funny if they were still recent, to be honest. Other than that though, the dialogue is on point and has a degree of soul to it. Hopefully, if it goes to an additional season, the writers learn to tone it down a notch. Or maybe they'll just double down and start having Mitch/Five/Miko calling each other Chads or cucks like a 2019 Arby and the Chief episode.
How come the Penis look different? Peni's picture doesn't have pupils but the big Peni's eyes do. Are we sure both Penis are the same? I'd hate for Penis to be involved in identity theft, either as victim or perp. Wouldn't want dicks in Peni's business. If things came to a head she might get shafted over a misunderstanding. That'd be a real raw deal.
popularity is still popularity, getting a lot of porn would probably help Rise
black April is great.
What exactly was he planning to do with Casino? Did he figure blasting the fuck out of him would only hurt the possessor or was he just planning to straight up treat a human being as collateral for XP?
>just once in your life don't glitch
No one wants to draw ugly nog April when there's decades worth of better designs to work from.
How does Five get away with grabbing Miko's hips so much? Doesn't he pick her up by the hips in episode 2 as well?
>Where teh diaperfetish ep LEL
>Writing it now!
The absolute maddest of madmen. He must be stopped.
Ask Misha to make one LOL
I’m hoping they make an episode where the thick Asian falls unconscious and wakes up in Skyrim’s initial scene
This is why you don't go dex/agi build. Sure you can dance around the weaker enemies and avoid almost everything with a bullshit game mechanic.
But you only have to fuck up you perfect dodge spree once or twice. And when that happens, your low str means that your ass is fucking grass.
three-parter with Miko joining the Stormcloaks and Five joining the empire.
why is she so smug
Ahhhh I can totally see it.
But instead of Minoru breaking down mentally at the end of the series, it becomes the culmination of their pent-up sexual tension and they start making out LIVE on TV.
>someone actually did my request
I knew it was a perfect idea.
This is just so they can have a proof that she is 'aged up' in order to be legal and avoid controversy. Works for me too. I only do it to legal Miko.
Come at me, bro was great.
People still say come at me bro.
How come this show has Leeds so fast ? This board and the internet in general never fails to amuse me
>She would be the ideas person that wants to make a game, but doesn't know a lick of code.
omg she's literally me
>writing it now
oh no
no tits are fine as long as your character is either a space golem or something furry/xeno i guess.
Animal Crossing meme.
>All of this hand-holding
Come at me bro was so bad that it was good.
What is this referencing?
Lucky Star
I see. New bait to catch those big dick glitches.
Or big dick techs.
Maybe he has a Latino full name like "Fernando Israel Velasquez Estrada" and it's just easier to use his initials
some dude in a review said his actual name was Hector. don't ask me where he got it from though.
If his actual name is Hector then I wouldn't blame Five for having everyone call him by his gamertag/nickname
Hector is the whitest name on earth next to John Smith. I highly doubt this. Cartoons aren't very shy to let you know exactly what nationality a character is
>Hector is the whitest name on earth
How many white people do you know named Hector?
Not him but I'm Mexican and I thought of the fire emblem character lmao
Admittedly though I do know a bunch of brown Hectors
I just think of Hector Zeroni, who I'm pretty sure is a gypsy.
>Thanks for the distraction newbs
>like a boss
>good job ganking some minions
I can't tell if the writers intentionally or unintentionally made the most pathetic character have the cringest dialogue.
Never underestimate the power of thicc asian thighs, Bergy has already been infected with the yellow fever.
Saying you don't want porn gets more porn created.
This show is better than what I've expected in terms of animation. And for a plot like this too. Nice to have something fun like this to watch unlike the most "deep" plotlines that have dogshit animation or very small budgets.
>Hector is the whitest name on earth next to John Smith.
Are you shitting me? Almost every Hector is Latino.
>Nice to have something fun like this to watch unlike the most "deep" plotlines that have dogshit animation or very small budgets.
Yes, but that's what seems to be popular these days, so Glitch Techs might not catch on after the next 10 episodes are released. Really this show's survival depends on how dedicated coomers are to Miko.
Supposedly it will have a long-running plot. Maybe it'll kick in in the next ten eps.
It really is funny how the name of one of the greatest warriors in classical literature now conjures imagery of spotty bespectacled latino teens.
>Supposedly it will have a long-running plot.
They say that, but I feel like a lot more stuff would be happening behind the scene and teased so far.
That was my first thought as well. I am glad it won't develop into a full romance, teasing watchers like this is so much better.
Nah, the show got amazing reviews on dedicated media journals, and the imdb score is high too. Social media tags move a lot during the day, it all comes down to Netflix forcing Nick to make more of the show.
Finally, good art of Sailor Mitch.
>Dan confirmed it won't.
Dan also confirmed that he was writing a diaper fetish episode. Also, dan hasn't worked on the show for at least a year. it's not up to him where the show goes.
>Weab manual
god this is so hot
Maybe Miko's fantasy about the Glitch Techs saving the world from an alien invasion was foreshadowing.
Cursed day today.
The developers shot their own feet by making Mitch black. If he was from any other ethnicity, he'd have almost as much fanart as Miko or maybe even more
Nah, it's more fitting this way. Blacks love to cosplay as female anime girls, or just cosplay in general.
But they also made him British which boosts his image up for thirsty girls.
The point is fangirls don't like black males. Very few get into social justice for conviction, most are into it for the fashion. Otherwise they wouldn't love K-dramas, shoujo mangas and otomes so much
Is blake an unisex name in english?
They should made him ethnically hindi or arab if they wanted to be inclusive.
I was hoping for a crossdresser
Within the last few decades it has become, yeah. A lot of gendered names in recent years are being used for the opposite sex because parents want to feel like they're breaking boundaries and want their kid to be special.
of course you were, degenerate
No, having a black male antagonist in a show that's not all black has become so rare that Mitch is the ultimate form of inclusive.
As long as they don't go the "will they won't they" route I'm fine with this.
I'd prefer this to the harem of potential love interrests that don't go anywhere.
To be fair this show never looked like it will devolve into all that shipping craziness like SvTFOE. I like it precisely because this show reminds me of cartoons that I watched as a kid, just pure action and fun. They only have to continue doing what they are doing, like Miko giving bear hugs and stuff.
But Mitch isn't black
This. It's really simple. Make fun action and have a basic story. Leave the shipping and romance to the lonely people/porn producers.
Mitch is cape verdian, cracka
Would it have been a better choice for the final fives design to be the lighter skinned redhead one? anyone got the picture of it?
>To be fair this show never looked like it will devolve into all that shipping craziness like SvTFOE
Neither did Adventure Time when it began and look where that ended up.
What is he?
Imagine Mitch as a chad asshole
Sounds like "Imagine if Five was a pathetic goody two-shoes".
Then he'd just be tall Bergy.
Because the ratio of females to males is low, unless people also include Five's male coworkers into his harem, which is unlikely.
I'm happy with all of the final designs, maybe Mitch looks ugly but the rest are fine.
With Bergy, profits look murky.
I only have this. Five could have been your typical white fuckboy, kinda glad they decided to make him delicious chocolate. Low-key like 4th Miko design, but the final is the best.
A person of ambiguous color.
Wait oh fuck that's me, i can't believe that a dumb diaper joke actually got the attaention form the creator
Hey can you lewd bandwagoners stop doing this?
The nearly flat chest is one of the best parts or her design.
If any video game can glitch, then it seems logical to assume that a hentai game could glitch out. Even if Hinobi doesn't make those officially, somebody somewhere is definitely modding their games to add sluts and cocks as we speak. It's kind of irresponsible of Hinobi to employ minors for this kind of thing.
I mean... it's about 1% as irresponsible as everything else Hinobi is up to but still...
We can have both, quit crying.
That number 4 miko looks like older Mabel. While 3 looks like miko is half flower child. Also 4 five looks like a douchbag. I can't explain why.
I like five's skintone but I find the rest of his design a little bit off putting. The combination of the underbite, the snaggletooth, and the hair just kind of makes me think of the Gorillaz, which I find distracting.
Now that you mentioned Mabel, I can't unsee her and Dipper on №4. He also makes that Doublepines face. Also, №2 Five kinda looks like Spencer.
this guy looked cooler than current fives
Judging from the accent, I assumed Indian
At first I disliked him too, but when I saw him in motion, I instantly liked him. He just acts so innocently cute.
That's why he had to go. Five is better off as a twiggy dork.
90% of the lewds are off-model garbage.
I am entirely justified in my whining.
So go jerk your dick to the 10% you have, it's your own fault for being a minority.
Way too adult looking for a kiddie show. Pretty nice design nonetheless, would like to see it somewhere else.
Does this makes Five TWIGG?
Now this is what a real gamer looks like
I want to pound his boipussy so badly
This. But I could totally see this five and maybe Miko #4 as the protagonists of a future series after a time skip, Alien Force style.
Hopefully about Miko and Five discovering what Hinobi is really doing and stopping them.
and almost 100% of lewds are off-character
>you'll never walk in on Miko as she's airing her uniform out
do you think a GAMER like her would even have the concept of personal boundaries/privacy?
This look like ash if he aged with each pokemon game.
>Some horny teenage tries to bring a big titty elf girl from a porn game alive through a glitch
>he fucks up and ends up bringing a 7 foot 350 pound rape happy orc monster into the real world.
Man I feel sorry for what ever glitch tech has to deal with that.
I expect a Kill La Kill reference in the next season.
Man Dan really is based. Even more so if it was Satsuki
would Satsuki-Miko make sense?
Giga legs.
And the twigg.
Miko has an ass that rivals Satsuki's, but her eyebrows and personality don't compare.
Miko - Mako would make more sense.