capekino vs capeshit
Capekino vs capeshit
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>there's still a DCuck on this board
Holy shit, hey there little guy. How did you survive this long
Great thread
Don't you have trailer reaction videos to watch?
>go watch your reaction vids while I enjoy my superior patrician capeshit le references!
capekiddies are the most pathetic breed of manchildren possible
from one DC cocksucker to another: just because it's DC doesn't mean it's good
Zaddy makes it good
Sad thing is, even DC hopped onto the quipshit wagon and now, capekino is no more. I still have high hopes for joker though.
riddle me this
if people hate what they dont understand
why didnt they just made it easier to understand
check mate dcucks
Aquaman was fairly free of quipshit. Really only the "boogie" line during the escape from Atlantis felt like an MCU level Quip
Why do u h8 fun ?
I can't tell who'd angry at who any more
He should make a horror flick someday. He can pull one off better than James Wan. Critics will probably hate it though.
Marvel movies are just shallow, in time DC movies will be looked back on as the greatest pieces of art of our generation.
If only the theatrical release was edited better, replace the Martha scene, and Doomsday had a more accurate design, BvS would've been one of the most memorable cape movies for the right reasons, instead of being remembered as the Martha movie.
I remember laughing out loud when Batman just started murdering people. Based Zack
>Doomsday had a more accurate design
I'm tired of seeing people say this. Doomsday was supposed to look like an abomination, and an abomination was what it looked like.
You might be talking about some oher movie. Batman didn't MURDER anyone in BVS. There were casualties though, just like there were in every batman movies except George Clooney movies.
Whatever he blew people up and he didn't give a fuck
>DC hopped onto the quipshit wagon
WB is experimenting, once again. Right now they released one full-action movie, one comedy, and there's still the serious one. The former 2 had great success, and now it's just a matter of waiting to see how well received is the Joker movie. WB will probably go for the different tones on their movies depending on the character, which is what they should've done from the very beginning instead of trying to earn Nolan bucks by turning everything grimdark and serious.
Personally I don't give a fuck about a connected universe. The way Shazam handle references was good. If the next movies do the same I wouldn't be bothered.
So did Batman in other Batman movies. No one cared back then though. It's only taboo when Snyder does it.
I have a feeling people are going to look back and regret shitting on DC movies.
I was disappointed in Endgame.
Why are you so defensive? I’m not criticizing the approach, I just thought it was funny they immediately made a point to show Batman has no problem with killing
>Doomsday was supposed to look like an abomination
And Superman is an alien, from a planet on another galaxy. He's supposed to look green or have extra limbs.
Doomsday was supposed to look like comic Doomsday, and comic DD already looks like an abomination. BvS DD was supposed to look cool, not like a retarded Ninja Turtle.
Civil was the last MCU movie I watched in the theater
It wasn't so much that it was bad but just so dull.
They already are. The MCU is basically ending with Endgame. There will be more Marvel movies but it's not going to be the same. Hopefully the movie audience is starting to mature enough that some of them will go back and look at Snyder's films with a more open mind, but I don't know.
>He's supposed to look green or have extra limbs.
Show me a picture you took with a green alien with extra limbs.
Replace doomsday with BizarroZod. Death of Superman was a meme comic
Got R rated joker (which might actually be good)
And R rated Birds of Prey (awful casting so who knows)
cape """"kino"""" vs cape """"""""""""""""""""""kino""""""""""""""""""""""
Doomsday doesn't work without the justice league, without him pummeling down every fucker until Superman arrives is part of what made him so awesome, this one lacked the build up.
The end scene should be Lex using the time they where fighting and capture Martha and Lois, to set a trap for Superman and Batman.
And only one scene WW cameo.
I'll go ahead and say that it was terrible and it's one of my best pleb filters. If someone hated Dawn of Justice and loved Civil War I can instantly tell what level of cinematic literatcy they are at. Civil War's writing is amateurish and uses easy to understand cliches as its primary storytelling language. It didn't even have the balls to kill any of the characters even though it had the word CIVIL WAR in the title.
The "muh son" scene is probably the single worst piece of hackery I've seen in a Marvel movie. And then they brought the actress back in a different role later because the MCU has gotten so big that they can't even remember which actors have already been in it.
Martha moment was great.
I didn't have an issue with his design but lightning powers though were a waste of CGI money which only made the final fight a bit more ugly. Doomsday should've been a brutal physical combatant. Zacks good at h2h choreography too. Wasted opportunity.
>If someone hated Dawn of Justice and loved Civil War I can instantly tell what level of cinematic literatcy they are at
What if someone dislikes both?
That's not a red flag I will want to find out what movies they actually like.
>It's dark and it's raining, finally capekino for adults like me
I know people always say "you didn't understand the movie" when they talk about BVS, but for real, I don't think you grasped the movie well. That wasn't THE DOOMSDAY. Listen to what the ship says when Lex spills his blood on the chamber : "Action forbidden. It is been decreed by the Council of Krypton that none will EVER AGAIN give life to a deformity so hateful to sighted memory. The desecration without name.". This suggests that a hybrid between a kryptonian and another species was created in the past (the actual doomsday) and since the result was not positive they forbade anyone from making any more.
I'm so far behind on marvel capeshit. Is it worth watching them all before I watch end game?
No capeshit is worth watching, at all.
>Three crosses
I'm not even a fucking Christian, I hate their stupid cult and even I know that three crosses represents Calvary.
And given that Superman has repeatedly been used as a Jesus metaphor, it should be fucking obvious.
No. I skipped a ton of them but understood Infinity War just fine
>I'm so far behind on marvel capeshit. Is it worth watching them all before I watch end game?
Possibly necessary, unless you've at least kept up to date via memes or something.
The last hour or so of Endgame is basically a giant callback/flashback/reference session. You won't miss much if you're like "who?" but it would pay to know who everyone is.
Speaking of which, in the funeral scene, who was the angsty teenager, I think standing behind Wanda on the right? I couldn't place him.
The thing I hate most about Civil War is how the main conflict boils down to a matter of brainwashing.
I think it's way more powerful in BvS with Batman's autonomy preserved. This makes his redemption all the more meaningful as he has to come to terms with his actual actions. Civil War did not even ponder on this. There was no "ignorance is not the same as innocence".
Capeshit movies should be more like Robocop
>fighting over capeshit
The entire conflict of Civil War boiled down to a villain basically doing something he could have accomplished by sending fake nasty letters to Iron Man and Captain America with each other's names on the return address. It was so stupid and hackneyed in the way that the worst comic book stories are.
Lex Luthor was scheming and manipulating in BVS, but like you said Batman was ultimately acting entirely on his own. He saw a crisis unfolding and moved to take advantage of it, as so many lecherous people of power do.
there's some laughable bad shots in bvs too, not anything as bad as that though. still can't believe that's from a 200+ million dollar movie, I could shoot better with no money on a dslr
this is my main problem, with the mcu cult, when bvs came out was trashed too oblvion, only the negative was pointed out, they never pointed out hte positive, like the overall speial effects and fight scenes are away superior than the mcu, instead of saying, bvs is a different tier of movie than the average mcu, no, they compared bvs with mcu movies, and mcu movies are a different tonne , since it didnt match the formula it was like it was a bad thing that there couldnt be movies different than the marvel formula, and that ended up with the dceu "Dark" genre becoming more quippy and lightheated like marvel, it sucks, that there cant be another type of superhero movie other than marvel,
Robocop fucking sucked. thx for trolling me into wasting a night of my life watching that retarded bullet proof bullshit
>no Snyder cut
>Cavill is out
>Afleck is out
>Wheddon ruined Justice League and turned it into one of his tv shows
>Snyder is gone forever and is now doing something with zombies
Capekino doesn't exist because all capeshit is made with a child audience in mind
Elysium, shot by the same DP, looked fine. How in the fuck did Civil War turn out the way it did? The Russos even had the production designer of the Matrix trilogy!
This. I enjoyed the overall colours of the movie, and also i looked foward to more movies like that, Snyder is good at doing visual spectacles, i really wanted a Batman vs Deathstroke movie directed by Snyder, I dont give a fuck about the muhh no kill, muhh comics, Snyder Batfleck was interesting and a pretty cool looking, only imagine how good a Deathroke fight scene would look like if directed by Snyder, look how Wheedon Good Guy Batman turned out, lmao
endgame spoilers: all capeshit is terrible cinema and you should stop shitting up the board with your infantile opinions
the thing is, the mcu fanbase will treat any marvel fight scene as amazing and good. and because of that we will keep getting movies like this, I hate marvel, mostly because its the equivalent of movie fast food, yet anything different that is not well established will be slayed by critics and marlel fans, ultimately influencing the directors of the said movies to take the marlel approach to secure profit.
Right now, if Nolan triology was realesed on this era, it would have been hated to by critics
Batman v superman was bad
the only capekino that exists are Raimi's first two Spider-Man movies
the first two Patrick Stewart X-Men movies could be in its own category as capeschlok
can't wait to have that shot with Cap on the left and Thanos army on the right, the greatest capkino shot ever made.
It's the kid from Iron Man 3.
tony stank lol
There a fundamental problems with DC being a cinematic universe since power levels are all over the place in a franchise that takes itself too seriously. The only good potential story was Superman going bad and Snyder (hack) had to fuck it up because he puts psuedo 2deep4u in his movies so that his fanboys keep jerking him off. That being said, DC movies work great or even better than MCU as standalones so long as they have a competent director. A good example of serious/fun mix is the Xmen franchise but it's still capeshit.
That fight, and their whole conflict, is retarded and makes no sense
Its shot somewhat competent though so there is that - too much orange & teal and color grading of course
>kid from Iron Man 3
Aah, got it, thanks. A bit of a weird one to throw in but it makes sense.
The absolute generic state of directing (everyone faces the camera for way too much of it) and non-existing cinematography really do make the MCU cringe-inducing as hell from a technical perspective.
ah he he he
>i really wanted a Batman vs Deathstroke movie directed by Snyder
This is as close as we get to a snyder-esque encounter between batman and deathsrtroke. Cherish every moment of it.
I hate Snyder's shitty christianity parodies
Why references to christianity? why not THE oldest known religion, Islam?
Honest question. What is there to reference in muslim book?
>everyone faces the camera
it always cracks me up when Yea Forums tries to talk about film making
is it possible to have a "serious" capeshit cinematic universe, bros? I really wonder what it would be like
It's like having a serious discussion about manchild videogames, what's the point
Take a look at what Snyder did with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.
What this user said and see the kind of reception it got.
The top is from 1967.
Marvelets, this is the state of your capeshit.
>Thing i like
Good :> if yu like mades smort
>think i dont like
bad :[ u poopu iw u likey
is it possible to have a "serious" and successful capeshit cinematic universe, bros?
Civil War breaks down the superheroes to the relationship of Tony and Steve having a friendship fued and the villain takes advantage of their weaknesses through emotional manipulation. It also takes the only good elements of the comic, being this relationship, and builds up to recreating that epic cover. Meanwhile Batman v Superman cant even decide from the get go if its adapting the dark knight returns, the death of superman, or Justice League #1. And if it sounds like none of those stories logically work together on any level, its not suprising that the end result is a fucking mess. In typical Zach Snyder fashion it also recreates comic shots solely for the visual, no story context. Batman and Superman never got to know each other, no relationship or discussion, just a snoozefest.
Not to mention BvS commits the worst cliche of all superherodome which is the heroes fight but team up against a bigger threat then become friends. Civil War subverts this cliche.
Monster verse yeah
Not really because at the end of the day it all exists for cool fight scenes to happen. Its like asking if you can make a "serious" and literary work out of Dragon Ball Z or super or whatever the fuck. Its a pointless mission, it exists for the fights which are inherently childish. So if you take it dead serious 100% youll be dissapointed when the end result resembles a bunch of melodramatic guys in silly costumes talking about technobabble schifi multiuniversal shit thats only there to retcon the plot so we can go back to the status quo of more fights and saving the day. Thats why its important to incorporate humor and relatable characters.
You should have said something during production then Ben
Where's the light coming from that casts Superman's shadow?
He did, you fucking faggot zoomer. Check out Dawn of the Dead. Matter fact, he's working on a new one: Army of the Dead or something.
Just watch the 3 Avengers movies and know the other characters. Everything else you can watch if you want to.
Cringe faggot takes.
this moment from avenfers is so fucking ugly and stupid, why cant they a single epic scene? All battles in marvel`s movies are awful.
Reddit Tier analysis
The moon
Joker looks more like a Character Drama than a Superhero Movie. So like, they're not really comparable.
But yeah, DC is definitely going in a different direction. I'd say they're listening to criticism and improving, but I know some people would say they're Selling Out and giving up their 'artistic vision' or whatever.
Yeah, pretty much. If you want to make a gritty serious deep movie then you'd be better served by just... making something new. Or adapting something that isn't about dudes in spandex.