You are the worst kind of second, Francis. You abuse your freedoms. You complain in the safety of speculation...

You are the worst kind of second, Francis. You abuse your freedoms. You complain in the safety of speculation, you claim foresight in disasters that never happen, and you are weak in your vices because your rank affords you privacy and deference. You've made yourself miserable and distant, and hard to love, and you blame the world for it. I'm not the sailor you are, Francis, never will be. But you will never be fit for command. And, as your Captain, I take some responsibility for that. For the vanity of your outlook. I should have curbed these tendencies, rather than sympathized with them, because you seem to have confused my sympathy with tolerance, but there is a limit to how much I can tolerate, and that is where we are presently standing! There are some things we were never meant to be to one another. I see that now. Friends on my side. Relations on yours. So let us turn our energies back to being what the Admiralty, and life, have seen fit to make us. We should give that our best. There can be no argument between us there.

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It's been a while since I've read the novel, did Fitzjames have a similar near death monologue to Crozier in the book? The show made me like him a great deal more for it.

I sort of wish they hadn't shown the Tuunbak at all, but overall happy with the execution and the ending I thought was quite nice.

Also surprised and a bit worried about the second season. Seems a bit odd to tack on something irrelevant to the first.

>only one season of shipkino

it hurts lads

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>the captain only got appointed due to his name
>is incompetent and essentially gets everyone killed
>Irish 2nd is an Arctic veteran that should have been the real commander and would have saved everyone on board
This series is pretty interesting, because it took the British empire until WW1 to realize that aristocrats dont make for better commanders/officers.

I'm okay with it tb h, it didn't feel like it needed to be longer. Would love some more 19th century boat thriller-drama though, something about the setting is just so incredibly comfy.

They never "realized" it. They just lost so many officers in WWI there literally weren't enough noblemen left to command

literally the only good thread here getting slid in favour of capeshit
this board is pure garbage and doesnt deserve kino, you peasants keep guzzling up the big hairy disney rat cock as it shoves down its processed, corporate gunk in your throats
you sick fucks deserve it

shut it Amerimutt, Francis Crozier was from an upper class Anglo-Irish background. Not a working class bog trotting Catholic.

Franklin is portrayed as being a dumb Victorian idiot in the book, I'm okay with this.

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You are the worst kind of audience, user. You want more of what already has perfect ending, you claim love in what cannot be milked further, you are weak in your binge watching because your NEETdom affords you minimal responsibility and time to waste.

Ive read the book so can I get an ending spoiler? You know for my records

>This series is pretty interesting, because it took the British empire until WW1 to realize that aristocrats dont make for better commanders/officers.
Men from upper class backgrounds received the best training and education so were usually the best suited for commanding positions.

They're making another season

No you don't get it, the Royal Navy was a joke. If only they'd employed more mackeral snappers, they would've had a better military record and superior explorers!

The true ship was friendship all along.

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>boring white men talking to each other: the show.


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And it has nothing to do with The Terror. Not that I want more, but since they're telling a completely different story they really should have called season 2 something else.

Will there ever be a show so fucking good?

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Francis was offered the job before Franklin irl but turned it down. James Clark Ross was first choice.

Except thats the point Im making. Education and training doesnt help you, if youre a fucking idiot, a coward of some buffoon who is just used to ordering people around.

Why do you think the Prussians had the best officers and generals from 1815-1945?

Because they learned from Napoleon, that you can educate and train great officers and promote them based on merit, not name. Napoleon's generals came from both royal houses all the way to literal orphans without a penny to their name.


And yet here you are, vomitting your useless complaints, contributing nothing of value.
You're not smart
You're not better than anyone on this board
You should probably just kys

The Terror? More like THE KINO
This is the show Yea Forums tricked me into watching, acting as though it was good. and it was even better, thanks Yea Forums

t. capeshitter

Fucking redditors

Reminder that based Dr Goodsirs remains were one of the only ones recovered, brought home and given a proper burial

Stand boy, we don't kneel for anyone beyond the Wall!

Please tell me this is true

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>I tried to make my girlfriend watch this. She became disinterested and bored during the first episode

Why can't women understand British navy kino

wasn't really the captain's fault, it was a reasonable assumption that the ice would thaw again given the consensus was that there was indeed a passage through the arctic

I just want more kino like this, lads

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They realised it in the peninsula war. Wellington in particular campaigned against nepotism, despite benefiting from it, because he knew the competent officers were outliers.
The problem was that it was difficult to shift a system where corruption was so thoroughly embedded.

>lmao just contribute
>this thread is archived

>The memorial to the Franklin Expedition in the Chapel of the Royal Naval College at Greenwich, containing the body returned here in 1869 (later identified as assistant surgeon Harry Goodsir

Attached: Franklin Memorial.jpg (399x599, 42K)

Not in this century.

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Yup, Fitzjames was sorry for some of his actions and basically apologized to Francis

funny because my gf really liked The Terror
And she doesn't like fucking anything
Like, 1 series every 20

someone post the alignment chart please

I have 2 episodes to go (can only watch one a day) but there have been some moments of unmitigated fucking kino.
Hickey hunched over the body scene fucked me up for some reason.

>tfw someone in charge of Yea Forums entertainment somewhere remembers all you need for quality are good actors and good dialog

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Man this show is really great. Actually tense and spooky, I found the beast to be a little underwhelming but everything else was A+ and I binged the show asap. I hope season 2 is as good.

Nice atmosphere too
It really makes you feel like they are in a real white desert in a stranded boat.
The Terror really keeps you immersed

I've read the book, and this is accurate.

crozier and james james were confirmed to survive and mingle with the eskimos, with 3-6 other survivors

>get a bunch of men with gravitas
>stick them in a confined space
>write some tight dialogue
Recipe for kino, lads.

except for the 1st few episodes that are spend in a studio set with a cgi bear attacking them while the chroma key is all over the place

In the show or irl?
Cause in the book only Crozier survives.

The supernatural bear shit was quite unnecessary, desu. I get that they needed/wanted something to make it more exciting on paper, but if it had been all about morale and health breaking down on the ship, it could have been timeless, as I doubt the Bear will age well at all.


>if youre a fucking idiot, a coward of some buffoon who is just used to ordering people around.

some ignorant of naval science, some iron assed disciplinarians, but all royal navy captains from the upper class background were at least basically competent, NONE were cowards

I don't mean only the bear, the first time a group of them get sent out to patrol or some shit I haven't seen the show since it came out they are in a very shitty set that looks incredibly fake and they are running from the bear, but it's obvious they don't have a lot of room to run because it's a fucking set and the chroma key used for the horizon and the background is horrible, and it's supposed to be complete darkness but it looks like a slightly dark blueish cloudy day.

Thankfully that doesn't happen again and it gets much batter after that.