Oh fuck...
Oh fuck
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I don't know any of this names.
bwahahaha roasties btfo beta males once again
You may leave the thread
This show is 8 seasons deep, get it together
>writes himself into his own story
>still gets cuckzoned
Lmao GRRM and his fat pink mast btfo
Is this some rp or real persons?
>but what about nice guys
oh god why
reminder that women and homosexuals watch tv for sex and smut
Sam confirmed for self-insert
>when your own idealized self-insert gets rejected by women who would rather indulge their violent sex fantasies with a mutilated burn victim
This is retarded, she was flirty his Gendry before that, and never with Hound.
someone make a chad hound vs virgin gendry meme
I'm a homosexual and I don't
She's attracted to the Hound because he didn't put up with her shit, also daddy issues
Hound was the right choice, Gendry is a little bitch by comparison.
That doesn't matter incel. She didn't want to die a virgin and knew the Hound would fuck her senseless. You can clearly see how disappointed she was with Gendry afterwards.
Also he saved her
No can do. Gendry got dat pussay
>girls like dangerous guys that could snap and kill them at any moment
Wow my entire world view is shaken
>writes himself into a fantasy story as a quiet nerd who fucks a wildling qt
>still gets shat on irl
poor George
How to come off as a dangerous guy that could snap and kill at any moment without coming off as an incel spree shooter?
i'm a self centered and disagreeable asshole why aren't i drowning in vagoo?
Get some cool sunglasses.
prove you can do it with your bare hands
>lost fight and got bruised up
>girls started hitting on me anyways
savages I tell you
try making yourself look at least somewhat ok-looking you fat fuck
you're hetero then, you faggot.
Truly, undeniably BASED my good sir
>implying straight men don't
Then explain why Californication was so popular, huh?
Start lifting, stop giving a fuck about girls, smoke sherm and listen to horrorcore
What's the evolutionary reason for why women are like this? I don't get it? Why are they attracted to men with niggerish behavior?
is she /ourgirl/?
top fucking kek
>step dad
Because if they're with a violent psycho they believe that they can control and it makes them feel safer against other violent psychos. If you were a girl would you be attracted to the stereotypical soiyim?
The other copypasta was better
alright then you cunt
sam really is in-book grrm
>would you be attracted to the stereotypical soiyim?
I'd consider it because I know plenty of women that have been beaten and we don't exactly live in the caveman days either.
Wimps can't physically protect women and their children. Chads can dominate other men.
so you mean i just gotta beat myself up and get some cool bruises?
it might just be crazy enough to work
white girls fuck dogs
Simple. You stand and fight while wimps run and hide.
white men do too
there it is right there. this is why white men are dying out. you're vilifying true masculinity and pretending to be holier than thou while tyrone fucks your oneitis. if what they're doing is working, why don't you try and outnig the nig?
The Hound is unironically a virgin though. Read the books. He's a complete insecure autist virgin around Sansa during the Battle of Blackwater when he goes in to rape her.
Aye it's true, just got back from your mom's house. Hope the sound didn't travel down to the basement ;)
damn I walked into that one
adam no
>b-but what about my self insert, he's so kind and smart and decent and devoted...
All women like big guys. If you're tall and not a lanklet you can get away with being literally ugly and deformed.
Yep, he writes the series with the intention that women will hate the asshole male characters (jaime, ramsey, hound, etc) but the opposite happens and now he doesn’t give a shit about his series anymore
at least he's self aware and has a sense of humor about it.
can confirm
>You stand and fight
What if I die before getting any girl?
>tfw 5'6
giv death
That’s gay, we fuck bitches
It's not like most white men don't want an aggressive, dangerous Latina gf. Same shit yo
>All women like big guys
For You
I'm 6 feet average height in Finland and I noticed this when I lived abroad in South America. I look like shit but still got plenty of female attention just from being considered a giant.
It's some rp, aka real persons
That's all I've wanted ever since I saw this:
>4 brothers
You just know
Want to start a Fight Club user?
>women can't actually think and are basically acting on impulse with no self-control
this is 100% true and will be the cause of our civilization's demise
I was actually autistic enough to try and do this when i was in high school
nobody else wanted to though. Probably saved myself some CTE
>posts a picture of a man unable to think and acting on impulse with no self-control and a woman hatching out and executing a cunning plan
Had a fat girl at work randomly bring up how she is really attracted to taller guys, but her husband is the same height as her (5'4).
>Mfw im the tallest person on that shift
That's why she didn't murder him.
>4 brothers
>all betas
No wonder the world is going to shit
We don’t live in the cave man days but men are still attracted to big tits despite there being no chance of famine anymore. And women are to men who are more than willing to beat up other men in order to protect the woman. Biology stays like that.
proxy cucked
roasties win again
no chance of famine, you kidding or just retarded?
>the hound
Tyrion says the hounds favorite hobbies besides killing is drinking and whoring in the books.
The dudes that beat women aren't alpha types, they're usually just extremely insecure and act aggressive and violent only towards those who are clearly weaker than them. Its a fake toughness that people who don't know these kinds of people often mistake for the real deal.
What do you expect? They're from a broken home where their mother likely stamped out at trace of their masculinity to get back at their biological father. Never had a chance.
He just goes to the whroehouses to get hugs
It's about wanting sons who will spread their seed.
If their sons never get laid, the mother's genes die out. If their sons rape and pillage, the mother's genes spread far and wide.
Bad boys are good for spreading your genes, not in your own generation but via your children.
He's a raging alcoholic but he's not addicted to whores like Tyrion is. Also
>paying for sex
Sign of autism
The history of mankind is a history of violent conquest where men are killed or taken as slaves while women are taken by the victors for themselves. The ones that didnt rebel and were more likely to be subjugated by the ruthless warlord were most likely not to end up with an axe in the forehead
That is one type of woman beater, but highly aggressive violent men who dominate other men often also beat women. Theyre just violent people in general
I went through my gf's flo app of 9 months and counted back, she was ovulating when she first met me. Rly maek me think
Yeah man going out on a full moon is a good way to score chicks too
That means Chad fucked her the night before and she wanted a beta in case she was pregnant.
Fights are rarely to the death.
If you can take a punch and laugh about it, a lot of guys will pretty much stop throwing them. I mean, tell them they hit hard and made their point. Get a drink.
You could make a good buddy that way. If you do it right.
do you betas not realise he's literally joking with his reply?
>What's the evolutionary reason for why women are like this? I don't get it? Why are they attracted to men with niggerish behavior?
Lover vs Provider
lmao pure savagery
>so you mean i just gotta beat myself up and get some cool bruises?
Unironically; there's a play where you pick a fight with a tough guy, lose it, and steal his girl.
It works the other way around too.
Nobody likes finding out how bad their partner is, so if you can instigate a fight and make it look like their fight, you can end up walking away with the girl/boy.
yes, you actually replied to me, the one person who gets it.
>The dudes that beat women aren't alpha types
Shut up roastie you need a beating.
ok sry bro
Cope harder George and finish the fucking books you fat
Barring the global warming complications or a disease, yes. We have so much fucking food that we could apparently spend $30bil on logistical costs to do away with world hunger
it's ok I forgive you
but on the other hand kys for mass replying.
>Fights are rarely to the death.
>If you can take a punch and laugh about it, a lot of guys will pretty much stop throwing them. I mean, tell them they hit hard and made their point. Get a drink.
>You could make a good buddy that way. If you do it right.
Literally a female talking
i've done it twice in 5 years, it's fine
I would have loved to have been a fly in the wall during that scene
Is it just me or was the tension between Sansa and the Hound always so thick it could be sliced with a knife?
Ok. Poor Grrm.
What? I was more interested if the "women" are real and its really Martins account.
>global warming - (((Standard Oil))) scam
>30billion to feed rat breeding 3rd worlders while they populate endlessly
user, I...
I never advocated for it, I'm just saying we have a lot of food available.
He pins her to a bed with the intention of raping her, of course it wasn't just you
I notice that if girls say 'we like dangerous violent men' nobody really comments on it, but if a guy says that he is called an incel
Are you joking? Its perfectly normal for men to have fight and then make peace far easier than women. There are often rules for male conflicts that ensure that things don't get out of hand too quickly. Even in sword duels usually it was to first blood rather than to the death.
Women are such a meme.
I suspect everyone is aware of how messed up the female psychology and preferences are; but most pretend or deny its existence due to not wanting to think for themselves
>You're not going to lose your future tv movie career over this
Because we're still driven by our desire for sex. That's why every girl thinks they give great head, even if they suck at it. No guy is going to tell a girl she gives bad head because then she won't even give you that anymore.
The most savage would tend to lead the tribe, and conquer others when times were tough. They did most of the rapes and kidnapping of women; so now it’s ingrained in their psych that this is a “strong” trait, despite how antiquated and inconsistent this is in real life.
They keep trying to bag the biggest dick head they can find for sperm while letting tons of white knights and cucks provided for them in every other regard.
Women are pretty much incredibly primitive and ape-like in pretty much all regards if society doesn’t shame/teach them into not being that way.
Keep coping white knight, your feelings don’t change reality no matter how many upvotes you get on reddit encouraging you to lie about it
based low iq poster
why is she mentioning some ancient babylonian king at the end?
>he doesn't know girls intentionally give bad head at first so you don't think they're a slut
Seriously one moment their bobbing for apples the next they have both hands on your shit and twisting and sucking like you just promised them a line of booger sugar
>eating reddit feminist propaganda this hard
Yeah, becuase all straight men want to date what’s essentially a really masculine chick right?
Women go for insecure guys because they too are insecure. They’re insecure about the fact that they sleep around and lack restraint to form meaningful relationships, and keep going for trash like themselves
By fulfilling an ever increasingly narrow standard that gets smaller and smaller each year
Or just pretend that woman are always wonderful and it’s always a guys fault that women killed tradiational marriage; I’m sure that’ll get you laid
>no argument despite what everyone can truly see
>more coping more pussy
Then you won't be able to show off any battle marks.
>an ever increasingly narrow standard
What are you talking about? Competition for being the biggest psychopath?
>wife's son
Women now a days overall tend to evaluate suitable partners by looks, what can be provided, or by how trash/psycho a guy is.
Less and less people are getting into relationships now a days because they believe that they are too good to date more and more men and will be encouraged to act this way becuase to say otherwise is perceived as a form of oppression despite how badly the family dynamic is being messed up
Not true, my mans
I'm a pretty tough, 6'2, 4/10 face ugly ass motherfucker and I get no real tail. only fat uggos.
I don't get it, im not nice either, I'm a fucking dick
Most men can't act like psychopaths though, they lack the balls and they don't want to hurt people
Becuase most men do not need to do that anymore. Those that do are often criminals, and other lower tier scum which women seem to gravitate toward in a animalistic fashion
He wrote Jaime to be the most heroic figure in books 3 and 4 though.
>I'm a pretty tough guy
You're probably just a lanklet and look basedish. Height alone won't do it, you must have that big menacing impact on people around you through your sheer size.
>tldr.Frankenstein's monster can't get laid
>Its perfectly normal for men to have fight and then make peace far easier than women. There are often rules for male conflicts that ensure that things don't get out of hand too quickly. Even in sword duels usually it was to first blood rather than to the death.
>UFC is real life
You're living in a TV user
>also this user: “looks aren’t everything, women will love you for your personality and confidence”
That must explain why they love stayin with dudes that beat them while thinking a well adjusted person is “creepy” and unattractive
well I'm 210 pounds lmao
Then why do it if it makes you uncomfortable? Oh yeah, you're a whore.
I’d say you’re just scratched the surface of how fucked and toxic the dating world has become. I wouldn’t take it personally; and chances are it’s mostly due to reasons you cannot control but society will still try blaming you for.
Hi lads I know we're having good fun in here being bitter about women but I'd like to interrupt for a moment and ask if goblina gets nude in whatever scene this is all about. If so please post photographs. Thank you now resume telling each other to have sex endlessly until thread hits bump limit.
you sound retarded AND beta, good job
you mean gollum? you can see sideboob, including the nipple
>I respect women and am not bigoted like you guys, but where the nudes at tho
Lmao it’s like you guys love being made fun of
Then don't reply??Do you think you're special or what??
I’ll tell a bitch she’s giving bad head. Other people might treat her like a princess to get in her pants; but I’m not going to disrespect myself or pretend she’s better like a cuck
Very interesting. Someone please post a screencap of quasimodos nurple so this thread can serve some sort of purpose other than incel cope thread #45672341
Don't get me wrong I'm just as sick of women as all of you but I'm just not bitter about it and don't feel like spending all day complaining about it on Yea Forums. I just want to see this goblins titty.
Same reason I am completely incapable of getting an erection unless the girl is a complete slut and cum from 12 other guys is literally falling out of her before I get a turn.
True love is being put in your place by a superior and begging for your leash to be tightened.
>women are attracted to attractive men
Someone ACTUALLY wrote this
Becuase you’ve most likely moved on from that phase. Instead of trying to act vaguely smug to hide your thirst, why don’t you chime in on how a person can overcome that?
Dangerously redpilled
>women are vapid despite them and the media telling them that personality and work ethic are what help a person realize love
Woah dude, how enlightening
Whatever,you self proclaimed """"alpha"""" sissy fag
>tfw Columbine shooter's moms still get love letters dedicated to their sons.
what's actually wrong with these girls? Do they want to get abused or die?
Women are hoes unless they are shamed into not being that way.
>why don’t you chime in on how a person can overcome that?
Over a decade of trial and error with multiple women that ultimately led to the conclusion that nearly all of them are really terrible people that are not worth the time and effort required to get them to open up their wet holes. I have nothing against incels and agree with them completely. I just want to see a fucking titty and you all are getting pissy.
Man this is some next level mental gymnastics right here, go back to /r9k/
The Hound fucked Sansa?
What a bunch of pseudoscience
That vid show a lot more about confidence/shyness(which as far as women understanding go it's something most people will agree that's a key and very SIMPLE item in human interaction, including flirting) than a idiotic made up hypothesis of Provide/Lover
wtf he even explain that shit to every girl it's almost hilarious
You’re more interested in coming off as superior if you feel the need to condescend like that while also begging for nudes
Post the FUCKING TIT YOU WANK STAIN post the fucking TITT
>women prefer mutilation
Suddenly feelin' good bout my circumcision
I'm speaking from my own 30 year old boomer experience lad
Based and redpilled.
I'm not him but I'm ugly as fuck (but masculine) 6'2 and 260lbs and rarely get anything other than the occasional nutcase woman who admittedly does throw themselves at me. Being attracted to "strong"/"violent" men is actually a function of a male dominated sexual market and a case where men simply take women as resources but appearing to be physically imposing alone is merely another form of provider. Women are still primarily attracted to atteactive faces (I know this is a retarded tautology). There are several simultaneous competing forces in the human reproductive strategy
I don't understand who anons are laughing at - him, or the women ? He clearly BTFOd them
Circumcisions should be on the same level as female genital mutilation
>Thing you never knew you wanted but now that you know, will never have.
>dude observable truths are copes
Epic and upboated
t. George
>Woman are attracted to men who arnt sissy pushovers
>helps if they are attractive too
My world view remains intact.
You "people" are the most sensitive little pussies on earth with no sense of humor. It's no wonder your dicks have shriveled up like weeds in the desert.
Lots of people on this planet are insane because they are outliers for normal personality traits.
>bad boys are kinda sexy
Risk taking is a positive behavior in men. >oh wow risk taking is hot but mass murder is even hotter.
It's a normal female emotion taken to a retarded extreme. An outlier.
Being confident, strong, and competent is not niggerish behavior. Niggers are good for nothing lay abouts, low IQ morons, and degenerates. They're not competent men, they're like overgrown high schoolers. Why do women like high school age boys? Frivolous sexual impulses and a motherly instinct that keeps telling them that they can "change" their lover for the better.
You always pay for it one way or another. Whores are actually relatively cheap in the long run.
Wtf roasties and grrm btfo /pol/
ayy represent
/frankenstein/ niggas where we at
it's eerie how I also had a fair share of the psychos. Why do you think they go for us? Do they want to settle or what?
What you're missing is studies show they are attracted to sissy pushovers when they aren't ovulating.
Never get married, never fuck without a rubber. In fact, go full based and be a volcel if you have the willpower.
Continuing a family legacy and establishing your dominance within a community and people > cheap pussy
Find a wife, faggot.
>they are attracted to sissy pushovers when they aren't ovulating.
You're a moron
>Full based
And an incel
what a collossal faggot. ALWAYS! fuck without a rubber. and change cities often.
>he doesn't want to spread his seed and/or punish roasties with various diseases
bluepilled as fuck
Holy kek, savage.
I'm on the US. I know a tall, athletic, Chad boomer who is also funny and charismatic and his wife still divorce raped him. It's just not worth it here.
It's absolutely true, retard. It's hard to find the study these days (hm, I wonder why) but it's proven. I'll see if I can dig it up.
Also, of rather be a virgin than have herpes like I do now. Again, always wear a rubber.
have sex
>Hard to find the study these days
Because you didn't fucking save a link to it like a moron and it's probably a decade old study that is now irrelevant
>I'd rather be a virgin than fuck whores
Stop sleeping with whores you worthless degenerate
>I know one couple that ended badly
That's an anecdote you're using to construct a nadir fallacy. Don't do that
I'm US as well and don't bother with the people who say they half of all marriages here end in divorce. Thanks majority of those marriages that end in divorce are made by repeat offenders who just marry someone on their own personal whim because this country is filled with degenerate self centered people. Even if you take that statistic at face value, for every dumpster fire of a relationship there are happily married people
Human Estrus and its implications for reproductive science
or something like that, im going off memory
Samuel > The Hound
I've told mine she gives bad head, she improved. If she stop all together I take that as a sign to get the fuck out. I am not playing theses games of fear like you imply and I can tell you it works out a lot better than being a coward for years and at best be miserable living a lie and/or at worse being alone.
>and be a volcel if you have the willpower.
haha i really need willpower for that
who falls for this shit?
>what's actually wrong with these girls? Do they want to get abused or die?
>Abused and Die
>pic related.
What so they prefer push-over uggos when they're not ovulating?
>the media has been telling me that personality and work ethic are what help a person realize love
Dude are you retarded? Every rom com of the last fifty years has been two attractive people bumping into each other serendipitously and then spitting generic dialogue at each other until they fuck. Media has been telling you the exact opposite of work ethic and personality, it's been telling you: luck and looks.
Didn't they let her decide exactly how much nudity she wanted to show?
No, they want the left Mario when they are menstruation mode and they want right when they are fertil. They go fro pretty boy to "harder" looking guys.
Why is Melisande wrong about everything? Does nothing for anyone
Cause her mission is to subjugate Westeros by killing off royalty.
>trying to cover up his non-existing jawline with a beard
>"harder" looking guy
lmao pretty sure they prefer the left chad all days of the month
are those real names? stupid fucking show. i don't know why i watch this trash.
>What's the evolutionary reason for why women are like this? I don't get it?
Seething incel detected.
still not a virgin, keep grasping at straws incel
>using an insult meant to socially shame an user on an Anonymous cambodian head shrinking forum for discussing women psychology
> a millionaire baby boomer
> still a beta orbiter
Big fucking life lesson right there for us all.
this isnt true at all. Prehistoric humans were pretty egalitarian. People in the same tribe also would not go around raping or violently abusing each other since that would be looked down upon by your fellow tribesmen. The idea that women are biologically ingrained to love being raped is all conjecture. There isnt any evidence that the women who survived were the ones that complied with warring tribes.
So is this just what it's like to not have a father where you need some autistic explanation for something most people understand instinctually?
>I've slept with over 200 women
Not an accomplishment, women aren't born whores they're made into whores by degenerates like this. Wonder why people won't take relationships seriously anymore? It's because of morons like that who can't just settle with one qt3.1415 and focus on more important tasks than sleeping with everyone fucking person you meet.
Getting laid isn't hard, learning self control is.
Your first link is a garbage opinion piece filled with star wars add and your second I mean holy fuck
>In this view, Rawls’s (1971) famous virtual “veil of ignorance”
Discarded immediately if you're going to unironically use Rawls. People have been claiming that ancient societies were egalitarian since the myth of the noble savage became prominent in the late 18th century during the Enlightenment. There is a lot of archaeological evidence that hunter gatherer tribes of homo sapiens genocided the rest of our genus , committed war, etc. Do you really think that women and men lived side by side in some perfect egalitarian paradise during a time of such conflict? Yes, rival tribes were raped and murdered. Fuck off with your projection of modern values into a time we barely understand
>Its perfectly normal for men to have fight and then make peace far easier than women.
This was true in the west like 30-40 years ago. Everything else you've been saying is off the charts retarded. Only on some super poorly written fiction about American or Russian military does that one punch and laugh it off happen. The amount of adrenaline and chaos that erupts from a single punch is important to factor in. And rules? If you're lucky someone will intervene and break it up if or goes too far, but that is entirely circumstantial.
Yes woman.
"society" has been off the rails for hundreds of years.
We don't behave the way we should be. Men avoid the responsability of forming long lasting bonds with females and now it is the turn of women to enter into the belly of the machine and become as mutant as men.
Left has far more masculine facial structure.
Niggers live in mudhuts and have AIDS.
I'm 6'2, well built, toned and have a big birthmark on my face. Can confirm.
I don't know who's worse here
You dont have any evidence to support your claim and yet you dismiss mine because you simply didnt like it. Typical laymen. Stick to talking about marvel movies, this is above you.
didnt you learn this in freshman biology? girls dont want a soft doughy femboy who tells everyone about their feelings all the time
Lol, even right wing philosophers like Jason Brennan take Rawls seriously. You likely dont know what you are talking about. I bet you haven't studied this topic for more than 6 hours.
There isnt any evidence that talking about your feelings is unattractive. Otherwise girls wouldnt want to hear that men love her. Its just silly to think that evolution would go against men who cry or are emotional when all men cry and are emotional. Its like you think evolution favors the man who doesnt exist.
Because women want men that will give them strong children. Some fat dork won't do that.
>There isnt any evidence that talking about your feelings is unattractive
Yes, there is. It's called reality. Once you get a gf you'll get it.
The entire rest of his writing is nihilistic tripe that asserts any "good" someone does is phoney and good people exist to get fucked over in his stories. It's hardly a leap over the grand canyon you insecure faggot.
I don't watch game of thrones
>dismissing Rawls
Is this a joke? This guy was a big deal when he was alive and he still is extremely influential.
lol, feminist couples report being more satisfied than ones who are not. Hows that for reality?
>lol, feminist couples report
>Feminist couples
what does this even mean?
Your claim is that men have to pretend to be what they are not. That they have to hide their true nature around women so as to be attractive. This claim would not support the idea that this is an evolved feature but one that society has made up. If you think women do not want to have their boyfriend tell them that they love them and that they mean a lot to them, that seems a bit odd. I dont know any relationship that exists like that.
people who are feminists and are in a relationship, obviously
Just do the shooting man
You now realise that women are overrated.
old-Daario was godtier
Yes he was
>it was merely a banter
nobody is actually impressed with faggots that are afraid to express their feelings in healthy ways
fun fact you're literally virtue signaling "toxic masculinity" right now!
>Let's label the Stoic philosophy as toxic masculinity
lol whatever you gotta tell yourself fag
>women want to fuck strong attractive men
That's why I'm watching it you fucking degenerate tranny. Now let me suck your dad's dick
most of the time, the "healthy way" to "express your feelings" is not at all. only when it's actually beneficial to your goals to express them should you do so. otherwise you're conditioning yourself to be a hysterical moron who can't control themselves, which is genuinely what happens when you "express your feelings" just sort of haphazardly when they come up. literally turning yourself into a mindless animal.
this anti-human bullshit should be punishable by death. there's my emotion expressed.
that's some gay shit
Daily reminder that violent rage and masculine pride are the two most suppressed emotions ever.
You can tell just from the font that a woman made these
I miss Fabio Naharis
>Toxic masculinty
So if I'm reading these images correctly, they want you to carry yourself like a woman because masculinity is threatening to them and they don't understand it.
>Cultist group decided to nitpick aspects of masculinity and decide which are toxic based on their own objectives.
that chart makes no fucking sense.
Oh no no no no no, why GURM, why...
>ost of the time, the "healthy way" to "express your feelings" is not at all. only when it's actually beneficial to your goals to express them should you do so.
This is narcisism.
it's all bullshit. only lesbians hate masculinity. sometimes even that's not true. hence all the bull dykes
no it's the opposite of that
He's right though, being confident and more reserved is a better strategy in social settings. Nobody in real life respects a man who's a whiny emotional pussy or at least I've never seen it.
>You should only make sense of your feelings when it is beneficial to your goals
fucking wew lad.
>Nobody in real life respects a man who's a whiny emotional pussy or at least I've never seen it.
I think you misunderstand; we judge men for the task they need to do, I agree, emotion is useless there but to not FEEL and express FEEL, that is the guide fit for a fucking narcisist.
What's the lesson? Don't be born ugly? He has an ugly wife anyway.
To add; Men don't form friendships like Women do, Men relate to each other by doing shit, shoulder to shoulder and there lies the difference with women.
>most of the time, the "healthy way" to "express your feelings" is not at all.
yeah just spend all your time shitposting about them on the internet by yourself lol
>only when it's actually beneficial to your goals to express them should you do so.
t tryhard sociopath
>otherwise you're conditioning yourself to be a hysterical moron
you likely unironically believe and react to a whole litany of hysterical bullshit every day. YOU'RE BEING EXTINCTED YOU'RE BEING REPLACED THE JEWS ARE OUT TO GET YOU.
>which is genuinely what happens when you "express your feelings" just sort of haphazardly when they come up.
yeah you wouldn't want anyone to be able to check your impulsive feelings before they fester into malignant obsessions or anything. Just bottle all that up and don't share it with anyone and just live with it and internalize it. Always internalize your impulses and feelings without outside moderation. Good goy.
> literally turning yourself into a mindless animal.
animals have no problem expressing their emotions. It's a fundamental aspect of their behavior and communication. You're talking about literally conditioning yourself into an NPC, and you're calling things "mindless" lol.
>this anti-human bullshit should be punishable by death.
You're the one with your newfaggot (((human))) attitude about human behaviorism. Trying to fight your bodily processes and retreating from heavy feelings to protect your fabricated sense of self from cognitive dissonance doesn't make you "stoic." It makes you an impotent coward.
Like it's all rooted in the social control of things like "Original Sin." You're trained to internalize all this cognitive dissonance about yourself that purposely clashes with people's biological inclinations. Instead of just embracing "emotional" thoughts and letting them pass it's your mind constantly making you feel guilty for things your brain is hardwired to do.
Was that her real ass or a body double? I always imagined lower class British to be disfigured mutants but it looked kinda ok.
>I agree, emotion is useless there but to not FEEL and express FEEL, that is the guide fit for a fucking narcisist.
What do you mean? Yeah, you save "face" by not blubbering like a bitch and breaking down in front of people but most people just hate downers and people who complain a lot. That's what I take it the people who complain about "toxic masculinity" mean. They want you to be more female and weak in expressing your feelings.
Are you doing a bit?
rage is an outcome is dissonance caused by repression. It's like feral dogs biting people. They aren't acting on their "rage instinct" they're just fucking dumb and don't know what else to do.
>So if I'm reading these images correctly,
you likely aren't reading much of anything "correctly" kiddo. Everything is just an attack on you personally. You are a victim you are being persecuted it's their fault that you're addicted to media consumption and masturbation.
are you not?
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>muh psychoanalysis
You either elevate rage to the level of the other emotions or you admit that emotional repression is valid across the board.
>What do you mean?
That men aren't fucking automatons.
That Men don't socially bond with emotion like women.
We vevry well are able to express our sentiments and our feels but we dont use feels as social capital like women do.
Are we now closer to comprehending each other?
Sure but "expressing vulnerabilities" sounds super fucking gay and unmanly. What is the advantage to that other than being mocked?
>almost 300 posts of incels being jealous of a fictional burn victim
>enters thread about GoT
>acts high and mighty for not knowing any characters
>on Yea Forums
>on Yea Forums
>on Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Sure but "expressing vulnerabilities" sounds super fucking gay and unmanly. What is the advantage to that other than being mocked?
But you get to beat the shit out of the cunt who mocks you.
Yeah I'm sure after a good cry you're kicking ass of the people who think less of you. Stop being a fag.
>Yeah I'm sure after a good cry you're kicking ass of the people who think less of you. Stop being a fag.
>stop being a fag
Thats the fucking point.
Does it say that in the books or? Also why is Beric so based when Melisandre is so bad? Don't they follow the same religion?
How to brainwash:
A: Set up a Newspeak label to represent an Ultimate Bad concept that everyone needs to strive against.
B: Define that concept using things that apply to everyone. Like Original Sin. This causes cognitive dissonance. This causes guilt.
C: Set yourself up as the only source for helping fight the cognitive dissonance and relieve the guilt.
You can see this in a lot of the post-2014 political messaging strategy that has arisen since Russian active measures became a part of western culture.
You don't want to be a cuck! You're a tranny if you're not a shill for degenerate corporate shills! Everything is about how you're not even a man unless you comply!
Modern women are a meme
Because I believe any of this
Tim Robbins always plays a stud despite being literally just a taller Radar O'Reilly
you could apply this to any ideology ever
>I went to the university of pictures of uberfacts tweets
Why do you discord trannies try so hard? You're not going to force a consensus on Yea Forums of all places.
but 'racism' is the most obvious example of this, not 'cuck". Racism is exactly like original sin for white people
yep pretty much. Although we're not really talking about "ideology" we're talking about the death of it. It's how you train people to kill their self.
Also notice the reflexive whataboutism. Just tell yourself that as long as assholes exist you can be one too!
I was expecting this incel fad to run it's course already, but you fags are still at it.
>Why do you discord trannies try so hard?
Why do you Russian niggers try so little?
> You're not going to force a consensus on Yea Forums of all places.
I don't give a bloody fuck about "consensus" you fucking sheepfag shill. It's called having your own sense of self. Not just being part of a meme army that gives you the sense of a "we" while you sit by yourself all day.
What about a sense of we wuz?
>Shut up incel gamer gaters it's you thats controlled by propaganda
>Why do you Russian niggers try so little?
>Implying you are not a CTR shill.
whoa nigga you expect me to read all that shit - by you
a lot of the redpilled shit in here is legit but RSD is a fucking joke.
>psychological traits are genetic
as expected of facebook posts
>but 'racism' is the most obvious example of this,
eh you don't really understand things because of your confirmation biases. Racism is just an outcome of abuse from the people you trust. Your life sucks. Don't blame Big Brother! Bat down and away! Blame the niggers!
Like tribalism is the name of the game. Racism is ALWAYS a cult for dumb nigger shills for corporations. Had a whole civil war where thousands of true believer shills for the agriculture industry killed themselves to defend their daddies.
In the racism context it's double easy to radicalize and recruit virgins. That's why the Russians love doing it. Your problems in your life ARENT caused by your media addiction, it's all the brown people! All these huge concepts involving billions of people that you have no control over are the problems!
>Racism is exactly like original sin for white people
nope. Only works on racists and people that don't like the idea that they are racist. That's the whole cognitive dissoance thing. It's externalized self-loathing at an outgroup boogieman. Caveman shit for incapable people.
>people saying things to please everyone is an attack on you
>everything is jews
>always jews nobody else
>maybe chinese
>never russia
>papa a good boy
>papa dindu nuffin
>Only works on racists and people that don't like the idea that they are racist
>Hey lets call a whole sub group African American just because.
Race is natural.
Why wouldn't a black person feel good being in company of his similars?
>I went to the university of pictures of things I haven't read
Yes faggot.
I've seen /pol/ type threads in other boards resembling the same shill profile OP's back in /pol/.
Several groups just play on the larger Yea Forums comunity natural tension points and exploit them, nurturing dissonance and division. Whatever to promote chaos and make everyone paranoid.
Right doesn't really look much "harder" with that non-existant jaw
big if true
>Race is natural.
Explain this. Where do white people stop? Are Italians white? Spaniards? Slavs? What about the 1 drop rule? If it's natural how come the standards have changed endlessly throughout all of human history?
Unironically what does "race is natural" mean to you?
>Why wouldn't a black person feel good being in company of his similars?
That has nothing to do with anything. Racism is the belief that one race is inherently superior to others. Keeping people separated just increases needless cultural and economic divides and keeps things tribal, which is literally systematic racism. You being ascared of spoopy bad guys isn't an argument. It's literally just you being motivated by your own reactionary feelings.
>A: Set up a Newspeak label to represent an Ultimate Bad concept that everyone needs to strive against.
Discord trannies
>B: Define that concept using things that apply to everyone. Like Original Sin. This causes cognitive dissonance. This causes guilt.
Cringe, blue-pilled, mentally insane
>C: Set yourself up as the only source for helping fight the cognitive dissonance and relieve the guilt.
Magapedes are the ONLY people who don't want to LITERALLY turn children into trannies for the sake of virtue points
Am I doing it right?
>That has nothing to do with anything. Racism is the belief that one race is inherently superior to others.
Thats the straw man used against the nazis to prefer people that are their kin and applied to all "racists".
>. Where do white people stop?
Around the time where social trust starts going to hell.
women are such a yikes gender
>Thats the straw man
nope you're projecting. Your newspeak for "racism" designed to make you feel persecuted and victimized over everything.
> used against the nazis
no it's just been the scientific and academic progress over the last couple hundred years since we started paying attention to this shit. It clashed with all the eugenics autism from the manifest destiny era but it's just the concept.
>to prefer people that are their kin and applied to all "racists".
nope literally what your propagandists want you to think.
Not to mention that "wanting to live near people that look like you" being a deciding factor in the political shit you support, is still very much "racist."
And it's used to abuse you into compliance by telling you that you need to vote against The Other! Vote for Exxon and you'll get your own ethnic ghetto separated from the others!
>Around the time where social trust starts going to hell.
So then you're literally a nigger LOL.
And the statement "race is natural" is proven by "I feel insecure all the time and blame society about it?" That's your evidence that "race is real?"
What language do you speak comfortably?
i thought game of thrones wasn't written by JK Rowling