Cobra Kai




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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Demetri



I haven't watched it yet. Is Robbie as obnoxiously "cool" as he was last season?

Miguel did nothing wrong.

He's a cunt. Fuck him and Demetri

This should have been thread image

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He and Johnny are best boys.

Fuck Robbie and fuck Daniel.

If you're not a shill give me some mega links

I wasn't that angry at Robbie last season. I didn't understand the hate other than him being a wee bit too pretty boy-ish

That said, after this season, I hate him now.

just go on the youtube. its free

I love it.

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I did what this user said got the free month and I’m gonna cancel once I watch the season

It's on piratebay
Only the first episode is, unless you get the free trial I guess but I can't be bothered and I'm guessing many other can't be either

Last season he was just a bit of a misfit, this season he is full villain.

He is an absolute cunt.

Hillary Swank Miyagi Do vs Kreese Cobra Kai next season

>Donatello is the best turtle
This guy has some good taste.

>I wasn't that angry at Robbie last season
He was just kind of annoying and unbelievable relative to Miguel's or Johnny's character arcs. It seemed like the show really wanted the audience to sympathize with him but I just found it hard to not want to strangle him.

If season 2 actually depicts him in an actively negative light it might make him more interesting to me.

Where the fuck are the seeders

I said I love it!

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How does Danny LaRusso's current wife rank among his harem?

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She's the best one he had, that's why they have two kids together

Robbie did nothing wrong.

Does Kreese browses /pol/ ?

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She's the most chill as fuck one and probably pegs him at night

Johnny certainly does.

What did he do?

Just finished it.
Season 3 when?

A little better than the 3rd movie love interest.

danny's daughter is such a little cunt

A year from now.

I'm at episode 3 and I like it, but trying to paint a botox stuffed old man as a dangerous guy is ridiculous.
This show is pretty much a live action anime. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's true.

>trying to paint a botox stuffed old man as a dangerous
You'll see why soon enough

Shut up Tory

Should've stuck with the Japanese chick.

He's the Navy Seals copypasta come to life.

Fuck I remember you posting this in literally every Cobra Kai thread

Yeah I'm sure he's going to have a fight scene where he mops the floor with 20 guys or something like that, just like 15 year old Amanda will beat men twice her bodyweight.
Like I said, a live action anime.


season 3 will crossover with a six million dollar man reboot with miguel receiving the bionic implants

Y Moon left Hawk when Moon was also a bully, frens??

So what's Johnny going to do now?
Will he join Daniels dojo? What is he going to live from?



Johnny is going to live the neet life and shitpost all day


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Will she fix Miguel and Johnny?

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Nice, new girl wears a thong when she karates in her tight pants

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Perfect. Stingray was easily the best new character, watching him try and open the door with bottle hands cracked me the fuck up.

>episode 6 with Johnny and his friends

the feels were too strong, that stuff gave me flashbacks of highschool

>those teeth

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>this season he is full villain.
He literally does nothing wrong. Robbie is just an awkward kid who doesn't have a place in the world, and really the only real mistake he made during the show was getting back up at the end and wrecking Miguel, and it was obviously heat of the moment shit because he was mad about getting cucked.

Now, Sam? She's an absolute fucking thundercunt. Holy shit, Tory might be psychotic, but Sam is a straight up sociopath, she probably gets it from her father.

In the end he was the one in the bodybag

any fucking mega links yet?

It's a shame her ass is so crappy.

she gave me an erection

first day of highscool episode gave me flashbacks


Yeah she's got a pretty flat figure

Probably why she's half decent fighter

Fuck. When Johnny pulled that dudes ear plug my nuts went up my stomach.

Can't wait for the edits of this.

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Why, are you a fag? That shit made my dick hard, fuck gauges.

Shit tore through his ear mah dude.

How does the new season end? Does Johnny and Miguel finally get a win or what?

They won season 1 my dude

Johnny gets his dojo stolen from him, Miguel ends up in a wheelchair for life for believing in him.

>he falls for the ol' sob story which mirrors his own desire to redeem himself

johnny pls

>3 GoT references so close to eachother


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yes, when he got that shit pierced it tore through his ear.

I mean the lying about the medal, trying to destroy Miguels chances with Sam, straight up attempted murder to someone who showed mercy.

Its clear he does not take the teachings to heart and is a bit of a cunt, he is hostile and provokes fights

>Cobra Kai Never Dies
>Tommy fucking Dies
I don't get it. Is there a twist

>Johnny kicking Kreese's cigar into the trash

and that is when I knew it was Cobra Kino after all

New wife, kumiko, ally, red head

what the fuck, you gotta be kidding me

I want to floss my teeth using that thong.

Robbie threw him of a balcony after miguel wins the fight shows mercy and apologises for all the shit.

Both Dojos end up lost, Johnny and Daniel kinda make ammends so possible team up against SS Cobra Kai.

Based Miguel is probably paralysed for the rest of his life and ends in a coma.

Cobra Kai gets their asses kicked by Miyagi Do the entire season... what did they mean by this

What's wrong with LaRusso?

What else he wants to take away from Johnny?

Miguel won tho

Is it up online yet?

But Miguel wins all his fights.

Is there anywhere else to watch it other than YouTube Red? I mean legit, even paying, not torrent.

Wait a year when they make it free

How is "Moon" the intelligent voice of reason this season?

She was basically that dumb bitch from mean girls in the first season.

>tfw used my free trial already
is there hope lads?

if miggy dies or gets wheelchair bound im done with this show. FUCK ROBBIE

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Robby is such a good boy.

I just want to hug him

I've only made it up to episode 3 so far. I wouldn't say so.

Create a new account

Got cucked because he is a manlet lol. Then his napoleon complex causes him to attack Chadguel when he shows him kindness.

Miguel feels like he did fucking nothing this season, he moped about Sam a bit, found a new crazy bitch to make out with, and then got his ass handed to him.

Chadguel's arc ended. It's time for the other characters to learn how to be decent human beings.

Pot Lmao

you think Johnny gonna end up with Miguel's mom? she's real pretty

Cbd oil, there was an even bitcheyer girl last season, forget her name. she got a thong wedgie at the end.

Milf from pilot comes back. Damn

Stream where?

Previous thread had stream links

just torrent it br0h

Yasmin isnt in season 2?


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Nah. They showed her Insta account tho

>Jewtube Red
Fuck off shills

fine but everyone's just pirating it anyway

Not watching this, but wow pic-related sure looks breedable.

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Martin Kove is awesome

Fuck off. Have some respect

Isn't she the most beautiful girl you've ever seen.

Yeah that Yasmin. But she stayed a bitch. Moon completely flipped.

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you should watch its good shit

where the fuck you think you are?
Do you think ANYONE in here actually has youtube RED.
I have ep six up in VLC right now.

So hot.

Fortnite Dance
Boomer going to a kids party

>robbie going full anakin mode despite having obi won kenobi guiding him

absolute kino

Hawk gets cucked by a chick. What in the Fuck.

Stingray /ourguy/

Dude brought a big titty chick to a fucking kids party rofl.


How come Chadguel gets two GFs?

into the trash it goes

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Kreese did nothing wrong

i want to rape that one girl
she can try some karate on me but i swear my caveman dna wont stop

i wanna be a badass. im 30 and want to start training again. i took tkd for six years. what should i do, im aiming for more practical self defense

I like to imagine when John Kreese is talking about all the badass stuff he did offscreen, he's talking about the time he tried to kill rambo.

he actually lived through that movie so it works

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You know the thing about Stingrays is

they lie in wait

for the perfect opportunity



dont spoil it but when does stingray come in?

>these are my friends
>their parents are out of town

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You meet him in the first episode.

>that intro
my sides

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I want this plump ass

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Where do you think season 3 will take the show next?

>ywn have a woman like Torry use her skills to defend your offsprings
Sam was a fucking bitch and I am angry at Miguel for pulling that shit with Sam but he didn't deserve what happened to him at the end. Hope Torry gets a lot of love next season

My spirit animal m8

Never ask theses questions here. Just do what you want to train for yourself. Self defense nowadays is pointless. Buy a gun. You are gaining nothing trying something for protection and taking a knife up the back fighting a dozen thugs.

Take jiujitsu. It's fun, you don't get punched in the face, it's always a gateway for mma training/striking if you want it, and plus you'll learn how to toss people around and break their limbs.

can always have karate and a gun, equilibrium style.

Yes. I am saying this as karate black belt. Before some MMA shill appear. Every cobra kai thread is the same thing. Just train what you want. I find tricking way more enjoyable than breaking teeth in sparring every training.

Me too, on my face.

Kumiko was perfect

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Jiu jitsu is gay as fuck.

Am I supposed to feel bad for Demetri? he's a fucking annoying asshole, how the fuck did he suddenly beat hawk in a 1v1 fight when he hardly trained at all?

Thick Asian. My choice

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Hawk isn't a great fighter, he's just an aggressive one.

I wish she would fix me.

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That's what happens when the gums overpower the teefs.

Daniel has always had creepy hands for some reason

They’re all dead or incomplete

Yeah I kept cringing at that shit.

Gums don't turn teeth yellow though

theres 1080p/1gb versions on kodi

No, that's not brushing and being a chink/nigger.

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As flat as a pancake.

No idea what that is

someone says that she has red bikini scene, where it is?


Exactly. Berserker rage always falls for counter move.

I'm not up to it yet, i'll let you know/post it when I see it

Don't bother, they shoot it from that annoying angle that literally shows nothing

the last Episode was actually damn great, that School Fights has been built up so long the payoff was great, shame Miguel got his back snapped by pretty boy at the end, but Cobra Kai never dies.

Any ideas about a Season 3? Seeing how Cobra Kai is not under Johnny anymore, I could only see him opening a new Dojo if Miguel recovers and begs him to, with an alternative motto like
Strike First
Strike Hard
Never Surrender

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He did that sweet spin kick at ValleyFest though.

She has a really big mouth

I bet it makes Daniel-san's penis look really small

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sorry sempai

I like her green eyes.

>I'll just have the tacos
>no green stuff!

I can relate so much to this man

His wife is literally perfect.
Literally handles the work, snaps him back to reality when he gets sucked into his own shit, and loves the hell out of him.

This series has a cast of excellent moms. And Jen.

I would love for season 3 to check in on Kumiko to see how she's doing.

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>tired old oldman doesn't know how to use a computer cliche
why is it still so fucking funny

stream links bros?

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She's chill as fuck. Knows how to handle the kids. Has a sense of humour.

She is the perfect woman.

Too perfect.

Too bad there aren't any women that are like this IRL

>this is her at 52/53
Fucking Asians. How do they do it?

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Only 2 eps but here i hope there are more soon

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dat ass (and the ass on the right ain't bad either)

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I wanna sniff her leggings after she did some karate training

If I had to guess: Main arc is Johnny and Daniel patching things up and reconciling differences in light of Kreese's Cobra Kai which will undoubtedly be starting loads of shit for everyone. Hard to say if they'll make new dojos separately or make a single one together; I'm inclined to think they'd do the latter since it forces a lot of the main Cobra/Miyagi kids to get into conflicts with each other as they try and get over themselves, but this sort of progression seems kind of big and drastic, like they'd only do it if this was the last season or if there'd be something to cause a falling out by the end of the season.

Miguel will probably be down for most of episode 1, Ali enters the show and helps fix him up. Miguel will probably be recovering and not doing much physically until like half way through the season. Ali's probably going to start dating Johnny if she sticks around beyond the first episode. Miguel still seems pretty hung up on Sam, Sam seems like she could go either way, Robbie and Tory both still like Sam and Miguel respectively, so who knows how those relationships will end up.

Yarr you got me peg leg standing cheers matey

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>my girlfriend bartends this place blah blah
>makes out ten seconds with Miguel later
what did she mean by this

I bet she sucked lots of white cock

I already knew this ep was free but thanks anyways
mildly based, adblock working overtime though
VERY based

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why not just torrent it then

>the kid with the "the future is feminine" shirt stayed in cobra kai

Rocking the peter cetera too

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that school fight scene was beyond fucking ridiculous, also that shitty cover of cruel summer.

>not doing it the easy way

4k versions are on irc too

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On episode 8
That pointless scene with daniels mom was SO BAD. I assume she demanded a scene like that to keep appearing in show but still


ep8 is the weakest for me. Also what was the dan johnson look a like for robbie in reference to?

Do you think he skips to the good scenes like Trump?

>dan johnson
it's the 80's, figure it out kid.

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They had no fucking right to do that
I was all happy enjoying the campiness, not taking it seriously, having a good time then WHAM
They had no right
Thought it was just as good as first season.

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>pfft I knew it
Top tier giggles

She's the only character totally separated from everything.
It makes the point that they're all being morons caring about stupid karate drama.

Apparently Tamlyn Tomita got a gig in the 80s to record an album for the Japanese music industry. I wish there was an upload of the album

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>tfw have to wait a whole year before finding out what happens next

I have mixed feelings on the season. It was good, maybe not as good as the first season but it was still really good.

The last episode was both good and bad, I wish there was more of a tournament vibe because the high school drama stuff felt so childish. But it was still done in a interesting way.

And I wish there was more involvement/conflict/fighting from Johnny and Danny, but oh well.

>Main arc is Johnny and Daniel patching things up and reconciling differences in light of Kreese's Cobra Kai
Maybe, but the issue is that Daniel has been told to stop the Karate by his wife. But if they can overcome their differences and everything else that is happening, they might form some secret dojo? idk.

>Ali's probably going to start dating Johnny if she sticks around beyond the first episode.
I doubt it. She's meant to be happily married with a surgeon. It'll most likely just be a guest appearance.

Tory never really added any substance, she was only there for added conflict. I wouldn't be surprised if she's not in the next season at all under the guise of "being expelled".

We didn't see what happened to Robby. Hard to see how things will be with him because 1) Sam fucked up and kissed Miguel so he's angry at Miguel 2) Daniel is pissed off and believes Robby is a typical Lawrence 3) if there's no more karate in the LaRusso family then Robby will definitely be out of the picture 4) Robby nearly killed Miguel, who was like a son to Johnny, so Johnny will have to deal with those issues.

Miguel will probably hate Johnny now too, not that he didn't already dislike him.

Haven't finished season yeat but..

1. Daniel's wife is top women

2. I like how Johny actually evolved

3. Why are you worrying so much about the ending guys?

Does this show have a Neil Patrick Harris cameo?

I don’t really think Miguel will hate Johnny considering how Johnny has had multiple close moments with Miguel and has given him numerous heart to hearts.

If anything, Miguel will be by Johnny’s side just how Johnny stated that he will always root for him.

>She's meant to be happily married with a surgeon.
yeah that's exactly how they're gonna bring her back in
ain't no way Miggy doesn't need surgery

s1 was more interesting because it was mostly daniel/johnny with a bit of skid stuff. s2 was the other way around

>kids in the roller rink look bored as fuck


I've searched everywhere and couldn't find dick.

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More like bleached.

>Cuckbra Kai

That would imply that the male participant of the act is active, a notion that I find extremely problematic.

But is Johnny, a blind guy fucking a black-chicano women. Is bleaching.

But the way it was set up at the end is that Miguel was coming to Johnny for help and wanted to be close with him but Johnny ignored him.

But Miguel felt betrayed at the beginning of the season when he found out Robby was his son. And now that Robby broke is back, Miguel is gonna hate Robby and by association Johnny as well for not being there for him.

Yeah I'm not saying she isn't returning. It's been confirmed she'll be returning to help save Miguel. But it's been stated she's happily married.

Yeah, that's what I liked too. And a lot more focus on Johnny.

This season it was shared between Johnny and Danny and the kids.

Kreese did a hell of a job being an evil manipulative bad guy though.

There's a lot of dick there m8

Ahhh shit you right and Miggy would probably lose his shit if he sees Robby at Johnny’s crib

Stingray was added in for added dumb slapstick humour.

But god did it actually work out, he was hilarious

I think the saddest part was when Johnny threw away his phone and then threw his car keys in the car and walked way from it :(

That's a very expensive modified car

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wtf i love Yoga now


fucken spoilers dudes

Why the fuck did they let him beat up Bert in the final ep wtf

Yeah it's bullshit. Dmitri had to have a "win" but for him just being able to block Hawk's strikes and hit him once would have been enough, not to fucking smash him. Dmitri was supposed to be smart, not awesome.

ironman dies

the entire season was garbage... they're obviously hacks for relying on cheap melodrama and cliches barely into season 2... c'mon... shit was ridiculously over the top and unrealistic... this show is officially garbage.

Don't forget that Hawk had been fighting numerous fighters before Dimitri came back and was pretty bloody.

A tired, hurt, overly aggressive Hawk could had easily overcompensated and underestimated his opponent who had been training a fair amount of time, just wasn't any good.

Ali won't show up for a few episodes at least.
She'll roll into town happily married and moved on, and find Johnny and Daniel still bickering like shoolchildren. She'll snap them out of it and be the catalyst for them teaming up and beat Kreese's guys.
She'll be a guest appearance in one episode, that's all.

Ali's surgeon husband will be brought in to operate on Miguel. It will give him a recovery arc and Sam will be there to support his recovery a la Bruce Lee back injury and his wife.

>be me
> watch ep 5
> Hawk's little back story comes on
>try not to cry.

>ill never have a gf
this line confused his roastie mom

He literally makes the show

>hawk's backstory
>johnny's hot babe in the bar
>johnny's dream about miguel's mum
>everything stingray did
>torry's great tits
>hawk's one shot bit in the school fight
>stingray's one shot bit in the school fight
My favourite parts.

I just want to hug him.
or the past version of him anyway...

Give me pictures of Tory she was the best why the fuck does Miguel like that other psycho

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Bert and Stingray were used sparingly but perfectly. On par with season 1, idk how they did it

because there are no surgeons in LA... it has to be a surgeon from another state that used to date the two lead characters... so cringe and soap opera

"We need security here!"
"Oh I just know what to do"
>Stingray proceeds to beat the children up

Ok, that's it.
Fuck dimitri or whatever name is.

He actually likes Jodie fucking feminist Doctor crap

No actual doctor who nerd would call that trainwreck who has killed show a badass

>Kreese did a hell of a job being an evil manipulative bad guy though.
Yeah. Honestly, at first I was thinking he was only there to fuck up Cobra Kai, make everything just like it used to be. Then, after it was revealed he was homeless, I figured he was a soldier with PTSD and shit, teaching the only way he knew how. Now I don't know what to think, except that he's leading the Cobra Kais down some real dark alleys.

Tory was a psychopath

Why willingly get into something with a dude that obviously didn't get over his last girl.

Needed just a tad bit more Bert 2bh, and him to not get beat up from the little asian kid.

They overused those two new karate dweebs that ended up choosing different paths.

And Stingray was a bit forced, but he turned out to be really funny

thanks for letting me know

Doctor Who died years before they threw a woman in the mix. Anyone who gave a shit after Tenant is braindead, and anyone who gave a shit after Eccleston probably has an IQ 10 points below average.

>final episode
>All those stunts on concrete floors and steel lockers

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>that mall fight though

I just got there. Best parts sp far are all Johnny parts, discovering the internet, the meximilf dream, his speeches, the bar fight, and then Miguel/Hawk fight.

I was arguing with my normie friends last season about how in my view this POS is the worst person in the series, now I am vindicated after the S2 finale,but they all have jobs and I can't rub it in until they watch it. Would i be wrong if I spoiled it for them? I have been waiting a year to tell them "i hate to say I told you so..."

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Don't spoil it for them.

Because anything you say or do will be void.

Do as the fisherman says and be patient. Let them come to you. It will be so much more worth it

Think of it like this, user. If they discover it for themselves it'll hit so much harder.

Fuck Demitri, Fuck Robbie and FUCK Miyagi Do

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based and zoompilled

Silver return when?

Silver revealed as Miguels criminal father when?

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>Why willingly get into something with a dude that obviously didn't get over his last girl.
have you never met a female?

>that finale

the entirety of season 3 is going to be litigation

>Johnny's adventures with Tinder
motherfuckers this isn't a cringe comedy show

It was a rhetorical question.

Obviously bitches be crazy

Lads i'm broken

I spent the last 24 hours binge watching both season one and season 2 and now I can't get to sleep because i'm so wired

Dinosaurs built the pyramids

Good genes, I suppose

do karate moves in your room until you get tired

Season 3 better have Silver returning.

record it and send it to your oneitis too!


they had to go and do it to him

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Is he going to be the final boss of the series?
>Set him up as the holy savior of Miyagi-do
>He succumbs to darkness and gets disowned by Daniel
>Johnny tries to get him back on track but he runs away
>a couple of seasons go by
>He returns as the ultimate student of Terry Silver

Cap this post bros.

>Macchio was actually 22 years old when he starred in Karate Kid

lol I have always wanted to do that if I got in a fight with someone with that. That was unironically my favorite part of this season.

>Implying this wont be the final boss

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> tfw 26 and have never been gainfully employed

Stop creeping on her insta, "Stingray".

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Terry Silver's actor is dead

it would be betrayal to replace him with another ponytail guy


That's Bert you idiot.

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miguel's abuela: still great

>"DANIEL LURACIST? Stereotypical music? But that was Miyagi's favorite song..."

God I love how this show just casually shits all over SJWs. I wish the majority of the right was this smart and didn't just REEEEEEEE when anything SJW came up.

I thought Stingray was named Bert. Having looked it up, it turns out he's called Raymond? Shame on me, I guess.

Based psycho karate teacher john Keese.

Hopefully it works itself out. Shitposting aside, Johnny and Miguel just keep getting shit on. I wanna see sensei Lawrence pipe down Pablo's mom while Miguel is doing some freaky shit with Tory.

>Hawk vs Demitri
>random Hawk fanboy (blanco) vs random Hawk ex-fanboy (negro)
>random Asian kid vs Bert

i knew i didnt like him since his intro. no redeeming him after what he did to miggs

>Terry Silver's actor is dead
no he isn't

>>random Asian kid vs Bert
>random asian kid ends up destroying Bert in the danceoff
oh shit

They really messed the movie order. 2 should be the final movie. Karate Kid 3 as the final movie doesn't make sense and it is a horrible step down from the death match in 2.

i think i remember seeing that thomas ian griffith died

I unironically hope this series ends with Robbie living/training under Daniel and Miguel living/training under Johnny. Miguel is way more of a son to Johnny than Robbie, and Robbie is basically already a son to Daniel. It would also mirror the whole 'our senseis were basically our father figures' discussion Johnny and Daniel had near the end of season 1.

Ralph lucked out in the genetic lottery. The guy looked 16 until he hit his 50's

no he's not dead

but he doesn't look like himself anymore, he aged like milk

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this is show is funny as fuck
way funnier than most comedy and it's not even a comedy

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he looks like a less aids infected version of bill clinton

Based and piratepilled

I still can't believe Demitri got away with calling that kid a nigger

dye his hair black, give him a ponytail and he's ready to go

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Fucking Stingray. Him and his inexplicable big-titty half-Goth gf.

Stingray is best fighter

seriously fuckin base

his fighting the kids in the school in the last episode was priceless

Old Kreese>=Johnny Blanco=Daniel Bonsai>>>>>>>Awakened Miguel>>>Sam>>>Tory>>Robbie Calvo >>>Hawk>>>Cobra kai fodders>Miagi do fodders>Demetri

>Short nerd w/ glasses
>Likes big butts

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Except against Stingray. If there hasn't been this accident at the end of the fight, Stingray would have broken it by whooping their ass

imho he did nothing wrong

Literally just need some hair extensions and a gi and he will be BACK IN THE GAME KICKIN ASS AGAIN

I feel like Daniel is essentially out of the picture with Samantha quitting Karate and his wife forbidding it, he will probably act as a spiritual councillor to Johnny and Miguel at best.
I don't think Robbie will join any Dojo anytime soon as he is basically on the run after almost killing Miguel, the next Season will probably be about Miguel finding his way back into Karate, forgiving Robbie, and becoming the match of Hawk for the next All Valley championship.

Why does everyone hate demitri so much? I don't get what he did so wrong?

First episode was staid and predictable. Too many melting pot belly kids now. First season was kino though, so...

Should I continue watching? I don't wanna be bummed out if this season's Johnny cucked.

>tfw close to banging your student's mom but then shit hits the fan

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You are such a little bitch. This is the most uncucked show airing right now. What do you want, for them to drag out all the non-white characters and shoot them in the streets?

Don't forget the 40's taped to his hands and his inability to open a door. Felt like I was watching a happy madison movie (and that's a good thing).

Gender WHAT? Is this a prank call?

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I hate the patriots too.

He's a pussy, he's a snitch, he's annoying.

its ridiculous that these two wealthy ex-military men care so much about a shitty mall dojo when you think about it

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He literally did everything wrong
>Lied to sam about Miguel
>Took Sam to his father's house despite the hostilities between his dad and Sam's father
>Almost killed Miguel despite Migeul's attempt to diffuse the situation
>Jobbed to a random guy with an oar

How did Hawk fall so far bros. I hope he gets cured of his edgelord behavior and pussy tactics and rises again not as Hawk but PHOENIX.

no, but they should at least karate them to dead

Terry Silver reminds me of Scott Hall.

Wayne on YT was less cucked. Really like S1 of Cobra Kai but if it's all SJW in S2, and meant for teens I don't want to continue. Thanks for any suggestions.

>Tommy ends up in a body bag

and a know it all faggot to boot

Terry was a multi-millionaire with nothing but free time. The endless stream of whores and drugs got stale. he was having more fun ruining Daniel's life than he had been in a long time.

The show already lampshaded how absurd it is that anyone takes Teen Karate Tournaments that seriously.

It's just an excuse to have a goofy teen drama with fight scenes, just roll with it.

based and reincarnated miyagipilled

the whole thing is tongue in cheek, that's why it's so funny

For me it's a combination of his incredibly punchable face, and that platinum grade faggot attitude of his. I don't even know how to describe his personality accurately.

i want them to write an actual story instead of doing filler episodes 80% of the time

Wouldn't it be ironic if he ended up marrying Kumiko?

this guy is a beast

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Need new thread

The virgin family man vs the chad bachelor

So it seemed like Tory, Hawk, and Bebop are with Kreese. Where did Aisha and Bert and more importantly Stingray go to?

It's the world as written by Frank Dux.


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Family Man > Bachelor

When will S3 be announced boys? i need moar Cobra Kai Kino to look forward to.

He committed the cardinal sin of being in a karate show and not being good at karate nor being fun to watch.

this would be the perfect plot twist

but miguel only looks 1/4 white, so it would be hard to believe

he had the best character arc, but sadly he is being set up as Villain since S1.

Samanthas chad gook ex boyfriend will show up in S3 after having trained at a Taekwondo dojo

Always thought this. A fight to the death should always be in the last movie.

True but I think whatwould be awesome.


Reminder! Dmitri's last name is Barnes. That why he bet Hawk. hes got karate in his blood.

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The only villian here is Daniel. He didn't learn how to humble and his self rightousness keep causing trouble for everybody.