how does it make you feel that /k/ thinks disney fags are fags?
How does it make you feel that /k/ thinks disney fags are fags?
Not surprising. Half of them are probably disney fags themselves. Bad taste and power fantasies goes with their territory, after all.
>Bad taste and power fantasies goes with their territory, after all.
what do bad taste and power fantasies have to do with guns?
Who gives a fuck, /k/ is filled with a bunch of literal furfags
Ask me how I can tell you're a /k/ main.
Leave paul alone dude.
he legitimately killed 2 men. I don't think he is afraid of anyone
>what do power fantasies have to do with guns?
Gee I wonder
That is like saying having freedom of expression is a power fantasy.
Why are they always dogs or wolves? Why can't they ever pick something interesting?
I assume they seek communal acceptance, I'd also bet familiarization with dogs also did something
Being able to freely call Black people "niggers," women "cunts/roasties," etc in a public and consequence free environment is a power fantasy you dumb asshole. Hell, being able to loudly fart in church without consequences is a power fantasy.
Not really. One of the major arguments used by gun nuts is that if something goes down, everybody else will be sooo happy that the gun nut has a gun. He will shoot the bad guy, and we will all suck his dick and feel like we aren't men cause we don't have lethal weapons strapped to ourselves 24/7. It's a stupid, unrealistic power fantasy.
What could possibly happen to you from farting in church?
a basic human right isn't a power fantasy
>/k/ thinks disney fags are fags?
That's rich coming from /k/.
I agree. We should immediately take care of food, shelter, medical expenses, child care, public transportation and implement a UBI immediately.
Have you never sneezed during a sermon and suddenly get a bunch of angry stares from a bunch of the elderly? If not, then you obviously have little to no understanding of Western conservative culture, you closet liberal.
What? Slavery isn't a basic human right. What the fuck are you talking about
Is that what they do at those devil worshiping fag churches? I'm a catholic
Ah yes, guns. The most basic of human rights. You remember how God gave Adam and Eve paradise, with all they could want? Adam and his AK47 were my favorite parts of the Bible.
Typical elitist shitstain who got all their statues of the Virgin Mary torn apart by level-headed Christians.
hominids have been carrying arms since before they were humans and it is what helped hominids evolve into humans
Cut the retarded double talk. Advanced civilizations set rules for how weapons and arms are to be handled in polite society. Latter Rome was an extremely militant society but senators were strictly forbidden from carrying weapons into the Senate, despite the fact that nearly half of them were fucking war heroes and that men like Milo and Clodius were inciting riots right outside.
Is /k/ just full of guys who would become school shooters if they weren't pussies first and foremost?
>Advanced civilizations set rules for how weapons and arms are to be handled in polite society.
That is called human rights denial. Rights don't come from the state you absolute fucking mega bootlicking cuck of a cocksucker
No, that is discord trannies
It's called the Pomerium, you uneducated faggot
It is called, I don't give a fuck about your statist bullshit
>senators were strictly forbidden from carrying weapons into the Senate, despite the fact that nearly half of them were fucking war heroes
And we all know what happened to Rome. Don't let peaceniks fuck up your society, kids.
I saw paul and thought I was still on /k/.
Reminder liking things from Disney occasionally, especially from the older era, doesn't make you a disneyfag
Absolute taking in of all they do, shaming all criticism of Disney and making it your life makes you a disneyfag
Oh, you must be one of those neoliberal revisionists who believe the Romans were just a bunch of hedonists. Carry on with your desecration of Western history.
The influx of weapons into the Pomerium was what pushed the nation into civil war during the time of Julius Caesar. Julius himself tried to physically kill Cicero during Senate proceedings because they had ordered the execution of liberal revolutionaries led by Catilina. The only reason Cicero didn't die was because the other senators were able to forcibly tackle Julius and knock him to the ground.
>Julius himself tried to physically kill Cicero during Senate proceedings because they had ordered the execution of liberal revolutionaries led by Catilina
user, if political assassinations are being attempted, the problem isn't the presence of weapons, and to blame the inanimate object is to ignore the actual problems.
To completely ignore the logic behind Roman law when it prevented the death of one of the greatest thinkers in Western Man is placing ideology ahead of reason.
Caesar was literally stabbed to death
Caesar's death was a collective decision by a formerly representative government that he usurped into a dictatorship. Violent revolution is justified in the event of dictatorship or "usurpations and abuses."
Julius lunging at Cicero was a temper tantrum because the Senate legally indicted a liberal who was about to kill countless people in order to set up his own dictatorship. Back then that liberal was Catilina. Later, it was Julius himself. Read some history before looking like an embarrassing slack-jawed moron.
>It's okay when my side does it
Nice consistency, user, what makes (You) so special?
>Violent revolution is justified in the event of dictatorship or "usurpations and abuses."
Which is why gun ownership is a basic human right. For incase someone like Sanders comes to power.
there's like 0 indication he would take it through means other than being democratically elected?
If a military officer-turned-career politician wanted to be questioned on charges of war crimes and election fraud by the lawfully elected Senate, then said individual responds by paying off a company of soldiers to burn down the capital of your country and kill countless people, I'd say that person deserves to be assassinated and replaced by the former government.
On the other hand, if a rich asshole with a history of election meddling tries to get one of his buddies to stab the guy running the corruption probe, I'd say he's in the wrong.
There was not a single post above me that said that weapon ownership should be banned completely and you'd have to be a drooling moron to imply that.
> a rich asshole with a history of election meddling tries to get one of his buddies to stab the guy running the corruption probe
99% chance that a brainlet is going to think this is a reference to Trump and not Catilina
>there's like 0 indication he would take it through means other than being democratically elected?
doesn't really matter how he takes it. sanders legit would try to mass murder people like his heros Mao and Stalin
>There was not a single post above me that said that weapon ownership should be banned completely and you'd have to be a drooling moron to imply that.
all gun laws are human rights denial
i mean that's not right but also your point was about people coming to power illegitimately.
there was no word about gaining power illegitimately, just of gaining power.
>all gun laws are human rights denial
Being a bit too specific there, user, the 2nd protects the right to bear more than just firearms.
The Romans didn't see it that way and it prevented the assassination of one of the greatest writers in Western history. We're going in circles because you're not smart enough to understand anything more complicated than doctrine.
yes, you are right.
I literally do not care what those boy fuckers thought. If their weapons control laws were so good, how did Caesar get stabbed?
Caesar got stabbed because the rule of law had been destroyed by an unlawful civil war started and ended by Caesar himself.
A better question is that if Rome hadn't banned weapons in the Senate, would Cicero have survived to make his contributions to the Western canon?
So you are the kinda dude who thinks it is better a woman be raped than for a woman to shoot her would be rapist.
Of course not. Unfortunately, your reading comprehension is so bad that you think that I support the general ban of firearms. That's why it's important to read what someone is saying before responding.
Gun owner who doesn't frequent /k/ here, who gives a fuck?
So you prefer for a woman to be raped in public than to be allowed to concealed carry
you are the one trying to make the argument that guns should be banned inside city limits
Are you insinuating that a rape in the middle of the Senate floor would be more successful than, again, Julius trying to choke the man in charge of his own corruption probe? That's the question I asked you from the beginning.
Caesar was literally stabbed to death on the senate floor. And something like 97% of mass shootings are in gun free zones
Again, Caesar was stabbed because of a collective decision to violate the law. If Caesar had been in full body armor and equipped with a sword instead of a dagger, he'd still have been killed. Collective action by the majority operates on different boundaries than a single armed individual. The same holds true for firearms, despite all the Hollywood logic that a single guy can stand up to massed fire like Chuck Norris.
Are you not aware of the "we will not comply" and sanctuary counties movement?
Yes, and I don't see how that changes the fundamental logic of what I'm trying to illustrate. Stop adding irrelevant layers just because you're too stupid to understand everything else I've been saying up to this point.
It is a collective decision not to follow human rights denying laws. It is literally exactly what you have been saying
Yes, that's the difference between Caesar and Cicero. Try to keep up. Maybe practice your reading comprehension and read actual books in the future.
the difference is you side with cicero, but you also side with fascists?
Explain how you came to that mistaken conclusion without making yourself look even more foolish.
well you see, discord tranny, back earlier you said it was justified for people to stab caesar because it was collective and against a tyrant. Anyone who is anti gun is by definition a tyrant. So using guns to stand up to governor blackface is the same as defending rome from caesar
> it was justified for people to stab caesar because it was collective and against a tyrant
Yes, that's what I've been saying this entire time. Were you so stupid that you didn't get that? I was arguing a separate point. Seems like you're a fan of wasting time and talking in circles while getting nothing done.
You are the fascists with nothing of substance to say
I think I've proven my point with historical evidence that you place ideology above facts. Enjoy your paranoid delusions.
What facts have you proven? More people are protected by guns each year than are murdered with them. Most mass shootings are in gun free zones. Most gun murders are done by black gang members in democrat run cities.
Among the many things I've already proven, I've proven that you're a racist.
stating facts is racist?
Bringing up modern Black gang members when the discussion was centered around the city of Rome exposes your fixation with other races. To be fair, it could also just mean that you're stupid.
talking about rome when discussing guns means you are a fucking autist
Dismissing Rome when it comes to the history of personal arms means you are too stupid to effectively vote.
using human rights denying boy fuckers in rome as an excuse for gun control is autistic.
I kinda just assumed that anyway.
Fixating on what a minority of people did during a time of great strength and growth is the reason why people like you will be the downfall of the West.
>the board that has fucked an actual, live deer
>looking down on anyone
the absolute state of Yea Forumscksucker IQ holy shit
having the worst mod on the site has ruined your brain chemistry
That post only proves the point that consequence-free speech is a power fantasy. It conflicts with the regrettable norms that we live in.
If you want to complain about it, then that's fine. It still makes the idea of "free speech without consequences" totally unrealistic in the world we live in today. The post says as much even if it's a bad situation.
Read this trash and tell me that poster belongs on Yea Forums.
>everyone else's freedoms should be restricted so i can scream nigger at the top of my lungs
This is what you want.
This is you
Which poster? You quoted several, unless you mean Duterte himself is a Yea Forums poster.
I think your brain has atrophied to the point where certain words "trigger" your brain into shitting itself with logical inconsistencies.
damage control
That's what I just described and it's what you want.
I see you're trying to justify child molestation.
Look at the commiefags, emboldened because the mod here is as big of a dipshit as they are
>"This is you"
>"This is what you want."
There's no need for arguing like this. You can both do better.
Do you need the mod to make it a safe space for you, snowflake? Are you triggered?
> clearly ass-mad
> projects own ass-madness onto others
So this is what a mentally ill person looks like.
I'd shoot both you and the mod for free if I could get away with it
do it, no balls
Highly doubt a fraud like you could do anything.
this but unironically
>he's too stupid to get away with murder
based but cringepilled
>mfw the anti gun faggots in this thread will get corona-chan
>caring about the opinion of the board who unironically thinks that waco siege was not justified
/k/ is stupid
they just want guns since they are dicklets and need to compensate
>i'll just shoot the virus!
either that or a pack of niggers or other thugs will invade their house and hold them at gunpoint and make them and their family their fucking sex slaves while helping themselves to whatever food and supplies they've stockpiled
>virus filled faggots
Like you.
2nd amendment needs to be updated or removed since its obselete
Is that what you jack off to every night? Thinking about those types of things happening to your family? Pretty hot.