Say hallo!

... to your new CAPTAIN AMERICA

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For real?

Imagine being so infantile mentally that you think everyone on an 18+ site wants to talk about comic book superheroes.
Imagine being this guys ancestor, and your looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and it's fucking watching cartoon characters shoot CGI beams at one another while quipping.

>new show is called Falcon & The Winter Soldier
neither are becoming Cap chief.


There will be a new falcon

Remind me how he got this gear ?

China expat here

Yes, Steve gives it to Sam

The guy despises capeshit and capeshit culture, so imma go with 'no' on that one.

Will Batroc return in the show?

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>doesn’t have super steroid powers
>is basically a normal dude
Yo, he finna get super soldiered?

He stole it, obviously.

deal with it. The torch aka Shield has been passed on. Captain America is black and that is a good thing.

Yeah but the shield is utterly useless unless the person wielding it is basically superhuman, which falcon demonstrably isn’t; all he does is wear a slightly dated version of an iron man suit

so next phase of mcu will be all black basically?

worked out so well for the comics

seething incel. Have sex.

how about they shelf captain america as he fucking sucks?

especially now when they have the x-men there is no need for him

It would be really cool if they both became Cap for that series then abandoned it at the end because it does not really fit for them.

So it's exactly like the source material. Why the outrage?

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Unfortunately yes.

Give up now. It's less painful to make a clean break than it is to let it keep hurting you in repeated doses. Disconnect. There's decades of old comic books and stories for you to still enjoy.

You know exactly (((why)))!
This is Yea Forums, the right hand of /pol/ and we hate NIGGER, women aka THOTS and TRANNIES AND LIBTARDS THEY ARELL NEED TI HANFG AAAAHARG

It'll be black and gay men under the "leadership" of STRONG WOMYN WHO NEED NO MAN." Yes there's still Thor, but he goes off to join the zany slapstick antics of GOTG.

Think of The Last Jedi.

>imagine posting this shit each and every time you see a capeshit thread
You're not masculine. You have no value to society. You're a seething incel and no coping mechanism in hell will change that.

Twokk? The anatomy is really good but the story telling kinda sucks dick

Are you really defending satanists? Fuck off tranny


This guy's an avenger? His real name is Clarence

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Have sex faggot

I wont it anyway. The MCU ended with infinity war for me. Its a good end

The source material had Bucky as Cap first.


>hope these movies start bombing soon

It won't happen.
Disney has trained audiences to Apple levels of dedication. Like Apple, they can do what they want now.

This. They made it an ideological commitment.

So a regular dude that will get fucked up first time he tries to block with the sheild.

he's black, therefore above any criticism

>getting so triggered you write an obvious projection like that

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No one thought Star Wars was above bombing, but then it happened multiple times to where the franchise is in danger of collapsing.

Marvel is not above it, either.